Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Sweets: Inspiration

Sunday, June 13, 2010

As much as I love themed and sculpted cakes, I'm still a huge fan of the "just plain gorgeous" style. Perfect colors, flawless design, bows so clever you'd swear they're made of ribbon - they get me every time.

You know, like this:

(I believe this is by Slice of Cake, but the site doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Let me know if you have a url for them!)

I literally "ooooh"ed at this cake. Heh. It's the perfect "something blue" for a wedding, don't you think?

I'm in love with this modern tropical design, and not just because it's in my favorite color:

(Submitted by Nikki N, made by Cake Lava)

It's like a ceramic art piece - the sheen is perfect.

Another great design from Rick & Sasha of Cake Lava:

Love the hibiscus pattern! (Someday I want to try a custom stencil pattern; it's hard to believe anyone can get edges that crisp!) Also, how perfect is that fade from red to orange?

Some of you may remember this next one: it was in the background of Ryan I.'s Mario groom's cake that we featured a while back:

By Terri Grow of Sweet Nothings

Darling dots and daisies! Such a fun color combo, too.

This Eiffel tower is made of sugar, believe it or not:

By Wrecks reader Leah K., who - get this, guys - is NOT a professional. (!!)
[Update: see more of Leah's cakes on Cake Central here.]

Also, look at the roses, the stripes, the diamonds - even the varying sizes of the ball borders. See how perfect they all are? That's talent. I can't tell you how many otherwise great cakes I've seen spoiled by wonky harlequin patterns or uneven, crumbly-edged stripes.

Or how about something Mondrian-inspired?

Sub'd by Seanna L., made by Cakes to Remember

Tidbit for the day: Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter who developed an art form called "Neo-Plasticism," which consisted of a white background, black grid work, and the three primary colors. (Thank you, Wikipedia.)

And if you want to go the extra mile, you could even have a Mondrian homage *inside* the cake:

Sub'd by Isara, made by Caitlin Williams for the SF MoMA's coffee bar

Wow. Seriously. How cool is that?

Confession: I will never get tired of Topsy-Turvy cakes, so long as they look this sweet:

By CC member Eneq

Ah...perfection. It's like the Cat in the Hat's baby shower cake!
(Take a close look at those bows, too - I seriously need Eneq to give me lessons on bow-making.)

And as always, I saved my favorite for last:

If I had to do it all over again, this would be a top contender for my dream wedding cake. I think it's the flowers. And the pattern. And the round/square tier combination. But really, does love need a reason? ;)

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets (at) Cake Wrecks (dot) com!

Oh, and speaking of things I love: one of my favorite charities, Give Kids the World, is participating in the Pepsi Refresh Challenge right now. If they get enough votes, they'll be given $250,000 to renovate the villas in the GKTW Village. (Woohoo!) GKTW is an amazing organization that provides children with life-threatening illnesses the vacation of a lifetime right here in Orlando. (Check out some of the photos on their site; this place is awesome.) They host, feed, and entertain an average of 7,000 families a year - all at no cost to the families.

For a whole week, these boys and girls can be pirates, princesses - or just plain kids! - while enjoying the GKTW village and local theme parks like Disney and Universal.

The Challenge ends June 3oth, and you can vote every day. GKTW is currently in 11th place. Ahead of them are things like weight rooms and a horror film festival. So please - please - vote.
Set a reminder, like I am, and vote every day! If you already have a Facebook account, it's a simple click: ten seconds, tops. (If not, some sign-up info is required.)

You guys know I don't do this very often; it's just that important to me and John. So thanks for reading this, and thanks in advance for voting - 'cuz I know you are just awesome enough to help GKTW win this thing. :)
Kay said...

Now THAT was a perfect end to a perfect Sunday Sweets! Thanks - I'm going to vote now...

WV: mathlac - defines my algebra skills perfectly!

Sarah said...

My family was privileged to stay at GKTW in 2007. We had a wonderful time (I've even got some pictures of my son and daughter posing by the larger than life Candy Land pieces, and pretending to be eaten in the giant bowl outside of the ice cream shop). It's an amazing place, and I'm so grateful that you have featured it in Cake Wrecks. Thank you!!!

