Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Sweets: 2010 Cake Odyssey

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Last week, I promised that we would bring you the sci-fi and fantasy cakes from That Takes the Cake, the cake and sugar art show that took place recently in Austin. I have gone through what seems like thousands of photos trying to pick out the coolest and most creative and I think I succeeded. Most of the photos here were found on snarkygurl's Flickr page and a couple were taken by Lynn Moore who should be a professional photographer if she's not already. As with last week, I only know who made a couple of these so, if it's yours, let me know and I'll credit you. On to the sweets!

This first one is one of our favorites:

What can I say? Jen and I are suckers for steampunk.

And check out these adorable close-ups of the robots:

This was made by Janet Rosebeary and you can see more of her work here.

Next we have an awesome E.T. cake:

Made by Maghan Ferguson. See more of her stuff here.

Check out the amazing details.

Our next cake was made by Kimberly Chapman and was actually far too big and complicated to get a good picture of. Instead, here are a few pictures of the tiers. For a whole bunch of photos and descriptions of all the characters, you can go here. Of course, a true geek would be able to guess them all without help ;)

And here's a sweet little topsy-turvy Robots cake:

I don't know anything about this robot. Except that he's made of awesome.

This next one falls into the Sugar Art category (no cake) but I think it took top honors:

Here's an adorable alien:

And the house from UP:

...though I'm not sure how this fits into the sci-fi and fantasy theme. Cute though! Love the balloons.

And lastly, we have a B-movie classic:

Everybody sing with me!
"Attaaaaaack, of the killer to-ma-toes..."

Nominate a Sweet or suggest a theme by e-mailing me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

Similar Sweets: (Dr.) Horrible Sunday Sweets
Kristin Branem said...

I'm pretty sure the cute house with the balloons is a representation of the movie "UP."
Cool pics. Love the 'bots!

Heather said...

My favourite part about the whole post was that I started to sing "Ah-tack! Of the killer to-MA-toes!" before I even got to the bottom of the picture ;)

Stressfactor said...

As I was scrolling down the page, even BEFORE I got to the caption underneath the picture of the "Killer Tomatoes" cake I started singing the theme song. Geek minds think alike.

Anonymous said...

ET looks good, but why is the boy's head so misshapen?!

Allyson said...

I think that Up would fit right in with fantasy. It certainly is not a story based in fact, and it has its own bit of magic going on.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


You're probably right. I never thought of it that way.


Tine said...

you don't know how UP! falls into fantasy?


Zach said...

The Chapman cake is incredible. 5 colored bricks to represent the tones from Close Encounters? Brilliant.

Unknown said...

Any chance for more Steampunk cakes??? I find them adorable! (And I have to think of one for my wedding! ;) )

Jules AF said...

Those robots on the first cake are unbelievably adorable.

Peggy said...

How could you not recognize Wall-E? You need to see that movie! ;>)

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


Ba dump bump.



1Kathleen said...

OK you must LOVE the ET movie to give that oddly shaped, circumcised, penis finger a pass.

Neabob said...

puber-tee, pu-ber-ty love...
there's nothing li-ike puberty love...

best movie OF. ALL. TIME.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


Yeah, Jen couldn't get past that either. It apparently reminds people of a dog though I'm not going there.

In the decorator's defense, I believe the finger lit up which is pretty cool. And come on! That E.T. looks like it just came off the movie set.

But there is the ding-dong finger.


VeggieT said...

Love the "Up" Cake!

BellaMoccia said...

"...they'll beat you, bash you, squish you, mash you, chew you up for brunch...and finish you off...for dinner or lunch, munch munch..."

Andygirl said...

I love that I sand before you asked us to sing! "atACK of the Killer TomAEEEEToes!"

Larisa said...

I just don't like that ET is so much bigger than Elliot. But the talent is still amazing.

Vegan Chicago said...

I love the Dalek on the 8th picture.

Anonymous said...

