Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wall-E, the Cake Wreck(er)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I often give the cakey wreckitude a rest on Sundays, but then I thought, hey, instead of skipping a day's post, why not feature amazing NON-Wrecks instead? After all, it's nice to be reminded that cake decorating is not merely an outlet for the illiterate, color-blind, and taste-challenged: there are some real masters of the art out there. I can't promise I'll do this every week, so just think of this as the occasional chocolate chip in the chocolate "muffin" (ie bald cupcake) that is Wrecks.

Ok, enough intro. Without further ado, I give you the amazing Wall-E:

Yes, he's cake. And he's life-sized. How sweet is that?

Check out the B&L logo and uber realistic "rust" on the fire extinguisher. Now this is how you use an airbush, guys.

These are my personal photos - hence the watermarks. They were taken at this year's national ICES convention in Orlando, Florida, and I'd love your help in identifying the bakers responsible.

UPDATE: Ah, my readers come through for me again! It appears that Wall-E is the work of brothers Edward and Antoni Frys of European Cake Gallery, ironically located in Texas. They don't have Wall-E posted there due to copyright muckety-muck, but my hubby John spoke with them on the phone and confirmed he is indeed their creation. Thanks to all of you who helped me track them down!
Miss Kolleen said...

how funny, my son's bday party is today, and his cake is wall-e too... but i doubt its anything as awesome as that.

AsTiMa said...

That cake is AMAZING! I only wish I had talent like that. I really enjoy your blog! Very entertaining :)

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Reading this blog is a family activity we all love, but I hesitate to show them this AWESOME cake, lest they think we can order one too!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That cake is amazing!

I really like your idea for Sunday cakes!

Thanks for all the effort you put into this terrific site! It is so wonderful to start so many days with a smile...and quite often tears of mirth. :)

Anonymous said...

i also like the idea of sundays being examples of good design that has NOT gone awry!

your site is awesome and i am totally hooked. and sharing it with everyone i know....

Amy.mangos said...

Woah, it's fun to see a truly artistic cake after so many glorious wrecks- both are all the more what they are for the contrast, if that made any sense at all...

LOVE the blog! It never fails to make me laugh until the tears drip down my face and I tip out of my chair.

Newbs said...

Wow! My little boy would LOVE to have that cake but I don't think I could bear cutting into it.

Anonymous said...

I love Wall-e! It is an amazing cake. I would feel bad eating him!

kahara said...

Wow, that is spectacular!

sheridan said...

Amazing talent for that one!

Meg said...

I introduced this site to a friend last night. We were both laughing hysterically and she was saying she needs to show it to her boyfriend.

This Wall-E cake is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Can you not read the little notecard in the full size version of the pictures to see if it says the name? The cake is amazing!

Sugar and Spice Confections said...

frys bros.

SugarEd Productions said...

I think that cake was made by the Frey brothers of ECG (European Cake Gallery)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

totally awesome cake I hope you find the creators!

Juliet said...

That cake reminds me of the robot in the movie, "Short Circuit". The movie had Ally Sheedy and that guy from the "Police Academy" movies in it... think 1980s. My brother was obsessed with that movie back in the day.

That is an amazing non-wreck! Mad props indeed!

Amanda said...

Wow, that's fantastic!

Brandy said...

Yes, a picasa site lists it as being by Edward and Tony Frys. Awesome work! There were a lot of awesome cakes there this year!

I read an interview with the creator of Wall-E, he says the look came when he was playing around with some binoculars. I had the same problem with Wall-E looking so much like Johnny 5, but this guy was believable, and wasn't even thinking of Short Circuit when he did Wall-E. I felt better about it after I read the article!

Emily said...

That is amazing, and I'm seconding the idea of posting non-wrecks on Sudays.

Mrs. Andi said...

Brilliant!!! Thanks for the great cakes, it's good to see the good talent out there!

But, as with all custom cakes like that, how do they eat it? Do they even try to eat it?

Katie said...

I love your blog...always good for a laugh. This cake though, is AMAZING! It is kind of fun for a brief change to see a really well done cake. I love your idea for Sundays. Thanks for all of the great entertainment.

Anonymous said...

No way can I show this to my nephews. They'll want it!

