Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Sweets: Comic Con Relief

Sunday, July 25, 2010

As you may know, the San Diego Comic Con has been taking over the interwebs this weekend with its superhero spandex and glorious geekery. Now, John and I are not at Comic Con, but in its honor, here are some Sweets to help you get your geek on.

Submitted by Christine C., & made by the amazing Courtney of Cake Nouveau

I hear this thing's so much bigger on the inside, it can feed thousands.

Sub'd by Eleri H., & made by Kierra Windsong

Um. I've never played Myst before. So...ah...hey! Cool little traffic cones!

One thing about Comic Con: they always debut the latest video games there.

By Highland Bakery

I hear this one really steps it up.

Here's something you usually only see at conventions: multiples of the same sexy female character.

Sub'd by Clem B., baker unknown

And you thought it was going to be a slave Leia cake.

Lots of Mad Hatters running around this year:

Sub'd by Michael S., made by Cake and Art Bakery

Check it out: that is ALL icing - no fondant! Who knew? It CAN be done!

This character is a real con regular - not to mention a regular con:

Submitted & made by Ammar M., a baker in Pakistan!

Again, fondant-free. It's so cool when artists paint with icing.

Zombies tend to crop up a lot at conventions, too. Must be all the big brains there. ;)

Made by Michael L. and his wife. Progress pics at the link.

This is a wedding cake. A zombie wedding cake.


You're welcome.

If that looks familiar, it's probably reminding you of this famous zombie wedding cake:

This is CW reader Noble R.'s wedding cake, made by Mike's Amazing Cakes

Admit it: the fact that there are now multiple zombie wedding cakes in the world is kind of awesome.

Then there's the Anime cosplay:

Sub'd by Katy, made by Signature Sugar Art

Now that's using your head.

Also, note how appropriate it is that I put the brain/head cake *after* the zombies. Eh?

And lastly, do you think this is an ice cream cake?

Sub'd by Corey, made by Charm City Cakes (aka Ace of Cakes)

You know, 'cuz he's frozen?

Yes? No? Is that groan a "yes?"

Me: "I love cake!"

John: "I know."

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
Jenniffer said...

Awesome cakes! I especially like the TARDIS cake!

SMiles said...

That Myst cake is so cool!!


Vanessa Martin said...

The red LED side lighting on the Han Solo cake is inspired. You have to admire the guys at Charm City!

hmh said...

Looks like Han is just about to wake up..

Anonymous said...

The zombie cakes are hilarious-lolol

Dennis said...

The Q*bert cake is really cool, but I would have preferred if at least part of the cubes were 3D.

Whereismyrobot said...

The Han Solo cake is certainly, um, detailed.

Jules AF said...

I love Sundays.

Katie said...

Leia! Hurry up! They're about to cut him up and eat him! Poor, poor Han.

Seriously though, that is an awesome cake!

I like the second (earlier) zombie one more than the first though.

Auntie M said...

I love the not-so-hidden Mickey in the steampunk-y gear watch on the Myst cake. Everything's better with a little Disney :)

Stephanie said...

The TARDIS cake is awesome! :)

Katie said...

The Han Solo in carbonite cake is the coolest cake I have EVER seen. I want!

The Mad Hatter cake kind of creeped me out, though.

Mel said...

I love the Q Bert cake. Spent lots of time playing that game and I think it was a cartoon for a while too. Also love the Mad Hatter cake. Very beautiful!

Tamara Mitchell said...

I am SO getting that Naruto cake for my daughter when she turns 13 next year. She is the BIGGEST Naruto fan ever. Believe it!!!

Dani said...

Isn't it awesome being married to someone who gets you?

Angelina Krell said...

BWAHAHAHAHA! The Han cake is very detailed.. Oooh man, why did you make my mind go there, Whereismyrobot?

Heidi said...

I didn't want this one to end! :)

Anonymous said...

Great sweets, today, but I loved the Han Solo cake and the closing dialogue between you and John. <3

Melissa said...

Some day I will have a Tardis cake... That is just so cool!

Anonymous said...