Like so many of your other commenters, I too caught myself singing the "Killer Tomatoes" theme song before you even asked me to. That's gotta be one of of my favourite fandom-themed Sweets in recent memory.

Oh, and the others are pretty, too. ;)

Meaghan said...

I just have to say: how is it possible that Jen has not found the sad or awesome results of someone attempting Hans Solo frozen in carbonite as a cake??

That would be AWESOMENESS!

Meaghan said...

On closer inspection, I see that Hans is actually leaning against the couch in his frozen state on the huge tiered cake! Oops! Haha...

Still: a full cake must be made!

Pooh's Pics said...

I think the awesome robot is actually a girl....or maybe boy robot aren't afraid to wear pink, dangly ear rings.

And is it just me, or does that brick wall on the alien apartment building look like every brick was laid as a separate piece ?!?!?


The Gravekeeper said...

...I think I just had a nergasm...

Anonymous said...

Wall*E? I think not. Sure, it has treads like his, but the head isn't Wall*E.

And yes, "Up" is definitely fantasy.. Where else have you seen a house that floats away by balloon power? And I'm pretty sure that there aren't any dodo-like birds in Venezuela, OR talking dogs. :)

purplewowies said...


Not to mention the fact that even new WALL-Es are yellow.

Jamie said...

Wow, I kind of never wanted this post to end. That film festival cake is *incredible,* and it was so fun reading through all the details on the link. Geek <3.

Han shot first! ;-)

Krusho said...

All of these are wonderful! Thanks!
I just have to add...
Crow, Joel (or Mike), and Tom Servo FOR THE WIN! Woohoo!

Bree said...

I love the little green alien. He only wants to invade Earth for cake.

Anonymous said...

What sci-fi series/movie is that person with the red and black suit (trying to figure out which bathroom to go into from)?

Heh, and that robot we can't figure out the origin for is sitting in the audience watching the movie. It's everywhere! ;-p

mimi said...

@ Krusho,

Dangit, you beat me to it!! MST3K rocks!! I do think that is Mike, tho... the hair is too light to be Joel ;).

Anonymous said...

Isn't that Number 5 from Short Circuit?

Hobbit said...

Wait, wait! The TARDIS, a dalek, and Zayphod Beeblbrox on the same cake?! Geek heaven! :-)

Didn't catch the guys from MST3K, though. I'll have to take another look.

Unknown said...

I think UP fits both fantasy and sci-fi. It is fantasy because the house ca fly around the world on balloons and it's sci-fi because a collar makes a dog talk. :-)

Pumpkin said...

They're all pretty cool, but I just love the first one.

Anna said...

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is one of the scariest movies I have ever seen, but that cake is AWESOME!!!

Molly Mouse said...

I love the Up cake! Being a cast member makes you love everything Disney... lol.

Rachel said...

Ooh, nerdy cakes on my birthday! Thanks for the present!

Terri Coop said...


The steampunk robots rock!

The multi-tier pop culture icon cake (complete with Hans in Carbonite) is just too cool!

The little alien with the cake brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "To Serve Man", and

The Killer Tomatoes (yes, I immediately sang as well, just like I do when making salad, I am such a geek), if you excuse the pun, just take the cake.

One of the sweetest Sundays yet!


Meaghan said...

By the by, is it just me or was anyone else seriously tickled that Mike McCarey signed the Film Fest baker's apron with: Your cake was "amazing"!

I hope that was tongue in cheek. At least he remembered the exclamation mark.

Anonymous said...

FWIW, Kimberly Chapman is also the creator of the Fraggle Rock cake that was a Sunday Sweet last year. :-)

@Pooh's Pics It's actually a movie theater, and yes, she did lay the bricks individually. Check out the page that Jen/John linked to in the post to see more detail on that cake. :-)

Coco Cake Land said...

Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes RULES!!! B-Movie cakes would be a fun topic for one of those cake competition shows.