JW said...

OH! Mondrian INSIDE the CAKE?

I Oh-em-geed out loud when I saw that.

Anonymous said...

Just voted! Thanks for posting that, Jen. A friend of mine took her daughters to the GKTW village last year and their experience was amazing.

Cole Taddy said...

My fave color is orange too! Thought I was the only wierd!

Unknown said...

My family stayed at GKTW back in the early 90s when it was a lot smaller, but still amazing. My sister (who was my family's Wish Kid) now works there as the Reservationist. Fun fact: the cottage that we stayed in all those years ago has been renovated into the ice cream parlor! :) It really brightened my morning to see that you posted this -- thanks, Jen!

JWB said...

Awww, the voting is only for US. I'll have to use Plan B of sending good luck vibes!

Jamie said...

Oh, to go back in time to my wedding day and replace my cupcakes (NOT a CCC, mind you) with that amazing hibiscus cake. I moved to Hawaii with my hubby after the wedding, and I so wanted to include that in our theme, but I found it difficult to work into our otherwise geeky schemes without it being gaudy. But that cake is gorgeous.

PS - going to vote now.

Kashmir said...

Voted then ran through the top ten. Let us just say that there is really only two other causes I feel should even be listed. GKTW is the only Southern cause and the only cause giving mental respite for kids with life threatening diseases. Go GKTW!!!

Ashley said...

I voted! :) What a great organization and a great idea.

Also, LOVE the Mondrian inside the cake. WOW.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, much as I'd like to vote, the site won't accept Canadians, or I guess anyone but US citizens. The Mondrian cake interior had my brain going the ***MEEP** did they do that? Love the site, turned on all my coworkers to it, we start each day with a visit to CakeWrecks. Then nothing that the "poo-flinging monkeys" throw at us seems quite so bad! THANKS!

Anonymous said...

Those cakes are gorgeous

ConnieB said...

I just voted. My cousin's former fiancee was killed in a car crash in FL earlier this year. They asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to GKTW. I'd never met her, and had never heard of the charity before, but I sent a donation anyway, because my family was hurting so much. I'm happy to vote for it now and will try to remember to vote every day.

Tiffany in Topeka said...

The Mondrian on the inside of the cake..... W. O. W. !!! There are no words. How much work would that be??? Forget that, how would one even DO that? Is it possible?!? I'm in awe.

PS - I voted just like you asked. :) Thanks for the link.

Fanboy Wife said...

I love the De Stijl cake! (I used to think the Mondrian Dress was the coolest adaptation of one of his paintings, but the cake is way better.)

Sam said...

Those cakes are nice, but seriously you should check this girls stuff out - she's amazing

Karen said...

The two Mondrian-inspired cakes just made my morning...and nearly made me faint. The interior-Mondrian one looks like it might be akin to those yummy rainbow layer cookies you can get at Italian bakeries, so I'm nearly salivating now. %)

Meg said...

First, I voted!
And second, I agree with you about that last cake. In fact, it's going in my "inspiration" file for if/when I ever get hitched. Love it!

JE Melton said...

The first cake that you refer to as Mondrian actually reminds me more of Frank Lloyd Wright's windows--particularly with the other shapes added around the edge. Thoughts?

Suzi said...

LOVE the Mondrian cakes. I teach a Mondrian art lesson to my first graders...I am soooo going to show them them these pictures!

WV: ottormov - what you say to your pet mustelid when he's in your spot on the couch

laterose said...

You may be on to something JE Melton. Not only are there curved shapes (circles, and possibly a cone, I can't tell) which would have totally gotten the baker kicked out of neoplasticism, but there are secondary colors as well.

Still a gorgeous cake though.

Unknown said...

the mondrian pattern INSIDE the cake -- that is just beyond amazing!! as always, love the sunday sweets!

Emily said...

OMG... That Mondrian cake is amazing. I am an art historian who isn't much of a fan of Mondrian's paintings, but I can totally get on board with the cake. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am in love with that Mondrian cake. I think this is only my first or second comment. That is amazing.

Alex said...

Jen I'm so pooped that I can't vote for GKTW. It sounds like the worthiest of causes. I love that in amongst all the wrecky goodness you take the time to garner support for all these charities.
Well done you, for using your wreckery powers for good!

