Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday Sweets: You "Auto" Watch
Sunday, November 16, 2008
If you're as fascinated as I am, you should also check out the video on how they did it. There are more details there than the one minute ad could show, and it is AMAZING.
[insert obligatory joke about cakey car wrecks here]
Thanks to Thea L. for sharing the link!
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111 comments | Post a Comment
This is one of my favourite adverts. But it makes me hungry.
Whoa! That is so cool! I just called my husband in here to see it too. What an excellent idea for a car commercial. I love how it actually makes a sensible story and moves at a watchable pace.
I get first dibs on the steering wheel!
That's absolutely amazing!
That was so cool. I especially like the making of video. Bravo!
Wow! I went and watched the "full" video...WOW.
I'm glad you decided to feature this one- my favourite advert ever when it came out.
I'd choose the cake car over an actual skoda any day though ;)
Amazing! I've long believed Skoda to be the best car in Europe. Now it's confirmed.
how totally cool is that!!!
I want that car - even if I have to push it! And I'm thinking I won't because it looks like they remembered everything. What about fuel tho? Milk perhaps?
Uh oh...
Word verification: "reepomac." Maybe in this economy I should rethink the purchase.
Alixandra Hice
OK, that is seriously cool! You can have your Skoda and eat it too!
Wow, that is awesome! My husband wants to know what kind of millage it gets. ;-)
OMG...a Skoda! I've driven one (in the Czech Republic). The cake car is probably more sound. :D
That is simply amazing!
aaaah - that is so awesome I got a little teary with joy over here
- Emily
What's the worst thing about the ad?
The fact that apparently (This is only what I heard) the lights did something which meant they couldn't eat it later.
That was pretty cool!
I actually met one of the guys in this advert (hes the one that 'trips at the end) He's not a baker! He's an actor!! Still, fantastic cake. It's a nice car as well.
I love that at 00:05 they're adding lemon zest to give it a nice "flavor"... Maybe, in addition to the "making of" there's also an "eating of"....? Hey, somebody save me a fender, I always like the fenders!
omg, that's amazing. How? How? How??
It's simply amazing what people can do with cake.
(Dare I hope that I'm the first commenter?)
That's incredible!!
This commercial is broadcasted all over Europe not just the UK
That is made of awesome and win.
Wow, Wow, Wow! What a lovely Spectacular Sunday cake. Thanks for sharing.
Wonder what they did with it once it was all done??
My favourite bit is definitely the golden syrup being poured into the engine as oil. Yum!
is amazing....... Should be a two hour Food Network special!
Now that's the kind of car I want!
I want that car! The cake version, not the metal and fiberglass version.
Interesting challenge for the makers but seriously, what a incredibly huge waste of good food...180 eggs went into that and then the whole thing was thrown out because it went bad under the studio lights.
Cool to watch it being built, but what a shame, hey?
That is absolutely wonderful!
THAT WAS FREAKIN" COOL! Question is...who gets to eat the cake..LOL
Man, I haven't seen that advert in *ages*. Old, but still absolutely awesome.
I really liked this advert when it came out... Then they showed it a trillion zillion times. I've had to trash my Sound of Music CD, which I'm sure sent sighs of relief across the land! lol But I can't even enjoy the fact that its cake anymore!
Dave's Wife
You said it, and I don't think I can say it any better: amazing!
Darn it.. it keeps sticking about 1/2 way through. Maybe it's my system. Will try back in a bit.. can't wait to see the end result!
(in a good way)
Julie Andrews + Cake = SOLD
That is awesome! Thanks for sharing it.
Absolute brilliance!
What talent and precision.
I only hope all that cake wasn't wasted after though.
Brianna McCarthy@Passion.Fruit
Holy cow, that was amazing!! The video of extras is incredible!!! Thanks for posting!
wow that's just wow and they threw it away after the commercial. That's just the biggest waste of cake but wow.
