So, um, here's a cake:

And now, in your honor, Canada, John & I will sing "Canada" from Epcot.
John: CanadAAAA!
Jen: My Canada!
John: Dadadaaaa.
Jen: Blah blah blah bla doo dee doo dee doo dee planet earth.
John: Dadadaaa.
Jen: Um. Canadaaaa?
John: Canada.
Jen: My Canada!
John: Dadadaa. I think that's good.
Jen: Yeah. Totally.
Happy Canada Day, Shaunna & Jill P.
Oh, and to everyone else, too. Especially Canada.
Important note from john: Dear Canada,
It has come to our attention that nearly all of you were offended by today's post. It seems that Canada Day is apparently not an American holiday. Also, and correct me if I'm wrong here, the song from the Canada pavilion in Epcot is not actually your national anthem. Huh. Go figure. Also, it should be noted that Canada is far superior at hockey.
Please accept our deepest apologies,
john (the hubby of Jen)
175 comments | Post a Comment
#1 -- flaming leaves. Yeah.
#2 -- the red jelly ones are always popular. Yeah.
Ow. That was hot cream of wheat.
Um, the second cake scares me.
But, Canada! WOOOOO!!! Canada!!
Happy Canada Day, one and all.
I got married on Canada Day, and my husband surprised me with an ice-cream cake with a Canadian flag on it. The DQ employees did not believe my husband when he told them it was for our wedding!
Blame Canada!!! Or whatever that last cake says.
Canada! Oh Canada . . . You're a lifeline of wonder on this planet earth!
I can't believe they changed the song. But Martin Short is cool.
Happy Canada Day!
-Lisa D
thank you for the visual of the Maxipad Canadian cake. Happy Canada Day!
Yay!! Canadian Wrecks!!
Happy Canada Day!!
The Epcot song about Canada is so ridiculous, I know.
Well, considering how little attention you Yanks usually pay to us, I suppose that we should feel blessed by this token posting..and the first cake qualifies as a Wreckerator self-respecting Canadian would even dream that red thing was supposed to be a maple leaf..but then, if bakers can't spell, their botanical knowledge may surely come into question...
ROTFLMAO!!! I have Canadian friends who are so getting the link to this.... :)
Haha oh dear... just a quick note.. the US doesn't celebrate Canada with a holiday... it is a Canadian National Holiday. it is our version of your Independence Day... it is the anniversary of the British North American Act when Canada became its own country and independent from England.
If you don't know the Canadian national anthem, you haven't been to enough hockey games.
Also, this is only a holiday in Canada, right?!?!? I mean, they're just right there where I can see them, but still....
LOL - Happy Canada Day!
Poor Canada! They do not have a Plastic Flag(TM), it appears.
Up here in Canada, July 1 is OUR "Independence Day". We just call it Canada Day, and we have better cakes than those....
I think I will celebrate by taking Monday off. Go Canada!
Oh my gosh, that is totally how that song goes! Love that part of Epcot!
That top one is one of the tidiest wrecks I've seen. I mean for a not-a-maple-leaf, it's a pretty good one. It's symmetrical and the icing's nice. It's just a not-a-maple-leaf, which is, I believe, NOT Canada's official symbol.
That was pretty sad you guys
-shakes head-
We would be offended if a Canadian did that to our National Anthem. Show a little respect. Canadians are a great military partner and still support us where others have pulled out. I like all of the Canadians I have met. I wish we could take credit for Holmes on Homes.
The second cake is a mess.
It's a Canadian holiday. Canada's Independence Day. Not a holiday the US has to celebrate Canada. Sheesh.
You're a something something something on this planet earth!
Damn you both, now I want cheese soup and steak!!
Happy Canada Day, Eh!
Oh we have Plastic Flag (TM)! I was admiring the skill put into the cake designs for Canada Day in the store this week...YOUCH!
Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks! Eat cake and have a beer on this fabulous NON long weekend!
Now that I've met you, I can just picture you trying to sing that Canada song. At least it wasn't the South Park one. :)
We got rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and Waterrrrrr....
(Arrogant Worm reference for those that don't know. They are totally awesome. Look up "I am Cow".)
An even better song! Enjoy.
Happy Canada Day!
i totally have the epcot canada song stuck in my head now. thanks, jen and john!
YAY!! So excited to see Canada Day wrecks on here :) Happy Canada Day everyone!!
OMG! Those are totally the words to that song!!!!!
@ Anonymous - that's not the national anthem; it's a song from Canada in Epcot. I pretty much have the national anthem memorized from too many hockey games...
That song is kind of... sad.
I'm a proud Canadian and as yet have not seen a Cake Wreak in any of my stores. Though I did buy a cake one time that had one side that was hardly any cake and all icing. At the time I was pretty POed. Who would have thought that one day there would be a site that celebrated cake mistakes with such Glee. I love it. Thanks for the best wishes.
@Anonymous: Whoa, relax! The song from Epcot is not the Canadian National Anthem. Which I now have stuck in my head, by the way.
