Rebeckah J., Valerie P., Emily S., Christine K., Kelli J., & Molly S., I thought the bakery was scary before. Anyone wanna go in with me to grab some turn-overs? Anyone?
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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48 comments | Post a Comment
The ghost is sobbing because it doesn't want to spend eternity on that cake.
"Boo Hoo"?
Really, it's not that hard, people.
That second cake looks like an evil Mayor McCheese...
WV:buless... as in "The ghosts on that cake can only cry boohoo because they are buless."
I can't help but think of Martin Scorcese when I look at that pumpkin cake. Even the ghost cake next to it looks surprised by those eyebrows.
That first cake...it's beyond disturbing. I can't figure out what the heck it is! It resembles the flying spaghetti monster, if said entity dressed up for Halloween...
The ticked off toilet paper cracked me up.
I admit, "plus maybe some baseball" made me snort. Thanks!
What are the white blobs with black blobs on the booohoooo cake? really...
Is that first one a volleyball?
The "ticked off toilet paper is the BEST!"
thank you CW team ;-)
The first one looks like a "Duct Tape" cake monster.
The first one looks like a deranged manhole cover.
Loriwas - that first cake IS disturbing... I can't figure out what it is either.. Regardless, I have been not scared but scarred... lol
I think the first one is supposed to evoke a mummy. Perhaps a road-waffle mummy.
the boohoo cake got me. those "ghosts" really just look like tampons with faces to me...
way to re-use those heart-shaped cake molds. are those supposed to be ghosts?
the baseball cake looks more like a closeup of an eyeball
BooHoooo - there are rat droppings on my cake!
wv: imeri I'm eri scared!
i think the first cake is supposed to be a mummy. o_O
I think cake #1 is an abstract mummy, more of an iconic representation than a figure. The concept was executed somewhat better on the "American Gothic" cake posted on Sunday. Without airbrushing. And smoother icing.
I've heard that you can tint icing before it goes on the cake, so it doesn't look it's covered with diesel exhaust.
The last one looks a little bit like Marshy from Home Star Runner.
What is tentacular TP supposed to be? How is the spider related? and why does the top look like it's fuzzy with mold?
I am most disturbed by those gummi worms coming out of the eyeball cake. What's up with that?!
I can't help thinking of Bonny in Toy Story 3, pretending that that bakery was haunted. "Oh no, the ghosts are escaping!" ♥
the recycled heart cake ghost looks more skeptical than terror-filled or terror-filling...
And I think the first cake is a mummy who was wrapped way too tightly... so tightly that its bandages snapped and its eyes bulged out to the outside of the bandages. Odd since Mummies are not supposed to have eyes... at least not oozy blue ones.
The toilet paper is ticked off because it's tired of being thrown over trees and front yards on Halloween. It's finally evolved and grew legs to exact it's revenge!
And, as a cake, I'm horribly afraid of what kind of filling toilet paper would have...
I think the second cake looks like the evil lamp in the brae little toaster.
@ Libertygal
THAT IS exactly what I thought when I saw it! "Wtf a Mayor Mccheese cake?!"
Apparently WV:
Demis as in.. Dem is some wrecky-cakes!
I was afraid of this -- there are wreckerators lurking in the midst, and one of them thought a duct tape cake was a good idea. At least I don't see any baling wire.
The presence of WD-40 is betrayed mainly by smell (and slipperiness), so there is no way to tell from the post if that was included.
wv: kringels. A tad early for that, though you wouldn't know it by the stores.
*hides under bed* Someone tell me when it's safe to come back out...
Sorry, whenever I see (or hear) "anyone?" my immediate response is "Beuller?" I'm like a Toon that can't resist the ol' "shave and a haircut" line!
*Ahem* Anywho. The cakes. Yes...please continue.
I'm beginning to wonder if "Craig" posting is my husband... who claims to not read Cakewrecks. (but then comes in to see why I'm snorting tea on my screen)
Duct tape and WD-40 indeed. Nail on the head, there.
Have to admit, I thought the first one was quite appropriate for the Hallowe'en set of cakes. You sure these are really wrecks? Ok, so like, I've done the eyeball thing with 'the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out' theme... I admit it.
The ticked off TP ... with legs (a la Cap't Kirk), though... that one... got me.
I stared at the first cake for quite a while and still can't decide what it's supposed to be. And the last one, you totally make me lose it in laughter. Ticked off toilet paper was bad enough but "with legs" was too much! LOL
Or the "Off Halloween Half-Baked Sale"
You know how you can usually tell better what a picture is supposed to be when you see it full size? Sadly not so for the mummy cake pic. It was much more recognizable as a mummy on the thumbnail version that showed up on my blogs list today!
Ticked-off toilet paper....with legs
ROTFLMBO *snort*
Boo: this is scary.
Boo boo: this is scarry (or Yogi's BFF).
Boo hoo: what you do when you get a boo boo.
The two ghosts flying on the boo hoo cake look like Charlie Brown's ghost costume that was full of holes.
wv: swigan: These wreckerators must be swigan some spiked pumpkin juice.
I can't decide if the first one is a mummy or a dirty ghost. or something more sinister...or perhaps a victim! those eyes look a little freaked out.
why does the pumpkin look like a creepy clown? or like an angry Lady Tottington.
the bleeding eye of doom...with gummy worms...
boo hoo cracks me up!
and I LOVE angry toilet paper. with legs. the whole concept of angry toilet paper cracks me up! is that why my neighborhood is draped in it the night before Halloween? is it the night of Angry Toilet Paper's Revenge? and those "legs" are the paper tendrils about to attack a tree?
Oh no, I went back to look at the boo hoo cake. The chocolate sprinkles look like mouse poo. I think the one time "I want sprinkles" doesn't apply. Ewww.
This blog rocks! You made my day! Thanks!
I have always found Homer Simpson less than appetizing, but this makes cake less appetizing. Darn you Matt Groening!
WV: Crinfexe. "Ah'm sorry Ah wrecked your'n cake, but Ah crinfexe it."
That first one's Epcot
Whew. For a minute there I thought you were going to mention...ELECTION DAY!!!
I like the poop/flies on the boo cake. Very classy presentation.
I want a "ticked-off toilet paper" bobblehead.
Scary BOO!
ticked off toilet paper with legs??
great,just great! I gotta pee and now the toilet paper is dangerous and has legs???
-Barbara Anne
I would go with you lol but I would have some holy water and garlic to ward off the evil wreckerators. And that poor ticked off toilet paper cake. If I was toilet paper I guess I would be angry about it too. Poor cake.
the day of tears cake looks a little like a kkk hood
Halloweekends commercial?
I think the last one is an octopus...