AWESOME! Except that it's for a Skoda, of course... =D
My favourite bit was the chap trying to get the wobbly jelly tail light into place. =D
If I ever see one of those I'm going to want to eat it.
That was awesome!
Yeah ,I love this advert. Evertime it comes on I get urges for cakes and golden syrup!
The music is the best part! I love me some Sound of Music!
P.S. Are you ever going to post Sunday Sweets of Disney Cakes? I need inspiration for a Disney wedding!
I get stuck with just a plain ol' car. I'm sure that, if I had that, I'd also be saying...
"I can't believe I ate the wHoLe thing!"
See, this sounds cool until you realise that most of the cake went to waste because the studio lights made it go funny. Now it's just sad. I hate to see food wasted.
Neat bit of crafting, though.
The lengths some people will go to just to get their cake on this blog....
Absolutely amazing!!!!!!
I wonder if the creators of this commercial are South Park fans that got the idea from the Ferrari/Acura cakes (
that is BRILLIANT!
the people are all happy and industriously working on this gorgeous car cake, there's sugar in the air, and of course julie andrews singing in the background. what could be better?
Fun ad to watch! It's an amazing amount of work to make a car commercial.
Not the first time someone's done something like this. Here's an article about a Ferrari made from cream pies.
WOW. That's all I can say. WOW. I'll be posting this on my favorite posts this week, thanks!
Oh, lovely! *Claps hands*
I like that they actually put an engine in it as well. Like, details for the win.
Good commercial. Every commercial should be like this of the first Sony Bravia. Then people wouldn't mind watching them.
that was pretty cool.
Oh My Gosh. I WANT that car! Yummy....
That is awesome. The "how to" is even better! As an engineer & a (very) amatuer cake decorator (30+ yrs experience, but not getting any better - my only salvation from "cake wrecks" is that I don't get paid), the "how'd they DO that?" has always been the best part.
The attention to detail! I mean, oil? Awesome (oo, I said that already).
All I could think about while watching was : "Suppose they offered this cake in the binder at CostCo or Publix- what would it look like when the bakers there attempted their own 'translation' and you went to pick it up?"
YOU'VE INFECTED MY LIFE! The other day I made cupcakes and did not post the photo cause I was a little afraid they might show up here. :)
I'm surprised you'd never seen this before! I never get tired of watching it. My kids ask if they can eat it every time!
That was a-MAZING! Thanks for sharing it! :)
Is that the car factory in Heaven?
someone please get me that transmission and a glass of milk. I'm hungry :)
Now THAT'S how you make a cake! And a commercial; none of those overdone lofty metaphors and winding roads that don't exist. Looked like fun to make too. Though now I want cake...
I dunno. I'd have a terrible temptation to just jump into it head first and gorge until my pancreas screamed for absolution.
Oh, but I'd die happy...
I've seen the advert loads and I love it but I didn't know there was a 'making of' video. Thanks for that!
Apparently the lights made the cake go off so they couldn't eat it. What a shame!
Å¡koda is a czech car manufacturer, not british. until recently, they were slightly on the dodgy side. (ironically, "Å¡koda" means "a pity" in czech; it was named this, however, as it was also the original manufacturers' surname(s).)
Great advert!
Wow, just today I saw that commercial on a tv show, what a coincidence. I loved it, btw.
That was awesome, I've never seen that before.
This article discusses the advert in detail, and as far as what happened to the cake, Skoda have said that it had to be composted because it went bad under the studio lights. Such a shame! But very interesting to watch.
That is amazing! Thanks for sharining it!
Holy Cow! That is amazing. I've gotta show everybody in my house when they get home from church. That is just - WOW!
Terrible cars but great ads. Wonder what happened to all that cake...
That is soooo steenkin awesome!
Yaaay I made it on Cake Wrecks !!!
So pleased you enjoyed the ad.
Thea L
Looks like they used an airbrush to 'paint' it. Score for authenticity AND for best use of airbrushing on cake!