CW is a humorous website. With humor. To make you laugh. LOL. See?
Oh Canada, my home and native land...
FYI, Jen, July 14 is Bastille Day. Don't hack off the French, please. (Who knew Canadians were so sensitive? Sheesh.)
Happy Canada day! The true north, strong and free! (plus applicable taxes)
What... only 2 cakes ?
C'mon Canadian fans...
Happy Canada Day !!
Happy Day off !!
Happy long weekend !!
and finally to BC & Ontario...
Happy HST day ... sigh
you forgot the French part of the song! (and yeah, it's stuck in my head now, too. Luckily I have the Epcot Soundtrack)
I guess in the spirit of celebrating both countries' independence from England, everyone's minds are out of the gutter... But the cherry and smudge on the right of that 2nd cake still has my mind there!
I'm sorry to have to correct a fellow Canadian about the origin of Canada, but it actually celebrates the ORIGINAL British North America Act of 1867. This act made the territories of Canada West (now Ontario), Canada East (Quebec), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick a Confederation of provinces under the Dominion of Great Britain. (That's why it used to be called Dominion Day when I was a kid) When the BNA Act and Canada's constitution were brought home in the 90s, it became Canada Day.
(Why YES, I do teach 5th grade Social Studies: why do you ask?)
And I love the idea of a Canada Day DQ icecream wedding cake!
wv: preadic - I preadic some people will complain this comment has too much history and not enough cake!
That song was epic.
Ok, now I want a big order of pouteen to go with my Maxipad Cake™.
Haha, first time I've ever seen Canada involved on CW. I get that it's just a joke and all... but it seems like every time I see my country around on the internet, somebody's making a stupid, uninformed joke about us. (N)
Sucky maple leaf, lol, those things are difficult to get right.
A) Hilarious. B) I am never going to get that song out my head now!!
Ahem, i shall now sing the Canadian national anthem as I learned it at age 10....
Oh Canada!
We stand on cars and Freeze...
As a Canadian I don't know whether to laugh or be offended. I guess I'll go with laugh; that would be the polite thing to do.
Go Canada!!! But please not make us eat the second cake!
Amazingly, that first cake put the correct amount of points on the maple leaf.
@sharalyns: Arrogant Worms, indeed.
Happy Canada Day!
Love the EPCOT Canada song... ;-)
wikiHow has instructions... although I'm not sure if it's a better outcome:
It's a good thing we Canadians don't talk about Americans that way. It would be war if you could actually afford it.
Is the center, um, section, I guess, even frosted?
At least the first one is a respectable, tasty-looking cake. The second one has hardly any icing, and on the right side, there is only one strawberry in all that red goo-Eeeeewwww!
OMG.... Jen you have me in tears. I had a very brief marriage to a Canadian, ay? And that EPCOT song will be in my head the rest of the day, ay? Now I'm going to have to go home and have some fries with vinegar, ay?
Happy Canada Day, all, ay?
I thought that song was from Space Mountain.
I bet there are a lot of crappy Canadian flag cakes out there. It's exceptionally tricky to draw maple leaves off the top of your head.
I'd never heard this song before, but upon "hearing" you and John sing it, I knew it was going to be one of those instant favorites that was going to get stuck in my head and drive me to desperate acts as soon as the music actually entered my ears.
Thanks for the YouTube link. I wasn't wrong about the desperate acts. Let's do this together, hand in hand.
wv: guestio, as in, I am now singing with lots of guestio. Wees a Franch accent, a la Clouseau, no? Quite fitting for Danada, I mean Canada Day.
my favorite part of the song is the "side by side and hand in haaaaand"
like the rest said, won't get it out of my head all day.
apparently, the song's been rerecorded, who knew? without as many echoes.. so not as fun!
UUmm YUMMY !!! happy Canada Day to all. Love the cake, hope my wife just made one just like this. Thanks lanyards
Um, I think Jen knows that Canada Day is not a US holiday. I think she also knows it's their independence day. I think she probably even knows that "Candadaaa! Canadadada!" is not their anthem. Jus' sayin'...
wv: tastater
Mmm... I'm gonna have me some of them tastaters with mah hot dawg on Sunday!
Today's WikiHow ( shows you how to make a homemade Canadian Flag Cake with strawberries or Jello powder!!
You're a lifetime of wonder on this Planet Earth ;-)
Canada Day is Canada's National holiday, not a U.S. holiday ...! Sheesh.
Today is the 143rd anniversary of our Confederation. July 1st is always a holiday here, just like your 4th.
Just sayin'. I'm thinking you're needing to expand your "World Tour".
Wreck On!
Carrie from Canada
The Constitution was repatriated to Canada and the holiday name changed to Canada Day in 1982, not "in the 90s" as some poor, unsuspecting grade 5 students tragically now believe.
You do NOT want to know what the 2nd one looks like. Let's just say it should be banned for "inappropriate placement of strawberries" and let's leave it at that.
