Allow me to present exhibit A:

These seemingly innocent "cakes" are instead a threat to all the sugary goodness we hold dear. Observe:

Once sliced, you will note that these "cakes" are not cakes at all. Instead, they are layers of various meat and mayo-based salads, bread, and then - here's the worst part - "iced" with cream cheese. Note how the creators of these twisted impostors then push the deception even further by decorating the "cakes" with little roses, vines, and piped borders.
I ask you, fellow carb-lovers, are we to allow such cake defamation to stand? Will we sit idly by while our children and grandchildren are subjected to cakes that are not cakes? And if so, what next? Liverwurst doughnuts? Tuna-filled eclairs? Meat pies? (Oh, wait...)
Nay, I say, nay! We shall rise up, and as one declare that our butter cream icing must remain unsullied, our baked goods pure in sugar. Join me, and together we can make our world a place of fat, sugar, and dairy-based products for all!
Melissa P., thanks for calling my attention to this adjusted unjust injustice. (Seashell-Selling She, eat your heart out.)
223 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Meatcakes rock.
These aren't particularly appetizing, and cream cheese is a bit weird I agree... any true meatcake lover will use mashed potatoes.
Actually, that sounds pretty mouth-watering to me. Except for the cream cheese icing which I hope is flavoured with something savoury. I like looking at fancy cakes but I don't have a sweet tooth. I wonder if I can get someone back home to make these things. :)
Gross!! I think biting into something and being surprised that it's actually a completely different taste is the worst.
In my restaurant days we used to trick other employees into biting into big bowls of sour cream dressed up as ice cream with chocolate sauce and a cherry.
It was cruel
Oh, eww. I just lost my appetite.
If you find THAT disturbing...ou have to see this:
Hmmm... this reminds me that my mother used to make a liver sausage "cake" frosted with cream cheese on the dog's birthday when I was a kid. We'd invite the neighborhood kids AND their dogs.
Of course there was real cake for the people. ;)
And, yes, my mother was a little nutty.
omg, that looks gross!
Of all the strange cakes you've posted this one has me freaked out the most. Yuck!
That's disgusting...I bet my husband would LOVE it. Blech!!
No. NOOOO! I would be SO mad if I cut into one of those beauties only to find... chicken salad. Ick.
We once went to a wedding in Sweden and were victims of this terrible ploy. It looked like cake. It wasn't. Instead it was layers of mayonnaise, white bread, a bologna-like ground substance, cucumbers and SHRIMP! It was one of the most horrifying experiences of my life.
Before we get our nickers in a double knot here, I believe that we should think of our Diabetic and Hypoglycemic brothers and sisters. With one of these cakes they too can finally have thier cake and actually be able to eat it too. Besides, one of the "cakes" I have made had Meatloaf on the inside and was frosted with mashed potatos. I even dyed the potatos yellow, pink and green and decorated it with flowers and greenery. It went for $50.00 at an April Fools cake auction.
o_0 is that ham salad?
They do look pretty, tho.
All I can say is...WHY???!!
That is disgusting! Who could possibly think that's a good idea?yv
oh ewww! meat based salads instead of sugery cakey goodness? what's wrong with the world today?!!
That's really just kind of disgusting. I couldn't imagine biting into that without being told it wasn't real cake. What a surprise it would be to the unexpected cake-lover.
You funny, funny woman!
They're very pretty....but quite disturbing. How to do we know now the next time we go to a dinner party and see what we think is a beautiful dessert table only to discover that it is in fact the main course! 0.o
Those are incredibly disturbing. Incredibly, incredibly disturbing.
I'd far more likely enjoy a cake that looked like a pizza or a bowl of spaghetti & meatballs (which I've had, and it was awesome) than eat a sandwich that looks like dessert! And that's just plain mean to little kids!
Bravo! A very moving speech indeed...
And yes... those so-called "cakes" are an utter travesty. Offensive to the eyes, taste buds, and mind. They must be destroyed for the goodness of all cakedom.
