Thursday, October 28, 2010

Training Day

Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Oy! Sherry! Get over here and teach this new-hire how to make roses."

"But, boss, you told us yesterday we could only make Halloween cakes this month."


[sigh] "Ok. We'll figure something out."

"Oh, and when you're done, have Newbie make a batch with all those skull photo transfers. We need to use those up."

"What skull photo transfers?"

"These ones. They'll go great with the skull glitter rings we just got in."

"But those aren't...[sigh]...Ok, boss. Whatever you say."

Look out, Nikki A. & Meredith, it's a TiRCk!!!
Bilby P. Dalgyte said...


Anonymous said...

Didn't you know realize yet, piping roses on a cake can make ANYTHING better! =)

Lucy said...

*staring silently with wide eyes at the computer, thinking 'What the?'*

Anonymous said... know what? I find that first cake strangely awesome.

Must've broke my brain looking at these.

EG said...

"Tirck or Treat" makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

she forgot to teach the newbie how to *spell!

Sharon said...

Roses for eyes? Come on, people! If you told them, "I want rose-colored glasses", they'd probably pipe roses on on a pair of glasses too.

Alien was done surprisingly well. Now if they just had a spaceship crashing in to the botched spelling, that would have been perfect!

We know our aliens....I only live a few miles from Roswell, NM.

Sharon's Edible Art

Anonymous said...

Cake 1 gives new meaning to “rose”-colored glasses (I know there’s no glasses, just go with me). And what is up with the mouth on that pumpkin - looks like fur. Or a toupee. Ewww.

Cake 2. TiRCk or TReat. Well, I can only guess that might be the way an alien would say it.

wv - perdba: Sorry trainee, perdba store manager, we have to put roses somewhere on this pumpkin cake.

Jules AF said...

No words. But I do kind of like that first cake. I'd eat it.

jennl777 said...

After lo these many months of witnessing the horror that is a Cake Wrecker's Spelling (In)Abilities, you would THINK that "Tirck or Treat" wouldn't terrify me so. But it did.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does the pumpkin cake have a piece of a shag carpet for a beard?

Sandy also in SoFla said...

Rosey the Jack o'lantern is aweful, just aweful.

Kay said...

On wreck #1, is that a chenille stem they've used for the mouth? It looks... fuzzy.

WV: aupscl - Those cakes look perfectly aupscl, even for Halloween!

Fluffy Cow said...

Alien head and skulls.


CDSquared said...

is the mouth on the pumpkin even icing? it looks like one of those novelty moustaches you buy at the dollar store!
So, even though that pumpkin was wearing "Rose" colored glasses (hah), he was still so ashamed of how he looked, even HE wanted to go incognito!

Stacey said...

That pumpkin so David Bowie with it's two colored eyes.

Rachael said...

how bad is it that I like that first cake? I dunno why, it's strangely compelling...

Anonymous said...

I find it odd that the first cake is sold by the pound (!) and is going for the overpriced amount of $7.99/lb for mostly icing. No wonder the boss wants roses put on cakes. And don't even get me started on the alien-glitter-skull-ring-tirck cake. I love Halloween (it's one of the wreckiest times of the year!).


Anonymous said...

Am I seeing things, or is the mouth on the first cake made from fake fur? I'm hoping that's just the black frosting bleeding into the orange, but it looks like fake fur.

I think I'll make all the little kids say Tirck or Treat if they want candy.

Aliza said...

Well, at least the first one was very nicely done, even if a bit strange. And since rose "eyes" are more sweet than spooky, this must be the cake for those who find Hallowe'en movies far too scary :)

The second one... well, I guess that must be the skull's Hallowe'en costume?

kittymidori said...

why does that pumpkin have a mustache? 0.o???

Anne-with-an-e said...

Did anyone else watch Top Chef: Just Desserts yesterday? It was the classic relay quickfire, in which teams compete to complete basic skills. Yep, one of them was making roses. Watching the show first makes this post even funnier, somehow.

elissa said...

I like the first one, too. It's sort of goth-fantasy-rock'n'roll-ish.

Hi! I'm Lisa. said...