But it's not Disney cakes that have millions of dollars around it so it probs wouldn't happen... :)

Also, ET??? HOLY SMOKES!!! Hopefully ET Cake was Reeses Pieces flavoured... :)

Annie said...

The ET cake is my favorite!

Brittany said...

G'KAR AND LONDO!!! -fangirl squeal-And it's Leeloo!!! I watched Fifth Element SO MANY times as a kid!!! And all that Doctor Who and Star Wars goodness XD All in one cake = AWESOME!!!!

Susan said...

Hey, some of those tomatoes on the last cake are real!

wv: remobs - Those tomatoes might be planning to remobs passersby.

Kamayeth said...

LOVE the Avatar guy with the 3-D glasses! Too funny!

And MST3K for the win!

Anonymous said...

even though i have no idea what the whole "Killer Tomatoes" thing was all about, i still loved the cake.

Anonymous said...

The Space by SpaceWest" cake is really amazing and very, very clever. Is it sad that I've seen all of the movies and tv shows it references? My only one complaint about it, is that it isn't an actual cake - it's decorated styrofoam forms. I understand that it's common for show cakes, but it's still a little disappointing to know that you couldn't eat it.


Sacha said...

Dear Jen,

I would like to extend my warmest greetings to your alter-ego. Please thank her for including the steam punk cake. I'm glad to hear you both enjoy steam punk as I only discovered it recently myself and was happy to find that such things have a name.

I've never commented before, but have been enjoying your blog for quite a while now and am happy for you that it is growing and expanding so successfully.

Here's to hoping the expansion remains limited to the blog and not your personality (personalities?).

Sacha :o)

Anonymous said...

How is it that under the first pic it says Jen and i and at the bottom it says posted by Jen?

Lisa said...

ET has always scared the crap out of me. I'm not saying that its not well done, but there is a better than good chance that I'm going to have nightmares now.

Anonymous said...

just read through kimberley's description of making her awesome cake. Wow.... just wow! How much fun would that have been!

MC from NZ

ShinyGreenApple said...

Lisa, agreed. I've been terrified of ET since I first laid eyes on him, so I got a bit of a start when I opened the site today, lol! I'll admit the artistry is very well done though.

I have a 17 year old nephew who thinks that 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes' is a running joke between myself and his father. He doesn't believe it was an actual movie, nor that his father and I used to watch the cartoon in our PJs every saturday. Sigh.

LOVE the steampunk cake. Love love love. Is it a wedding cake?

Anonymous said...

I love Love LOVE your Sunday postings, not that don't like the other days' posts they're funny. But I like seeing the good cakes too.

archersangel said...

great cakes!
& i got most of of those in the mega geek cake

Our Beautiful Life said...

I LOVE the Robot's and UP cakes! So cute!

Unknown said...

Pooh's Pics: I hand-cut over 1500 bricks and laid about 1300ish. Mostly so I could do the Close Encounters joke. I have a little texture mat for bricks but decided to go insane instead.

Krusho and others: It's Mike from MST3K because I've seen more Mike eps than Joel eps. Plus Pumaman is my favourite MST3K pain and that's Mike. I think Joel is usually in orange and Mike usually in blue, no?

Meaghan: I'm pretty sure McCarey was spoofing his own bakery's name, hence the quotations. He had plenty of super-nice things to say about the cake that made me fan-girl-squeeful.

Barb: It took 4 months to make. You wouldn't have wanted to eat it if it had real cake.

Anonymous: That's Diana from V going down the stairs.

MC from NZ: Less fun than you'd think. Fun at the start, fun at the end, and a lot of pain in the middle. Especially watching Alien vs Predator for research. That gave me dain bramage.

JenniferK said...

All the cakes were very well done, including the ET cake, but I'm with the poster who was upset by the massive scale error between Elliott and ET. ET is about 3x as large as he should be, he's much shorter than Elliott in the movie. But, all the rest was awesome!

wv:bourren "This site is NEVER bourren!"

