Saturday, June 6, 2009
Willy's First Order of Business
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wow, it sure IS "fun to be one" when you have a tombstone for a candle! Yessirree, Willy, urine for a treat with this little number (two)!!
This does look kinda familiar, though. Huh. Now where have I seen this before....?
Oh, now I remember:
Well, if you're going to use the yellow and brown color scheme, you might as well "go" all the way, eh? A "royal flush" of cakedom for a real "whiz kid", if you will?
Caroline S. & Amy G., John and I are trying to eat better. This post may be our first step on the path to skipping many meals.
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What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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35 comments | Post a Comment
Lion King reference? :) These cakes are gross.
hmmm, not sure that the wreckerator can be blamed for cw1 -- seems to me that mommy or daddy or whomever served the cake plopped the tombstone candle in there.
Thanks, you just made my diet easier today. And probably tomorrow, too. And probably every day until this post slides off of the front page. Ew.
(Yes, I've been known to indulge in some cake after reading your blog.)
I don't know if I could eat something that reminded me of poo.
Wow, the candle on the first one is almost as big as the cake!
The second one - all I can say is, "What the heck were they thinking?!"
I laughed out loud at the "tombstone." It really DOES look like one. Grey is so appetizing.
I suspect, deeply, that the Happy Poo Year is for a resident doing general surgery. Which is to say, gut surgery. Which is to say, well, poo. All year long.
Jen, I'm supremely disappointed. You did not even mention that the poo cake was a CCC! Where are your eyes??????
Is that second one chocolate?
Angie (from over at
Those cakes have given me the best idea . . . birthdays are one thing, but finally being able to say your kid is successfully potty trained? Now that deserves a cake!
who's the sadistic wierdo that decided "yes..a cake that reminds me of my feces. sounds delicious!" hella funny though.
I work at a party store, and I can assure you that the "Fun to be one" candle by Amscan looks nothing like a tombstone in real life. That's just an unfortunate angle... they are, however, ridiculously bulky and not *that* cute to begin with!
Happy "POO" year? that's just NARSTY.
Actually, if you look closely at William's cake, it says "Happy 15th Birthday" on it. It would seem that the candle was an afterthought and that was all they had.
No, it's just "1St" with an oversized "s." Pretty sure Willian is just one.
I don't think it's '15th' birthday, it looks like a very badly written '1st' to me. The S just looks like a 5.
It looks like they wrote the inscription on the first cake _around_ the candle. So someone planned that. oookaaaayyy
Before the poop theme sank in, I thought that the first one looked like a giraffe color scheme. Girrafes are certainly a popular nursery decor theme. Perhaps those people love their jungle animals.
Maybe it's a subliminal message meant to ready young toddlers of their impending potty training and their freedom from diaperhood.
Happy... 'Poo' year?!?
And here I was, all ready to Pollyanna up the joint with "Maybe this is just a misspelling--maybe it was "Pooh" Year, and they just had a fondness for A.A.Milne, Christopher Robin, and the relentlessly twee... There are.....DOOTS...on that cake. There is no way around this interpretation; those are very clearly meant to represent doots. And fellow Wreckerators, we have now discovered a rarity among rarities: a cake in which I could not be persuaded to indulge. I have fairly flexible standards, but by one principle I shall stand forever and always: I do not eat food items meant to represent body wastes. I don't and you can't make me, and also: frickin' EEEEEWWWWW!!!!
Winnie the Pooh is my guess. The yellow is right for that.
I think it must be to celebrate the fun beginning of potty training or something.
Cakes forsee their own future
and pity GM.
Did anyone else notice that the cake says 'Happy 25th (actually that 2 could also be a 1, I can't tell) Birthday William' while the tombstone claims he's only one? How old is William anyways?
I know the woman who made the second cake; she rescues kittens and one day seven puppies unexpectedly fell into her care, so two friends of hers bravely stepped up and took care of the puppies, which involved (as she put it) "cleaning up Fort Poo umpteen times a day". So she made and brought them that cake to give them a laugh and thank them. :)
Yikes! Scattalogical humour cakes. LOL
I thought of urine the minute I saw that first cake.
~Amy B.
Yup - thanks Robin!
I made that cake for my friends Mary and Casey who took on the daunting task of fostering 7 young puppies. They did it with humor and grace - which is really what you need to do when you're cleaning up pee and poo nearly 24/7!
Their whole life was pee and poop those couple of weeks - the cake was a bit of humor meant to make light of the work at hand.
It was a cupcake-cake, and was quite tasty, even with highly questionable decorations ;)
--Kimberly Jennery
( where USUALLY the cakes aren't so gross ;) )
Also - I forgot to mention - it was the first week of January, thus the "clever" caption ;)
Ahhhh! The second cake is one of Kimberly's!!!
I love her so much. She's an angel on this planet. What a wonderful woman.
I'd be over the moon to get a poo cake from Kimberly.
Oh look - here's photographic proof of why they needed this cake:
And now, I'll go back to obscurity and enjoy my cake-related moment of non-obscurity ;)
How apt! The WV today is clogi -- as in, well, no, it didn't go down right the first time.
Yeah, animal people are as blase about poo humour as nurses and paramedics are. My mother is a vet tech... you should hear the dinnertime conversations.
ZOMG puppies. Are they pittie puppies, even? *melts*
Well that is kind of the way it is at that age I suppose. Love the t-shirt AND I have that exact same oven mit.