Eww, that's just not right. I'd much rather eat the HerpAway Kermit than the yummy-looking cake imposter. What a let-down!
Good grief. Are those back again? (I remember them from my mom's garden club luncheons: "Party Sandwich Loaf," the recipe in her cookbook said. But then they went away, and I was hoping they would stay gone.
Hilarious! I remember going to my cousin's bridal shower as a kid and my aunt pulled this on her unsuspecting guests. Treason, I say!
Oh, now that's just wrong. There ain't no sense in that kind of foolishness. I tell ya what, if someone tried to pull that crazy stuff on me, at a party, I'd be forced to kick 'em in the shins. You don't go messin' with cake around a big girl.
This one, well....I have to say it (cliche and all!) takes the cake (and wrecks it). This is seriously a crime against HUMANITY.
Imagine the psychological damage these people are doing. You're at a party, looking for a decent sugar hit to keep you from killing the other boring guests. You take a slab of cake, only to're eating spam mousse! Talk about post traumatic cake syndrome. I also love how they show it served with fruit salad.
Love the site, you're keeping me very amused at what my fellow pastry chefs get up to! (bringing shame on the community, basically.)
Gross. Just gross.
This is just like Rachel's banana meat trifle on Friends, except that this is real. That makes it a thousand times worse. The horror!!
Hahaha, Jen!
Blame the little roses!
Best wishes!!!
I can't imagine how horrified my taste buds would be if I bit into this expecting cake. This is just mean.
Nasty! If I'm going to eat cake, it's going to be the sugary kind, preferably with lots of chocolate and maybe gooey lemon or raspberry filings. Or German Chocolate. Or Black Forest torte. Not some gross ground-up meat 'n mayonnaise!
What's next, cream cheese-covered Spam?
P.S. Was I really first?
Hiding nutrition in cake...what will they think of next? ):
I had the misfortune of shoving a huge forkful of a similar decepticake into my mouth at a wedding shower. I think I was six and I was so alarmed, I ran to my mom crying "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE CAAAAKE!"
I remember my aunt pulling this duplicity at my cousin's bridal shower. I was ten and so pissed! I thought we were having cake for lunch!
Here, here...preach it!! Sugary cake lovers unite!
God help me, it looks good.
that is HORRIBLE!!!!!
how can anyone eat that!!
no a cake must
be filled with sugary goodness
to rot our teeth to make cavities
to save some for later!!!
Actually, those are pretty good! I've had them before at baby showers.
I think an appropriate law to apply would be that if one must serve a sandwich cake like this, there must be at least twice as much real cake available for dessert.
This is heinous! Being an insane lover of cake and totally ANTI meat.. This is my 'accidentally ate meat' worst nightmare! How can they do this? Is there not some sort of cake police? Cant we call PETA?!?!
What is wrong with the world?! I am a meat lover, and a cake lover but this has just gone too far. TOO FAR! Is there something I can sign, or someone I can call?
PS love this blog sooo much!
the tuna filled eclairs sound really good. I say "let them eat cake!"
Oh come on. Are you telling me that there are no sandwich cakes where you live? They are just great!
After all, they don't even compete with sugary cakes. A sandwich cake is something to satisfy your appetite after boring ceremonies or a couple of hundred miles traveling to the occasion. You just have to eat it as a salty snack, not a sweet one.
At least here in Finland sandwich cakes are greatly appreciated.
DIS.GUST.ING. That is so disgusting. That's really all I can say. Who would eat that, ever? I'd rather eat the baby cake, because at least it's made of cake.
I know it's not directly cake related, but your post reminded me of this other sign of the apocolypse:
So, so wrong.
Oh, my.
The sight of that had me excited...and then my stomach let out a pain at the sight of the insides. That's...mayo and cream cheese?
The words "cake" and "mayonnaise" are not to be combined....EVER.
I gagged when I read that.
Okay that just looks wrong. Of course I am not a big fan of any sandwich filling that looks like it could be spread on, blech. That is just not right.