Meaghan said...

@ Kimberley:

I wasn't saying anything negative about your cake: it's amazing and no one could think different! I was just amused that Jen has made me question every word put between quotation marks. :D

burton said...

The Steampunk cake is the creation of the delightful and talented Janet Rosebeary. I know because Janet and her cake were in a show in the D.C. area this weekend.

I got to chat with Mike McCarey at the show and eventually the subject of the Austin show came up. Mike said based on my decorating style there was a cake in the Austin show that I would have loved (Kimberly Chapman's cake). He praised it to the heavens. I was laughing just listening to him try to describe it.

So, Kimberly, Mike is still talking up your cake. Direct Quote: "No photo could ever do this cake justice."

Amanda said...

The Gollum cake behind E.T. (picture of it is on the Flikr page)is amazing. Creepy as hell.

Love the movie theater cake!

Gary said...

That Attack of the Killer Tomatoes piece takes the cake. No, wait, it is the cake. Anyhow, it's the best of a strong field. Not the fanciest, but the best.

Jessie said...

OH1 I was beat to it, but I aM LOVING THE MST3K ON THE TIERED CAKE. Thats such a creative idea

Monica said...

LOVE the "Killer Tomatoes" cake, and also the shot of the 'bots from MST3K on the gigantic cake. Sweet!

Nisrine@Dinners and Dreams said...

are some pretty elaborate cakes. Great job!

FableofLife said...

I surprised there where no Wall-es. Oh wells, these cakes make me jealous to the extreme.

-Cori M.

Anonymous said...

Cute! Being proud of my nerdyness is a great thing that I rarely get to indulge, but my only complaint is...MORE STAR TREK! Come on! I know SOMEONE out there made a giant tribble cake.

Alicia C. said...

These are all amazing!
Also, I was looking at Kimberly Chapman's more detailed descriptions/pictures...did anyone else notice the "Cake Wrecks" book in the background of the picture showing the steps of the movie theatre? Just awesome! =)

Sharon said...

I add to the call for more steampunk cakes. Wrecked or not.

Joe said...

Mike & the 'bots FTW

kylakae said...

FYI: The ShowCake theme for our show was sci-fi/fantasy, however, that theme doesn't apply to the entire show. That is why you'll see pictures that don't fall under that category.

Kyla Myers
President, Capital Confectioners
Organizer, That Takes the Cake

Unknown said...

To burton:


And just when I was almost starting to sorta come down from my Mike McCarey high. :)

Thanks, you made my day!

WV: cusbe: one of many random nonsense words that came into my head every time Mike McCarey walked by the kiddie table where I spent most of the show volunteering. Like this: "And would you like a chocolate or vanilla cupcaaaaaa sneggle fuddwaa schnoop schnoop biiing cusbe calalalalalalaaaaa omfgmikemccareyCAKEGODisrighttherrrrre..."

Arlene said...

I adore that cake from the movie "UP" so very cute! All of these cakes are so nice I wish I could get one of them made for my birthday cake.

texpenguin said...

Kimberly's cake was the last cake I got to at the show, and my camera battery died just 2 or 3 pictures in! But it was too awesome to let it go at that, so I ran home, picked up the other battery, ran back and snapped close-up shots until they kicked me out at show close! Got to talk to Kimberly (who was freaking out b/c she'd just been told Mike McCrary wanted to talk to her, hehe), and she filled me on the 3 or 4 refs that I didn't get. Then I went home and quizzed my husband ;-) Even made it a game on FB, to see how many refs my equally geeky friends could get. There were a lot of really fantastic cakes, but this one definitely 'took the cake' for me!

texpenguin said...

If you look close, Hans' frozen in carbonite hand is reaching toward the bucket of popcorn set just out of reach. And the dalek is frying the guy in front of him because he won't quit talking on the cell phone. The details really make this cake...

Silver.Storm.Clouds said...

