First, and probably the most impressive of them all, is this bit of awesomeness by Edward and Antoni Frys of European Cake Gallery:

Ed sent this in last week, explaining that as a Trekkie it's something he's always wanted to do. (I'm pretty sure he was referring to the construction of the cake, though, not his attempt to eat his way through the saucer section.) The support structure took him and his brother 3 days to weld, and lest any of you should question his Trekkie status, he also tells me the ship design is the NCC-1701 "refit" used in the first three movies. Ok, Edward, I think we believe you. ;)
Ed also sent along some progress shots, so you can see all the work that went into this masterpiece. First, the body set in a specially carved foam support base:

And the nacelles, made from a mixture of Rice Krispy treats and white chocolate:

And lastly, a nice shot that really shows off the detail work on the saucer:

And while we're geeking out here - you guys don't mind, do you? Yes? Well, tough cookies - I have to share with you the fantastically geeky wedding cake topper from Trekkie/Wreckie* Storm:

Think that's a bit odd? Then clearly you don't know any Trekkers OR Trekkies. Oh, and you haven't seen the group wedding portrait:

And Maggie A. sent in this simple-but-elegant groom's cake:

Here's a whole spread found by Nina B. at Cakery Bakery:

And lastly, I'd be remiss if I didn't include the cake Duff made:

That's all I've got for now, but I'm sure there are more Trek Sweets out there. If you have one you'd like to share, send it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
*And that really is an excellent combination, if I do say so myself.
109 comments | Post a Comment
Holy schnikey
As a Trekkie,my heart is surging with warm fuzzy feelings.I love the to boldly go cake,its so ...simple but inspiring.and the enterprise cake is fabulous as well
This blog is such a great start to the morning
Hmm, "To boldly go [where no man has gone before]..." on a groom's cake???
The Frys cake is amazing! I can't believe that is a cake.
And the controversy about wrong seating positions in a cake: GET A LIFE. Of course they don't know about Star Trek, they're cake designers, they know about decorating cakes!
Scotty in the navigator seat... really? That deems it a total wreck?
I hate to say it, but lithium is a metal, and does not form crystals. (Shocking) Poor obsessed people. Poor poor souls.
Beautiful cakes though.
That groom's cake was a red shirt. Did the bride's father pick the color?
when i see things like these, i kind of wish i was into something so much that i could have my wedding themed after it.
even if it's for no other reason than i would have pictures of it circulated on the web. it would be worth it.
According to Wikipedia, The Star Trek Experience has moved and is reopening next week...
Love your blog!
Oh, Janice---that is too funny! "To boldly go ...where no man has gone before" on a groom's cake!
I love it! Jen, you have the smartest, most observant, witty commenters. (99.9 percent of the time, anyway)
I know there will be comments about "it takes all kinds" like when you featured the un-dead wedding cakes but I think theme weddings are quite fun.
They looked happy and the cake looked yummy.
And I want a piece of the gold insignia cake right now.
Clearly the baker of the "To boldly go..." cake was not a Star Trek afficionado, or didn't much care for the groom, because the guys in the red shirts were always the first to get killed off, typically in horribly painful ways. : O
You know, I am probably going incur a lot of Wrath Of Cakers here, but I don't see the big deal with Duff. Overall, his cakes don't have the details and pizazz that a lot of other folks do. For example, his cake was by far the most amaturerish (is that a word) of the group. Look at the first cake, wonderful. The wedding cakes, Wow. Duff now has a name so everyone thinks they must have the "A Lister". Just my opinion.
That wed vulcan/klingon topper is just AWESOME!!! My husband would've killed me if I had tried to do that. :) And, I absolutely LOVE the tribble cupcakes!! Those were a couple of my favorite episodes.
I have been a Trekkie forever and I love this Sunday Sweets edition! Thanks so much!
I am amazed by the "simple" wedding cake in gold with the emblem on it. So beautiful! I wanna get married now, just so I can have a cake like that.
I also always love all your Star Trek (and other geeky) references. They are definitely part of what keeps me coming back.
You rock!
Mmmm, saucer section . . .
I so want non-Wreck Trek cakes!
Scotty, beam mine up!
wv: funvo. It's funvo the whole family!
I ADORE the red groom cake.
I also already have my ticket for Thursday. Don't ask me why they're showing a preview on Thursday, but I'm going to be there.
No, no, no. Everyone knows Vulcans don't have weddings. They just get blue b*lls every seven years and kill their rivals before having emotionless logical sex.
Sarek and Lursa together? Does Spock know about this?
Okay, to the people saying that the groom's cake is bad because the red shirts are always the first to snuff it...that was in the original series. This shirt is OBVIOUSLY from the Next Generation. See the communicator badge and black accents? In this series the red shirts mean officers. ;)
Love the cakes today!
Did anyone notice the irony that the Groom's Cake emblazoned "to boldly go" is a RED SHIRT? We all know what happens to the red shirts... Run away! Run away!
One thing that must be mentioned is the fifth cake. Is the proper use of edible photographs on a cake! and the proper use of cupcakes! Great start to my morning!
@ Heather
I TOTALLY agree. I thought the ensemble with the Tribble cupcakes and all was way superior to Duff's "Enterprise Bridge". Especially considering how little of Duff's cake was edible in the form of cake. Fondant is cool, but WE WANT CAKE not little poseable figurines....
haha, you could always close your eyes whilst eating it.
Sure it would taste delicous.
"Yes, that's a Vulcan groom and a Klingon bride."
Is that even legal? Aren't they different species? Is this what the right wing is up in arms over? Gay marriage starts to become legal and next thing you know we have Vulcans and Klingons marrying? Does Miss California know about this?
These are awesome! Though the "controversy" made me giggle. I loved the "Have you ever kissed a girl?" comment. Someone should e-mail that guy these wedding photos.
Oh man. My son turned nine last week and requested a Star Trek cake (he also got a Dr. McCoy-style blue t shirt, and a phaser, we are raising the next generation of geeks). These cakes blow mine out of the water.
All I did was frost a round cake white, and write on the top "U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701", just like on the saucer section. I made a little thing in the middle out of fondant for the blue light on the saucer section. Around the sides of the cakes were Star Fleet badges in red, blue and yellow, cut out of fondant. It was great for a 9 year old's cake...but these are beautiful! I wish I'd known somebody who could have done a Trek wedding cake when I got married 10 years ago. We had the Next Gen theme song playing as we entered the reception hall, but a Trek cake would have been gorgeous!