Yee-ikes. Sorry bout that, Canada.
Sandy- Ay looks more like the Scottish aye, than the Canadian EH. ;) Don't ya know, eh?!
"How do I get out of here? I've got FastPasses for Soarin'...."
LOL, the comments are funnier than the cakes. I've never been to Epcot so I don't know the song. I can't afford to dedicate brain cells to a song that will never leave so I'm not going to Youtube it. Wouldn't it be great if the US did celebrate Canada Day? It could be a holiday like Grandparent's day when we could send sappy or humorous Hallmark cards to each other celebrating Canada and all it (she?) has given us, like Martin Short, Jim Carrey, over-the-hill hockey players, Neil Young, Dudley Do Right, and other stuff like the basketball, Canada Dry Ginger Ale, the electric car heater (obviously!), the zipper and the pacemaker (you could look this stuff up, I did).
Hey remember when we kicked your @$$ at hockey at the Olympics?
yeah about that...first of all, it's ''eh''. And we eat POUTINE, not fries with vinegar.
What, I'm afraid to ask, are the two long, red, phallic thingies on either side of cake #2? Did someone say, "Hmmmm, I think for Canada Day, I'll make a cake with two bloody male organs. That's what I think of when I think of Canada!" And what does the writing in the center say? Cana-mmmph? Maybe the wreckerator was writing as s/he spoke and wrote down what happened when the buyer got a look at this vile cake. "Here ya go; one cake complete with violent sexual images for Cana -mmmmph" (word cut off by cake being thrown in wreckerator's face).
wv: novest - Thou novest thee art going straight to the devil for thy sin of wreckeration.
Ew, that second cake was absolutely disgusting. Took my appetite away that was for sure.
Happy Canada day, though!
Epcot? Don't you mean Spaceship Earth?
The second cake is a beautiful demonstration on how to overwhip your frosting and expose the lovely air bubbles you have so carefully created. It also is a perfect example of creative ways to use up those jars of blood clots you have laying around the house.
Mag Ruffman is my favorite Canadian. If you don't know who she is, your life is not yet complete. I love her.
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Dear People Who Obviously Don't Read This Blog Often:
Calm. Down. Seriously. Before you get snarky in the comments, please realize a few things.
1)They KNOW it's a real holiday. Sarcasm. Learn it.
2)They've done Canada Day wrecks before better. I'm willing to forget they forgot this year with all the craziness of the book tour.
3)They KNOW that's not Canada's national anthem. Disney is something of an institution on this site. Jen loves it and it get's referenced regularly.
4)They were making fun of how schloky the Epcot song about Canada is not the acutal athem.
5)They have only love for Canada. I have only love for Canada. I very much hope to visit one day.
6)Jen and John are the sweetest people ever. If you take some time to read past posts, you'll see what I mean.
Happy Independance Day to our northern neighbors!
Yeah! An American website that included something Canadian. Not only are we fantastic hockey players but clearly we possess mad cake decorating skills!
I totally sing that song with my family all the time. Ah, Epcot--thank you for your circle vision songs that are stuck in our heads for the rest of our lives.
Could a Canadian please explain how this post is offensive? It's not like Jen made the cakes . . . and the song is Disney's fault (the company - not the man).
I did not know that Canadian Independence and US Independence fell so close together on the calendar. If the two countries were siblings, they probably would have had to share a birthday cake and party on either the 2nd or 3rd. Happy Birthday Canada . . . and lighten up a little.
Happy Canada Day! Have a safe drive home! Please take Steve Nash with you when you go. Thanks!
Oh, Canada.......oh my gosh the maple tree is on fire!!!!!
Hurry get the fire extinguisher!!!!!
The Canadian flag is so easy how do they get it so wrong?
Thank you for the wrecks celebrating your northern neighbour's national day! Love it. (And yes, I'm Canadian and just spent the day celebrating). In fact, I was inspired to dye part of the cake batter bright red thanks to your website (and several guests "got" it) after that MoMA Mondrian Sweet!
That second cake is shameful! At least the first one being nice but "mis-spelled".
Anon @12:31: don't worry, this didn't offend. Even though I'm not familiar with the song in question, I know that this post was all in friendly, affectionate humour.
@Sarah... love your "plus applicable taxes" addendum!! And Anon at 1:36: I live in Ontario.
WildHeather: It was Upper and Lower Canadas (not east and west), and the Constitution was repatriated in 1982, at the same time that we got the Charter. Early 1990s was the Meech Lake Accord, which didn't pass all provincial legislatures. PS The Canadian Flag as we know it only dates back to the 1960s-- it was a huge debate, which is amazing given how well the flag is identified with the country today.
At Anon@207: "stand on cars and freeze?" love it!
As much as I enjoy CWs and the humor & joking about that goes with, the joke ceases to be funny when you decide to dis another countries official anthem.
If I or any other Canadian dared to make fun of the US anthem, most of you would be instantly trashing us for being so disrepectful. It goes both ways..
I would pay extra for the cake with phonetic spelling:
C, eh
N, eh
D, eh
It's a national holiday because it's Canada's Birthday. We became our own country 143 years ago.
Okay, that second cake totally scares me... the first glance put something totally obscene in my head - the second glance gave me the Maxipad thing, like Natalie - I'm afraid if I go there again I'll need therapy!
Happy Canada Day, Canadians!
We love this site.
Happy Canada Day to our fellow Canadians!
You really have to check out the link that Cindi@12:38 listed.
It's a song video a couple of young Ontarians made.
Here's the link again
Now I have THAT song stuck in my brain.
Jean & Laurie from Red Deer
the usa doesn't celebrate "canada day". that's the stupid name politicians changed confederation day to. july 1, 1867 was when canada became a country, semi-separate from england. the full separation didn't happen until 1982 when pierre trudeau (then prime minister) brought the british north america act back to canada.
love the cakes. it's a pleasure to know (and i've seen them too, just didn't have a digital camera to immortalize them) that canada isn't immune to bad patriotic displays on cakes.
1) Happy Canada Day!
2) The Maple Leaf is a pain in the you-know-what to draw out. They almost always look like some 5 year old drew it!
3) I don't think I've ever seen a Cake Wrecks post that contained some Canadian content NOT be part of some joke. I'm not overly sensitive, and can take a few jabs at my country, but it gets a little repetitive when that's ALL that happens. Just sayin.
If a Canadian, or anyone from another country made fun of your national anthem, you'd be pretty offended. Why make fun of ours? Shame on you. Also, get your facts straight about Canada day.
I think the second one - the Maxipad(TM)cake - wold benefit from some poutine....
....if it was tipped over it.
Wow. Jen, I haven't even seen the first Cake Wrecks book, but I just read your blogger profile and finding out that you're working on a -second- book gave me goosebumps!
Thanks to those who caught my typo when I said 90s instead of 80s for the repatriation of the BNA Act. I knew it wasn't the 90s because I was in high school at the time!
Further: the terms Upper Canada and Lower Canada fell out of use after 1841, and at the actual time of Confederation were known as Canada East and Canada West. Don't make me cite it for you! ;-D
Wow, as a Canadian, I'm going to apologize for all my moronic countrymen that can't take a joke. (see, we really do apologize for everything. :p)
We used to have humour here but it moved away. Apparently inferiority complexes are more fun.
I do agree with the posters that are pointing out that a maple leaf is really pissy to draw though. Never looks right, ever. Not that that wasn't a spectacularly bad one.
LMAO As a Canadian I <3 you guys for making a post for Canada Day :)
Proud to Be Canadian Eh!
People that can't comprehend sarcasm really shouldn't comment on blogs that are meant to be funny. But I think the large number of Americans who know NOTHING about Canada is starting to rub some of us the wrong way. Just check out Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans
(Jen, I think you'd like Rick Mercer)
-Pst... other Canucks, we know they can dish it but they can't take it! ;)
Sheesh, folks. Really? If you had actually read the post it's pretty clear that John and Jen are not making fun of your national anthem- they used the Canada song from Epcot- and this was clearly stated. If anything they're making fun of Disney. I am glad to see there are some Canadians with a sense of humor.
We Canadians definitely have a sense of humour (anyone see the Olympics closing ceremony?).
In fact, we have learned to laugh at ourselves along with the rest of the world - and usually don't mind because we know exactly how lucky we are to live in such an incredible country with such nice neighbours.
Here's a great video to explain the differences between the US and Canadians. Check it out:
And, to show that we have a sense of humour - check out this video:
It's all in good fun. :)
The Epcot song is part of the reason why I love you guys. Not only do you like horribly awesome cakes, but you're Disney nuts as well. I often get the Canada song stuck in my head randomly but don't know all the words. That and the America song (I don't know all the words to that either).
Americaaaa. Spread your golden winggssss.
As a Canadian, this amuses me. Greatly. The wrecks were... well, they were interesting. Especially the second one. Um?
And as for all my fellow Canucks who clearly cannot take a joke, well, bugger off. Seriously. The Epcot song fails miserably, but hey, so does the entire Canada section of Epcot. Shocker.
American misinterpretations of Canada are HILARIOUS. They're so ridiculous, you just have to laugh at them.
Danger Will Robinson, Danger! We have an Epcot code RED - commenter failure to understand sarcasm and differentiate theme park songs from national anthems!
Abort! Abort!
Anonymous @ 11:38 pm:
It's a humor site. Of *course* posts that mention Canada will be making fun of Canada - just like posts about America will always be making fun of America. Just take a look at the Plastic Flag [tm] post. Or any of the posts bewailing the state of our educational system (there's one devoted to poorly-spelled cakes "honoring" teachers!).
I also seem to recall an absolutely stunning Canadian-flag themed cake in one of the Sunday Sweets posts - no fun-poking there.
LOL to all the people hating. Can't you detect sarcasm?