Jen, you rock!
and, of course, you are absolutely right. Food-pretending-to-be-cake is messing with people's minds.
Oh, my. Some characters made this in, I believe, a crappy old Donna Parker novel, so it's a crappy old idea, not a crappy new one. They were very pleased with their own cleverness. The only thing that could make it semi-right is if there were also cakes that looked like sandwiches.
okay yeah thats just wrong.
Oh, that is just *wrong.* And nasty. I can just imagine seeing those on a buffet and then finding out what they are. Yuck.
That is WRONG on every possible level!
No words are necessary:
surely that's a criminal offence of some kind - fraud, extreme mental cruelty? Or at very least misrepresentation.
MAKE IT STOP people!
I blame Martha. Her website is full of these types of recipes
Haha, that's funny! I know I'd definitely be surprised by that. But, if the meats used inside were good (no, bologna does NOT count as good meat), I'd be happy anyway.
I am deeply offended as are my well built cake hips.
Actually these "sandwich cakes" are quite popular at least in northern Europe, and they have been around for long time. It is usual to decorate it with the main engredient, for example ham slices or smoked salmon, so that people know what is served. I usually make a fish sandwich cake with two fillings, smoked salmon with mayo and boiled eggs with butter.
Sandwich cakes can be really delicious, so I wouldn't call them wrecks, but a sandwich cake decorated with roses would indeed be a wreck. You should be able to recognize that you are not taking a slice of a sweet creamfilled wonder.
Elsa H.
Oh no! No no no no no!
It actually makes me feel ill, especially as I thought they didn't look so bad until I read further.
Without having tried any of this "cake", who knows, it might be fantastic, but the entire concept is WRONG. Wrong wrong WRONG.
String 'em up, I say!
Oh no, these "cakes" are wrong on so many levels.
Oh these are a Brazilian thing...I've eaten one before. It had pureed gherkin, egg...other things...really not great. They are deceptively cute though.
Seems just like ... well, a terrine, but without all the gelatine goo. Sounds like an improvement on the terrine, at least. ;)
ewwwww...that would be so disappointing to bite into, at least they could have decorated them with piped veggies or something not pretty.
Sorry, but there is just something so inherently Wrong with this!
Cakes are meant to be delicious, sweet and sugary! But these meat cakes...(be honest here people, chances are they are 100% animal by product--not even good cuts!) are just beyond the pale!
Meat-cakes: Just Say NO!
No, no, no! You are greatly mislead! Sandwich loaf, the proper name for this featured "cake", is FABULOUS. Like, I'd sell a child for some fabulous.
Really, there can be nothing more wrong than a cake made from meat. It makes me feel dirty. This abomination must be stopped.
Yup, nothing like wanting something tasty only to bite into one of these things! A great way to pull one over on the kids!!
My ex girlfriend used to love "cakes" like this, only they were "iced" with mayonnaise. It was a Quebecois thing. So revolting!
liverwurst filled doughnuts actually sound pretty good.
GROSS!! I can't even believe that someone had that idea...FIRE THEM from bakery, NOW PLEASE!!!
in the 1950's such 'cakes' were popular for bridge clubs, women's club's meetings, etc. i have old cookbooks with recipes with such things.
i can't believe this is making a come back!
That is so very very wrong! I'd be po'd if that was placed before me!!!
Oh. My. God. I feel absolutely ill. Why, oh, why??? The insanity!!
Thats terrible! (And a bit [read: a lot] unappetizing!)
If you don't like those cakes (bread/mayo/meat/cream cheese sounds appealing to me) then you probably will hate the breakfast cake at Part of this complete nutritious breakfast!
This is an abomination.
See also: more grossness
But ANYTHING can be improved (or perhaps in this case redeemed!!)by saturating it with refined sugar and lard-based frosting representations of scraggly feet several inches thick!
I thought it was just chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. UGH! What's the world coming to?!?!?
What on earth is that called? And to think I was teasing about meat quick bread yesterday.
