Honestly, I've been e-mailed this so often I'm getting a haddock, and I'm starting to think there's something fishy going on here. Did the cake's non-baker shellfishly do this on porpoise? I'm not hard of herring, you know; I just couldn't fathom why you all would want a sushi "cake" on Wrecks. But then I figured, hey, I'm just being crabby - why not post the photo?
You know, for the halibut.
Thanks to the roughly half-zillion of you out there who sent me this link. And before you ask, why yes, I am a Dr.Demento fan.
142 comments | Post a Comment
What the h-e-double hockey sticks is that? Can you imagine the smell?
There is just nothing right with that.
Congrats on being a "Blog of Note".
I've turned all of my friends on to you.
OMG! I'm vegetarian, but if I'm ever tempted to eat fish or meat, I'll save this pic to look it. It's nauseating! First time I've ever laughed as I felt nauseous, though! :P
Haha! Love the puns :) You rock, friend.
OMG, this blog is the funniest! I gotta get back into decorating cakes! OK, not the fish cake, but seriously love your blog!!
Sushi (good sushi) doesn't smell like anything, jbvieregge. But... yeah, a "cake" of it is a bit questionable. XD
As for all the fishy puns, yay! I love Kip Adduta's song "Wet Dream" and this is highly reminiscent.
omg no. no. no. no.
that is just... gross.
Oh, just saw the Dr. Demento bit. Right, that's what I meant. :D
Dr. Demento Rocks! "Fish heads, fish heads....Yum!"
And yes, I have Kip Adotta's song "Wet Dream" going through my head now!!
What the...eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww!
I'm a little disappointed that with all your comments about this cake, you didn't get a "Fish Heads" reference in there! :)
hahahh - love all the fishiness in your comment. Thats just impressive. And I love sushi but umm - eww for a cake!
I guess I'm the only reader that thinks this looks yummie! I love sushi. Oh well. I still wouldn't want a raw fish wedding cake!
I love the caviar all over it. It kind of looks like the cake's messed its self.
when I was pregnant with my first, I couldn't even stand the smell of fish, and preggo nose meant I could smell it a mile away.
I think I just got a little sick...
Oche, the roe . . . that just looks terrible.
But is that a professional cake?
I think the caterer drastically misunderstood the meaning of "fish cake".
Shaaaaammmmee... shame on whomever thought that was a good idea. Shaammmeee on whomever paid for it! Shame on you all!!
*eels over*
I think this is the sort of cake you can't enjoy until you get tanked. ;)
Is that Edamame & Avacodo slices on a fish cake??? For a moment I was certain that a clown threw up...
you're hilarious!
So talented. Love the commentary!
Hooray for Dr. Demento fans!! I just heard that song the other day (yes, I have Dr. Demento's 20th anniversary set on my mp3 player.)
"Just fix the damn thing and keep my private life out of it, okay?"
D-I-double gus-TING cake!
that's the nastiest thing I have ever seen. gross
oh my heavens!!! This is just nasty, even if you like sushi! Your blog puts a smile on my face every morning, thank you. I will keep James' family in my prayers even though that probably isn't politically correct. Keep up the good work. Annie
It's true: this isn't technically a Wreck. It's not pro-made, paid for, or even cake! But hey, how else was I supposed to make a bunch of fish puns? :)
It was for a wedding party, btw, not the wedding itself. Don't know if that helps...
Although I would much rather have sushi any day of the week over cake of any sort, I dunno that I need it presented like that!
Regarding the commentary: Cod you be a little less sharky next time?
I'm going to be the first to say it, and I'm not going to flounder around trying to come up with a clever way to phrase it: that looks delicious.
Of course, I'm herring on the side of caution, here, but I'll guess most people are thinking, "Cod this be any more nasty?" I'm floundering for something nice to say. Koi vey!
By the way, how did they get everything to perch in tiers like that?
And though sushi's supposed to be odorless...I still think it must've smelt bad! But then again, I've never been a sucker for seafood.
to be honest, i think it's quite beautiful. not sure i'd dive into a cake of raw fish with a hundred other people but i do think the aesthetics are nice. : ) haha
jen, love your blog. my friends and i read it every day. funniest thing i've read in awhile.
Jen, as a fellow fan of the good Doctor, I'm dying over here. Marvelous post. You didn't flounder for a moment.