Love the "maxiflag" wreck, though the other one's pretty good (except for the botched maple leaf, but really, who can draw those!). : D
Thanks John/Jen -- don't feel bad!
(the other Jenn)
Q: How do you get 50 Canadians out of your swimming pool?
A: You say, "Please get out of the pool."
Happy Canada Day!
wv: sovenoz These cakes aren't very good sovenoz of my trip to Canada.
My only experience with "Canada Day" was finding it to also be "Mass Exodus" day for Canadians. We ended up there for our honeymoon (long story - our original plans fell through...but we still had a great time), and got stuck in so much traffic trying to get OUT on July 1...a 2 hour trip took almost 5 - all backed up at the border. Go figure.
Seriously? SERIOUSLY!?!??!?
"It's a good thing we Canadians don't talk about Americans that way."
Ummmmm.....if you've been reading the blog for the past few days you'd notice that the AMERICANS have been talking about Americans that way (and now that they're all getting their bloomers in a knot, I'm guessing the Canadians and other nationality readers were as well) as the American Independence Day cakes got the exact same treatment.
My mama always said "Don't dish it if you can't take it!" (Glad to see some Canadians that can take it too. You all get gold stars...I mean proper red Maple leaf stickers in my book! :))
Maybe Canada should take that as a national anthem. Right after the US adopts "America F- Yeah!" from Team America as its new national anthem.
As a Canadian, this post cracked me up. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep a straight face during the national anthem now, thanks to you lot! I'll just be hearing "Canada... CANADAAAAA!" I didn't think I was going to be laughing much today, so thanks!
wv: coldric- a qunitessential Canadian name!
For anyone that said we would be offended, just ignore them. Most Canadians have a wonderful sense of humour and love Canada jokes and songs.
Those who may have been offended by you simply wish we had Target stores in Canada, that's all.
Wreck on! And thanks for acknowledging us "up north"!
Happy Nat
I laughed and laughed at your comment. If you had listed a blog, I'd be your newest Canadian follower.
Thanks for the chuckle!
Rebecca F.
I like how nice Canadians actually are when complaining. :) Ah, if only more of the world could be a bit more like Canada....
Oh, that song from Epcot is PRICELESS!!! Let me just say that Canada was one of the early stops of the "Beers of the World" tour my hubby to be and his brother took that day, and even now, nearly 10 years later, we STILL sing "CANADAAAA" and laugh...thanks for the laughs today!
Just to take everyone's mind off the Canada song from Epcot...
*ahem* *mi mi mi mi*
It's a world of laughter
A world of tear...
(Runs away to South America -- FAST)
I love Kat's very polite, very Canadian "Haha, you are so funny but actually NO" comment. Sharalyns I loved your Arrogant Worms contribution - I think we should really lobby for the Arrogant Worms to give us Canucks a new, more better national anthem, with more beaver references.
Don't worry Jon and Jen, as an official online Canadian, I can say that you offended no one except a few silly people with sticks up their bums and they'd get offended if they came from Azerbaijan or the South Pole.
Oh my god, my fellow Canadians, please lighten up and enjoy the blog - if you've been to this site regularly you'd know that it's full of sarcasm and making fun of really, really silly cakes.
I LOVED the post. Awesome. But surely there are more Canadian flag-themed wracks out there? And the second cake looks really disgusting...
Dear me, that Epcot song is awful (I tried the link). On the other hand, it's nice to know that there are some Americans who have heard of us. I lived in Oklahoma for two years, and most people didn't even know there was a country above the US! Clearly, that one small town was not representative of the entire country. Now, everyone join in:
"We stand out from other countries 'cause Canada's rea-lly biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig!"
Canada Day on July 1st is the equivalent of Independence Day on July 4th (For Americans) is not the equivalent of Hamburger Day
From north of the border -- It really isn't our independence day, as shown by the fact that Queen Lizzie is over here right now doing a tour of her colony.
Love your site, check in at least twice a week, and didn't really take offense at your comments. As I see it, you offend everyone equally.
I'm amazed that some people are offended. I found it rather amusing. The fireworks display in my city were very sadly lacking, but it's small city Saskatchewan, I can't blame them if I've seen some in Ottawa and Calgary.
Anyway, when will people learn that maple leaves are extremely hard to draw free-hand? I drew one like that when I was ten and learned that I should never attempt it again. XD
They are showing THE SAME Canada video (y'know, the one with the Mounties) at Disney World as they did when I went AS A KID! And I'm FIFTY frickin' years old!! Show a new movie, Disney People!! It's a frickin' embarrassment!!
LOL this Canadian thought that was pretty Hill-arry. I am now following your blog.
Thank do not celebrate us it is our celebration!! How very american of you to think we only have a day to celebrate independence because the great U.S.A made it so...
also fyi..
"O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee."
Well, I have been finding Cake Wrecks less and less funny over the past few months, and now with this lame and offensive post about Canada Day (apology notwithstanding) I've decided to stop reading.