I love how they went into such detail, like how they actually created the engine and seats when they could've easily just skipped those parts.
That was COOL! I found more info, with step-by-step pix & info about how many ingredients they had to use here: (mind that there may be some questionable content in the sidebar).
Skoda "Fabia"? Sounds a bit like...
Great ad, though :)
keely said"My favourite bit was the chap trying to get the wobbly jelly tail light into place. =D"
That was mine too. I don't think they sell Skoda's here in Halifax, NS, Canada. But the commercial is cool.
word verification: stribu...means stripes that are taboo..*LOL*kthnx
I'm sad that neither the ad itself or the how-we-did-it video end in someone talking a big ol' bite out of the car! I kept waiting for it! Even if it went a bit off under the studio lots. They could always spit it out and much grosser things have been done in the name of television. *sigh*
Anyway, awesome post!
Did you notice in the long video where it looks like they're pouring oil into the engine???
(just checked: around 4:07)
LOVE THIS! Thanks for posting it!
Amazing! Thankyou for sharing that. I have never seen an add like that. All car adds in oz are rather boring.
I know it's not at all cake-related, but the Australian Skoda ad is pretty cool, too:
My father in law has a really cute dance he does whenever the music comes on!
RaisinCookies said Skoda have said that it had to be composted because it went bad under the studio lights.
At least it wasn't a total waste, then. I would hate for all of that to have ended up in the landfill. At least it got to become compost, even if nobody got to enjoy the cake.
that was wonderful, did anyone eat the cake?
This is amazing.... I would have so loved to have been a part of that. Thanks Jen!!!!
This advert aroused a lot of interest in the UK - the sad thing is that all of the cake was rendered inedible due to the harsh lighting used to film the ad.
I'm totally impressed with this cake of course. But if they weren't going to eat it... then at the very least they should've done a crash test with it! :D
I loved this ad when it was shown, Skoda always has cheerful adverts and I admire their ability to laugh at themselves (until recently they didn't have the greatest of reputations even though there was nothing mechanically wrong with the cars). In addition they are a Czech car owned by VW (we have had three so far)
I love your blog and I thought it was about time I mentioned that to you! Also, it's not a cake, but I thought you might like this pic up on failblog - it's to do with the misuse of quotation marks!
Keep up the good work - and loved the car advert!
and I thought American's were good at wasting food.
I love it! Now I want to buy that car!
I would love it if someone gave me that cake, but as my husband said, that cake probably runs better than the actual car.
Uh oh! Did I see someone licking their fingers?
Sorry, this commercial is awesome, but nothing can beat The Cog.
Look it up!
Ummm, I don't think I want to eat this car. Did you see the person licking her fingers? Not sure about the sanitary conditions in that "Factory".
Best video ever! Love it.
Can I post a link from my blog to yours, to this video?
Uh oh! Did I see someone licking their fingers?
So glad someone pointed that out, that's all I could think of watching that video too! Glad no one ate that car... I also noticed no one wore gloves while making this car cake. ew.
It would be even better if it were a lemon cake.
That's wicked!! I want one! =D
The best part of the Making Of (Baking Of?) video is at 2:38 when the guy on set is just happily noshing away on the props!
I love this ad.
They donated all the leftover cake to someone's compost too.
Skoda is definitely Czech.
I've had the joy of riding in their lovely, efficient little electric streetcars in Portland, OR and Tacoma, WA as well as in Prague.
The one in Tacoma, for a while, had stop announcement recordings clearly done by someone in the factory of origin, at least going on the accent. "Takoma dohm stession." It was very appealing.
omg tht is amazing... DELISH! I WANT SOME. o man now im hungry!
One of the teachers at my former college craft baking course(still considered a student by my tutor!) was a consultant for this advert.
Then again, my Tutor had been banned from entering cake dec contests because she won them too often...
This is so amazing, but now in Feb 2010 - the making of video has been removed - would love to know if it's posted somewhere else!
Not sure whether this was the original making of video, but here's a link: