Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Picture Is Worth...Well, This Many Words

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Say, just what kind of Mickey Mouse operation do you think they're running here?

Hey, laugh all you want; I'm just impressed they spelled it right.

It's like music to my eyes. Really.

Ok, not really.

And if you think e-mailing a picture to the bakery helps...think again.

Hey, a print-out of the entire Wikipedia source file still counts as a picture, right? Right?

Michael B., Jennifer C. & Jim H., Amber C., & Jessica C., I think I'd steal two icing roses in protest of that cake, too.
Anonymous said...

AMAZING -- every one of them is spelled correctly!! Monogram, congratulations... wow.

I'll have to remember that last one for lawyer hubby's birthday.. I could use a sheet of his letterhead with legal babble. No hours of piping a decoration!

*snort* Gotta love breakfast with Cakewrecks.


Druston said..., I need my eyes checked.

I thought that second one was supposed to be 'Mammogram', not monogram. There's not even two N's to even LOOK like M's.


What on earth is on my mind?

Jenniffer said...

Oh my! That lawyer cake is all kinds of awesome! And what's up with the 2 removed roses in the upper right corner?

WV: ement - ement to put them in the bottom right corner, I guess!

Anonymous said...

Love that the top 2 roses on the lawyer cake are smashed too!

Sandy C/Boynton Beach said...

OMG! It just amazes me each time I see instructions piped on a cake. These people actually believe their finished product is what the customer is expecting!!

I shudder when think this is the result of our educational system and/or the low standards in hiring policies. How embarassingly funny!

I love am breaks w/ CW.. my coworkers love them. Keep them coming:p

Jenni said...

All I can say is "lazy!"

Actually... stupid works too. For each and every wreck!

Unknown said...

That last one made me laugh and laugh! I mean, come ON people! Does ignorance know no bounds???

Aliza said...

OK, the first one is a wreck anyway, but the others are well-done at least. The polka dots and the guitar are nice! Too bad they were a wee bit literal.

And as for the last one... um, wreckerators? *not* a good idea screwing up cakes for lawyers!!!

Anonymous said...



Gina said...

I cannot believe how many times a bakery will print out a page with a picture on it and slap that on the cake. Unbelievable. Do they NEVER think to call and verify "You want a page printed from wikipedia stuck to your cake, right?"

Amy said...

My co-worker refuses to believe that the lawyer cake wasn't done on purpose. I showed him the Jump Drive Cake incident.

Connie Moreno said...!

FiberQat said...

At least the Wikipedia print settled any questions about source rights.

Trevor said...

These are all awesome! I can't decide which is my favorite today. Either the very non-sequetor Mickey cake, or the VERY literal last one. Sometimes I'd like to know where these come from. Not the specific bakery, but the city at least.

Anonymous said...

I think the Wikipedia cake needs to be the cover for your next book!

Anonymous said...

wow. to think monogram could have been mammogram.

Jon-Michael said...

Seeing these cakes today confirms the suspicion that these decorators don't speak English as a first language.

Jules AF said...

These hurt me inside.

Isabella said...

I'm still trying to figure out the Mickey Mouse one. Was it a break up cake gone wrong? Was Mickey Mouse breaking up with Michael? Are they the same person and just breaking up with some unidentified party? Just what is the story with that one!

Unknown said...

I have a postcard on my desk from the artist/humorist Ashleigh Brilliant ( that just sums up what's wrong...well, brilliantly: "Communicate! It can't make things any worse."

When I do something and I'm not sure if it's right, I ask someone! Wonder why these folks didn't. Granted, they're keeping Cake Wrecks in business, but still. One wonders.

Anonymous said...

I too am disappointed it's not a mammogram cake; every woman deserves one afterwards 'cos it HURTS!!!!

Lauren Borquez said...

Wow I really heart the last one its on that other level of specialness :)

Siouxzr said...

I thought the first cake was a death threat. We're taking you to see Mickey and then it's curtains for Michael.
I too thought the second cake said Mammogram -- but couldn't figure out why the nipples covering the cake were brown and blue instead of pink and brown. Every woman should get a mammogram cake (and every man a "turn your head and cough cake" just to be fair).

wv: badruc That first cake is a badruc, but that last one is a really badruc.

Renee Nefe said...

seems to me that the cake order forms need some tweeking some how to avoid directions ending up on the cake. sigh!

I'm sure glad that I haven't had to buy one of these.

lisadh said...

Those made me giggle! Tee-hee!

Terri Coop said...

Man I wish I had gotten the lawyer cake when I graduated law school!

Robert, you are special!

I've never had a cake wrecked because of the instruction box. However, I did have a rubber stamp come out wrecky.

I needed a stamp with a specific company name. Most people wrote it wrong because they put periods after letters (ya know, like I.B.M.) My client was tired of this and rather touchy about the subject.

So, in the instruction box for the first line, I (stupidly) put (these are fake initials, my client suffered enough):

U(no period)S(no period)A(no period)

In the very special instruction box I wrote: "Do not put periods after the capital letters in the first line. Call me at . . . if you have any questions."

Well, can ya guess what my rubber stamp said???

Can ya?

Can ya?

Sigh, it's good to know that cake decorators can get night job working at rubber stamp factories.

Unfortunately, they made me give back the bad one before they would replace it after I had a very lawyerly screaming hissy fit in front of the manager.


Aviatrix said...

Perhaps Michael is a new Wikipedia editor, and he's being congratulated for his excellent mediation skills in that capacity.

wv: Whom do dee fink deefulen, these wreckerators?