Um, OMG. I started out thinking, "What's the matter with those cakes? They look delicious!"...until I read that they were filled with "various meat and mayo-based salad". Then I threw up a little in my mouth :X
That is the most nauseating thing I have ever seen. I don't know what's worse, the mouthful of meat products and (seemingly from the looks of the photo) egg salad inside, or the thought I initially had that the whole thing was covered in a layer of mayonnaise, not cream cheese (which is also gag-inducing).
I just threw up a little in my mouth...
Noooo! We can't let that happen!
Give me sugary or give me death!
The concept of a meat "cake" just makes me want to gag. Gross. Can you imagine how surprised one would be thinking that is a scrumptious cake and, in the midst of party convo, just mindlessly taking a bite without looking... expecting a sweet and getting meat, mayo and cream cheese. That's just... just... vomitous.
That is nasty!!!
This sounds like Part 2 of some demented Friends episode (remember the one when Joey loved the trifle with layers of ladyfingers, whippped cream, marmelade, peas, onions and ground beef?). Wow.
Meat and cheese 'cakes', and when sliced offered with extra fruit?!
If it was several sorts of ice-cream I would say yummie.
THAT is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.
I guess it's only fair to have savory food dressed up as cake, when this bakery disguises cupcakes as savory food. Gotta love peas and carrots, mashed potatoes, and even chicken drumsticks made of cupcakes, frosting, and candy!
I could only imagine the pain of biting into a delicious cake and then realizing its meat. Terrible.
I second the motion! This is unacceptable! Reprehensible! And above all, ICKY!
WHAT?! That's just not right. It's a travesty I tell you!
Ehm, this is a dish, not a dessert.
Sometimes this blog and its readers cross the line of poking fun at the unfamiliar and just come off as very smallminded and closed off from the rest of the world. Like with the Japanese poo cake.
All trickery aside, that does look pretty cool. Of course, for my 12th birthday, I had an ice cream cake that looked like a pizza, so who am I to judge.
Ewww. I don't like anything that surprises me. This would surprise me because I would expect it to be sweet. I'm pretty sure I would vomit a bit.
I can't help but go straight to the pictures when I visit this blog, which is why my first reaction was, "What's wrong? These don't look like 'cake wrecks' at all."
Then I read the commentary. And I fainted.
Oh, blech! I'm a vegetarian, so that sickens me always, but still that's pretty nasty!
I stumbled upon your blog today and have read every single post already. I have laughed so hard that I am crying and my 3 year old daughter just said, "what's wrong, mommy?" Ok, time to step away from the computer.
This is awesome and I will SO be back.
Kudos, my bloggy friend.
These look disgusting, but I've seen a meatloaf cake covered with mashed potatoes that looked pretty good. At least if people knew what it was first. Taste cognitive dissonance is just plain cruel. I'd never want to eat cake again!
OMG - I was just sitting here thinking that I was getting mighty hungry, and then I saw that. It is foul, vile, and wrong on so many levels that I have lost my desire to eat lunch. Grrreat.
I think this is a fabulous concept - especially in a scenerio where a lot more cake is served (perhaps at a themed occasion). Like a terrine, it has the potential to make for really great plate presentation, great colors, and varying textures. I would, however, think the "frosting" decorations would be more creative - more appropriate for the filling or something.
Then again, I have been known to make a batch of eclairs and fill 3 or 4 with mayo and pickle relish or mustard...
I think this looks awesome and I want to know where you find one! Although I admit, if I thought I was getting actual cake and I got this instead I'd probably toss my cookies. I've never seen meatcakes before but in college they would serve this evil decepticake that we called Chocolate Surprise because when you bit into to it, "Surprise, it's raisin!" Post traumatic cake syndrome, indeed!
I have to try the breakfast cake someone linked to, that looks awesome! (Only I'd use tomatoes instead of red peppers. Love the site, thanks for keeping my laughing!