Hi, I have just finished my half yearly exam (this is relevant i swear!) and tonight I read through 17 pages of your posts. Laughed so hard I cried and my mum couldn't figure out why. Thanks for the de-stresser! Much love for you blog, definitely will be bookmarking and following it!
As I'm quite sure you've realised this comment isn't about this post. Some particular posts that I liked where the Mario and Zelda cakes as well as your post about the two steps for ruining a cake with the randomly placed piles of poos. Some good laughs there. Also a fan of the puns.

jo said...

Awesome pics!

Love the robots polishing the steampunk cake. Killer Tomatoes is adorable! So is ET. So are the punny movie posters on the tiered cake. Love the restroom door signs! Sugar art piece is aMAzing.

BTW, that robot is a girl, hence the pink apron, pink earrings and "rosy" cheeks.

Erin - Thrift Madness said...

I am geeking so hard right now! Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and MST3K guys FTW!!!!

peachfish said...

Although the theme of the cake show was Sci Fi and Fantasy, not ALL of the cakes have to fit into that category, just the large "showcase" cakes. Other competition categories, like "Adult Intermediate Novelty Tiered" or "Adult beginner Wedding" don't have to fit the theme, although some people do choose to do so. the "Up" house was from the Category: Culinary Student, Sculpted cakes.

chris said...

plenty more photos here:

Melissa (& Billy) said...

LOL! The movie theater cake/showpiece is so cool. Leeloo showing Agent K her multipass to get into the theater =D The guy from Babylon 5 stealing Quark's popcorn =D The Conehead family enjoying a night out together...

And the carpet! It's perfect even down to the carpet.

The rest were equally fun (those ADORABLE robots polishing the steampunk cake!! and LOL the last time I saw Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was at a Halloween party many years ago) but that one was really, really cool.

Anonymous said...

"I know I'm going to miss her. A tomato ate my sister!"

That has to be my favorite cake. I now want one for my birthday :)

Ms_Cellaneous said...

What, do we -not- think that a flying house is a fantasy?

And also fantastic?

Wendy said...

Hey Meaghan - do a Google Image search for "Han Solo frozen in Carbonite cake" and you'll be pleased with the results! I have a few of these saved for my "to-do someday" cake list. :)

Anonymous said...

Great photos of great cakes! It took me a while to realize that the robot from the next table isn't sitting next to the Coneheads, though! :P

onemockingbirdhill said...

Just an F.Y.I, as a nurse who assists with circumcisions I can tell you that "Big" E.T's finger is an exact replica of a fresh one. I'm sure plenty of moms and dads of newborn boys will second me on this one...I want to slap vaseline and gauze on that thing. And I too started singing "Ah-tack! Of the killer To-MA-toes!" long before I was told. What GREAT cakes!

Alexia said...

I'm going to second this comment!

Anonymous said...
Isn't that Number 5 from Short Circuit?
March 21, 2010 1:06 PM

because YES!! it has to be. I want to see this movie again...

it had a catchy little song in it.. I can still hum it. lol

M M said...

Puberty, puberty love....

Allegra said...

First off, Kimberly Chapman - you rock! I have forwarded the link to your pages to all my geeky fan-girl and fan-boy friends and we love you.

Second - did you see the theme for next year?!? - Comic Books: Super Heroes and Super Villains! Can't wait...

Debra Svedberg said...

I know the E.T. cake was talent and hard work, but I'm sure some penicillin could fix that...thing on the tip of E.T.'s finger.

Anonymous said...

The Up house is my favorite :-D


cakes to vijayawada said...

I like turvy Robots cake.

Valerie K said...

The house from UP probably fits into the sci-fi and fantasy theme because dogs cannot speak English and balloons do not let you fly!

I love killer tomatoes... at least the show not if they were real ::shudder::

Anonymous said...


You should totally have the cake from the awesome pc/mac/x-box game portal!

best game ever ;)