I guess I'll be the odd one out. I love sushi, as do most of my friends, and think that "cake" is cool. Now I wouldn't have it at my wedding reception (most of my family wouldn't come within 20 feet of fish that isn't battered and deep fried), but at, say, a bridal shower with friends? Yeah totally. I really don't see this as being much different than the Kripsy Kreme donut wedding cake (in the interest of full disclosure: I'm not a big fan of KK; I much prefer dunkin donuts)
BTW, jbvieregge, fresh fish does not smell. If you've been dealing with stinky fish I feel sorry for you.
Once again, people - MEAT does not belong in CAKE!!!
Amazing cake!It seems to be very good!
That is just wrong on so many, uh, layers...
I like sushi, but that looks too much like ducks swimming on vomit for me eat any of it.
Salmon, soy beans, avocado, caviar.....oh my. I think I just threw up a little.
Damn that is something else. Pretty wild. Nice job though as I'd be willing to try it although not after it's been sitting around for 3 hours! Eeek.
Somebody's sick!
I think this looks delicious (even at 8 in the morning.) Then again I loooove sushi.
I would so love to eat a sushi cake, but that would have to be consumed VERY quickly. The thing I don't get, though, is the duckies. The duckies are confusing.
It's so wonderful. I now have a picture to look at for the purpose of curbing my mid-morning snack craving at work! Thank you thank you thank you. When diet and exercise fail, there's always sushi cake. (Just kidding, I'm not on a diet, but this could be a real appetite curbing program that you could start and make millions, although I would like to think your blog is doing that for you, as it is so wonderful!)
Oy. And if the queasy factor of the fish doesn't get you- lots of those rubber novelty duckies have lead.
I see why you passed on posting it the first 500 thousand times.
Loved the cleaver use of pisceanary terms, you really let fly with them. This hooked me with the first pun, then you just kept stringing me along. No need to scale back on the excellent commentary. Please keep trouting out more cakes for our amusement.
i totally have that song in my head now! LOL!!!!
Ahhh.... Dr. Demento.....
...roley- poley fish heads....
(in a sing-song voice)
But I digress...
Are you sure it's not filled with tuna salad like those other "lunch-cake" abominations??
Trying not to yack on my computer keyboard.
This looks so good! We're taking our wedding party to a sushi restaurant - might have to suggest it! ;-)
Actually, I think the most hilarious part of the whole thing is the rubber duck couple.
And, no, I don't think it's appetizing at all.
You know, you salmon see a fish cake that big...
Just discovered your blog and I love it! Love the sushi cake, too. I've been a Dr. Demento fan since the mid-70's. Yikes, I'm getting old. (You must have heard the "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" song)
You totally did not just post for the halibut. You plainly did it on porpoise. It's making me eel, and I may have to call a sturgeon to check me out.
I love your commentary!
You are so clever! I love it!
This blog makes my life better. I smiled at the photo, but cracked up at your halibut pun. :)
I love sushi, but I wouldn't eat a bite from that "cake." Raw fish that's been sitting out for who knows how long? And I don't see any type of ice around it helping to keep it cold. No thank you.
Hey...what ever floats their boat!! If that's what they want, that's what they get!!
Love, love, love your puns!!
OMG now I've seen it all. A raw meat cake. *barf*
I don't know-as you said, the whole thing looks a little fishy to me too. I say tuna up the volume and let's get this party started. Bass me a plate, please.
This looks like something Mike Rowe would have created on Dirty Jobs. Unfortunately the fish would have been extracted from the stomachs of birds and larger fish. Or maybe after his episode when he worked on the fish processing ship ...
Eat them up, yum. NOT.
I love sushi...but that is just WAY too much!!
That is the most disgusting thing I have every seen! ROTFLMAO! Gross to the max!
Somebody got scrod.
Call me crazy, but if you can get past the plastic ducks on top it might be pretty yummy.
It's clear why you need to do it - with all the hydrogenated shortening and high-fructose corn syrup, regular cake is really bad for you, even in moderation. These people were obviously health-conscious, and demanded a cake approved by the Sturgeon General.
Besides, I've gotten cute with sushi before. When I saw this travesty, I thought "There but for the crates of cod, go I".
I discovered Cake Wrecks today while investigating the "Blogs of Note" feature on my blogspot dashboard. I scrolled through your entire blog with tears rolling down my face (partly because of the wrecks and partly because of Baby James)! Ohmigosh, your site is priceless. Not only did I attach a link to your page on my own page, but I posted a quick piece on it too... http://casahice.blogspot.com
I'll be checking you out daily. Thanks for the amazing caketrocities - and especially for the hilarious commentary.