I hope the creator sees this and posts more info about it. I'd love to know more about how it was constructed...because I'm sure as heck never going to make anything that complicated.

Kim said...

I just discovered your blog and love it!

That Wall-E cake is too perfect to slice up and if my daughter sees it... I'll be searching all over my state to find someone who can create one like this! =)

SolaMommy said...

Great craftsmanship, looks horribly unappetizing.

V. Nicharico said...

What a gorgeous cake!
I have no idea how the heck you would get the extinguisher to float like that, haha, but they did a fantastic job!!

Jillene said...

I am a long time reader but first time commenter. I love this cake! It loks so real and whomever did it is amazingly talented!

Anonymous said...

When I looked at the picture before the caption, I assumed it was, like the others, a wreck.

I have to say, as well done as it is, it's still creepy. Really really creepy.

Nicole said...

I saw this and didn't think it was a real cake!

Jen said...

I'm not sure I agree. I mean, it's well done. But ick - who wants to eat a dirty robot? I think that's a wreck.

E.A.D. said...

I don't think I could cut into that cake! It'd be almost sacreligious to eat it! It's too well-done......and I kinda get the feeling Wall-E would turns and give me the sad eyes as I cut a piece from one of the wheels.

Kopperhead said...

Not that I don't love, wreckery--I do. More than anything. But it's nice to see a Sunday Sweet. Kind of clears the palette for more weekday Cake Wrecks, so thank you.

Fantastic I couldn't cut it either.

PS..sorry if this shows up twice, I was hiccupping.

MommaSuds said...

That is one awesome looking cake.I would love to know how long it took them to make it.

Sugar and Spice Confections said...

I had to stand in line behind these guys at ICES waiting to get my cake photographed when they were registering it. Soooo...needless to say I waited in line a LONG time because they took about 1,000 pictures of this awesome cake! The Fry's Bros made this cake, and one was just on Food Network Challange last weekend (The red head guy-who tag-teamed the theme "There was an old lady that lives in a shoe". His Wall-E Cake in person was so awesome, his binoculars looked SO REAL it was amazing. Try standing in line behind these guys in line to register your cake that had flown from Kansas City to Orlando, I wanted to hide behind a blue screen! Talk about intimidating!

Miss Kolleen said...

well, we got the cake... and it said happy birthday AIBAN. luckily they fixed it.

Anonymous said...

This is definately the work of the extremely talented Edward Frys and his brother, Tony.
It took them around 3 to create this work of art. It was perfect--down to the last detail.
Edward Frys owns ECG, European Cake Gallery and sells great edible luster dusts and petal dusts.
Edward also created the lifesize Yoda cake at the Oklahoma State Sugar Arts Show that was featured in American Cake Decorating Magazine.
He was the latest newcomer on the Food Network Cake Challenge this month.

Elizabeth said...

That is REALLY COOL! My son just kept saying 'wall e, wall e, wall e.' We haven't even seen the silly movie!!!

Anonymous said...

How much of that cake, I wonder, is actually edible?

It looks freaking amazing, but I don't know that I'd ever be able to eat it; not only would I want to avoid messing it up, but I'd be afraid to eat something so realistic-looking!

Morgan said...


That is, for lack of a better word, awe-inspiring. There's just... there's physics at work here I can't even begin to understand. The sheer engineering skill, let alone the artistry that went into it is... stunning.

fug estate said...

I loved "WALL-E". That cake is awesome. My highest praise goes to the artists/bakers!

Jen said...

@ Princeton McKinney -

Ok, I love your term "Sunday Sweets" so much I am officially renaming the category that. Thanks!

Michele said...

That cake is AWESOME! My props goes to the bakers on this one.

I too like the Sunday Sweets category. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Not only is this an awesome cake... but this particular entry happened to fall on my birthday. I love this blog, and I love WALL-E, so this is awesomeness to the max!

Also, thanks in general for your wonderful blog. You bring smirks, dropped jaws, and laughter to thousands of people every day with these hilarious wrecks.

We really "appreciate" it. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's some incredible sculpting and painting going on there--true edible artistry.

It's sad knowing that ultimate such an amazing piece is going to be destroyed. Destroyed n' enjoyed, yes, but still.