Dixie said...

@JE Melton: My mind went to FLW too. I went to college at a FLW designed school (Florida Southern College in Lakeland) and it totally reminded me of the chapel on campus. Love it!

Kelly said...

It's pretty cool that Mondrian is featured in this post. Back in '08, I volunteered for my high school's marching band as a prop team person (I was in the band in high school). The show was based on art, being called "Art at the Speed of Life", and Mondrian was one of the featured artists.
Some of it is shown at 00:15 ( )
For a potluck dinner, I made a cake to match some of Mondrian's artwork:

Tricia L said...

First, I voted and have it in my favorites list to do so every day.

Second, I have to agree with JE Melton that it is a Frank Lloyd Wright (or someone in the Prairie School) design for the cake. The slice is Mondrian, and, yes, I would be delighted to have a piece, thank you.

That first cake is gorgeous BTW. Too bad they don't make fondant that tastes as good as it looks.

wv: angstess: feminine equiv. of male angst

Tricia L said...

One more thing, to anyone reading this in


Would you please go to the bakery in Selfridges Department Store near Marble Arch and take photos of the lovely little hat cakes and send them in. They are so cute and easy to do, it would be nice to share them. I never thought to take photos on one of my visits.

Amy said...

Definitely will be voting daily for GKtW. I went there myself when I was younger on a wish. Thank you Jen for putting the word out!

arensb said...

I've also seen a cake that, when you slice it, looks like a Mark Rothko painting.

The Dream Police Person! said...

Gorgeous cakes! I especially loved the one with the hot pink gerbera daisies and dark brown spots. It's so amazing how much you care about people by featuring things like GKTW on CW. :)

Chava Malka Cooper said...

gorgeous cakes. i love the mondrian inside the cake. it's funny, i am an architect, and when i saw the first mondrian cake i thought: hey a gerrit rietveld cake (he built buildings in 'de stijl' the style of mondrian paintings...

essbee said...

I've had the Mondrian cake at SFMOMA, and they get full credit: not only does it look EXACTLY like that in real life (not just the promotional shot), it tasted fantastic, too. Props.

I spent half the time I was eating it figuring out how to do it. It's very clever, and surely time-consuming, but probably wouldn't be all that hard if you wanted to impress guests at home. They've come up with a design that doesn't take any special ingredients or implements...which impresses me as much as the execution.

Lisa said...

Thank you for letting us know about the pepsi challenge. I voted and promoted. Hopefully they'll move up in the ranks.

Anonymous said...

i couldn't help but vote..that adorable princess melted my heart. :)

on the voting site, though, i find it kind of strange that the number one idea is to build a gym for 1700 kids. while i approve of the idea in general, i do not understand why this idea should be the winner, when there are dozens of ideas that would benefit double or triple the amount of people.
(i know this is unrelated to cake, i just wanted to speak my mind)

i love the topsy-turvy cake. and orange is my favorite color as well. :)

Anonymous said...

Your favorite color is orange too??
I think I love your blog even more now. hehe.
These Sunday Sweets were beautiful. I hope to have a wedding cake that gorgeous when I get married....

Tiffiny Felix said...

I had to show my 7 year-old the Mondrian-inspired cakes. She studied the artist last year in first grade and then did an art project in his style. She actually screamed when she saw the cakes. 7 year-old gotta love 'em ;)

More TAZ said...

The Piet Mondrian cake was my favorite, because the theme was carried into the cake layer. Perfect. But if I'm to be tiny bit nit-picky, green and orange are not primary colors. That being said, it's a beautiful cake and I'd love to have a slice. :)

More TAZ said...

The Piet Mondrian cake is beautiful, however, green and orange are not primary colors. That's just me being nit-picky, and the cake is a masterpiece. So...yeah, I'd eat it.

Becky said...

voted! and the mondrian cake interior is AMAZING. would LOVE to have it or make it!

Silver said...


That Mondrian-cake (the one INSIDE the cake) just astounded me!! That is so amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Sadly it seems like the Pepsi voting is one big circle jerk. "Oh well I will vote for your (~~currently the most popular~~) cause in your bracket every day IF you vote for mine in my bracket everyday! Kkthnx for your support!"