Alixandra Hice
I just want to get to the other tide of the room to get away from the smell.
I love sushi. Love, love, love it. Had some for lunch an hour ago,as a matter of fact. Raw fish, rice, edamame, avocado, spinach, ginger and cucumber are nectar of the Gods in my book. But as a CAKE? A WEDDING CAKE? Completey and utterly inappropriate.
Though I bet it tasted awesome. Soy sauce and wasabi, anyone?
Nope, uh-uh, no way...
Can't find ONE reason why there should ever be a sushi cake.
I mean sushi and cake shouldn't even share space in the same sentence, let alone meet on a cake!
Nasty - gross - completely foul - and all things negative - This is indeed a wreck...
Oddly, I find this simultaneously appetizing and disturbing.
I like sushi, but prefer veggie sushi. I don't like ikura, though, and this is not making me want to try it again. But I think a veggie sushi cake would be even awesomer. Mmmm, nori.
Those puns were horrible (and I mean that in a good way) and I too thought of Kip Adotta. At least this cake has no fish heads.
O.K.,I love sushi, but even I would have a hard time eating this. Presentation counts for lot, and this just looks gross.
That's FISH? I thought it was fruit. YUUURRGGGHHH! That's nasty!
I wonder if anyone actually ate this cake...
Thanks for the giggle! Another awesome cake wreck!
One word.......BLECH!!!!
Scary! I guess the only thing that would make it worse is
Fish Heads
Fish Heads
Roly poly fish heads!!
Ah, the puns! It looks very colourful but I don't think I'd give it a taste myself somehow. Love the ducks <3
Yuck! I guess the edamame is really supposed to dress this thing up:)
I kind of love it...but I love sushi and sweet little duckies. While I would not want this for my birthday, my husband would go head over EELS for it.
Had to do it, sorry.
Ohhhhhhhhh YUCK!
okay, seriously though, I am now, ummm. seriously... ummm... NO Just BLAH!
Love the commentary!! Hate the 'cake'!! Whats with the ducks on top too???
GROSS!! You do have some cakes that make me laugh out loud, but this is NOT one of them...
And...and... it's for a wedding??? I do love the bride and groom duckies on the top. Very sweet. But, um, wow. Obviously not a vegetarian-friendly crowd.
Really the only way to make sense of all of this is if the couple getting married actually ARE ducks.
Fish cake not so weird suddenly.
I'm surprised it's not piped in wasabi - what with the tube just sitting there in the background.
i love sushi - but this makes me gag a little.
Nice job Christina, remember this is a blog that snarks on odd cakes--nothing personal! I am sure your friends appreciated your work!
GROSS! The best way to describe this cake disaster.
Looks like sashimi, not sushi. Sushi is a type of rice preparation that *sometimes* has raw fish associated with it. Sashimi is simply raw fish. So it may be a sashimi cake (unless the bulk of it under the fish is actually sushi rice?)
I appreciate the creativity if this but it's just wrong on so many levels. Wrong I tell you!! I bet you they spent a fortune on this.
Better pass on taking a piece home ... unless it's for your dog!
The only thing that would have made this cake a real winner is somw raw ducks on top....that would be sweeeettt..
My daughter-in-law and I have been giggling the past two days over 'Cake Wrecks' and today your own adlibs just write themselves .......almost!
Worst cake ever. Omg
I found you through "blogs of note." After reading several pages of posts I want to thank you for the ab workout. I haven't laughed this much in years.
This is GREAT!!! My favorite sushi chef in Boston made a 8"x8" 3-tier birthday 'cake' for my ex-wife one year with tuna, salmon, mango pieces, and strawberry slices. It also had flowers made from oranges and cilantro leaves. It was really impressive! AND it tasted amazing!!!
Ummm I love sushi... but THAT made my stomach turn.... Blech
Besides the edamame (boiled soybeans) and fish roe for decoration, the little yellow stars and hearts look like they're cut out of tamago, a kind of sweet, cold omelette also eaten on top of sushi rice. This actually looks pretty tasty to me; the ingredients are things I like, they just happen to be formed into the shape of a cake. I like it!
Well I'm not totally grossed out by the cake, more the fact that someone would actually choose fish over actual cake is more horrific. Plus the fact they put rubber ducky's on top. Way to look classy.
No other way to describe it.
Reminds me of an episode of Dragnet where Harry Morgan makes a pumpernickel, peanut butter, cream cheese garlic sandwich for a poker game.