They could've used some Flotsam Bugs.

BADKarma! said...

How sad is it I'm slightly disappointed they didn't go for the full Monty and misspell "Treat" as well?

Amanda said...

Thanks for the good laugh. The rose eyed pumpkin totally cracked me up!

Anonymous said...

Check out my blog

Craig said...

Fresh bakery -- now there's an idea. Roses for eyes and (lint / iron filings / a caterpillar) for a mouth. Those are fresh ideas, alright. Oy, indeed.

I like how 'TiRCK or TReat' uses the space allocated. One would never guess it was done at 30 seconds to closing.

Donna said...

Dear God, what on earth is that black furry thing on the pumpkin?

Wait. I don't want to know.


Siouxzr said...

The sweet roses on pumpkin #1 are off set by the scary giant caterpillar of doom that has taken the place of the pumpkin's mouth.

WV: skican -- what you get when the state of California gets under you skin?? what you get when you cross a wiccan and at ski bum???
NO? Well I'm out of ideas.

lisadh said...

I love the wreckiness of this time of year! Can't wait for Thanksgiving. Oy!

Anonymous said...

OY is right! ROFLMAO!!!

sundevils1 said...

So if kids come up and say "Tirck or Treat" and I say "Tirck", what do I end up with?

And we all know that aliens are the ultimate symbol for Halloween! :P

Mary said...

Halloween cake horror story:

My friend worked at an ice cream shop where his boss had him turn a leftover Halloween cake into an Easter cake with just some extra layers of ice cream and frosting. Isn't that a neat "tirck"?

Melinda said...

Clearly, on Wreck #2, the lettering is the trick, and the cake is the treat. Let's just hope they can bake better than they can spell.

Heidi D said...

Bwa Haa!

SoupAddict Karen said...

If you'll note the label on the pumpkin cake lid says "Rose," so, maybe they figured that since they had already stuck a label on the lid, they'd just work in some roses on the cake in order to avoid, you know, wasting the label. 'Cause no one wants that.

Mags said...

NOW I get it... That "Happy FaulkerSatherhood" stuff was just someone's idea of a TIRCK. Thanks for clearing that up!!
:) Mags

KMR said...

Cake #2: I guess that's what all the young tircks are saying this Halloween.

Nicole said...

That first cake is the kind of creepy-strange that is exactly suited to Halloween. After looking at it a couple of times, I kind of like it :)

Anonymous said...


(controlled by the evil rose-bud eyed sponge cake woman from the planet cakewercks)

PatrĂ­cia said...

It's not a tirck... IT'S A TARP!

Emily the Strange said...

It's a TiRCk, get an axe!

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

I quite like the first one.... I think I need to lie down.

Anonymous said...

You know that some where out there there is some person who would buy this....

ilze said...

Umm - that alien has zits. Must be a young'un.

WV - expla
good thing we have Jen to expla the wrecks!

Anonymous said...

what the .....

Arlene said...

*Shakes* head. Sigh. Why even put skeleton rings on that thing? Or roses for that matter on the first one. I just will sit here in the dark and glare until I get a headache trying to figure out what the wreckerators thought they were doing. Then I will go eat cake lol.

Craig said...

I enlarged the first one, hoping to clarify the mystery of the mouth. No such luck -- all I can tell is that the black-into-orange bleed theory (which I was rooting for) is not right. I see definite signs of fur. "Better... get... a bucket..."

Why are they pricing it by the pound -- is it pound cake? Looks like a pound of frosting, for sure. Frosting, fur and (perhaps) cake -- glad to see they included all the food groups.

wv: hygrampi. "Hygrampi -- we found your fake mustache!"

Farrisky said...

I think my favorite part of this one is actually the giant, furry black moustache standing in for the rosy-eyed jack-o-lantern's mouth. That thing could put Tom Selleck to shame.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY WAY I can see a skull with roses going over well is if it were Grateful Dead themed. THAT... would be awesome.

This one is just sad.

Coco Cake Land said...

awwww! i actually like the pumpkin with the roses for eyes!!! so cute.

Stephanie said...

That pumpkin looks like it has pubic hair on its chin. GROSS.