Unknown said...

We DO have Pepsi in New Zealand, but some of us prefer the "other" stuff! Great thing they're doing, 'tho.
I volunteer for Make A Wish in NZ, so any cause like that is close to my heart.
My family and I LOOOOVVVEEE Cake Wrecks- the Sweet Sunday's are great (even if we see it on Monday!), but my faves are the actual wrecks. If only I'd taken a photo of my own cake wreck for my son's 1st birthday.....
Cheers from NZ, Helen

Anonymous said...

The Mondrian cake?

Mostly made me think of the Partridge Family Bus!

come on down, there's a song that we're singin...c'mon get HAPPY!!!

Jocelyne said...

Canadian, just voted with no issues... so maybe it's just N. American?

Kara said...

"Anonymous said...
i couldn't help but vote..that adorable princess melted my heart. :)"

Here's a fun fact-- the photo of the girl in the tiara featured on this blog, lovingly nicknamed "Princess Alyssa," is the SAME girl that is featured in the video on GKTW's Pepsi Refresh page. She credits GKTW for saving her life!

Awesome Sunday Sweets, as usual. I love the color of the first one!

woof nanny said...

Wow...Modrian interior rocks. I want to make one of those!

The Tieman Family said...

Oh. My. Gosh. While they were all beautiful, the Mondrian may have been the best- it was simple abut it didn't even look like a cake.... and then when I scrolled down and saw the picture of the inside I actually gasped out loud. Amazing! AMAZING!!

Unknown said...

Do you have a picture of your wedding cake?

Scott said...

Is this the URL for A Slice of Cake?

Anonymous said...

Love your site! Just wanted to point out that Green isn't a primary colour on that grid cake. Still way cool...the creator just messed up or the colour is off on my monitor.
Thanks for bringing smiles to us :)

Anonymous said...

These cakes are gorgeous! I have nothing bad to say. I love the topsy-turvy cake... it's sooo cute!

check out my blog:

Miranda said...

Those are fabulous! Aesthetic and perfect in all ways...and Mondrian *inside*??? WOW, man, just wow... I bow down to their skill!

joyce said...

Ah, beautiful. Just beautiful. Thank you. Now we are refreshed, renewed, and rededicated to view the wrecks again with fresh eyes...

sometimes I feel like the poor English teacher grading papers, and wonder if all has been for naught.

Too pretty to eat?!

Sofie Bird said...

I managed to vote and I'm from Australia - if you don't use the facebook login, and sign up for a 'pepsi account' instead, it never checks your nationality or location.

Arlene said...

All of these are just so gorgeous.. I adore the first one though. Beautiful blue coloring and the bows are so nice. I want that cake lol.

Etty said...

You can find Slice of Cake on deviantart aswell!


Sarah said...

I was so excited until I read that voting was only for US residents =( This is a cause that's close to my heart. I really wish I could help out.

Sarah said...

Wait, scratch that. I just voted! Canadian residents can vote, too =)

Also, the neo-plasticist (is that it?) cake was amazing =) Especially on the inside.

Falcon Whitaker said...

STOP THE PRESSES! Voting is NOT only open to US residents! Residents of the UK can also vote! I repeat, Brits can also vote for this! If you're from the UK, go and vote your asses off!

Trixie61 said...

Oh for Piet's cake!

RikkiTikki said...

Until today, I had not voted for any of the Pepsi things, but, for fellow Princess Bride lovers, I just did.

andreanna glamasaurus said...

They are all so inspiring.

kayk said...

The hibiscus cake looks like it's done with appliques (fondant, maybe?), not a stencil. You can see a tiny little bit of dimensionality to the white bits.

Anonymous said...

I've never been as over-the-moon in love with a cake as I am with that Mondrian cake! LOVE IT!!! Thanks for showcasing it!
-Sue, Canada

SueBE said...

What fabulous Mondrian cakes! I just wish the first had gotten the colors right. I called my son in to show it to him. "Cool, but he didn't use orange and green. And when you post that in a comment, make sure you tell them your son told you this." Bright and humble. I'm so lucky.

