There are plenty of ways to tell your friends, family, and significant others that you're pregnant.
I wouldn't recommend any of these.

U R j/k, right?
Yeah, when breaking news this big you should really spell it out:
(You're doing *what* to a baby?)Especially for your better half:

Sounds serious.
And on her
birthday, too.
This one gets a little saucy:
Say it with me now:
"It's in there."
Retro commercial slogans for the win!)
Still, when someone has been trying for so long to achieve what comes naturally to others, it's only right that we celebrate such a monumental accomplishment:

See, they managed to squeeze the "m" in.
Thanks to Wreckporters Margo K., Roberto S., Margaret J., Cheri P., & Kristen B., who are all expecting.
Oh! A large piece of cake, I mean. Yeah, they're expecting cake.
Sorry about that pregnant pause there; I was distracted by my own little bun in the oven.
It's cinnamon. It smells delicious.
61 comments | Post a Comment
I still consider all of these to be better than a picture of a peed-upon stick!
Bring on the baby bump cakes!!
Jen, are you trying to tell John something with this post??
IPregnant - so that's the new super-secret product Apple's been hinting about! I can't wait to see how Steve Jobs will demonstrate this one.
(I guess there really is an app for everything...)
I love the mystery on that one cake. I are they having or halving a baby? Just what did they mean to spell? (there was that story in the bible about the two mothers with a claim to a baby...the king(?) proposed to cut in in half so they could share it (thus revealing the true mother who wouldn't want her baby harmed and forfeited her rights to it). Wait, this is the 21st century? they can't possibly mean THAT....unless they're in China....
wv: coshe. Halving a baby is really not coshe... (as in kosher...)
Smitch is Pregant. Or &Mitch is Pregant.
WV: welpe All of these women are going to welpe their kids.
Wow, just wow.
I'm suddenly thinking about that girl from high school named Cinnamon. Oh, the horrible images that come from mixing up food words and people words.
"Prego" is a pretty widely known slang word for "pregnant."
But what kind of name is "Smitch"? It sounds male, in which case I hope "you're pregnant" is meant loosely (i.e., "I'm pregnant by you"), much as I hate ambiguous grammar. And if Smitch is a woman and literally pregnant, then is the cake sender telling her what she already knows or...?
I want to know how "Smitch" didn't know she was "pregant" on her birthday... or do I? Nah, probably not...
But I am with Shanti on the IPregnant... Not sure I WANT to see the app for that though...
WV: inedoin... These wreckarators need some training inedoin their jobs... Just a thought...
I suppose there's no chance that the first is from the U.K.? Where "knocking me up" means "visited me"?
I hope that the illiteracy can be blamed on the cake decorators instead of the parents-to-be.
And what we know is that those cake wreckers are probably capable of breeding more of the same. This is one of the scariest web sites in America. Can we get the secretary of HEW on your mailing list - or whatever clown is concerned with "education". And yours is the first site I open every morning. Puzzling myself.
*Shanti* LOL good one
Smitch: "No, really guys. It's just the flu, not morning sickness! Leave me alone."
what is that to the left of "pregnant" on the last cake? I'm torn between a fancy "t", a pink cross on a grave covered in pink grass, and prince's "the artist formerly known as prince" symbol.
IPregnant. What happens when you no longer need the iPad.
Missed the chance to say Great Wrexpectations!
"Sorry about that pregnant pause there; I was distracted by my own little bun in the oven."
Ummm, WHAT!?
At least nobody has put the pee-stick on a cake. Yet.
I found this post very hilarious, since I juste find out I was pregnant a week ago!!
Very nice post Jen!
Forget the spelling problem - I'm seeing the Monica cake as a "Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya - Hey, Monica - I'm pregnant - and you aren't" kind of thing.
Classic Steve, most people would spell it "preggo" to avoid confusion with Prego.
I'm with Jenniffer on this one. But Jen wouldn't make such a momentous announcement with a regular daily post.
... would she?
So, how tiny is the third cake? That hand looks humongous?
Oh my god! My husband and I are done having children but if I ever accidentally get pregnant again that is how I'm going to tell him. And I'm going to make sure it's good and wrecky.
Why can't more girls be thankful 4 when a guy knocks them up? Haha.
@ Joe Polowin - 'knocking me up' means 'making me pregnant' here in the UK too.
"It's in there".... good one. :)
I think the last one was supposed to say "Impregnate." Too bad we have no way of knowing whether Barry White was playing in the background when that picture was taken.
On a very special episode of iCarly...iPregnant
Ok all, don't go freaking out. Jen had her lady bits cauterized last year, remember?
If she were trying to tell someone THIS kind of message, it would be to her doc... for malpractice.
ok, why is someone giving Monica a cake saying that they're having a baby? was there an occasion for cake besides this? are they roommates? wtf?
also, I wonder if Smitch's cake was given to her by her doctor. Wouldn't Smitch know she's pregnant? Is Smitch even human? Are we celebrating a canine pregnancy? though I must admit, a cake pregnancy test is a lot more fun than peeing on a stick. what a nice doctor, to do it with cake. Gotta wonder about "Smitch"though. First name? last name? what gives?
love love LOVE the Prego comment, btw! "it's in there!" LOL
