Now, I love pop-culture references from old 80's movies as much as the next girl, ok? Make a crack about R.O.U.S.'s or use the line, "Back off, man; I'm a scientist." and I will love you forever. That said, turning E.T. - whose popularity peaked 25 years ago - into a ticked-off looking mummy and then marketing him to the under-12 set might be a bit too obscure for today's youth. Heck, without the "phone home" reference, I doubt any adult would get it. So props to the decorator for trying to keep the dream alive, but maybe next time he or she should make it a little more obvious.
Josh W., don't you have a phone call to make?
115 comments | Post a Comment
Are you SURE that's ET?
Yah, I don't remember ET looking like he was coming down from a bender, either.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
He looks like he's covered in baked Band-Aids!! Ew11
Geez, what's with the blooshot eyes?? Did ET turn to alcohol to cope with his loss of popularity??
I don't know - if I was 12, the blood shot eyes and mummified look might freak me out :-P
ET looks diseased...... get him away from me, I don't wanna catch whatever virus it is that he has.
Yeah, phone home is right. "Honey!, phone home!, tell the kids to lock the doors n' windows!. mummy/E.T is coming!."
Looks like he turned to communism, too, as witnessed by the Hitler moustache!
No wonder the poor thing is drunk! He's drunk with power!
He's got Casanova Frankenstein eyes. I dunno, I can't do it.
Nasty! :)
Oh wow, those eyes...that is scary.
Actually, I can imagine my parents sending me this cake when I was in University; they were always complaining that I didn't call them enough. It would probably have scared me into doing it, too.
Yeah I agree with the courteous chihuahua. E.T. looks a little strung out with those crazy blood shot eyes. Actually he looks a bit like me the week after I quit caffeine.
And I still wonder about the Band-Aid/mummy effect. Did he fall off Elliot's bike on the blooper reel?
All in all this cake is inconceivable. And yes that word means what I think it means. :)
It should say, "Phone 911". This ET = Extra Terrifying!
He looks like a mummy who's been up all night partying, not E.T. And... um... his body not being cake but being frosting baked onto the cake board isn't helping matters...
This one's awful. Thanks for sharing. ;)
Ya know how some cakes are so pretty and/or terrifically detailed you don't have the heart to cut into and eat them?
This cake is like that, but totally opposite.
Beeeeeee. Gooood.
Are those wet Fritos on his face?
That is vomit inducing.
Another thought - mah flattie sed it looks like it has harlequin ichthiyosis. However you spell it. SICK!
My name is Inego Montoya. You killed my cake. Prepare to die.
-Beth (http://oneminutewriter.blogspot.com)
That is one of the scariest things I've seen in terms of cakes...
Ok, as if the blood shot eyes are freaky enough, what's with the GIANT head and the teeny, tiny body???? Ick.
Oh my... that's a really bad ET.
if this is the decorator's image of ET something is indefinetly wrong. Did they confuse it w/ a hungover mummy (and how mummy's could be hungover is beyond me)...
The only way I can describe that is a blown up mummified head w/ bloodshot eyes CLAIMING to be ET.....Will the real ET please stand up?
1. Yes, definitely a hung over ET.
2. Agree on the baked bandaids but could also be rolled out homefries.
To me it looks like ET and "The Mummy" had a child together and that scares me.
Well, my 2 year old loves it. She got all giggly and said, "oooh, it's a froggy cake!"
And he's flashing gang signs.
My two year old said, "It's a frog. It's a scary frog!"
with a few minor adjustments it could actually be "Wall E", '08 movies cute little Robot or his cube of garbage that he compacts.
Definitely not ET.
Oh, man, is this ever a wreck... they misspelled "Please Kill Me" as "Phone Home".
He looks like a pile of french fries.
Phone home! The fettucini is ready! Never mind, I've already started bathing in it!
ET looks like a burn victim. It's been a while since I watched the movie, but I'm pretty sure that there wasn't a massive fire in it.
I'm fighting the gag reflex...that would be the complete opposite of fighting the desire to bite into some cakey goodness.
Until I read "mummy," I thought he might be some kind of apple dumpling or baklava . . . but now that you've offered some kind of potential explanation for those toasty strips, it's hard not to think "mummy." And, yes, eating bandages. Maybe someone (the customer, even) thinks E.T. is a mummy, some kind of monster: scary monster movie creature . . . weirdness.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. EWWWWWW!
I think this is the scariest thing I've ever seen here. For one thing, it's the first wreck to which my immediate reaction was to assume the same expression as the wreck is wearing. (But then I moved on to that Bill the Cat look, with one eye squinted up and the other open wide. Ack!)
