Saturday, January 31, 2009
It's Me or the Dog: Cupcake Trance
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Of course, then I go all [censored] on his [censored] and get them anyway. Lesson learned!
Note: Stacey initially sent me The Soup's version, but this was the only embeddable video file I could find. So my apologies for the crazy spaghetti cat at the end.
I don't think I buy it, Garret A. - but then, I guess I don't have to; you already did! [cymbal crash!]
(Why yes, sometimes I DO have an old-style Vaudeville soundtrack in my head - why do you ask?)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Never mind.
ANYway, so knowing about the towel thing helps a little when viewing this cake:
Oh, and remember a few ages back when I made a crack about how next bakeries will be decorating our loaves of bread?
[shaking head] Well, at least they used dough instead of frosting. That's something, right?
Now, I can only assume this next one was made by a baker who knows even less about football than I do:
That, or s/he is venting some pre-game frustration.
Many thanks to Krista W., Catie P., Diana W., Jennifer H., and Corrie R., some hoopy froods who really know where their towels are*.
*If that last statement baffled/consternated/frightened you, go here.
With all this testosterone-fueled frenzy, though, I think the nation's wreckerators may be, well, just too frenzied for quality control:
And if you're really stuck for ideas, there's always last year's cake decal. You might need to modify it a little, though:
Thanks to Stephanie R., Jennifer W., Jennifer T. and David C.!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
It's My Blog and I'll Flog if I Want To...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
But, I digress.
Yes, folks, much as I hate/love to admit it, Cake Wrecks has been nominated on another awards site. And yes, I will now ask you - with what I hope is an appropriate amount of humble self-loathing - to consider voting for it. If you can see past the blinding hatred this request has incurred, that is. I mean, sure, there's no cake in this post, BUT, what if I promise to flog myself most vigorously later this afternoon? Could we call it even then?
What's that? The award thing? Oh, right.
It's the famous Bloggies, and Cake Wrecks has been nominated in three categories: Best New Blog, Best Writing, and Best Food Blog. As I said in my sidebar notice which no one has noticed: if you don't agree with my being nominated for Best Food Blog, please, don't vote for me there! All of the other nominees are fantastic blogs, and well deserving of the win.
Voting is super easy: you can vote for all your favorite blogs on one ballot, and no registration is required. All you need is an e-mail address. Plus, I'm reasonably certain that this is the last awards session for the year, so after this I'll only be able to irritate you with the occasional new shirt design or funny video. (Drat.)
Or don't. You know, if you want me to be sad. (I'm giving you "Bambi eyes" right now - is it working?)
Still, you have to admire the wreckerator's tenacity in scrawling the inscription right over the plastic flotsam. That, my friends, is commitment! No namby-pamby dashes, squished text, or downward spirals here, no sir! This baker does not deviate, does not falter! S/he trudges onward even in the face of crippling ridicule, turning a deaf ear to nay-sayers, a blind eye to the warning signs of impending disaster, a numb hand to the piping bag, a stuffed-up nose to the smell of burning batter, and an insensate tongue to the bitter dregs of defeat!!
[sits back down]
Ok, so maybe I was reaching a little with that metaphor. I thought I was doing well until the "burning batter" bit, though. [taps teeth with pen] Huh.
Still, I think we can all learn something here. Something about perseverance, something about throwing caution to the wind, something about...oh, I dunno... picking the cake up more than 30 minutes before the party starts? [nodding] Yeah, that, too.
Note: Since I get asked a lot, many of you will no doubt be relieved to learn that Wreckporter Holly later received a full refund. You'll remember that more-than-30-minutes-beforehand thing next time, right, Holly? :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
You Say "Redneck" Like it's a Bad Thing
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Exhibit A:
I have no words.
Exhibit B:
I have words, but none that can be repeated in polite company. Egads, man, the hoof! I don't even want to know what that is inside it - just tell me it's not the cake server, please. [shudder]
Exhibit C:
"We are gathered here today to join this man, this woman, and this truck in holy matrimony..."
Exhibit D:
For a "shotgun wedding" perhaps? (Ba-dum-bump!)
And finally, Exhibit E:
Hey, look, an actual bride and groom topper - no deer heads! Oh, but there IS a deer...and the bride's toting a shotgun...and I'm suddenly in the mood for fruit roll-ups. Huh.
I'm actually a bit disappointed that I couldn't find a Nascar-themed wedding cake. Anyone have one to send me? C'mon: it'll be therapeutic!
Thanks to Chris M., Melody H., Jacy D., and both Anony M.s for their expert Wreckporting!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Every Breath You Take...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Every breath...
Every second...
We'll be watching."
Submitter Anony M. would also like me to point out the giant crack down the middle where the two cakes were cemented together, the black and yellow icing bleeding into each other, and the fact that this cost $150. That may all be true, Anony, but in my mind any cake that lets me reference old Police songs is well worth someone else's hard-earned money.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Why So Serious?
Monday, January 26, 2009
What, that doesn't sound so bad? Then allow me to introduce a new Wreck series: Caped Catastrophes. Today's first lucky victim? The Bat Man himself.
Here Bat Boy rides out of a plastic drain-pipe on a magma slick in glorious celebration of "Brian Day". Um, are those things on the side supposed to be bats, Clarissa D.?
Then there's the continuing drama between Batman and the Batmobile:
I agree that the door in the brick wall is a little odd, Ashley W., but what I really want to know is how the Batmobile can leave a cloud of snow-white exhaust shaped like a hibiscus flower. These Bat gadgets - they just get cooler every year, don't they?
Fortunately Judith C. reports that 'man and 'mobile appear to have made up here:
Christal W. found the best toy-to-cake ratio out there:
I'm not sure if "River" is the birthday person's name, or if - in the tradition of Wreckerators everywhere - the decorator just labeled the cake what it's supposed to look like. If that's the case, then s/he must have meant "cascading river of blood, cement, and mold". But, you know, that probably wouldn't have fit.
([sigh] Again, yes, it's "professional". I checked the site and everything. C'mon, a little credit here?)
Now remember, kids: crime doesn't pay. Right, Batman?
But you know, all these cakes are totally cheating: they each use plastic Batman figurines! Why aren't decorators actually drawing the caped crusader?
Oh. That's why. Thanks, Nicc.
[shifty eyes] Um, and can I just say that that's an unfortunately appropriate placement of the "pp"?
Aaaand I'm done.
Have a superhero Wreck you've been meaning to send me? Then send it in soon; I'll be continuing the Caped Catastrophes theme over the next few weeks.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday Sweets: Cutey-Patootey Dragon Babes
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Amber D. found these two from The Cake Fairy:
Check out the floppy ears on this guy:
Here's one from The London Cake Company, found by Brian & Melissa W.:
This was for little Joseph's SECOND birthday?!? Dang, I really missed out during my childhood. (And adulthood, come to think of it...)
And lastly, Kate J. found some of the most adorable figure sculpting I've seen:
I love the simple-yet-ingenious "bushes", and the knight and princess are just spot-on perfect. Great stuff.
Found on Manray3's Flickr stream. I've been told this may be from The Cake Shop in the Covered Market of Oxford, England.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hey Everybody, Do You Know What Time It Is?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
If you guessed "time to learn the difference between an old-style telephone and a clock", then you are absolutely correct!
I would have also accepted "Time to ban CCCs" or "Time to train a wreckerator". Any other suggestions?
Michelle H., call me!
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Problem With Phone Orders
Friday, January 23, 2009
"Hi, I need to order a cake for my boss. We have a photo of him playing golf that we'd like to put on it, though - can you do that?"
"Of course! Just bring the photo in on a USB drive and we'll print it out here."
"Great, I'll bring it by this afternoon."
"Hey, Jill, what am I putting on this cake?"
"Oh, check the counter; I left the jump drive out for you there."
[calling from the back room] "Really? This is what they want on the cake?"
"Yeah, the customer just brought it in."
"Okey dokey!"
Believe it or not, this is a TRUE story: Elisabeth R. worked at the office in question. Besides, how could I ever make up something this good?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Breaking News: Head-Swelling Bakery Incident Goes Horribly Awry
Thursday, January 22, 2009
It's like a mixed media collage of cakedom! Seriously, this cake has it all: fun-house-mirror photos, airbrushing, fondant "hair" (don't miss the guy's!), a buttercream border, and sufficient excuse to call the show hosts "fat heads" for at least a week or so. (Oh, did I mention those are the hosts?)
Of course, it could also be used as the poster-cake for the call to ban edible image printing. Really, who thought technology that allows you to eat people's photos was a good idea? It always ends up looking rather creepy.
Or, in this case, gross:
Mmmm, now there's an appetizing composition. I bet all of Karissa's relatives were SO proud. And full. As in, "no-really-I-couldn't-eat-another-bite" full.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Why Suzy Needs Therapy
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
"Suzy, what did I tell you about leaving your dolls lying around?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know? So you're telling me you don't remember any of the HUNDRED times I've warned you about leaving your toys strewn around the house?"
"So you don't remember what I said yesterday? About what would happen if I found your doll on the floor one more time?"
"Ummmm... Maybe you said something..."
[whining] "But I want my dolly! You HAVE to give her BACK!"
"Oh, don't you worry, honey. I'm sure she'll turn up after dinner."
That's cold, Chad C. - real cold.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Presidential Sweet
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Oh, and Barack Obama is being inaugurated as President of the United States. That, too.
Naturally, I want to join in all the patriotic fervor the best way I know how, so allow me to dredge up a mistake from the not-so-distant past:
This election-night Wreck's irony is twofold: 1) it's from a bakery in Chicago, and 2) the wreckerator responsible made a point of telling Chelsea M. what a big Obama supporter she was.
[looking at cake again] Yeeaah. Kinda makes you wonder what it would have looked like if she didn't like him.
Of course, bakeries across Washington and the U.S. are pulling out all the stops in honor of today's festivities, so we have more current Wrecks, too. Here's one Greg P. spied:
Some places are doing a better job, though: here's what the posh Willard Room Restaurant in D.C. has on display:
[tilting head] Huh. You know, Zach S., from where I sit it looks like the White House is leaning a little to the left.
[cymbal crash]
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.
Oh, and here's a great example of American ingenuity: this is what Cate E. came up with when she needed to sell an overstock of Yule Log cakes left over from the holidays:
Obama logs! Or as she dubbed them, "Presidential InLOGuration Cakes". Heheheh.
And lastly, I'll leave you with Sierra Rein's find:
First thought: "Wow! So pretty!"
Second thought: "Whoah, is he... I mean, does it look like...Uhh...Yeah, maybe I better zoom in..."
"Oh, phew! Never mind!"
3rd thought: "Why am I suddenly reminded of Howdy Doody?"
4th thought: "Sheesh, this is a long post. I think I need a few more Godiva pretzels now." [wanders off in search of sweets]
Monday, January 19, 2009
Wedding Crashers, Cake Wrecks Style
Monday, January 19, 2009
Many thanks to Gini N. for sending it in!
Today is the 200th anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe's birthday (thanks to Amy H. for calling my attention to it). If you don't know who that is, you probably didn't get this post, either, and should remedy the situation immediately.
And as always, thanks to Melissa of Wild Cakes, who makes "eating crow" tasty, if not exactly appetizing. ;)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sunday Sweets: Lord of the Rings
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Minas Tirith is one of the more popular LOTR cake themes. Beth A. was the first to submit this one:
I think this was displayed at a fair somewhere, and yep, it's cake. Amazing, huh?
Here's another angle, courtesy of Erin M:
The One Ring is also a hugely popular motif. Here's my favorite of the ones submitted, also found by Beth A.:
Since a lot of you have requested more fondant-free Sweets, check out this one of Bilbo & Frodo's home in the Shire:
Thanks to Michelle F. for submitting it. The creator is Cakeworks of Calgary.
Of course, not everything in Middle Earth is pretty, as Deanna T. shows us:
Yikes. This eerily accurate orc (try saying that 3 times fast) was made by Shoshannah84 of Deviant Art. (If you recognize the name, it's because she also made the yellow dragon in my "Fantastical Beasts" post.)