If people want meat cakes, okay, fine. It's probably not that weird, if you think of them as a sandwich with the spread on the outside. (Personally, I think they look like they belong in the Gallery of Regrettable Food, but we all have our own taste.)
It's the flowers, though. The flowers mess with your head. If I'm looking for a bite to eat, I'm not usually also looking for a side of psychological experiment.
Apart from the design, not too bad. But, then again, where I'm from this isn't that big of a deal. Sweden and Finland seems to inhabit the biggest fanbases for these oh so lovely creations. Seeörgåstårta for reference.
One cannot have light without darkness. I assume these cakes are in response to some other cakes you highlighted previously:
Personally, I would like to have the meat-cake as an entree and the meat-looking-but-real-cake as dessert :)
. . . funny, for me that's just normal. : D I'm like "What's up? o__o I had once of those for my birthday party..."
Here in Finland those kind of cakes are just normal. They are served at weddings, birthday parties, anywhere.
They are called 'sandwich cakes'. I find them delicious.
Man I love this blog. It just keeps getting better and better.
We used to make these in Home Ec in Junior High - gosh 40 years ago! I agree with the Euro poster, tho' - you're supposed to decorate it so you know what's inside it. But they can be very tasty!
that's just gross.
Imagine thinking that it was a torte, and then taking a bite. @___@
I maybe biased because I HATE mayonnaise, and the thought of eating egg salad makes me want to cry, but that description honesly made me sick to my stomach. Who are these sick people creating these things?
This cake should come with a warning! Also, talk about false advertising!!!!!!!!! If this isn't a crime it sure should be! How grossly unfair - to expect a piece of sweet cake and frosting and get a mouthful of..... BLICH!!
This is so very wrong on so many levels as numerous other fans of your blog have pointed out. I agree. Off with their.... ?? Heads? Hands? Whatever!
Ay carumba.
Whatever happened to finger sandwiches? We need to frost deli salads with cream cheese now?
I have no problem w/the idea of meatcake...just tell me that's what it is before I bite into it
This reminds me of the time I went to serve up my sister some vanilla ice cream, but in just the spoon I put a scoop of mashed potatoes. I handed her the cold dish of very innocent ice cream, she put the spoonful o' spuds in her mouth, which was immediately proceeded by opening her mouth and letting it just fall out... into my quick reflexed hand.
It makes for a good JOKE, not something you'd really serve! What's the purpose of making meat/cream cheese, etc look like a baked good? Just nicely present it as what it is so there's no question! SICK.
No! No! No!
I say let your sweets be sweet and your savories be savory. And NEVER the twain shall meet!
Regardless of my enjoyment of both, I do not want a sandwich that looks like a cake; nor do I want a cupcake that looks like spaghetti or mashed potatoes. (They're out there, people!)
What is this world coming too?!?
Argh!!!! I think of all the cakes here, this is the one that will haunt my dreams the most...
I physically cringed when I realized what was in it. (shudder)....
I think the smashed up baloney meat thing is the thing that scares me the most...
i cannot come up with a word stronger than vomit for what was going through my head when i read this post.
WHY on earth would this be appealing? OMG
I am with you!! Long live fatty, wonderful, sugary goodness!!
The "Save to" link is often snicker-worthy in this blog, but especially on this post!
Actually, these things are pretty great. My mom made them for a bridal shower (natch), and I thought they were fantastic. But I love cream cheese. Anyway, they seemed to be a hit with everyone.
That makes me want to gag.
oh my.... this hurts my feelings.
I was subjected to one of those monstosities at my friends bridal shower. I could'nt get past the icing part, I kept expecting it to be sweet. Chicken salad and buttercream, uck!
Oh gross!! I love meat.....and cake is alright....but a MEAT cake that looks like a regular cake, is just wrong. And whats with the cream cheese "frosting" cream cheese does NOT go well with meat.
I think this should be added to your front page collection. The Dog looks stoned. Or a night of the living dead zombie.
Here is the story that goes with the cake.
