Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well, That's Not a Good Sign

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Note: You folks following me on the social networking site which shall not be named have already seen this, but it's just too good to keep as a Twits-Only exclusive.

So John and I were cruising around town last weekend looking for good Thrift shops, and lookie what we found instead!

A sign of Wrecks to come, perhaps? :D

Unknown said...

Tee hee, can't wait to see how that turns out. XD

Vashti said...

they say that pride comes before a fall!!!!!
I will be watching this space!

cewmont said...

Classic --oh that is so great! Glad you happened by that wreck of a sign!

Christy said...

There are just no words! I absolutely love your blog....

beckiwithani said...

That's so perfect, it's like its own kind of art.

Jessica said...


Barb said...

That is amazing. Ha!


Pineapple Princess said...

Can't wait 'til you get your hands on them!

Suzy said...

If they can't spell correctly on the banner, how in the heck are they gonna spell "Congratulations" or "Kindergarten" properly?!?!?

Amy McMean said...

HAHAHA oh no. They might want to change the name, NOW.

Natalie said...

LOVE IT!!! Which town is this, by the way? I want to see the future baked goods for myself!

Kaolinmommy said...

Maybe they set the bar a little too high with the name...

This is the first time I've commented but I love all of the wreckiness you share. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! There's also a shop that's called Cupcake's here in LV. I don't get the apostraphe! Does Cupcake own the shop?

Laura said...


Karen said...

That is just too funny! I see many a great cakewreck leaving those doors.

Triplets+3=Crazy said...

WOW.. that is priceless!

Fluffy Cow said...

ohhh... I can't wait!!!!

takapitcha said...

There's a store near my home with a vinyl sign that reads; "No Quality." Hmph. At least they are honest!

Sammee said...

Oh that just made my bad day soooo much better. You need to have friends and family order cakes through them to see if the sign really was an omen:).

Zombie Roadkill said...

That is excellent! I bet it's another fine work from the people who brought us the "Now offering Brakfast" and "Breakfast with Satan" banners.

Oh, how easily English is abused.

Drisana said...

Haha, brilliant! I'm sure we'll see some "masterpieces" soon. (Scare quotes intended, lol.)

Chris the Yardsale Queen said...

don't mean to get off the subject of cakes, but....there's a good directory thrift shops at

Unknown said...

OOOhhhhh that is too funny!!!!!

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

HA! Awesome!

Anonymous said...

That is classic!!!
Wow. Signmakers who can't spell or proof is way worse than bakers who can't!
"Perfect". LOL!

Bill's Bayou said...

Eye sew went two sea thee kegs form these hear plays!

shadow said...

Oh, no.

You MUST get us photos when it opens! :D

WV - diplema

"Congalulation's On Youre Diplema!!" - Future Wreck, I just know it.

Jeremy said...

At least they used 'o'.

C.G. the Foodie said...

You would think they would have caught that in the sign shop!

The Country Mouse said...


DeAnn said...

Let's hope so!

Karen said...

First I thought...that has to be fake. Then I thought...oh my's a Cake Wrecks Theme Bakery!!

Kristine said...

Hahahaha! I would be first in line to get my cake there! Oh, it's "perfect"!

M K Glass said...


Perfect, indeed!

Anonymous said...

The owner/sign maker must read cake wrecks....great marketing technique!!

Or not. We need spies to go here and scrutinize everything they do.

Unknown said...

Totttallly awesome!

Anna Kauz said...

That is Awesome!! You'll have to check out their cakes once they open. :)

Maggie Nellie said...

absolutely too funny.

Rhett Soveran said...

Well, at least they didn't spell it with a "U".

Brookely90 said...

Oh I hope so!

Unknown said...

Awesome baner!

Another Face said...

Oh my goodness, I just noticed the extra M' in Comming. ;) This is interesting!

Anonymous said...

Does this count as a double wreck? I mean the sign folk didn't catch it before it went out the door, and the cake folk went ahead and put it up.... Maybe they were hoping the humor would bring the customers a'runnin.


hahahaha, wv: wantse - The customers will come just because they wantse how bad the cakes really are.

Anonymous said...

The cake shop owner apparently needed to write "Coming with one M" on the order form, but then again we know how that invariably turns out...

Kristen said...

I'm trying to figure out how to pronounce that. Comming as in Commuting?

Bobbi Sharp said...

Oh, the wrecks they will make!

joanne wardle said...

maybe it's an online bakery? i.e .comming soon.

sorry, that's the best I could do!

Geans said...

I am so excited to see what comes out of this place!

Karen said...

I can't wait to see the wrecks that come out of that bakery. I'm sure they'll be perfect.

A Beautiful Party said...

how perfect! glad you found that.
love your blog, i'm a new reader!

the ginabean said...

I expect great things from this bakery...

Roxarita said...

I wish it said "Nomming Soon!"

Mirth said...

Perfect, can't wait to see what's "comming" next.

wv - hysti

I'll bet there's going to be a few hysti fits when the customers see their cakes.