I love the Tribble cupcakes. I want one!
I am, most definitely not a trekkie, but I would love to eat a red, glittery cake.
Angie (from over at
I just read the link to the Ace of Cakes controversy, and I am ROTFLMAO.
And the sweets are amazing. We always chuckle about the expendable guy in the red shirt.
Hey Jen... i hate for my first comment to be a correction, but that cake that Duff made wasn't for the movie. That was a groom's cake made a few years ago (it was even on the show as they were making it), and the amateur nature of it can be somewhat chalked up to the fact that it was one of his designer's first cakes. (and there's a few pieces missing from that picture. doh!)
Yay Star Trek cakes! (that being said, i'm not seeing the new movie. i'm so tired of hearing about it i just don't care anymore!)
I love all of those, except for Duff's. I'm with Heather, I don't see the big deal with his cakes!
Although, the degree of over-reaction about the cake was funny enough to make up for how bad it was.
In Duff and his crews' defense, Llama, people DO go to Duff for fondant figures over gorgeous wedding style cakes. I think it's hard to compare their cake to the others in terms of elegance - they gave the customer exactly what they wanted. (Ironically, the controversy of this cake stems from this too, IIRC, the customer asked for Scotty in the navigators seat and the other members of the bakery commented on how it would never happen)
I do have to say I think this is one of their sloppier cakes, though.
WOw. Ok, so teh big uber detailed ones are pretty impressive. But the one's that I really love out of those are the simple gold and red grooms cakes! So simple, yet VERY well done!!
all I can say is VERY COOL :)
oh, my husband is drooling right now. he totally wanted a star trek wedding. haha, and he wanted to go see star trek next sunday.... may the 10th.
and just so you know, I am soooo not a trekkie, and I was like - uh uh, we are not seeing star trek on mothers day! i am the meanest wife ever bwahhhhhaahhhhaa
... Is that Barf the Mog from Spaceballs in the wedding picture? Awesome!
I think my favorite is the one with the tribble cupcakes.
Great cakes! Loved the start trek wedding photo. The comments on the Duff cake had me laughing the hardest.
These are fantastic! And no, the groom with the "boldly go" cake isn't doomed - that's a NextGen tunic, and red meant command, not cannon fodder. Otherwise Picard and Riker wouldn't have survived the pilot! Hee!
Word verification: wings. Really! I suppose "nacelles" would have been too much to hope for...
Aww - I love how that one woman on the far left in the Star Trek wedding photo is wearing a simple, tasteful black-and-white dress....and looks completely out of place! :)
These cakes are amazing. Hmm...plans for my parents' 30th wedding anniversary bash just got easier!
Megan @
WV: gniffsph - a new species?
Too bad the grooms cake is a red shirt. Does that mean the marriage won't last? Poor red shirts.
What does it say about me that my wish list for Mother's Day involves seeing the new Star Trek movie?
Oh, and my daughter's first Halloween she was a tribble.
Too bad Star Trek Experience is gone. We wanted to renew our vows there next year.
Ha, Mama...I actually asked to be able to go see Star Trek FOR Mother's Day!
Awesome cakes. And I agree on the red shirts...second series, people. Ryker and Picard wore red!
Haha, that's pretty funny. Your blog always makes me laugh.
Comment back?
Very impressed with "To boldly go..." on the groom's cake. You know, wink wink, nudge, nudge. Ha.
Actually, I just spent far too long trying to determine if that were Sarek marrying B'etor.
This is one of the few times I'm happy to be in France - the movie comes out on Wednesday here. ^___^
Oh my gosh...I LOVE LOVE LOVE those cakes!!! Can't wait to show my die-hard trekkie hubby who has transformed me into a trekkie...great way to get us pumped up (more than we already are!!!) for the new movie this week!!
Can't believe the STE in LV is gone?!? Hubby went there as a kid...don't know if he knows its gone.
*Live long and prosper*
I think it goes without saying that I would take any one of those cakes. The wedding picture, however, not so much. :)
Awwww, My Trekkie heart is all warm! Awesome sweets
TRIBBLE CUPCAKES! WOWOWOWOW! Funny idea, and easy to make to boot? NICE!
I love the very plain and simple insignia cake with the golden fondant. It is so pretty and has a "classy" feel to it...nice.
I can't imagine baking the Enterprise cake though...just trying to get that thing stable on the table and presentable stand-wise alone must have been quite the nightmare. Though seeing him plow into the saucer like that makes me secretly wish to get to do the same.
DIBS ON THE BRIDGE!! *nomnomnom*
Well, there's news about Star Trek The Experience in Las Vegas...
It will be reopening at a new location. It is supposed to be opening on May 8th, but the redesigned Experience won't be completed until 2010.
Oh-My-Spock! I know two of the people at the Trekked out wedding. I saw these pictures right after they returned from it, and I can't believe I am seeing them again on this fantabulous site!!!!
And, yes, that's Barf in the picture. It cracked me up too. : )
I love that groom's cake!
"It's red, Jim." Heh, heh, heh..
~Amy B.
At last, you posted Trekker cakes! I'd like to make a Voyager cake sometime - a Captain Proton cake, complete with Satan's Robot.
I'm really upset over the STE closing since I never did get to make it out there. With luck I'll get to go to the new one sometime.
That wedding
i am 14 and i have a Trekkie mother i think i will get them a Star Trek cake for my parents next anniversary. oh and by the way the best stories were the first Trek's and the best actors were the Next Generation guys.
Storm the Klingon Bride here!