In a fit of patriotism, I feel compelled to sing:
Give us a place to staaaaaand
And a place to groooooow
And call this land Ontariooooo.
A place to liiiiiive
For you and meeeee
With hopes as hiiiiigh
As the tallest treeeeee.
Give us a land of laaaakes
and a land of snooooow
And we will buiiiiiiild
A place to stand, a place to grow
(Yes, this is actually a real song. See, we're weirder on our own than you manage to make us when you're trying to make fun of us!)
That 'cake'... oh my... ooooh my... I think I might be sick.
And um, Epcot? Can we change that song? Please? I vote you now you this one:
Thanks for the laugh,
JJ in Canada, eh!
My dad always thought the EPCOT Canada song was rhyming "Canada" with "planet-a".
No offense taken! I'm Canadian, and I laughed through that post, especially you guys "singing" the Canada song.
Ok, I’m one of those people who just silently reads and enjoys Cake Wrecks’ posts and comments every day, without participating, but this time I just HAD TO comment on this. My guess is that the majority of Canadians who read this post, like me, were very honoured and pleased by your special Canadian ‘edition’. And the majority of us got it. I was not offended in the slightest and thought it was hilarious. Some people just like to feel offended and as you know, complainers like to be heard and unfortunately it sometimes seems like they are speaking for everyone. NOT SO! I love your site. Apologies not necessary for Pete's Sake! Shine on Jen and John.
To all the Canadians who were offended:
Take the hockey sticks out of your butts, and get a sense of humor, if you can find it.
I'm sure if this post wasn't up, you'd get offended that too much time was spent on American cakes.
*Starts humming "Canadian Idiot" by Weird Al"
I am Canadian and I wasn't in the least offended.
Many Canadians can't even sing their own anthem and it is a running joke up here. It was nice to be thought of on our special day.
As for "the maple leaf not being a Canadian symbol"... Yes... it is. and the first cake is a not terribly awful replication of the Canadian flag. The average person can't replicate a maple leaf. They could, at least, have copied it from any number of places. However, it is a lot better than the cakes you featured for the 4th of July!
It was certainly WAAAAYYYYyyyyyy better than the hideous one below it.
At least they didn't attempt a beaver or a loon.
PS, In an effort to give Canadians a bit of variety and Americans an little taste of Canada, my friend, Mike Plume, wrote "8:30 Newfoundland (This Is Our Home)" which I think should be the new Canadian anthem.
Love the song. Please pass it along. The song deserves to be heard.
Several favourite lines?
"And when you cross the border and see a caribou on the quarter, then and only then will you be home".
"I've been snowed in for days on the Trans Canada Highway... and that was in the month of June."
And "the little place I love in the Gatineaus with a swimming hole and a covered bridge" was the town I was born in, Wakefield, Quebec.
Ok, I had to laugh at the EPCOT song. While on hold with Disney on Canada Day they were playing that song and I was humming along
Thanks for actknowledging that 'Canada is far superior at hockey'.. LOL it is apreciated ;) Happy coming US day!
Here's the song Jen was talking about, which is used in the Canada Pavillion at Epcot in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Words and music by Robert Moline
French lyrics by Guy Bonnardot
Vocals by John Zov and Juanice Charmaine
Canada (Canada),
My Canada (mon Canada).
You're a lifetime journey for the traveler (le voyageur).
Canada (Canada),
My Canada (mon Canada).
You're a lifeline of wonder on this planet Earth (planète terre).
You are far too vast and beautiful for words to ever really tell.
Ten thosand dawn and sunsets I could see
And still not know you well.
J'ai suivi la trace de tes oiseaux de neiges dans les forêts.
J'atteins peu à peu ton coeur et jevois
Comme si comme l'enfant.
Canada (Canada),
My Canada (mon Canada).
A Boutissement d'un rêve pour tous les voyageurs.
Canada (Canada),
My Canada (mon Canada).
Sur ta lingne de vie se tracent les miracles de la terre.
Canada comme une odyssée à travers les temps.
Tu es la fleur et la semence.
Tes montagnes tes villes et tes mers
Sont tout ce que j'aime.
People from around the world have settled in your land.
For their heritage and Canda they stand
Side by side and hand in hand.
Canada (Canada),
My Canada (mon Canada).
You're a lifeline of wonder on this planet Earth
After reading all the posts, I did not, as a canadian, found the cakes offensive or the candadians offended. Please Americans, why are we supposed to be offended?! We are not!
K, I'd just like to point out that we're NOT independent of England. Queen Elizabeth II is the queen of Canada. In fact, she's touring Canada now and joined in yesterday's celebrations from Parliament Hill (that's in Ottawa, our nation's capital, which is in Ontario).
@Bree Not nice. And on our country's birthday.
That French is....awkward. Doesn't sound right to me.
What does America export besides soldiers?
Brilliant rendition of the Canada Pavillion song! You made my night!