Bethann said...

You just made my day

Anonymous said...

*shakes head*

I made my first wreck-hunting tour of the grocery store bakery this morning, and oh did I wish I had my camera. There was a smiley-face cake with plastic sunglasses stuck right into it (and no eyes underneath)!

PatrĂ­cia said...

I am assuming that last cake is Creative Commons licensed because it's using Wikipedia material. So you can share, modify and redistribute this cake under the same terms and conditions. Good to see CC licenses put to other uses :P

Tricia L said...

You know, I wondered why my local grocery store bakeries never display decorated cakes. Sure, they have ones out with pretty flowers and borders, but never with writing on them. After reading CW for a few months, I guess I finally know why. They are afraid their work will show up here, posted by cell-phone wielding shoppers.

Anonymous said...


Jennifer said...

So Amber is taking up the guitar now? How nice for her.

Kaija said...

I thought it was supposed to be mammogram too, Druston. And what about the fact that it's AMBER, you know, like the high school dropout and pole dancer?

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one distracted by those balloons on the Mickey cake? I mean what is the meaning behind the sloppy pink stars? And what's up with the white "one of these things is not like the other ones" balloon/seashell?!

Ellen C.

Isolder74 said...

We're a Real Mickey Mouse operation....

Mickey Mouse! We aren't even Betty Boop!

How can this keep happening? Are all cake decorators being replaced by robots from outerspace? Only a computer could be this literal with directions!

Steve the Pocket said...

@Jon-Michael: You know, I wouldn't put it past superstore chains these days to actually outsource taking cake orders to third-world countries. I forget the details, but The World Is Flat mentioned that companies are outsourcing simple, non-physical tasks like that. Sort of micro-outsourcing if you will (my term, not his).

Although it the case of the picture one it could just be a matter of confusion arising from the printing computer being unable to open SVG files.

archersangel said...

and there are two finger dents in the lawyer cake. bleh!

LunElectronique said...

Wikipedia Creative Commons has never been so delicious.

TisforTonya said...

congratulations was even spelled right - you'd think I was visiting a normal blog or something :)

instruction cakes are some of my faves :)

Momlarky said...

OMG... those literal ones never cease to amaze me. Are these people really that dumb? Or have they just been screamed at so many times for not following directions that they would rather risk looking like a moron than making an inference?

@Terri Koop - that is hilars. How big was the stamp? Bwahahaha!

Bree said...

These are my favorite wrecks. I can't believe there are people in bakeries who really think the majority of customers want the directions on the cakes. I know thanks to this blog making deliberate wrecks are getting popular but the other 95%...they want Mickey Mouse's face and notes on their cakes, darn it!

Melissa said...

Oh my. I just love the mess up on the lawyer cake. Can't believe the decorator thought the email was the photo for the cake.

Arlene said...

What exactly is Mickey Mouse going to do to poor Michael? Is it a possessed mouse that is going to take the kid away? Poor child lol and I assume that was for a birthday but with those balloon things it's hard to tell. Honestly what are these people thinking? Scary bakeries these..

Carissa said...

The Mickey Mouse one is amusing because they used the castle out of a Cinderella kit. And then added crappy balloons with sugar shapes on them.

Anonymous said...

I recently made a shopping list wreck-I was supposed to write ground mustard for a spice rub I was making, but I wrote ground movement instead :p

Tricia L said...

The lawyer's cake would make an excellent visual for cake decorating school.

"Alright, class. How many errors can you find on this cake?"

Let's see ...
border broken upper right
roses moved
stain left where roses removed
"leaves" left where roses removed
finger marks on fondant
grad cap moved leaving mark
"Robert" squeezed in
stupid use of email

Too bad they didn't misspell something to make for a perfect classroom example.

Wolverine Girl said...

When I read the first cake I thought it was someone who had a run in with Mickey Mouse, who has decided he's old enough to use the adult version of his name. Picture if you will...

Person For Whom The Cake Was Made: "Oh wow it's Mickey Mouse. Hi Mickey!"

Mickey Mouse: (sounding dignified) "My name is Michael."

PFWTCWM: "Michael, then. Goodbye." (Storms off in a huff.)

Rose B said...

Looks like Off the Mark was a day off for honoring this type of work.

Anonymous said...

What's with the first cake and having 5 point stars? Scary! And they had to do bold or very stupid to mess up a cake for a law firm geeez

Carol/Oklahoma said...

Wanted to say THANX for aaalll the trouble u go to..just to make us laugh like this.
It is just all wwwaayy tooo funny!
Love it.
Thanx again.

Chocolate Corporate Gifts said...

hahaha...just love the designs...its totally a cake wreck! ;)

Kirah said...

Adorei o post. Parabéns!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Soooo funny... the email one is PRICELESS!

check out my blog:

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I have tears of laughter rolling down my face!

Liz said...

Isn't messing up a cake for a law office just asking for trouble? I mean, EVERYONE who got one of these cake wrecks deserves and apology and refund, but a law office can sue without incurring lawyer's fees.

Shannon said...

I've wondered for a long time, when they go to pick up the cake and they see these disasters, do they PAY for the cake? Or do they just point out the idiocy of the cake decorators? I mean, are there people who argue back that they were supposed to put "Mickey Mouse then, goodbye"? I just wondered how this goes in real life. Meanwhile, I'll keep laughing my butt off at other people's expesnse. HA HA HA

Haiku Joy said...

Guitar can recall
the *words* to "Happy Birthday."
Can't carry the tune.

wv: beact

Beact the way you want to beacted.