This bothers me much more than frog herpes. I feel a little sick.
I... I would eat that.
This one is pretty scary too. Has the eyes of the abdominal snowman (after the taming) in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
She has an interesting gallery.
Oh, these were really popular in the 70s. My mom, the gourmet cook (seriously, no sarcasm) had an entire cookbook full of these kind of things. A particular favorite was a salmon mousse that was chilled in a fish-shaped cake pan. Then you'd make the eyes with a green olive (with pimiento). I had nightmares about fish for years.
This is the most upsetting "cake" I've ever seen. How could you serve this disaster to anyone without it being a straight up joke. This shames desserts everywhere.
For the love of all that is good, why?
aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. disgusting.
Gross. When I see cake, I want to eat cake, not something else.
Props to the Cake Failure blog for the text too? (Or props to whoever the Cake Failure blog stole that from)
Seriously - what's with all the hating? Like some fellow Nordsmen have already pointed out, smörgåstårtor/sandwich cakes can be gobsmackingly delicious and are generally considered to be quite a treat.
It's just like a big sandwich, with lots of filling, and you eat it with a fork. You people like sandwiches, don't you? Hmm? Don't you?
And as for the whole "eww! Gross, meat cake!"-thing, the vegetarian ones are just as nice.
Although, they normally don't look like dessert cakes. That is properly wrong.
Ever see Dinner Impossible? Season 2 they had illusion food just like this "cake".
Example: Trompe L'oeil Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes and Cauliflower with Poached Tomatoes – Served as Chocolate Layer Cake a la Mode Cherries Jubilee Topping
I used to love it when my mom would make these though she would never try to pass them off as a sweetened cake. I think they were always "decorated" with carrot flowers with sliced olive centers. Very 70's and surprisingly good.
It looks cool, but the fact of the matter is... If I had walked over to a cake and sliced it thinking I was getting cake to discover meat once I'd laid it on my plate, I would have been a very unhappy party goer lol.
I don't get why everyone here is saying they're disgusting. Sure some of them are vegetarian so would no doubt dislike anything that had meat in it but a for the rest do they normally throw up when someone offers them meat or egg salad something? It's not like the combination of ingredients is odd, they're all things you regularly find on salad and buffet tables.
Do all your readers live on sugar alone that their reaction is OMG meat and salad stuff, I threw up in my mouth, why would anyone ever eat that?!
These are rarely served *as* actual cakes. The appearance is a trick, sure, but they're rarely intended to be served without telling people what they are.
how is it possible that this thread could win 141 comments without even a single "the cake is a lie" reference?
I had the unfortunate experience of eating one of these at a baby shower -- expecting something sweet. That first piece was torture. After I knew what it was, I actually enjoyed it. There should be a caveat for all consumers.
I had one of these at my surprise baby shower. My husband's coworkers made it (they're from Brazil, and apparently these cakes are tradition in their family).
I love that cake! That is like my favorite kind of cake! I'm gonna' go make one. Right now. I like to do anchovies with curry in the blender and make a nice mush of it for one of the layers. Oh yes, I do.
Just kidding. My gag reflex is officially kicking in.
Oh, I saw a variation of that evil cake made with mashed potatoes for the frosting. I could potentially stomach that. But the fact that it looked like birthday cake was pretty upsetting.
Its not liverwurst, its liverGREAT and yes, sign me up if they make donuts out of it, I'm all over it.
(Siberian Husky and queen of the world)
You know,
Presentation is everything!
Lileks Gallery of Regrettable Foods has instructions on how to make these, complete with this case, the radishes make it.
Anne S
Wow! Just discovered your site from White Trash Mom, and too funny! I just finished going through all your archives!
That reminds me of the Meat Trifle that Rachel made on "Friends".
Oh that's just mean! What's the point if it is not real cake?
By the way, I just found your sight and I am addicted. Thanks for the laughs!
This cake is a lie.
The most disturbing part of these cakes are the real strawberries on top of the far one.