The Han Solo cake ROCKS. The Mad Hatter one is amazing artistry, but nothing can beat a good Star Wars cake - especially if it's made in good old Bawlimer!

Dee said...

Please, PLEASE tell me the TARDIS cake is bigger on the inside than it looks from the outside! ^_^

Anonymous said...

I saw the Episode of CCC that feature the Han Solo cake. It's all cake and was requested by a woman who wanted to celebrate her divorice.

Anonymous said...

That's not just a Myst cake, but an URU Live cake. Apologies to Randixia, but the KI devices really do look like that.

Viiriainen said...

Erm. I have to agree with Angelina. Looks like Han is *very* happy to see Leia :-P

The cake is awesome though.

Pamela Miller said...

Just a note to let you know how much joy your work puts into my day! I work as a charge nurse at a very humorless prison (will be changing that very soon!) I also imagine that one day I'll be a master cake decorator. Alas, I doubt I'll find enough time to practice to be more than a wreckerator! LOVE your site!! Thanks, Pam M.

Anonymous said...

Feed thousands!! LOL!! Awesome.

And.. I "need" a Han Solo cake. NOW.


Lynn said...

The Han Solo in carbonite is awesome, but I expect nothing less from Charm City.
I will never forget my first Dragon*Con when I saw a Princess Leia in the gold bikini that stood out from the others. She was about 7 months pregnant and had written the word "baby" on here belly. It was disturbing and still haunts me.

Anonymous said...

this is even better!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word, I NEED to have a Tardis cake for my 25th birthday...
- Lisa

Anonymous said...

the thing about the han solo cake is, that wile being awesome in its own right, you have to step back and ask yourself this: if I had this ONE cake to do, or spend the majority of time on for however many days straight, is this such an admirable feat? in some ways yes, in others, ehhh maybe. give me a cake show and i'll spin up some sweet stuff too for thousands of dollars. :)

Jen said...

@ Anony 1:24 - I think Charm City has made more than one Han cake; this one is actually a wedding cake. If you follow the link in the credit, you'll see pics of the Halloween & Star Wars themed wedding. :)

Dogmom said...

I live in SD and work downtown, very close to the convention center where ComicCon is being held, and if you think there were zombies enough on the cake, you should have seen the streets of downtown San Diego last week! Bloody nurses, monsters, black wizards, vampires, and just a plethora of unidentifiable things. If the traffic problems weren't so difficult to maneuver, I'd have been really amused!

Anonymous said...

The Han Solo cake is certainly, um, well-endowed. I checked, and I couldn't find another Han Solo in Carbonite image that was quite so--well packed.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who noticed Han'"lightsaber".

Monica said...

That TARDIS cake looks AWESOME! I want a piece. NOW. And the zombie wedding cake(s) too.

Ali said...

You read my mind! I was going to request some comic-con tribute cakes!

Giana said...

I made a copy-cat version of that Naruto cake for my nephew's 11th birthday. It was a BIG hit!

Jason said...

Wow ... the TARDIS cake ... the Myst cake ... the zombie cake ... the Han Solo cake ... fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Wow and wow. Another vote for the awsomeness of the TARDIS cake. But the carbonite cake it pretty kewl, too. Okay all of them have merit.
Qbert! Shucks, that takes me back.

musikartlvr said...

Tardis! I want one....

Torra said...

Actually, the traffic cones are mine. They're made out of polymer clay. As is the thing that looks like a watch that isn't that I can't remember what it is called, but KierraWindsong made that, as she did everything else on there.

All the times I teased her about ending up on CakeWrecks, I'm both disappointed and incredibly proud it was as a Sunday Sweet! (Disappointed, because of the lack of all future teasing.)

elise_the_great said...


Ah, the hours I spent kicking those little orange cones around. Makes me nostalgic.

The Myst world is one of those rare, tragic storyverses that keep their awesomeness even after mismanagement and an attempted reboot. If you want a taste of it without having to play through the frustrations and once-cutting-edge graphics (which are now kind of embarrassing), hunt up Myst: The Book of Atrus. Steampunkers especially-- prepare to be wowed.