And I mean, how could you possibly take a knife to Wah-ALL-Eeee?

Anonymous said...

Ah, once in a great while, the benevolent cake gods smile down upon us lowly muffins and deliver a culinary masterpiece that restores our faith in the art of fondant and airbrushing. this cake is phenomenal! It's more like art than cake. And it's so cute!

maplestar said...

Just wanted to comment to thank you for this new Sunday's (dare I say it) the icing on the cake of an already wonderful web site.

Anonymous said...

Do they even cut and eat cakes at these shows? Is it a competition for the actual cake test or is it for artistry and design?

Kelly said...

Wow. This is so amazing. Thanks for the talented photos as well as the hilarious!

Trevor said...

Hey, you were at the ICES convention as well? I have a picture of this cake from my roll of photos from this cake as well. It was amazing.

Dea said...

LOVE it!!! That's a work of art! Though, unfortunately, methinks you'll have some wrecks that are copycats of this cake in your future...

clueuin said...

Might have a bit of trouble eating the rust colur bits but otherwise....
Only thing I could find on them was this:
At least it's about the gallery nothing about the Frey bros though.
And you can check this out but it Doesn't mentions them:
Good luck finding out more about them!


Anonymous said...

this is their website:

Anonymous said...

That website has nothing to do with Edward and Tony Frys.. The Frys Brothers are based out of TX not CA! They enjoy creating realistic cakes. Because it allows their creative/artistic sides flow.

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC! How do people even do such a thing!? Even the Wreckiest cake is far beyond my abilities. And I love Wall-E! So, the only bad thing about this cake is it's too cute to eat!

Anonymous said...

ok, its good.. but dang, its creepy looking!

K.Lee said...

He's so cute! I could never eat him! :(

Bri said...

Gorgeous! :)

Anonymous said...

Edward and Anthony are my cousins. I've seen them go from helping their mom do cakes when they were kids, to doing stuff that makes their mom just shake her head in amazement. They really know how to build the supports for cakes like this so they travel a lot better than you'd think. Wall-E's fire extinguisher is cake as well - I think it's 60 or 80 servings for that alone.

clueuin said...

To Chris M.: Cooooool!
Thanks for the 411. To bad their not in New York, I'd hire them in a sec. if I had the cash. (Something tells me that they might be quite exspensive,considering the workmanship.)
Oh, FYI......
You should tell your cousins that they're spelled Gallery wrong on their website. (Hmm, maybe that was the reason I could find them. I found a European Cake Gallery but that was located somewhere else in Texas. Oh well!)

Again, thanks for straighting me out.


Laura said...

Apparently you can do just about anything with a cake.

mousekemom said...

Insanely awesome! Puts my poor son's Wall-E birthday cupcakes and cookies to shame. I did colorflow cookies and basic cupcake cakes for this family! LOL

Anonymous said...

Being a long time customer I can state, that they are very reasonable in price compared to what you find in New York and California. Considering how much research and time they put into all of their cakes to get the details correct. If you want to know their secret to all their fun cakes it is their niece. They enjoy making these cakes as realistic as possible for her; because if it does not meet her approval then the customer would not be happy. I too have first hand knowledge of how Edward and Antoni have grown in the cake business. Up until about four years ago they were know as Elizabeth's boys, that was when they finally created a name for themselves. Edward has been baking and decorating since he was little, and learned everything from his mom and asking a lot of questions. Antoni was the chocolate dip strawberry brother until last year, when he made his very first cake Homer Simpson standing on the donut for the OK cake show.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Funny site, thanks! However, if you're going to pick on typos, might want to proof-read...

" Thanks to all of you who helped me track them done! "

From a fellow pedant,

James ;)

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! I <3 Wall-E!!

Jen said...

@James - Ack! I was doing so well on the proof-reading front, too...

Anonymous said...

I was at ICES this year and that cake was awesome! I first got to see when I was dropping off my displays, but it was huge and so detailed. I still can't believe it.

wondering_wanderer said...

Just a heads up, they DO have the cake featured in their gallery on the website. I guess they cleared up any copyright issues.

And their other cakes are gorgeous, as well.