Sarah said...

My younger brother had brain cancer and GKTW gave my entire family a vacation that we'll never forget. This organization not only gives kids the world, it gives the child's family so much more. Some of my fondest memories of my little brother were made on our trip to Orlando. I will always be grateful to this wonderful organization.

Esty said...

I hate to disagree with you, Jen, but I'm going to have to go with the Mondrian cake as my favorite - inside and out!

Catherine said...

This is a question--Is it customary to put a thin or thick layer of actual edible frosting under fondant? The only fondant covered cakes I have encountered have had only enough frosting to adhere the fondant to the cake, which makes it virtually impossible to remove without also pulling off all the frosting. I understand the allure of the pretty, but I have no desire to actually eat any of there tours de force. Please, someone, tell me these cakes are edible!

ari from australia said...

I voted because the cause really hit home for me. I had Lymphoma when I was a teenager and was granted a wish from the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which is very similar to the GKTW program.

It is a great cause and it really does help families and kids struggling with debilitating disease. So, I voted, and I'll vote daily.

I just wanted to point out though, that I read the other "ideas" and a lot of the ones ahead of GKTW are really worthy causes as well. You seemed to be a bit down on a couple of them because, I guess, they didn't seem AS important or worthy to you. I think if any of these great causes wins, it'll be great.

I probably read it wrong, but it's not right to be negative about people who are trying to get their charities or causes funding to help people, no matter which kinds of people and in what way they want to help them.

Just my $0.02.

ari from australia
(oh, dear.)

ari from australia said...

By the way, as my name obviously suggests, I'm in Australia and voted with no problems.

ari from australia
(voting master)

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to volunteer at GKTW during my Disney College Program internship back in 2001. I was so scared that it would be depressing, but it was one of the most uplifting experiences ever! I hope they get that money, and I will vote for them everyday until the 30th! I only wish I'd heard of this sooner, so I could have voted more.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Hey Ari,

I totally agree. There are a lot of amazing causes on the list and I would encourage you to vote for them. Honestly, though, I think the fact that a weight room and launching careers for horror directors winning over aids research and sick kids is kind of silly. I guess I think that some needs are more important than others. Just saying...

Have a great day and thanks for voting!


emily said...

I, too, had the Mondrian cake at the SF MoMA! My husband and I went there during our honeymoon last September, and it was truly fantastic--I couldn't resist it because I've always been kind of primally fascinated with his work. We had Mondrian cake and cappuccinos with little heart designs in the froth, and we ate just outside the cafe, where our view was a ~10-foot set of nesting mosquitoes (in iron, I believe). It was a completely fantastic trip!

Aliza Rudner said...

Canadian voter here! I just went direct into the Pepsi account, rather than through FB based on the advice here.

The orange "ceramic" cake is gorgeous. Orange isn't my favourite colour (purple is) but that cake is enough to make anyone love orange :)

The hibiscus one is probably my fave of this bunch-- and that was a tough choice, there were some great options. And I'm wowed by the skill of that "non-professional".

I was one of the ones who saw the Mondrian and thought Frank Lloyd Wright. Nice outside, but what MoMA did with the inside-- WOW! I've seen instructions on how to do that with cheesecakes, but didn't realize it could be applied to regular cake. I'm now feeling an itch to experiment ;)

As for the fondant-haters... I seem to recall that when a friend decorated a cake I made for another friends wedding, she flavoured the fondant to match one of the flavours of the cake. I remember the whole thing being delicious so am a bit puzzled by why people are saying fondant is inedible. But, it's been five years since that wedding, so maybe I'm just forgetful.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I just looked over the other ideas for the pepsi challenge and some of them seem very worthy. I'm beyond appalled that in first place is a weight room for Bedford High School in MI. I know this area and this is NO school in need. We are NOT talking about an inner city school struggling to get by. Oh no, this is a huge school with plenty of opportunities for extra-curricular activities for its students. Of course this is Michigan so there are parents struggling with layoffs but for the most part this is a very well off area. I know these kids and their parents and they have money to spend on their own kids athletics. I hope people will vote for a cause that actually needs the money. The people of Bedford will be just fine without it.

