Disaster was narrowly avoided at the Smith household today, when 3-year-old Billy took the instructions on his birthday cake a little too literally.
"You could tell he was aiming for the giant '3' candle," said a local relative on the scene, "but fortunately his mom caught him just in time!"
Gee whiz, Dora T., that was a close one.
UPDATE: To the many readers helpfully pointing out that "your" is a misspelling: uh, that's kind of the point, guys. See, he was going to "wee" on his 3, 'cuz that's what the cake said to do - get it? [shaking head]
81 comments | Post a Comment
Bwahahaha! There should be a required course for all new cake decorators.... "Your and You're 101: The difference between the two."
Oh wow, that took me a second! lol Just goes to show that even the most common mistakes COULD have hazardous results.
Shouldn't that be "whee" not "wee"? Just Sayin'
This cake is a hot mess. "Whee, You're Three!", right?
Wee Your 3. OMG.
Way to teach a 3 year old the wrong use of your/you're. I'll bet you his teachers will never be able to undo this. He will be the 30-year-old writing the same thing on his child's cake...
why are there so many candles for a 3-year old?
The thing that really drives it home on this one is the improper use of "your". In days of yore, your teacher taught you when you're to use "your".
Shouldn't it read "wee you're 3" not "wee your 3"??? Unless they are celebrating a 3 that Billy has possession of. Hmmmm....
And there was a misspelling!
The text brings toilet training to mind.
Tee hee! After yesterday's bizarro image I was almost afraid to see what you had for us today...
Did we completely miss the fact that "your" is incorrect usage here??
Interestingly enough, my last cake was inscribed, "Sh*t! You're old!"
I've heard of some great potty training tecniques, but this one really takes the cake... he he.
I especially love the "your" instead of "you're". Makes the message all the more funny.
LOL....I'm guessing they meant "Wheee...you're 3!" Although the implications of this are much more amusing.
All that red---yuck ! Poor Billy. And what super hero are we featuring?
Too funny! First the "Wee" and then the "Your." I chuckled out loud on this one.
I wonder whose fault this really is- the decorator's or was this a written request, where Mom & Dad were also clueless grammarians?
They could have at least used the correct "your, you're".
Laughed so hard I nearly pee'd my pants!! Wait...
Does one of the plastic things on the cake say "BLOOD?" Wee your three and watch your back, kid. Yikes.
Aw Billy, "you're" getting an early start on bad grammar!
Not only the "Wee", but they got "you're" wrong too! Cake decorators should have a spelling cheat sheet or something.
I'm guessing that this was an "Incredibles" cake, based on the little I can see from this angle. I'd also argue that this might be filed under "Poor Punctuation" as an exclamation point and different spacing might have helped separate the text.
Remember in grade school, if you finished the test early, the teacher would tell you to use the time to go back and check your work? (Okay, she NEVER said this to me, but I heard her tell the smart kids) Why don't these people check their work? Or at least show it to a coworker?
I get it, that it's an "Incredibles" cake, with Mr. and Dash there in the middle (uh, off to the left of the middle?). But why the freaky candles with the black stars on top?? I thought at first they might be street lamps, until I enlarged the photo...
Ugh! You get what you pay for I guess.
But...but, why not add a few "eeeee"s to the "whee?" Why not have the plastic road piece with yellow lines on it line up with the rest of the yellow lines on the road? Why not use blue rather than pink on a boys cake? Why not just check whether "you are" is contracted as "your" before etching it in stone?
No, you know what, if you want a cake done right don't go to the Piggly Wiggly. Otherwise, if it comes out like this don't complain.
"your" is spelled wrong... unless the instructions are to wee on your three. But I'm reading it as wee, you are three, so it should be spelled "you're".
How else was Billy supposed to get the fire out on the candle so the cake could be consumed? Oh..blow out your three....I guess. That sounds kinda dirty though, so wee (although actually is very dirty) would be the pc choice.
Even without the double meaning of WEE, what does that 'cutesy' statement have to do with BATMAN? So confused
A+ for effort <3
oh no! not only is the directive on the cake a little odd, but they used the wrong form of "your"... i mean "you're".
That was hilarious! Thanks for your humor!
Ah, the classic your/you're confusion. I might have to steal this one for Apostrophe Catastrophes at some point. Hilarious!!
Maybe they should've done yellow icing???
I think he was aiming for the misspelled "Your". Little Billy is boy after my own heart.
I'm just wondering why there are 7 small candles in addition to the big #3 candle. Isn't that going to confuse the kid?
This cake is another maddening example of how way too many people do not know the difference between "your" and "you're". Big pet peeve of mine. Love the "wee" though.
Too funny!
Too funny...and of course there's that maddening your/you're debacle. Really folks, it's not that hard! I think that when applying for a cake decorator job, one should have to take one of those multiple choice #2 pencil tests like we all had to do in school. "Which one is the correct sentence?" That would clear up a lot of these wrecks.
Your? I think they mean you're, the contraction for you are three.
Lots of problems with that one.
Maybe his nickname is Wee. But otherwise, its a bit Captain Obvious! Its his birthday cake for crying out loud! I hope he know how old he is!
