Jaz I, I know sometimes you just really want sprinkles, but this is getting ridiculous.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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49 comments | Post a Comment
first comment on a popular site like this? impossible!
Maybe prayer works better in sprinkled cookie cake form?
hehehehe...looks sort of like a tombstone with that wording. Loving the sprinkles! hahahahahahaha!!!!!
Sprinkle Fan,
Are those really sprinkles? For a minute, I thought they were Fruity Pebbles.
Awesome! God bless 'em.
At first I thought this was the dreaded CCC because of how misshapen the cake was. Unfortunately I was wrong.
Is that a cake or a donut cake? Either way, poor Seth! God BLESS you, Seth!
Life changing sprinkles, unbelievable details, perfect wording....too wonderful for words
Is that not a normal confirmation cake?
Mom and I have some "chatting" to do.
LOL! I may need to get a cake that says that for my youngest's first communion next year. Minus the ton of sprinkles, of course.
Our Sprinkle, who art in Bakery,
Hollowed be thy sweet tooth.
Thy Cakedom come
Thy baking be done
in dining room as it is in Bakery.
Give us this day our daily cake,
and forgive us our dentist bills,
as we forgive them that wreck against us.
And lead us straight into temptation
delivering pounds upon our guts.
For thine is the sprinkle, and the frosting, and the cake, for the next 5 minutes. Dig in.
I had to do a double take to see if those were really sprinkles covering that cake.
Do you wonder what all those sprinkles might be hiding? I mean, given the terrible job on the whole cake and all.
I hope Seth wasn't too cross!
Well, first his parents never had parents of their own, so they don't know what they're doing.
Then, they get the whole family kicked out of paradise.
Next, one brother kills the other brother.
To top it all off, this cake.
Poor Seth.
@ Danger Boy - that was funny!
Crunch, crunch, eww.
WV: grerses: "The cake just left the grerses taste in my mouth. I think it was the sprinkles."
@Danger Boy - As a recovering Catholic, I just wanted to say, God frost you!
@Silrette - Perhaps if it were sprinkles instead of forbidden fruit...? Just sayin'.
WV: delmi - If dis cake 'ad less sprinkles, delmi, vud you eat it?
As a children's pastor you have to understand sometimes you really need to make sure you have "extras" of everything to avoid the inevitable argument from the one that "didn't get the piece covered in the most sprinkles..."
Not to mention after the last baptism at our church where two of the young-uns being baptized ( ages 6-8) got into a stompping competition (on each others feet) during the prayer before "God Help Seth's parents" might be more appropriate!
Good lord (umm.. pun unintentional). Did they press the sprinkles into the frosting by the handful? That looks so... bleh.
On top of the request for DI.
WV: sohysi "It's sohysi to fall in love..."
Looks like a donut cake from Allie's.
Love this cake, though It's far too appropriate to be considered a wreck.
mass of sprinkles > mass of cake
it looks like they splattered paint onto the cake, rather than used a crate of sprinkles on it
I second the donut cake from Allie's (and love that another reader knows what that is!) it might be a wreck, but it's delicious:)
Maybe Seth wasn't the cake's recipient. Maybe Seth is the assistant Wreckerator who needs to start going to Sprinkleholics Annonymous...
'help' appears to be in a different font than both 'god' and 'seth'. two different wreckerators perhaps?
wv - raterg: if the sprinkles were brown, they'd look more like ratergs.
@ Danger Boy - So funny, loved it!
I think they got too excited about the sprinkles and forgot to ice the sides of the cake.
"WhoooHoooo SPRINKLES!!!!!!spinkle, spinkle, sprinkle!.......wait....I feel like I am forgetting something?"
God Help this cake. This crooked rainbow cross cake.
My daughter, niece and nephews would LOVE the over-abundance of sprinkles this sugary cross has to offer.
Nothing says "Welcome to the Church" like a crooked cross smothered in sprinkles.
DangerBoy, I want to play too. So, like a damned hell ass good Catholic? Here, say ten Hail Frostings.
Hail Frosting, full of sugar, the Cake is under thee; blessed art thou among bakers, and blessed is the fruit in they filling, strawberry rhubarb. Holy Frosting, perfect compliment, deliver our sweet tooth now and at the hour of our diabetic coma.
"God, help Seth...not gag on all these sprinkles"
wv: vanatri: answers Miss Mina's wv - "no, I don' vanatri dis cake!"
I'm thinking more along the lines of "God help Seth's parents" after he eats this sprinkle/sugar slathered cake!!
Oh, and yeah... what's with the Di references? Yeah, Di ate cake and loved it. I really did. Minus sprinkles, as those were eaten by themselves straight from the container. Never gathered on cake.
From a distance it looks like that cake is teeming with brightly-colored maggots.
Pointing that out would probably mean more cake for me.
WVW: premb - To get a larger share of something (e.g. cake) by making a revolting comment that makes everyone else want less or none at all.
This may be the best Wreck ever-of course I have been thinking all day that God had better help my teenage son (listening James?!?)
I teach 2nd grade (the year children make their First Communion) at a Catholic grade school. I enjoyed this post way too much!
OMG IS THAT AN ALLIES DONUT CAKE?!?! omg they're soooo good regardless of how this looks I get one every year
Yikes! Is that an intro to an intervention? Or dessert AFTER the intervention - you know, in case it didn't work???
Just what Seth needs a mouthful of sugary sprinkles.. God help his teachers after he eats this lol and his parents too for that matter.
Good one, @ Silrette. We can't be too hard on Adam and Eve, though -- all of their kids were conceived *outside* of the garden, so where would we all be if they had followed instructions?
I was thinking perhaps 'Seth' was the wreckerator's signature, and he wrote the inscription after realizing he has a sprinkles problem.
A donut cake sounds yummy. Just to be clear, we're not talking 'cake donut', but an actual raised donut in a cake-style form factor, right?
Some local baker needs to be making such a creation now. Sprinkles optional.
Oh, that poor kid! Bless him, indeed... And I think it's the wreckerator who needs the Big Guy's help.
wv - roide: Maybe the wreckerator was suffering from roides and that's why this one looks so bad?
Good God, it looks like someone barfed sprinkles all over the dang thing.
That's very interesting... I'm a cake decorator myself (mostly for the fun of it)... If you want you can visit my website and see some of my work.
"Sprinkles?" I'd call that a full immersion....
Actually, Seth is the name of the Sunday School teacher. The kid's name is Damien! :O
+1 on an Allie's donut cake. That's the reason I left Google Reader to check out the comments!!
If it is a donut, the sprinkles are A-OK -- it's the only way I've seen them done.
I've had the BEST time with this one! My brother's name is Seth, and he caused our vicar SO much stress during Catechism classes- he was nearly kicked out. I wonder if it was made for him! Ha!