Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Audio Comprehension in Jeopardy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today's Wreck is like two Jeopardy answers.

The questions?

[over the phone] "Sorry, I can't hear you - what was that?"


"When would you like to pick it up?"

I'll give you a moment.

Actually, the real story behind this cake is almost as good: it was supposed to read "I'm breaking up with you, Dave" as a joke.

Well, Blaise C., at least it IS still a joke. (Ooh! Burn!!)
Unknown said...

I don't know what flavor cake this is, but it looks absolutely delicious. I'll have two pieces.

Anonymous said...

At least it's pretty! Really, what a gorgeous cake.

SarahJ said...

I love it! I'm breaking up with you Dave - as a joke. Some people have a cruel and unusual sense of humour. Poor guy. Well, at least he was spared the heartbreak and just got a 'huh?' instead!Just saw there were no comments yet - they're probably in a queue being moderated, but just in case I am the first one - WHEEEEEEE! If not then oh well.

Stella said...

wow, poor days. Even as a joke it's cruel. That just takes the cake.

fairfield girl said...

I think the cake should have had a huge crack right down the middle!
Man thans just COLD!

Anonymous said...

Where did they get the "in a few days" from?
Is that a delicious Italian cookie underneath the cake?
Maybe a language translation problem then?

Lauren Borquez said...


Anonymous said...

If they wanted to order a breakup cake, they should have made it an ice cream cake - really cold!

wv: phess, as in Phess up! It's not just a joke, is it?

JW said...

"with you, Dave" must have sounded like "a few days" to whoever was on the phone.

HoldingAloha said...

It's a beautiful cake, otherwise. Look at the size of those blueberries.

Fluffy Cow said...

Nice lettering, anyway. But now I have the urge to go watch 2010.

*Will I dream, Dave?*

Anonymous said...

Breaking up a few days must take supernatural powers.

KatjaMouse said...

Now I know what to give the BF for our anniversary.

Of course I'm kidding!

No I'm not... but at least he gets my humor

dessertschick said...

Dave... what are you doing Dave...?

I dated a guy named Dave for a while. He always wanted a fortune cookie fortune that read, "Don't look behind you Dave."

Daves have a tough time of it, obviously.

Unknown said...

I suppose you could use this cake to announce that you were taking a vacation...you know, breaking up a few days of the week between work and vacation...give your co-workers a nice treat so they don't gripe about picking up your slack while you're gone...

...or you could just laugh, like I did.

What flavor is this cake? Mmm, schadenfreude, my favorite! XD

flying gargoyle said...

I think we all need to "break up a few days" now & then! (a.k.a. "shake up the snow globe that is one's life" as a friend used to say.)

Anyway, the mistake is somehow funnier and more random than the original joke as ordered! Have you done a theme day of non-sequitur cakes? This one is a classic!

Isolder74 said...

Cut the cake, Hal

I'm sorry Dave, i can't do that.

Boy is that a cruel joke to play. Don't play those kinds of jokes! No one will take you serious when you want to be!

Katie said...

I read these posts every day at work, and I always get a good chuckle, but this one made me literally laugh out loud. I think it's my new favorite cake wreck.

Auntie Stina said...

It took me a minute, but I got it! BWAHAHAHA!
In response to the first question, "I'm breaking up...." because they can't hear the customer.
The second question is 'when do you want to pick it up'

archersangel said...

if someone presented me with a cake that said they were breaking up with me as a joke, i'd break up with them

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a cake in celebration of Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you may have just started a new cake craze!

wv: onshingl 1)wafers on which you will find cake poo blobs. 2)what Santa says to the little know 9th reindeer.

halfbakedcake said...

Mmmm...that looks JUST like the cake I ordered my dad for his birthday. Well, his said "Happy 60th Pappy", but it looks exactly like the same bakery did it.

Anonymous said...

good god, the things people put on cake

Anonymous said...

Yikes!!! This is one of the times where I would give kudos to the cake decorator for preventing something stupid from happening.

Anonymous said...

So if i have a bf named Dave (true) and he pisses me off (usually) I should NOT order my cake from the same place. Or if I do... I should write down exactly what I want it to say for them? hahaha.

Kimberly said...

hahahahaha! that's awesome.

Word verification: Rialop

or, the sound the cake makes when it hits the giver's face.

(if it said the original 'I'm breaking up with you, Dave')

China said...

Woo hoo! I'm in the first 50 comments! Love the Jeopardy reference - perfect! :)
Maybe asking the message-taker to read it back would help. Duh!

Anonymous said...

While the decorator obviously needs to get a better phone or check their hearing... the cake itself is simple and nice-looking!

check out my blog: nikkiscakery.blogspot.com

Arlene said...

It is a lovely cake. Sounds like they are planning on losing their mind in a few days and are warning everyone to plan on visiting them in the loony bin lol. I bet poor Dave is glad the original version of the cake wasn't what was delivered.

Anonymous said...

I hope the conversation went something like this:

"And I want it to say 'I'm breaking up with you Dave.'"

"Okay, you want it to say 'I'm breaking up a few days'?"

"Yes, 'I'm breaking up with you Dave.'"

"I'm breaking up..."


"A few days?"


"I'm breaking up a few days?"


"A few days?"

"Yes! With you Dave!"

(both, thinking, why is this so hard?)

Anonymous said...

OKAY, I just read it outloud--hilarious!!! with you Dave = a few days

Bee said...

I would love a piece of that wreck, please! It looks very tasty!

LolaJ said...

I think the "ribbon" on the 3D flip-flop cake looks like bacon

Anonymous said...

Coming way late to the party...

I know Dave. He was letting a friend crash in his spare bedroom, and the guy bought this cake when he left.

There was no heartbreak or cruelty. I think Dave was actually pretty happy to get his spare room back. Also, I hear the cake was indeed delicious.

Anonymous said...

The cake was meant as a joke between two friends, but the cake itself ended up being the joke. I submitted this, but the full explanation got lost in the posting. It was super tasty, and we got a good laugh out of it, though not really the one intended.

Anonymous said...

It would seem, that the cake is a li...ar