I can kind of understand the meat cake idea, even with the fake frosting, but putting real fruit on them is just wrong.
This is just so wrong on so many levels... er...layers. I'd rather have a "real" cake gone bad that stick my fork into this one. EWWWWWW.
I'm quite surprised now, I must say. I'm a cake lover from Finland, and this post is shocking. Why? 'Cause we have them. Everywhere. In every party, there's usually at least one of those. So, it came as a surprise, that they are not seen in parties there, overseas.
They can be horrible, but usually, those salty cakes are actually quite good. I remember, when I was little and very disappointed, when I realized what it was, but nowadays, I like them. Come on, a little bread, ham, mayonnaise... When you think of it like that, it doesn't sound that awful, does it?
- Merope
Mmm, I love those. On the other hand, I am from Sweden, the home of the smörgåsbord. :)
I think the late George Carlin predicted these (from his "Ice Man" routine): ..."You literally do not know what it is. Could be meat, could be cake. Usually, at a time like that, I'll bluff. "Honey, is this good?" "Well, what is it?" "I don't know. I've never seen anything like it. It looks like...meatcake!"
They have these everywhere around here in Finland. And I hate them. But generally, I don't like any kind of cakes (unless there's chocolate in them).
But I guess someone likes them since they are everywhere around here..
The best cake I ever had was a meatloaf cake with mashed potatoes and ketchup. I didn't even want to share it with my friends, I was so excited by it.
ew. meat based salads. nonononononononono.
But that's just my personal preference. I don't really have a problem with the cakes as long as they are clearly labeled as "MEAT CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!"
It may TASTE ok - but I don't want to be surprised/disappointed to cut into one of these when I want some real cake.
dude. i am horrified for so many reasons. not the least of which being that i am a vegetarian...biting into an unlabeled meatcake would not only be vomit-inducing, it would be truly heinous.
You guys are pretty funny with your disgust. Cakes like this might be an oddity in the US but in other parts of the world, like in Northern Europe, they are very common and a standard at party buffets. I dislike the taste myself, but like Heikki said before, they shouldn't even be seen as cakes but as a big, decorated sandwiches.
I agree that the icing and decoration on these particular "cakes" posted here is VERY misleading, though. Over here the sandwich cakes are decorated with savoury stuff like meat, eggs and fish so you know what you're getting.
Quelle barf.
eww, eww, eeewwwwwwwww…
The people who keep saying they don't understand why the reactions of disgust, it's because they are made to LOOK like cakes, decorated just like a sweet cake. When one expects to bite into a desert and gets mayo/bread/meat-salad instead, it IS disgusting. Yes I like sandwiches, but I'm not biting into a sandwich with the thought that it's a torte!
When and how things are presented can make a big difference. For example, I absolutely love spaghetti and meatballs with zesty sauce and garlicky bread.. but first thing in the morning if someone put that under my nose I'd more than likely feel like hurling. Say you're taking a spoonful of what looks like vanilla pudding and it turns out it's some sour cream cream dish?
The whole point is that these are cake impostors. You look at them and take a bite expecting cake with sugary sweet icing only to get a mouth full of mayo/cream cheese tastes. That is the cause for most of the posts of disgust I'd say.
Frankly, anyone who's dim enough that they manage to get a piece of this from the platter, to their plate, to the fork, and finally to their mouth without realizing what it is and isn't deserves to get a surprise. The world would be a better place if people were more observant.
i just threw up a little bit in my mouth
That's just wrong. Wrong, I say...
This reminds me of a Friends' episode when Rachel tries to cook but, because of a sticky page she didn't notice, she ends up mixing a dessert recipe with a meatcake one. The result is a mix of jello with peas, onions and cream. Accurately Ross says it "tastes like feet".
In my corner of the world, we have a dish called "sandwich cake", which has bread, cream cheese (different savoury flavors), mayo and vegetables, chopped meat, tuna and whatnot as a filling.