It looks good!
Putting ducks on molded raw fish is a bit too close to putting cows on molded steak tartare, though.
Oh man, what is that on top? Is that a fruit cake? A fruit cake on top of a fish mess?
Hehehehehe... Forget the cake pictures, it's your comments that get me to laughing more than anything.
Thanks for the laughs, I really needed them this week!
I am Mrs Slocum's Pussy and I endorse this cake!
You pun with words is so funny. My friend made a platypus grooms cake once!! LOL
Wow. Like the tick in the Vios commercial. Wo-ow!
Ew, and yet YUM.
I have no words. Nope. None.
I'm a big sushi fan, but man that looks so gross. Who would seriously wanna eat that? By the way, fresh fish has no smell, but if that thing had been sitting out all evening... ewwwwwww!
Good lord. Fruit cake on top of sashimi tiers covered with edamame? With rubber duck bride and groom figurines?! There is a such thing as being TOO quirky, ya know.
What's with the ducks ontop?
They look like the bride and groom!
Why ducks on a fish cake, yes they both are water lovers, but ducks, that just tops it off, as really awful!!
And when did they know they had enuff or too much decorations on it...pmsl
1. Lima beans? What lima beans? I'm confused.
2. Actually the first time I tried edamame, they reminded me of lima beans. So I'm not even sure lima beans on this would be so bad. Not that I'd bother trying or anything.
Oh my cod fish! The worlds going to the dogfishes. Even though I think it's a load of crappie, my friend will love this blog, he is very sailfish, but i'm sure eel tell many of his friends about this blog.
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Not fair. Not even a cake cake. Takes all the love out of sushi. Let's get back to flour, butter, eggs, people!! Bet you're glad you got that post out of the way!
eeeeewww . . . but very creative.
PU-LEEZ tell me this was not a wedding cake??
Yuk, I've seen better refreshments served at a wake.
I think I might have just thrown up in my mouth. EW. Wrong on so many levels.
Gross, gross, gross! And I'm not just talking about all your puns... (sorry, I had a friend in town this past weekend who is the king of puns...I heard more than anyone should have to put up with!)
I hope you will enjoy this comment as much as I have enjoyed your blog. I sent it to my fish-loving boyfriend, who actually got quite a kick out of it, but couldn't resist the witty urge to join your banter. His response:
"Oh my cod…laughing my bass off…she’s a fresh one…as far as sea food goes…the hake cake’s lookin good…I could eat a tuna that stuff…makes me wanna say “wahoo!”"
It looks like fresh roadkill.
Yeah, it's funny looking but I bet it is YUMMY!
I'm very picky about the quality and freshness of my raw fish but If I knew and trusted the person who assembled the cake, I would eat the whole darn thing.
at least it's pretty...
i see quite a bit of "Ewws"... but how many have actually tried sushi? Dont hate until you try it at least.. its quite good
love the blog and love the fishy rimes!
hello super girls !
welcome :)
Good heavens!! What IS that thing?
Looks like somebody actually went to
a lot of trouble to make that mess.
Oh dear lord that's just disturbing!
i thought this was a rather yummy looking alternative to a "fruit" cake (i didnt have my glasses on!) until i looked at the enlarged picture....FISH?! in a CAKE!?
What is most disturbing to me are the rubber ducks on top. The fact that someone out there manufactures them in wedding attire for purchase is even more puzzling than why someone would want a sushi cake at their wedding celebration.
A veggie and meat cake? WOW
army green, appetizing and teeth staining!
oh for crying out loud, people! do your research. This cake was made with tongue firmly planted in cheek and was not only NOT served at an actual wedding, but most definitely did not sit out for hours due to said wedding.
I should know this. I PROVIDED THE DUCKS!!
(they were attached to a bridal shower gift and we figured since the sushi looked like a cake, and the event was a faux-wedding, we might as well have a topper, no matter how benign it was)
As much as I love sushi and as much as I think a sushi cake COULD be kind of cool, this one looks like someone took the contents of the dumpster and crammed it into a jello-mold.... Horrifying!
love the puns!
sending this on to many people now!
Hope the creator of this doesn't sue-she might, you know!
mm, sashimi. but why on earth is there christmas cake on the top? that's so wrong.
I thought the cake was just ducky!
I think the part that got to me wasn't the sushi....its the plastic rubber duck on top?!?!? WTF?
ahahaha...so much fishiness in your comment. Thats just impressive. I love sushi , a lot but - eww for a cake!