I'm a longtime Trek costumer (especially Klingons!), and my husband has loved Trek since he watched it first-run on his Mama's knee. We both loved The Experience; the wedding co-ordinator and General Manager went all-out for us.
Guests were instructed to "come as someone/thing Sci-Fi--doesn't *have* to be Trek", so yes, my weird friend came as Barf! And the straight-looking couple on the left are my cop brother-in-law and his schoolteacher wife; yeah, they weren't feelin' the theme!
Ok the cakes are all great but I do have to mention that in the "whole spread" pic, the chair looks like a urinal. Anyone else see this??
(wibbles with joy...or is that 'tribbles?')
I particularly adore the fact that the uniform groom's cake is a RED SHIRT! ROTFLMAO! Dude, that's a scary way to think about getting married.
And having just seen Wrath of Khan on a big screen (our local googleplex did a 'good parts' Star Trek Original Crew film fest in anticipation of the new movie), I can say that, yes, that first cake matches the Enterprise in WoK pretty amazingly.
Wow, do they have Tom Paris/B'lanna Torres cake toppers too? Seven of Nine and Chakotay (they were a couple right)? I just it was be hilarious and fun if they had a whole series based on all the most famous pairings in Star Trek.
Honestly, I'm kinda liking the Vulcan/Klingon cake, and the gold insignia one.
Now this is right up my alley!! I love them!!! ***sighs***
However, I did have to lmao over on the geek site where everyone was having a cow about the misplacement of the crew on the Ace of Cakes cake.
Too funny.
I'm such a proud geek, I'm just in love with those cakes.
I really wanted to get married in Vegas at the Star Trek set, but alas my DH does not appreciate the show like I do. Thanks goodness I have children to raise to love the show as I do.
I had to LOL at the uproar about the Duff cake. Even as a supergeek, I still thought it was cool.
I love these cakes! :) I actually just got to see the new movie at a prescreening yesterday, and it rocked!
Can someone tell me
what color poop to expect
from golden icing?
Love the one guy in a suit and tie in the Trekkie wedding photo. Somebody missed the memo.
On the other hand, if the guy in the NASA jumpsuit came without a date, I'm interested!
This is TREMENDOUSLY nerdy, but so so cute.
I love the "Make it so!"
I think theme weddings are kinda silly, but hey, if it's two Trekkies in love, may they live long and prosper!
Folks, the red groom's cake is no big deal because the color coding changed between TOS and TNG. It's clearly a TNG style red command uniform tunic, and the expendable security schlubs were goldshirts.
I could look at the wedding party picture all day.
1)The lady to the right of the bride... holy CHEST. I don't think that's Star Trek PG-13 approved.
2)Who is the character in the back dressed as Barf from Spaceballs? He makes my day, particularly since SB is a parody of Wars not Trek (which I'm sure he knew and embraced.)
Sarah from TX
Love, love, LOVE these cakes!!! And I'm sorry to have to agree with those who have already pointed out that the red shirt cake is fine because it's from TNG, not TOS. My friends and I had SUCH a great time last summer at STE in Vegas....we even have pictures of their Borg 3 of 6 assimilating us on the bridge (of course we were in costume also!).
I plan to drive out to Vegas this summer and will probably stop by the new location to see how it compares. They were supposed to open it on Friday, but they have to postpone it so that it doesn't detract from the movie. It's supposed to now open later in May or early this summer. (Yeah, I might be following Trek stories quite closely, lol -- bought a TOS costume to wear when my friends and I go see the new movie on Friday, woot!!)
Since the red groom's cake one is clearly a NextGen officer's shirt (Picard? Riker?) it's worth reminding any Trekkers out there of the episode where Data installed a dreaming module. He dreamed of Deanna Troi as a cake, being served up in Ten-Forward.
With peptide frosting!
Egh....I'm not sure I could eat the cake, being reminded of that episode....
Most of what I would say has already been said.
@Oats: if you are gonna make fun of geeks, get your facts straight. Lithium? Naw. Di-lithium. Not naturally occurring around her, but in other parts of the galaxy, makes nice crystals for powering ships!! In the FICTIONAL ST series. Yes, we realize it is MADE UP, but we love it anyway.
As to who made the gold insignia cake - one of the photo tags is "zingerman's".
OK the Stargate cake was awesome but the Star Trek wedding... OK maybe it's just because I'm not a fan but that just seems very... weird.'s just not being a fan right? :P
Awesome cake though (the first one)
I need to have the first one.I want it..;D Have a wonderful day.;D
I want to get married again just so I can have a Star Trek wedding cake. Maybe my DH would be willing for a second ceremony.
AAAAAAAAAAH MAJOR Geeking out happening in my brain right now...
That definitely stoked me up for friday!! WOOHOO! After seeing that wedding photo it makes me seriously wish I had more than just a combadge to wear to the premiere though! I think my favorite of all those cakes is the simple round with the voyager combadge on top...very classy. :)
Is that Boba Fett in the wedding photo? I'm pretty sure he was never on Star Trek. Nor, as a Trekkie, do I believe a Klingon would ever marry a Vulcan, ew! I'd like to see a cake of Jean-Luc's head. Now that would be wreck-tastic!
I think my geek gland just shorted a little.
Love the red cake.;D
So cute,and looks like yummy.;D
Hey Jen, your post about the blogger problems was copy and pasted WORD for WORD at another blog.
Love the site, but it really bugs me when you put an asterisk and I have to scroll down to the bottom of the post to read your joke, then back up to where I left off reading. That's annoying!