As a matter of fact, I served one this weekend as a lunch item on my birthday party: garlic cream cheese and finely minced smoked deli ham as a filling, moistened with tomato juice and topped with tomato-basil cream cheese and decorated with various goodies.
These cakes are the answer to the ‘steak cake’ posted somewhere else in this blog (yuck). I’d be SO angry to be offered a travesty like this at a party – my first reaction would be to think the host was out to get a laugh at the guests' expense (an even bigger yuck, at least for me). When I want a savory snack, I’ll have an honest one that is not ashamed of being itself, thank you very much. This is not to say I can’t get the idea of sandwich cakes in N. Europe parties, bridge parties from the fifties', etc. – I bet they’re quite a treat *when you know what you will be getting from the start*. It’s all about truth in advertising, people.
all I can say is gross!
I've seen "sushi cakes" on Martha Stewart though, not sure which is worse.
These are actually pretty tasty, but I don't think they should be decorated as cakes. If one must decorate one, one really should pipe "Warning: this is meat" on it.
Rosebuds optional. Now little marzipan chickens and pork chops would be awesome.
While I don't find these appealing by any means, I have been sufficiently desensitized by my husband's weird food mixtures. One of his ideas is to use a Betty Crocker Bake 'n Fill cake pan, using a cake mix for the outer layer and hamburger for the center.
Yes, he is a sick, sick man.
My aunt makes these abominations. She doesn't put rosettes on them, but once frosted with mayo and decorated with olives, they do look like a cake. She makes like 7-8 layers of white bread sliced lengthwise with tuna salad, olive pate, cream cheese with chives, red pepper spread, ham salad, and if you haven't thrown up yet: prune jam. With tuna, folks.
Ya know, my grandfather adored this dish- we had it every year for his birthday (yes, followed by real cake for dessert). We didn't expect that it would be "cake." It's called sandwich loaf. I didn't care for the cream cheese when I was younger, but it grew on me as I got older. Most of the folks commenting here seem as if they would be horrified at the idea of a bagel... "I mean you bite into it, expecting that sugary greasy burst, and what the hey, not only is it just chewy bread, hot and crispy at that, it's not frosting either- it's (gasp) cream cheese. C'mon, open your minds a little, folks.
Here's something even worse!
I don't think money passed hands, so it's not a true cakewreck, but very fitting!
Where are these, what's their story? Can you post the URL of the site where you found this? Thanks!
hey, what do you have against sandwiches? ;) I never thought that a sandwich cake can be so shocking to somebody. Of course the decoration of this one here is a bit... odd, but when you have a piece, you certainly see what it is.
By the way, it was nice to find out from these comments that besides Estonia where I'm from, these cakes are known from Finland to Brazil and from Sweden to Québec :)
P.S. It's just a GREAT blog!
Dude, I make *awesome* meat pies!
I SO need to make this for my carb-junkie friends!!! Of course, first I have to find a substitute for the bread....hummmmmm (Yes, low carbing for the last year has made me skinnier AND eviler! Bwaa haa haa!!!)
Low carb heaven without the insulin spike. Looks like Heaven to me.
I'm not sure about the low carb. They generally have a bunch of bread in them.
My husband's grandmother makes something like this, albeit not as pretty!!! LOL!
Love the blog.
Low carb heaven? Excuse me?? With that much white bread? Hardly!
Please, please, please, another request -- link us to the source! I couldn't find it anywhere via searching.
LOL Too funny. I've made this "sandwich" cake for my sister's bridal shower. It was very tasty and a great conversation piece. Hmmmm Think I might just have to make it again just because.
Wifezilla and other low carbers -
Instead of layers of bread, we can do layers of oopsie rolls!
That is gross and weird. Though...I guess I would tolerate it if I had some warning first, or something.
I am totally with you on the "together we can make our world a place of fat, sugar, and dairy-based products for all!" as long as you take the dairy-based bit out. I like my cakes vegan (and so do the cows and chickens! ;) )
This is so WRONG!!!
This must be from a Russian deli -- please tell up where it came from!