Lindsay said...

The Naruto cake is adorable! What an awesome idea.

Anonymous said...

The Marge Simposon cake is by Sweet Art in Sydney Australia They had it in their window on Oxford Street for the Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras. Rainbow hair = gay pride. They do the most amazing stuff!

Anonymous said...

whoot Tardis cake!!

Greg Nilsen said...

You've never played Myst?!? And you call yourself a nerd...

Granted, it might not be as cool now, but 15 years ago it was the absolute bomb and one of the most engaging games I've ever played.

Kierra said...

That's my Myst Cake!!! \o/ Thank you for nominating me Eleri! What a great surprise!

Unknown said...

How funny - I didn't know Ace of Cakes made a second Han Solo cake after they made mine. So very cool.

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

It's the TARDIS!!! Hahaha! Awesome!!! That and the Myst cake are my favorites, haha.

Liz said...

Ooh, TARDIS cake! Love it when Doctor Who pops up CW! Maybe one day we'll see a Doctor Who wedding cake? Maybe it'll be mine . . . Hmmm...

Jen said...

You have no idea how upset I am that the passes to Comicon sold out before I even knew they were available. D; And then everyone's talking about it this year.

Arlene said...

Wow that frozen Han is amazing. Lol it would be great if that was an ice cream cake. Too much to hope for I bet. All of those look fantastic!

SarahJ said...

Oh Myst! I once stayed up the whole night playing Riven (sequel to Myst)and the fact I just couldn't get past the one gate thing still haunts me. I had everything right, I worked it all out...Why wouldn't it let me through? Why? Why? *whimper*

Anonymous said...

My vote's for the Tardis too, more due to be a lifelong Dr Who fan. It looks a bit too new to have been up to much time travelling - perhaps it belonged to the first Doctor? The Han Solo cake is awesome.

Donna said...

MMMMMMM...the only thing that would make the Han Solo cake better is if Harrison Ford jumped out of it!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Yep, the Marge cake is from SweetArt (creator of the oh-so-fabulous Barbie Cake). I remember gawking at it in the window on Oxford Street, Sydney! I'm so thrilled to have seen a Sunday Sweet in the err... flesh?/frosting?/fondant?
Love your work Jen!

LeighaM said...

Love, Love, Love the Tardis cake!!

And I now want a zombie wedding cake....

Ang and Mike said...

um, has anyone else noticed the Han Solo cake seems to need a little censor bar? not that i squinted and moved closer to the screen or anything...

EleriCooks said...

Yer Welcome, Kierra, it was an awesomely nommy cake. And no, those aren't the polymer cones, they're fondant. I know, cause I saved one and it is sitting right here on my bookshelf :)

Luneowl said...

Oh man, that Uru cake takes me back! I was one of the beta testers for the live game. We had to get creative playing with those traffic cones since you couldn't do much else in the public areas.

Katie said...

I recently fell in love with Doctor Who, and the TARDIS cake made me very excited. I'm so nerdy. :D

little-t said...

Thats TARDIS cake is amazing, methinks. I hope it IS bigger on the inside though...

corey said...

just wanted to let everyone know that han in carbonite was indeed our wedding cake! the guys at charm city cakes were super stoked to do it and took a lot of extra care in the details. one detail in particular (ahem). unfortunately, it was not the one featured on the show. bummer. and yes, if you click the link, you get a bit more info on the cake.

thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Had to send the zombie cakes to a friend of mine. I'm sure that's what he would have wanted for his wedding if his wife would have let him. :)

Unknown said...


~ Terra ^.^

stephanie j. said...

That TARDIS cake is awesome. My birthday is in a few weeks...I'll have to consider that one, because I'm a LOT older than I look :) or is that I'm a lot older on the insider than I feel on the outside, or is it... :)

Valerie said...

OMG - I love that Myst cake! It looks very much like the books they use in game to move to each sector! :)

I love it! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the TARDIS cake!

Unknown said...

The TARDIS cake is freakin' awesome!!!

Cupcakes Lady said...

The Mad hatter is a wonderful looking cake. So much detail. xx