Oh man I just realized I had both of those toys that made up the cake topper when I was younger.
The one is clearly Sarek and I think the other is one of those Klingon Sisters. The shorter one.
Is that showing enough nerd cred?
Just an fyi -- The star trek experience in Vegas is reopening.
The restaurant/bar and gift shop reopen the same day the movie opens.
The rest of it reopens as they get it all put back together.
It's been moved to the Neonopolis on Freemont street and Im sooooo excited. They had great drinks!
The "To Boldly Go..." does seem wildly inappropriate. Thank God the baker didn't finish the phrase. Rude!
Is the Star Trek Experience really gone?! I always wanted to go and see that.
I would like to point out that in the first season of TNG there were several red shirts that got killed off quickly. The first season was weird like that anyway- remember the guys in miniskirt uniforms that year? I don't hide from my geekdom.
Aah a cellular peptide cake with mint frosting. Excellent!
Not to be rude, but did you mean to misspell boldly (as your description says "boldy" instead)?
I am forwarding a link to this to Andrew Probert, who designed that "Enterprise Refit" so that he can see his model immortalied in cake!
And the STE in Vegas is scheduled to reopen in Neonopolis in down town Las Vegas this fall. Mayor Goodman bought it for the city because he couldn't bear for Vegas to lose it.
However, a Kilngon Bride and Vulcan Groom seem to me like a recipe for a bad 24th Century reality TV show....
These are definitely some "spacey" wedding cakes! Very creative and fun.
So much geeky awesomeness. I love it!
I LOVE how the other site shows a Trekkie asking if the people complaining has ever kissed a girl. HAHA!
I was laughing so hard I started choking!
Anon -
Technically it's an (ill-fitting) Enterprise (Scott Bakula, et al) -era captain's uniform, but close enough. Yes, I was flying solo. ;) If you're in San Diego, drop me a line...
Wow, those cakes are amazing!
And I am also totally bummed about the loss of the Star Trek experience. Glad I was able to go several times.
I second the "Bwahahahah" about "To boldly go [where no man has gone before]..." on a groom's cake!!! I was thinking the exact same thing.
I LOOOOOVE the Trek and Stargate cake stuff. As a fellow sci-fi junkie I say keep it coming.
Check out the Tardis cake!
SO incredible.
I think the fifth guy from the left in the wedding party photo went as
Dmitri Valtane, and if that was his intention, he did a very good job.
Duffs cake is amazing!
My husband wanted me to comment that the NCC-1701A didn't show up until after the 4th star trek movie...the blew up NCC-1701 at the end of part three.
My husband is not only a movie geek,but also a Star Trek geek (as we lay in bed watching Star Trek 6 right now).. ;)
Nice. I like it.
Storm the Klingon Bride again! Qapla', Bob Borst! I KNEW my brother reminded me of someone in his Wrath of Khan-era uniform, but I could never put my finger on *who*; I don't think he was *trying* to look like Dmitri Valtane, but I'm sure he'll be tickled to hear that he did. He had the uniform specially made, to wear when he gave me away at the wedding.
I think some readers are having a hard time wrapping their minds around the idea that this truly was my Dream Wedding! I love Trek, I love making and wearing Trek costumes, and I love a Trek lover; there was no other option! :)
These cakes are awesome. I so want one!
Guys, guys, guys! To correct everyone, take another look at the "To Boldly Go..." cake.
That red shirt is a Next Gen shirt. The "red shirts" weren't in such danger then. Because Picard, Riker, Worf, and a few others wore that uniform all the time.
The costumers did that deliberately to get rid of the "red shirt" curse.
It looks like there's a urinal between the two characters on the bridge. Maybe they should "Boldly go" there instead of the wormhole.
Storm the Klingon bride,
what a great sense of fun
and humor you have!
Hey that red grooms cake is mine. I would joke around to my wife that I waned a star trek grooms cake, and sure enough she got me one. I think a friend did for around $50-$75. It was chocolate with raspberry filling.
I to put any concerns to rest we are still married and are attending tonight's viewing of star trek.
The grey shading for the saucer detail is lovely, and must have been painstakingly done.
@Oats, actually it's "Dilithium". Though the fictional crystal does have a real world counterpart that is related to lithium. Oh well, whataya gonna do?
In the third photograph, is that a real dog or a cake?
That is the scariest looking wedding photo I have ever seen.
URGENT: Cmdr. Sooper Smart has just intercepted the following transmission on a subspace channel:
SoH ghotpu vo' tera'. jIH rur Daq Sop [cake] 'ach chay' laH SoH cha' tlhIngan 'IhtaHghach tlhej ghobe' HoS latlh [Vulcan].
ghuH Daq taH Qaw'ta'
-tlhIngan yejquv
Translated from Klingon into English:
People from earth! We shall eat your cakes, but how dare you portray a Klingon Beauty in relations with a weak, latrine-swimming [Vulcan]. Prepare to be destroyed!
-Klingon High Council
Translation thanks to, and decryption via
My best friend's brother is a major Trekkie (Trekker? I don't know the difference, please feel free to advise) - he once went to a convention dressed as his favorite character, and got into a FIST FIGHT with someone dressed as his character's enemy. He and his wife had a Star Trek themed wedding (of course) and the bride scent out note specifying that if you needed "help" choosing an outfit she'd be glad to help you find a character that most suited your personality. She really wanted EVERYONE to be in costume "for the pictures".
Ahem. I was uh, "unable to attend" the wedding. I think they would have KILLED someone they liked a LOT if they could have a cake like one of these. It was THAT serious.