I heart you for making that painfully lame song about my homeland funny. You rock.
And it's really, really, really sad how many people thought you were serious. Because, y'know, this is always the SeriousBlogofSeriousness. Seriously.
I'm a Canadian and was not offended at all by that post...I find it funny that the cake decorators can't seem to get the maple leaf shaped properly...but hey, at least they spelled "Canada" right, eh?
anonymous @1:27...we export MARINES. want one? i can send you a few. right to your doorway. you just let me know. :)
oh canada. don't you know we of the great USA are snobs? it is our main goal in life to piss off the rest of the planet. for real.
OMG! I can't believe you'd make fun of Canada! And their national anthem! That's crazy! I's not like you spent a whole week making fun of your OWN country's Independence Day cakes..........ummm...I mean...oh wait.....
My husband is from Canada so we always celebrate Canada Day and Canadian Thanksgiving. I made a Canada Day cake this week...if I was a professional I would have submitted it to you myself. Maple leafs are a pain to make on cake! Next time I'll go with something easier...maybe polite phrases all over the cake. :-D
with 144 comments ahead of me I doubt you'll see this:
I just wanted to thank you Americans for giving us Canadians a day to celebrate. Up here in the far north, we only sit around in our igloos & munch on seal blubber. It takes a more sophisticated country like you to the south of us to think about holidays.
Oh BTW, please do come up & see us this summer & don't forget to bring your skis.
@Happy Moose- Ditto Ditto Ditto!!Great Blog!
Can I just say I'm greatly amused that the EPCOT reference actaully caused an "EPCOT incident"? (As a side note, the phrase "See, you can tell by the Disney Font" has become a running gag in our household.)
As for the readers you "lost", don't worry about it, they obviously didn't get the blog and will not be missed. They can troll elsewhere.
As always, your sarcasm, commentary, and Disney references, remain my favorite part of the blog, truly. It was great to meet you at the signing last Saturday and I hope you enjoyed Disneyland!
Love that Canada song. When we first heard it at EPCOT, my mom thought they were saying "'re a life time of wonder on this planata..." (or something like that.). Good times. :)
yeah! my cake was posted! Maxipad(TM)cake! long time fan, first time cake submitter. and, as a canadian, i am not offended at all.
jill p
Oh. Wow. It's really unfortunate that some of our neighbors to the north were offended by this post. It's even more unfortunate that some of the offended took it upon themselves to post hurtful comments targeting Americans. Lighten up, folks. There's just too much seriousness in our world to take something fun and lighthearted and turn it into a name-calling contest. Grow up. Really.
:/ I <3 Canada. If we get much more religious and/or conservative, I'd be begging to come stay with you. Plus, Canada provided Michael Shanks AND gave us SG-1/Atlantis! Oh, and Kids in the Hall. As far as I'm concerned, ya'll rock.
And go ahead and make fun of our anthem all you like... I HATE that thing! All war and death. Bizarre. There are so many more kind, thoughtful songs they should have chosen. Ick to our anthem.
Word:"lesse", Lesse if I get fellow Americans barking mad at my not liking the anthem. ;)
Just one more comment from a Canadian to say that this post was not offensive. Don't worry!
I was particularly amused by the comment that noted that we have better cakes than that here. Ummm...yes. But, why would Jen post the better cakes? This is cake wrecks! The cakes are supposed to be bad :)
"You American?"
"I'm Canadian, actually. It's like an American, but without a gun."
--Kids in the Hall
It would benefit the offended wreckies to take what we have learned of Jen and Hubby of Jen through our time enjoying their posts. They aren't out to slander, offend, sling mud at, insult, hurt, embarrass or upset people. I mean, read the rules for commenting and sending in pictures for goodness sakes.
They posted an homage to Canada for their Independence Day because, chances are, someone would have been offended if they'd missed it.
They aren't cruel, mean spirited people and I think they have shown that through the years. They deserve more credit than what they're being given.
It's easy to be a critic when thousands of people aren't breathing down your neck, expecting briliance each and every day.
Their blog is fantastic and it has brought a lot of laughs to a lot of people and has even been a vessel to create new friendships. If they were out to be cruel, things like that wouldn't bloom from their talent.
My family loves you Jen and Hubby of Jen ;). We pray for you and we catch a wreck every chance we get. Thanks you guys for all the smiles.
I'm posting belatedly but as a Canadian I thought your post was frickin' hilarious and I'm sorry there were so many pooh-poohers about it. Please don't let it reflect poorly on all of us.
Jean - I'm with you!!!People - take a pill - or at least a piece of cake! I thought the "song" was cute... I did not take offense and as a Canadian I want to reassure you that there are more of us that chuckled when we read your post and saw the cakes than those who got their fruit of the looms in a knot. So now that I've mentioned undergarments, I have deflected the rage from you to me... have a wonderful summer! Love your site!