But let's end on a pretty note: check out this gorgeous Minas Tirith wedding cake Tara B. found:
It was made by the bride's sister, who is not a pro baker. Crazy! Plus, the only inedible part is the actual cliff. The wedding was completely LOTR themed, and you can see a few photos of it here. (I'm bummed there aren't more; it sounds amazing.)
Thanks to all the rest of you who submitted photos! Remember, if you have a cake you'd like to nominate as a Sweet, send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
It's Just a LITTLE Soap Box, I Promise
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Here's the deal:
In August the Congress passed the CPSIA, a law making it tougher to sell toys and other childrens items that contain lead - so obviously that's a good thing. However, as a result of this law any crafter or stay-at-home artisan who makes items for kids under 12-- from clothing to toys to school supplies - must have their items tested to the tune of $400-$4000 per item. Since most crafters cannot afford those kinds of fees, this means tens of thousands of stay-at-home moms and small home-based businesses may be forced out of business come February 10, the official "mandatory compliance" date set by the law.
As a small business owner and indie-art-lover I was distressed to hear of this from reader Laurel, especially considering it's an easy fix: all that's needed is a simple amendment excluding micro-businesses, similar to the exemptions granted by the FDA for small producers under the food labeling laws.
So, if you want to help save Etsy sellers, stay-at-home crafters, and countless other small businesses, please visit the Handmade Toy Alliance. There you'll find a sample letter you can send to your congressman and an online petition you can sign, in addition to lots more info and links. Remember, the deadline is February 10th, so please act now if you're going to.
And that's it! We now return you to your regularly scheduled Wreckage.
UPDATE: A few of you have referenced Snopes (an urban legend/rumor fact-checker) in the comments, saying they called this law a false rumor. However, what Snopes was addressing was the resale of USED children's items and clothing, which will in fact still be legal after 2/10. (Click here to read the article.) All new items are still affected by the law.
UPDATE FROM JOHN: Um hi. The comments on this are done. It's all very interesting and I strongly suggest y'all read up on it further. And if you are desperate to make your voice heard, please send a letter to your representative, write about it on your personal blog or even e-mail your friends but I would ask that you not comment on other posts about this one. The only reason I am not taking this down is that Jen really does care about small businesses and she was trying to do a good thing by letting all of our awesome readers know about something that concerned her. That's it. Wreck On and happy Martin Luther King day!
And you're right, Nicole P.: it IS a little dotty.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Big Day, Big Wrecks
Friday, January 16, 2009
What was ordered:
What was received:
(Fortunately Christine C. reports the the bride and family had a great sense of humor about this Wreck, and even dubbed it the "bamPOO" cake. Heheh.)
And received:
Uh, since the cake itself leaves me speechless, I'm going to comment on the background. Hey Jessica M., is that Chewbacca through the window? I mean, given the Han Solo & Leia topper, I was wondering if Chewie was the ring-bearer or something.
And lastly, ordered:
Aaaand received:
You have to wonder if that swipe was a result of the bride fainting at the sight of it, don't you? Still, I guess she should count her blessings: imagine if the wreckerator had been asked to write something on it!
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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- “Will have you laughing so hard you’ll forget to eat!”— Washington Post
- “a hilarious winner” — The Oregonian
- “a fantastically gut-busting book”— NPR
- “It’s all here, each wreck a disaster of hilarity.” —
- “Hysterically funny!”—
- “laugh-out-loud funny”— The Times
- “Yates’ sharp humor makes the funny even funnier.” — The Dallas Morning News
- “an amazing laugh-out-loud book”— The Book Triblog
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- "I was laughing so hard, I couldn't catch my breath."
- "As funny as the blog that started it."
- "WAY better than I expected!"
- "Cake Wreckery at its best!"
- "Wrecktastic!"
- American Mensa:Top 50 Websites of 2010
- Amazon: Top 10 gift books of 2009
- The Orlando Sentinal “Orbbies”: Winner Humor
- 2009 BlogLuxe Awards: Funniest Blog
- 2009 Bloggies: Best Writing of a Weblog, Best New Weblog, Best Food Blog
- The 2008 Weblog Awards: Best Food Blog
- Blogger's Choice 2008 Awards: Best Humor Blog
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