LOL @Joel. In the US, knocking someone up is to get them pregnant out of wedlock (where DID that expression come from?) But thank you for telling us the UK version of the phrase! THAT makes more sense :)
wv: kegasis. When your sister throws you a party. With lots of beer. and hopefully no one gets knocked up. either that or a flying mythological beast that brings beer to parties. or an affliction I don't want to know about.
Anonymous said...
IPregnant. What happens when you no longer need the iPad.
LOL *wipes eyes* Whew! that was great!
Miss Mina,
Actually, we'd probably be looking for an angel and some shepherds.
@ carolyn said...
At least nobody has put the pee-stick on a cake. Yet.
actually, I think someone did a few months ago.....(April 7th--the chocolate cake...)
Eww, he double-dipped his spoon. It's in there, alright.
Haha, actually it was my sister who was pregnant. Despite the wreck, the baby is ridiculously cute.
- Margaret J.
Soooooooo the 'Monica, I'm haveing a baby' cake is mine.
First of all, Monica is my little sister who has an amazing sense of humor so I figured the best way to tell her I was pregnant was with a Dairy Queen ice cream cake (which is a running joke for us). I flew in from to our hometown and on the way to our house, I stopped to pick up the cake.
Our local Dairy Queen was manned by 4 teenagers who thought I was weird, but told me 10 min for the writing. 40 min later, I had to check on the cake and by then I didn't feel good (middle of the summer and morning sickness) and thought it only added to the charm of how I was going to inform my sister I was having a baby.
When she saw that cake, it was one of the best moments of my life. She thought it was a joke (which we often play on each other) until I pulled out the ultrasound pictures. Thank you for laughing at our cake as we did and feel free to use this method to tell all of your loved ones you're haveing a baby. :)
Great use of "you're" on the 'Smitch' cake. If only they had put in a second 'n' and left off the yellow in the border...
Alas, the letter shortage extends to 'g'. Since that spelling of 'preggo' has now been 'mainstreamed', a whole new way to break the news comes to mind: Tie pink and blue ribbons on a jar of spaghetti sauce!
The letter shortage nearly included 'm'. No subliminal message there, no way.
Yeah, I kept making Prego jokes during my pregnancies.
Esp. towards the end, where there was no question about it being "in there".
Whoa, whoa. Excuse me! Those last sentences were full of tense expectation. Really, don't tease like that; I think I almost sucked in a lung 4 times. Meh, tell us for real (when are you going to have a bun in the oven? Hmm? HMM!? :) Don't worry, we won't get all demanding on you...just sayin': )
Come on Jen. You have been dropping hints for a while that you are pregnant. When are you going to come on out and say it???
I'm hoping that "THANX 4 KNOCKING ME UP" is served at a fairly small gathering.
Since I'm having my baby this week, I think I should get the first one for my husband.
In the last one, the writing is cursive so the "m" is a n.
I usually check out Cakewrecks in the evening so my day doesn't end on a low note. I couldn't resist the Tweet, apparently a comment from Anonymous, "The iPregnant: when you no longer need the iPad."
Took me a few tissues and a new pair of undies before I could check out the post (from LAUGHTER, people!)
I love your work Jen, John, the other Jen & all - and to those who comment - YOU ROCK!
wv: conion: an onion shared by a divorced/separated couple.
What I want to know, is what is a "Smitch"?
a small -ahem- witch, perhaps?
a smidgen of itch, maybe?
Inquiring minds want to know...
WV: ciess... These wreckerators should just ciess and diessist!
That's hilarious, especially since we are announcing that I am pregnant to our families this week :D I am also wondering how the "Smitch" missed the fact that she was pregnant and needed a cake to find out?? I wish I was symptoms free like that...
"Its in there!": Brilliant!
That's why you're my hero.
Now I want a maternity shirt that says "It's cinnamon. It smells delicious" and I'm not even pregnant!
at least Smitch knew enough to use "You're" correctly!
good god some people have no taste
All I can come up with is yikes.
wv: unkoke. Obviously, the wreckerators unkoked the wine a wee bit too early.
Lol she's prego.. mmmm she's a yummy spaghetti sauce. I bet that she didn't know that either. Oh man did I laugh til I cried when I saw that first one. That would be one way to give your significant other heart failure.. At least they didn't put a pee stick on it this time.. bleah!
re "Thanx 4 knocking me up"
I served it at a small gathering of 4 male "friends". I plunked it on the table and presented each guy with a vial to supply a sample for paternity testing. The lawyer was waiting outside.
wv chokyb: the sound of the heads of the 4 guys as they fell over backward
Yes, telling someone they are pregnant (or, in this case, Pregant) on their birthday is just a wonderful gift. Especially if they don't know.
What are they doing to the baby? Teaching it how to spell incorrectly, that's what they're doing. I understand kids memember things from the womb, and this is not a good influence. Especially if they become wreckerators.
if you're gonna be that tacky, you could at least spell correctly!
That first cake sullies the good name of Carvel. Not to mention the good name of correct spelling.
Anonymous said...
IPregnant. What happens when you no longer need the iPad.
LOL *wipes eyes* Whew! that was great!
I second this! I literally LOL'd!
I am ABSOLUTELY making my husband a "thx 4 knocking me up" cake when the time is right.