Grace K
Wow... gotta say I'm not impressed, I think the ignorance shown here by both the post and the comments is definitely worse than the offended complaints from the Canadians. People are offended because Canada is constantly the butt of jokes and it's quite tiring to constantly here the same ones again and again, especially when they're so farfetched (I hate winter, don't live in an igloo, and I say "huh" more than I say "eh"). Especially when the comments come from people who can't even find Canada on a map (or who don't know we have our own holidays... and hey, we have running water too!).
I just want to took us 5 minutes to get INTO Canada on June 27 and over an hour to get OUT on Canada Day. Why were all the Albertans fleeing?
Perhaps it was cake #2.
I didn't mind that post...a little disappointed there were only two cakes, because goodness knows we have more wrecks up here...haha's not our Independence Day. That's your thing. It's our birthday. Similar, but different :)
I'm sorry...but obviously Canada Day is not an American holiday, just like we are aware of the 4th of July and that it is an American holiday. I really didn't want to be one of the offended, but that's just so, so...stupid.
I just gotta say that I love Canada for giving us two great gifts:
The Kids in the Hall, and
Dear Canadians
Just to let you know, we Americans aren't all as dumb as my aunt, who once wondered aloud (around the time that Alaska & Hawaii were admitted to the Union):
"So when are they going to make Canada a state?"
My father answered: "Lois, Canada is a COUNTRY for crying out loud!"
To which she replied, "What... that little place up above Buffalo??"
Oh, I do believe I nearly peed my pants laughing. True story. LOVE you guys! :)
Hmm. Fascinating.
I'm not Canadian, so I can't speak for those from Canadia ( that offensive??) and therefore my opinion is likely moot, but I am Australian and Australia being the butt of constant jokes the world over (well, maybe not in New Zealand; they're the butt of our jokes) I can't ever recall being offended by ANY AUSSIE JOKE, let alone something so inoffensive.
I'm offended that folk were offended by the inoffensiveness of this post. Ha! Try saying that ten times fast.
There was no malice.
Get a life.
P.S. Yes. I do ride a kangaroo to work every day.
P.P.S. Knifey-spoony is our national sport.
Perhaps all the people who were so offended, and so woefully tired of Canada jokes should try living in NJ. I mean, come on. Have you seen what the world thinks of us? Shudder!
The cakes left me giggling, but I'm SO grateful for the reference to the Epcot Canada song, which is the musical equivalent to some of the best, best cake wrecks ever (I love the new version, with the awkward French duet, totally painfully satisfying.) Had to watch your (later) link to the You Tube video and I am UTTERLY utterly fulfilled and can face the disaster that will be the rest of my day with a delighted smile on my face. Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Howdy folks:
A lot of you seem to think nobody would dare make fun of the Star-Spangled Banner.
Hasn't anybody seen the national anthem scene from Borat (which grossed $128 BILLION in this country)? An American impersonating a Khazak singing a parody anthem...brilliant layering. I guarantee you patriotic Americans went to see it and still found it hilarious. After all, it was obviously a farce.
Like the movie, this blog is a comedy -- one I've found reliably funny day after day. If there is ever something I don't get, I tend to assume it's because some crucial aspect of the point went over my head. Maybe more people ought to do the same, and cut Jen a break.
P.S. Oh, and...try being from West Virginia. The jokes about us are far worse than anything about bacon. And yet, I have a favorite:
Q: How do we know the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia?
A: Anywhere else, it would be teethbrush.
I feel awful for laughing every time.
Just further proof that Americans are the center of the world.
Her first thought was that America celebrated a day for Canada, instead of thinking it possible that Canada has its own national day?
you're half a month too late to make negative comments here.
Some people need a sarcasm filter on their browsers so they can't look at webpages they don't understand.
Honestly, I can't say that I find this amusing at all. The wrecks are amusing, but the commentary was not. I understand that the intention was not malicious, but it was thoughtless.
Oh, and before you all start on me:
1) Yes, I understand and am fully capable of detecting sarcasm. I feel that in this case it was ill-used and caused offence to some people. Myself included.
2) I read Cake Wrecks all the time and Epbot too. Hell, they're in my top sites. The reason this caught me off guard is that Cake Wrecks is generally very funny and far from rude. Jen usually goes out of her way to make fun of the cake and not the wreckerator. I would have liked to see her apply that principle to this post.
That is all.
Seriously, you "Didn't realize the US celebrated Canada with its own day." As in, how lucky are WE to have Americans celebrating our nation?
How ignorant.
Actually, "Anonymous", it's much more fair to say that YOU are completely ignorant since it was a JOKE. As testified by about 1000 comments above, and, if I recall correctly, an explanatory note on the original page.
Try rubbing those two brain cells together & see if you can make a spark, before you comment next time.
Seriously, some people were offended? If we're allowed to send Rick Mercer south so he can mock Americans, then Cake Wrecks can mock us. Tis only fair. After all, we did burn down their White House. Just saying...
How could someone be offended by this post!? I'm Canadian and I'm not offended!
O mighty music,
unite us in our homage!
(What? It's five syllables.)