The action figure left of center looks like an Incredibles toy, and I can dig that, but...apostrophe, anybody? I'm not gonna touch the ridiculousness of that misspelling.
not to mention that "your" isn't even spelled correctly.
I think the grammatical error really does it for me.
Not even a mention of the incorrect grammar!
Can the lil guy read? Will he know how to "wee" his "3"?
Wait, does that sign on the far right actually say 'BLOOD'?
Ok, so I only left this as an attempt at the first comment. :)
The decorator needs remedial grammar too. It needs to be "You're" not "Your".
I couldn't help but notice that they used the spelling your instead of you're...since you're so into correct spelling on cakes that is...
And of course, "your" should be "you're."
not only is the "wee" funny, but shouldn't it be "you're" not "your"?
No props for the "your" usage????
Um, not to mention that has to be the *least* enthusiastic birthday greeting ever- oh, hey. Wee you're three. Eat some cake so we can get on with our lives. Sheesh.
Your blog is too funny. Now off to bake a distaster.
Besides the lack of some punctuation, what the hell is going on wit this cake? It sorta looks like it may be Batman (classic Batman, what with the "KAPOW!" and such) but why is part of the street torn up? And what are those things climbing down the buildings of Gotham?
Another child destined to be left behind...thanks to an evil conspiracy of terrorist bakers, he'll never be able to properly use the words "your" and "you're" for the rest of his life.
Last year's cake said "Woo your 2" leading to a somewhat disturbing relationship between the child and the number 2.
is there a new poster here? the daily posts just seem different...like they're trying too hard...
I think the sign on the right says "blooee" (or something to that effect), not blood.
all of the cakes you post are funny, but I had a really hard time containing my laughter at this one (laughing out loud at messed up cakes in my office isn't exactly the best choice)
Wow, this cake is one hot mess. Hopefully, he won't remember his third birthday!
Anon, are you the same one who keeps posting lately that the blogger is trying too hard and the posts aren't good? If you read the other comments you might see a lot of us are still enjoying it. I suppose if Jen did the same type of cakes and same type of jokes every time, the comments would be "can't you come up with anything different?" ;-) There's a perfect fable for this situation: http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=AesFabl.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=283&division=div1
Another thought...some of us refer to a certain male creation as "number 3." (There's #1, #2, and men have #3.) So telling someone to "wee out" their "3" could become very awkward!
This might be why Dooce closed her comments for such a long time, and even now only opens them now and then for certain posts. Good blogs attract all kinds, Jen. Even the fabulous "geniuses" that want to be ever so helpful to your craft...::shakes head along with Jen::
It's a good thing most 3 year olds can't read. I guess that's why the disaster was averted.
Gross, but thankfully most 3 year olds can not read! Haha!
Glad you pointed out that there was a your/you're misspelling or else I never would've figured out what the cake was supposed to say ('Whee, you're 3!').
It really doesn't help that 'Wee your 3' is written in yellow icing, either. I wondered if maybe the kid's parents were the sort of Dale Earnhardt fans I've heard about who like to make their mark on the infield during NASCAR races.
What a good laugh! I didn't even have to read the description, just looked at the picture and nearly got to tears. Thanks for that!
Seriously, I don't know how many people are necessary to point out the your/you're mistake. Reading through this comment section is like listening to a broken record...
Well, I finally figured out why the comments are so repetitious. They are held up a long time for review! I came here early this morning and left a comment (using my Google/Blogger identity). I appeared to be the first commenter. I came back tonight to read the comments left by everyone else, and saw that my comment didn't show up first at all. It wasn't even close! Maybe you should drop the comment moderation for commenters who are not anonymous, at least, to speed things up.
The Tiffany-box wedding cake debacle comments suffered from the same problem...hundreds of comments about marshmallow fondant.
@ anon 10:27 - It's true there is a delay due to comment moderation (especially early morning; I don't claim to be up and about when the post is initially published), but more of the repetition is due to folks just not reading the prior comments. This was especially true of the wedding cake post you mentioned. After 50 comments or so are posted, I can't really blame y'all for not wanting to read every single one before making your own comment.
Unfortunately I don't have the option of selecting some comments to go through automatically; it's either all moderated or none. Maybe some day I'll be fabulously wealthy and be able to pay someone to sit and do nothing but moderate comments all day, but 'til then I'm afraid you'll all continue to be at my schedule's mercy. ;)
Just came across your blog by accident - it's hilarious! Whether the 'your' was deliberate or not on this cake, it reminded me of the worst sign I've ever seen in a baker's. I wish I'd had the foresight to take a picture. The sign said: "GATEAUX'S MAID HEAR."
WHY can people not get through their heads that YOUR is not YOU'RE??? Blegh - I'm depressed, this is evidence of NCLB in action....
Don't worry about the memories. Billy will probably receive another "wee your" cake when he turns 83. Won't remember either one.
I love all the cakes on this blog, but every once in a while, one makes me snort the millisecond the image finishes loading. This one definitely falls into that category!
it looks like the sky is on fire D=