Monday, September 29, 2008

Media Bullseye Interview

Monday, September 29, 2008

Hey Everyone!

Hard as this is to believe, I was asked recently to do another interview - this time a short n' sweet Five Questions segment over on Media Bullseye. Click here to check it out.

If you do read the interview, though, don't let my number of submissions stop you from sending in your own Wreck photos. Believe me, I can never have too many Wrecks, so keep 'em comin'! And thanks to all of you for helping to make Cake Wrecks such a success: you guys continue to amaze me with your general awesomeness.

Y'all wreck on now, y'hear?

- Jen
Anonymous said...

Thanks for agreeing to chat with us, Jen! We were thrilled to have you as a subject, everyone at Media Bullseye loves the Wrecks.


Anonymous said...

This blog ALWAYS makes me laugh! I love it.
Keep up the good work Jen and I just ate a cupcake in your honor. :)

sophanne said...

What I love about your site the best is the reliability. I can count on something good or maybe not so much every day to make me laugh. Thanks for being such a diligent blogger. Also I went past the display cakes at my local bakery thinking of you yesterday.

KaderTot said...

Love the blog--and hope you have very few writer's block days! :)


Jess said...

Hey! Has everyone seen these cupcake cake ideas at the Kraft website?

Jen said...

I ordered 2 cakes for my twins birthday today and I am so nervous to pick them up. I just think they are going to be terrible!! Keep em coming.

BethR said...

A friend shared your blog address with me a few weeks ago and I've been a daily reader ever since. Thanks for your work, I haven't laughed so hard in months.

I've "tagged" you as a blog I love, not sure if you have time or are interested in playing along with the blog-tag but I know I'd love to see other blogs you find funny. You can check out my blog for more details if you are interested.

Anonymous said...

I love that you mentioned SBJ as your favorite blog - as it will forever be mine also. I look forward to checking out the other two you mentioned.

Garret said...

You deserve the recognition. You are a awesome writer. I found you when I started my own RV'ing misadventures blog, and find myself asking how you'd tell the tale. You are constant inspiration, and one of the few that make me laugh out loud, even while reading alone.

De Campo said...

Excellent blog! On your behalf, I’m petitioning to have cupcakes added to the “axis of evil” list.

clueuin said...

Another nice interview,Jen.
You rock!
Now don't forget after your done writing your novel to produce a Cake Wreck Calender.
We're counting on you Jen!

No Pressue! LOL


Joy H said...

You have me spying the bakery section for wrecks everytime I shop, lol! Of course, I never have my camera.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you, to be able to write for a living, and get instant feedback. YES!--we are reading your stuff, every day, and always looking forward to more. As someone else said above, thanks for being such a very reliable, regularly-updated source of rich, baked goofiness.

Dori said...

Kudos on getting the recognition you deserve! I love your blog too. Your hilarious writing really does this subject justice. What a great idea, and done so well. Your consistency is awesome. I read every day. Thanks for all the laughs.

Anonymous said...

Unlike so many of your other readers, I don't often read here every day, but I do try to read whatever you write. Which means that I save you up for days like today when I really need a laugh. I can almost always count on laughing until I cry ("Happy Birtday Roxy!!!")

You are totally awesome. I thank Dawn Meehan at Because I Said So for bringing your awesome blog to my attention. You are an excellent writer and deserve all the success it may bring you.

Also, thank you for wrecktifying the issue of the cupcake cake. I'm with you on that one.

Cupcakes Lady said...

Glad your getting some recognition for your comic genius! ;) xx