Anonymous said...

Oh joy...I would order a cake the first day it opened JUST so I would have a picture to put on here. Sad that the sign makers can't spell and even more sad that the owners didn't spot the mistake before hanging it.

Stacie said...

These guys are going to specialize in super wrecky cakes!!! I Can't Wait!!

StuffCooksWant said...

Can't wait for the show to begin...

Kuroitenshi or Bonnana King said...

I can't wait! Wrecks are the highlight of my day!

neonfoxtongue said...

To quote Lelaina Pierce*, "I really can't define 'irony', but I know it when I see it!"

*Reality Bites (but you probably knew that)

Anonymous said...

It least it wasn't spelled with a "U"! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Tricia said...

Oh No... They sure wouldn't win my business with a banner like that. Already off on the wrong foot!

Laura Jenkins said...

A sign of wrecks to come-thanks for making me laugh tonight

Steveman said...

This should be funny

Anonymous said...

"That is hilarious! There's also a shop that's called Cupcake's here in LV. I don't get the apostraphe! Does Cupcake own the shop?"

Hm,,, I hope that the misspelled 'apostraphe' was tongue in cheek.. :)

bigSIS said...

THat is too good! Hahaha.

wv: mabbi--"Mabbi, just mabbi, they did that on porpoise!"

Liv said...

well, they said "Perfect Cakes Bakery"....they said nothing about them being "Perfect Cakes with Perfect Spelling"! :)

Mrs. Schmitty said...


PrincessGreen17 said...

We can only hope!

Anonymous said...

Perfect cakes, my butt! I'm sure they'll end up making some doozies :-P

Hannah said...

That's beautiful man.

Pilgrim said...

A little ironic that the "Perfect" Cakes Bakery can't spell....

Vickie said...


You should submit that into the fail blog :p


Amy Lee said...

Maybe we need to start a Sign Wrecks blog....

Angela said...

Pass the popcorn. It's going to be a great show.

wv: hiedis. Perfect Cakes store owner: "Maybe we can hiedis extra 'M' with a carrot jockey baby."

Nemo said...

I wonder if that's a mistake, or if they intend to have Uhura announce something over the comm when this place opens.

12 hour pills said...

I didn't even notice the mispelling at first. I figured someone calling their business "Perfect cakes" was just being presumptuous.

Drisana said...

First off, I was reading through the comments, and just realized that there is another Drisana that reads this! That's a pretty small world if you ask me!


Wow. what a cake shop. I want to get a cake from there so I can see how wrecky it is!

Etiquette Bitch said...

OMG, hilarious, LOVE IT!!!!

Stephanie said...

Yeah, somehow I too get the feeling that this doesn't exactly bode well for the business... unless their customers have a good sense of humor. :P

Haiku Joy said...

Madam Cake Wrecks Chair,
I move we change the name to
Defect Cakes Bak'ry.

msyendor said...

Off to a good start already by making a Perfect Cake of themselves.

Or are they secretly readers here and just baiting the hook? Hmm?

WV: aggsne. Aggsne again how to spell it.

Etiquette Bitch said...

i'm wondering if you put "auuugh" with CW3 because it looks like Charlie Brown's kite crashing?

Jamie said...

Holy bat crap! How on earth does a misspelling like that make it past the sign maker??

Anonymous said...

Aiming for perfection is a noble goal. Clearly, it is harder to achieve than they thought.

Penny said...

@ Vashti "they say that pride comes before a fall!!!!!"

Or maybe pride comes before a fail.

Anonymous said...

that is too funny b/c there is the same sign (but for PIZZA HEAVEN) near my house. PIZZA HEAVEN COMMING SOON!
what's going on here?

lindalou said...

And it's right in your town. How convenient!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they knew what they were getting into when they moved into your town.

Lulubelle B said...

Actually, it's a GREAT sign!

Evie said...

I worked at a place that told me that stores misspell their store opening soon signs on purpose. It catches peoples eyes, they get to feel superior, the store can say it was the sign company's fault...

Unknown said...

This reminds me of a girl that sent me a resume for a job I had posted. Her resume boasted about her "attention to details" but was riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. LOL

Nina Suluh said...

Apparently Chloe O'Brien is "putting this on com" so Jack Bauer will never be without a Perfect Cake? That HAS to be what they mean, right?

And why oh why do I think this store is in my metro area... I swear this is a sign-wreck that could only happen in FloriDUH.

WV: consip

Nina Suluh said...

Ah yes. I knew this was local to me. Turns out we're six degrees separated on FB, lol.

Jenn said...

i just need to add that my 7-year-old nephew was able to spot the mistake AND the irony in this...

Christina (BookTasty) said...

just drove by this place in Orlando. they fixed the sign!

BlueBerry Pick'n said...

. . . "watch this space"

Anonymous said...

You all DO know that they mispell signs like those on purpose. It gets more 'looks' than a correctly spelled sign. Ask anyone who works in a sign shop.