Also, those eyes have to be plastic, but it's disturbing that they're all buried in the... what is that stuff? Are we sure this isn't a pie wreck, with pastry strips?
this blog makes me laugh so much i cry! its amazing! im so glad i found you :)
My hat's off to you Jen. There aren't enough females out there who can quote ghostbusters.
I was having a truly hideous day today and decided to visit your blog to cheer me up.
Not only did I get a huge laugh from the blog and the cakes,(ET & the Cookie Monster?!?!), but even a reference to ROUS's? My day just did a 180. You rock!
Was this ET's punishment for being gone so long? LOL
~Amy B.
Ewww, my plate of french fries is stoned! And it looks like it had an accident with the poutine.
It looks like a naked Hamburgler.
Hey, Halloween isn't for sixteen more days. shudder
My toddler saw it and I told him it was E.T. And he looked puzzled and then said, "nooo, he should have a word on him like E.T. He is not E.T."
*watched it yesterday*
At first glance, I thought it could be Mayor McCheese from Mickey D's.... with a hangover.
Love it!!
And love C. Beth's comment.
Big fan of the Princess Bride.
Somebody needs some visene...
Stinky Cheese Man. That's what my 12 year old saw.
Oh ET! My condolences on your terrible flying bicycle accident!
Yes, I agree with the previous commentators about laying off the booze and I hope you have finally learned your lesson. No, no I'm sure Eliot forgives you for getting him kicked out of school last time.
Hehe! I thought he was made out of pie too! Oh, what a sad, sad cake. Or is it "cake"? I'm still not convinced...what the heck is it (and do I want to know)?
I was going to go for a Ghostbusters reference, but I couldn't figure out how to adapt 'that's a big Twinkie' into a joke about this cake and still make it recognizable to Ghostbusters fans...sort of like this baker didn't know how to make this cake recognizable to ET fans.
Only I knew not to go ahead and do it anyway.
Seriously, it's a hungover, fettucini-wrapped mummy hopped up on goofballs coming to murder us all as we sleep.
It'll bite your head off, man.
Oh, and he's an ugly little spud, isn't he?
Wow... that's all I got :)
This really freaked me out when I first saw it - I thought that under the face was a little alien hand reaching out imploringly to the cake-eater. Eeeuuugh! Creepy! Turns out it's supposed to be his body.
I don't know, he looks kind of like a cute little fat-faced mummy to me. If you remove ET from the equation, I can see this being a Halloween party cake.
Apparently I am completely in the minority, though! LOL.
Actually, I think that it is a Gremlin that got a little overzealous with a bikini wax kit!
Seriously, I don't think I can look at that cake much longer, much less cut into it. Looks pretty scary to me.
What in the hello was this decorator smoking to think this looks anything like ET?
I can take my glasses off, stand waaay back from the computer, squint and still not come up with ET. And what's growing out of his chin?
I'm going to have nightmares now!
I thought it was a beheaded Hamburgler! E.T? The decorator needs to phone home to get a clue?
Aaaugh! ET misdialed and was hijacked by the alien vampires of Plan 9 from Outer Space! It's now the sequel -- Plan 10: The Mummy Returns.
After purchasing this cake, my roommate and I couldn't help but cut into it to see what the eyes were made of... As it turns out, they are plastic rings that look like eyeballs marketed to children for Halloween
I desperately needed both the Ghostbusters quotes and the laugh after a very rough two days at work!
I think "E.T" might benefit from a proton stream or two.
"What the heck is this? I told you to make a mummy!"
"This is a mummy... see, bandages?"
"It... it looks more like E.T. than a mummy. Just... I dunno, put an E.T. quote on there and call it a day."
"But it's a mummy..."
"Do you want to keep your job or not? Not that you're any good at it..."
This is amazing! They should sell these cakes to people dying to lose weight. Good motivation not to eat.
By the way, my girlfriend showed me your blog and it is now my official fave. I need to go over and vote for you at the contest thingie. Thanks for brightening my day!
Any reference to E.T. always makes me feel a little skiddish. My initials are E.T. so I got told to "phone home" a lot as a kid. :(
But you made me feel 10x better by bringing up the R.O.U.S.es!! That's my all-time favorite movie, but so many people have never heard of it... What gives?
That is the single most FRIGHTENING thing I have ever seen. Eating it would give me nightmares for weeks!
I am sure that is NOT ET and it is just a stoned mummy who wants to phone home cuz he forgot where he parked his ride!
Reminds me of the chicken pot pie I made last week. Pie was good, pastry was a bit of disaster, kept breaking up when I rolled it out so I had to cobble the bits together.
NO WAY is this ET! I agree with the Halloween-related comments. This looks like a warm-up act for a spookfest!
at first i thought that it was a rrrreeeeaaalllyyy bad wall-e. then i saw the phone home .. but, the body??? one of my co-workers looked at it and said "cute" ...obviously she and the cake artist(??) had the same special drink today ....
and please, enough with the R.O.U.S.'s now i have to go watch my favorite movie, again! (oh, the book is good too)
I agree, it looks more like a pie than a cake. But still, what's with the monstrous (and I mean that literally) head and itty bitty body??
I can't decide if that's a teeny tiny body under that huge head or his hand reaching out in the classic "phone home" gesture.
Either way it still looks more like the mummy.
I thought he was covered in pasta!! That is one unappetizing cake! Can you imagine the kids fighting over the eyeballs?
Maybe E.T. is phoning home from an extended stay at the leper colony?
Yipes!I think this E.T. needs Miracle Max's help and quick!
looks a little like stewie.
I thought it was WALL-E before I saw the phone home reference...
Ohhhhh, that's his body? I thought he'd puked ...
Dear god! It might look like E.T. if there were a scene where E.T. finds Elliot's brother's stash, gets really stoned, and ends up passing out face first in a plate of pasta.
Dooooood - that's more like the guy from The Mummy.....so wrong....
That doesn't really look like ET, but it does look kinda tasty, but at the same time it looks gross.
Are you sure that it's not a freaky looking Wall-E cake instead? I mean that doesn't look anything like ET!
At least the quote wasn't "I'll be right here."
For the record, I never lost my love for E.T.
Ewwwww, that is just . . . Ewwwwwwww. It looks like someone decorated the poor cake with broken rubber bands that were melted into one giant shiny mass with a blowtorch.
I know E.T. was wrinkly, but those frosting strips remind me of those crispy dry noodles you get with your Wonton Soup.
Before I showed him the "hand" and inscription, Hubby said it looks like a snake.
wow. I just got a cake today very cute it was frankenstine with the same eyes. Funny how one perosn saw the eytes and thought franksten and the other saw the same eyes and thought ET
ROFL at all the comments, but extra points to
**alexandra erin** for this:
they misspelled "Please Kill Me" as "Phone Home".
I had soda/nose problems from that one.
Is that *MERINGUE* ?
If so, that's the scariest meringue I've ever seen. *brrr*
E.T.'s eyes are supposed to be blue. Enough said. I gotta go wash my eyes out with sulphuric acid!!
Looks like a cherry pie gone horribly wrong!
Looks like a pile of used Band-Aids.
*reads description*
I still don't see it. I think it must have been one of the monsters my D&D group fought in the past.
THE EYES, they will haunt me 'till I die.
Could be that E.T. has been mummified.
i like it, reminds me of home, and those corn chips sure look tasty...
looks more like floory from pee-wee's playhouse to me.
"This is not happening, Ray.
This is happening.
Please tell me it's not happening, Ray?
That might or might not be a quote from "Ghostbusters".
But still it's a better mistake than that cake.
I'm so sorry to have to point this out, but feel I must, in light of your hilarious lampooning of misused apostrophes on wrecks:
R.O.U.Ss and '80s do not require apostrophes before the pluralized "s".
Keep on wrecking!
Forget pissed.. what's up with the red eyes? He looks stoned? Et phone.. uh.. crap what was I doing.. haha look my finger is glowing.. ooo
I thought it was the Hamburgler as well - a very made one but still a Hamburgler.
Oh my gosh, it's like he was mummified! And also has a hangover or something! Maybe that brings new meaning to the message - "Phone home! I can't drive in this condition!"
My first thought was, "Why is ET made of frosting french fries?"
Apparently ET is made of baked pasta. :D
Hey Rachel (who posted Anon)-
I can't comment on the ROUS, as I'm not famliar with that acronym.
If I'm not mistaken though, 80's does call for an apostrophe because it is something belonging to that decade. 80s would be an incorrect way of speaking about a multiplicity of an "80".
I think I'm right about that, but if not..then cheers!
That is clearly a sentient baked potato.
ET DOES look rather beat up, doesn't he? It's like there was an apocalypse on his home planet...
looks like he got into a bad fight with an ROUS!!
Or, what to do with all those leftover fried noodles you get with your Chinese Food but never eat.
Wow -- this one must be from "ET Two: Electric Bugaloo...the Leprosy Years."
Hey kids gather 'round for some leper loaf!
Oh my. Well, I was hungry..... until...... Well, it is Halloween today anyway :)
I know I'm necroposting, and slightly drunk, and oh yeah, it's 2:35am where I am, but WOW is that nightmare fuel. Freaked me out when I went to the next page.
it looks like his body got hit by a car and all his organs flowed up to make his head huge . . . in other words, gross.