Danielle said...

Love the Mondrian cakes! Truly awesome.

Anonymous said...

GKTW has been voted for, shared on my facebook page, and I am going to suggest to my company they donate to GKTW. Every other Friday we have a corporate dress down day, and everyone who wants to dress down donates $5 to whatever charity is being given to that week. Im going to suggest that we even include GKTW's Wish List of needed items in our email annoucement and maybe instead of donating the $5 we could opt for bringing in one of more of the needed items.
Such a wonderful organization! Thanks so much for sharing. This is the first time I've ever commented on your blog even though I laugh over it everyday. Thanks again for being so caring. And hilarious :)

Anonymous said...

Something tells me that Mondrian may have gotten his inspiration from other sources...

Unknown said...

I love the 'Tiffany' blue cake. Classic! The sugar Eiffel tower is amazing and the color combo is adorable (though I'm not sure my DH would have let me have a pink cake! LOL). The Mondrian is mind-blowing. If someone handed me a slice I'd really have a hard time eating it!


Unknown said...

To your comment "does love need a reason?" I ask "Do you think True Love happens every day?" and I say, "wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva."

Anonymous said...

OMG! These cakes are amazing!! Also, Give Kids The World is an amazing place. My little sis just went this spring. I have never seen her so happy. It was the perfect way to celebrate her beating Cancer.

Michelle@TastyThailand said...

That orange flowered wedding cake is just gorgeous. I'd choose that in a second.

Unknown said...

Holy mackerel! I just got an email saying "your Mondrian Cake is on Cakewrecks!" and I nearly died. of. horror.

But, it's Sunday Sweets! And there's my Mondrian cake from the SFMOMA! Unbelievable!

Thank you so much for featuring it, what a perfect surprise and amazing badge of honor!

Joy said...

My jaw literally dropped when I saw the slice of the Mondrian cake! That is the coolest thing. I love the tiered cake too, but the idea of a multi-colored cake (what a surprise to cut into) is the coolest!

Emily said...

I looove give kids the world! My niece made her make-a-wish there last summer and we all enjoyed seeing the joy that place gave here (and banana splits at 7am on her birthday). Thanks for sharing the love for them!

Dawnmaire said...

Voted, posted it to FaceBook. Thanks!

Rhonda said...

I've set this up in my blog favorites to remember to vote daily. You should remind your readers via FB and twitter and this blog to vote. The money goes to awesome things, not someone's pocket. They've moved up to 10th, the top 2 wins. Shower everyone with reminders to vote to help this get up there. It's a great cause.

Unknown said...

I found two links for "A" Slice of Cake: and It looks like both sites are for UK bakers. Don't know if one of them made this cake. It's not in either gallery.

Rhonda said...

That first cake is pure genius. That wrap style would be so much easier than trying to get smooth fondant over a square cake.

Clearly the red and orange cake is for a big trader joe's fan.

Twirly McSwirl said...

I can't believe a WEIGHT ROOM for ONE school is at the top! That's absurd!

Even if it gets built, it'll probably just be for the football players and everyone else will get kicked out, anyway.

Yeah, that's certainly a great use of money.

Amy Goodwin said...

Thanks for promoting GKTW's Pepsi Refresh thing. I've been voting every day too - I think my friends and family are tired of me bugging them to vote all the time. (Up to number 9! Exciting!

Jenna Lynn Cody said...

I love them all, and want none of them as a wedding cake.

Well, no, I don't love the Tiffany blue one. Color is nice. Not my style.

The orange ones are awesome though.

Unknown said...

Wow, I can't believe how amazing these cakes are!

Nothing like Sunday Sweets to make a rough day at work not-so intolerable.

Thanks, Jen!

Julie said...

my daughter receiver a make-a-wish trip last year. It was AMAZING...the staff was unreal and went the extra mile to make our stay the most memorable time of our lives.

We got to stay in one of the newer was an absolute dream.

Archena said...

Is this the URL you're looking for?

Ruthie said...

The bows and wrapping paper on that first one are just plain gorgeous. I think I have cake envy :)

Anonymous said... pretty! that Mondrian one BLEW ME AWAY! what did YOUR wedding cake look like, Jen???