Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter? Is That You?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

There's a wide range of acceptable Easter motifs these days. Lilies, eggs, baby chicks, crosses, bunny butts - there's just all kinds of stuff to choose from.

So tell me, then: What exactly is this?

An Easter...Pig?

Or how about this?

Pink Cat gives you wings! Literally.

Hm. I'm starting to think we should offer bakeries animal flash cards.

At least then they'd know to put "bunny" in quotes.
(Check out how the right one is looking at the label. Heehee!)

Somebody please tell me this is not a cross:

Although if it's not, then the alternatives are looking pretty alarming. Yowza.

Oh! Speaking of alarming religious cakes: I've yet to see a smoking lamb cake this year. I'm still holding out hope, though. And in the meantime, I did spot a few chocolate cigarettes on this "Easter flowers" design:

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but on a cake they sure alarm me.

The madness continues into the cookie section:

There are no words. Only lots of snickering.

And lastly, we have the gold standard of Easter designs:

The bug bunnies.

Jennifer T., Katie G., Steve, Taylor B., Teryn C., John M., & Shelli A., just tell them to take a left at Albuquerque. Oh, and watch out for those "sprinkles."

- Related Wreckage: Easter Potpourri
Taylor said...

Gingerbread men with bunny faces and carrot ties. That's just awesome.

Jules AF said...

hahahaha this post made me genuinely laugh out loud.

laura beth said...

I have to be honest... I think the easter pig is kinda cute :)

Pat said...

The bunnies in a box look like lambs to me.

Classic Steve said...

I think the "pig" is one of the Care Bears.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's just their take on the baby carrot jockey cake. Bunny heads on carrots?

Unknown said...

Oh my. That Easter Pig (ahem, can we say Easter ham with a straight face?) looks like a pink fluffolumptupus . . . or however that might be spelled . . . or even pronounced!

I'm so far from a professional baker that it's laughable. However, my homemade butterfly cakes for my daughter's birthday last weekend puts these things to shame!

Christina said...

I think the 'pig' is a care bear. And WTH is the second one??? I suppose 'winged cat' is the closest bet.

VeggieT said...

wow, the "bug bunnies" looks like a clever plot by the carrot jockeys to come into our land unnoticed...

Anonymous said...

PS: I have to add: does noone else see that the gingerbread "men" are performing indecent acts on the poor little bunnies?!?! Or am I just that twisted?? -Sue, Canada

Anonymous said...

The pink cat intrigues me. Even if it in any way resembled a bunny, I'm wondering who would want to eat a cake with feathers on it. Seems like you'd cough up a hairball afterward.

Jennifer in MN said...

I think the bug bunnies look more like a bunny grave yard....but that's just me ;)

Expatriate Buckeyes said...

That first cake is the Wester Hog. All these years I had thought my Dad had just made the Wester Hog up. But now proof that he is real after all, who knew?

Bob, Meghan, Bella, Lola, and Liam! said...

I think the second one is the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. Isn't there a part in the cartoon where he makes that face?

Sarah said...

An Easter pig is really pretty appropriate, since Christians believe that Christ's death and resurrection freed us from the law, thus allowing us to eat pigs. I vote we adopt this as a new symbol of the holiday. Christians can use it to teach doctrine, and everyone else can have a cute (if somewhat bizarre) pink animal.

DD said...

Oh my, my, my, my, MY! That cross brings nothing but the most UN-religious of thoughts to mind. Definitely need to go spend some time in church now...although I fear I will never be able to look at a cross the same way again! Thanks, Cake Wrecks. Happy Easter to me.

A Girl In Her Kitchen said...

We shouldn't really be surprised at the cigarette cake. It is a CCC after all! And think about it, a cake celebrating the "Easter Ham" could be worse!


Dan Bradbury said...

Naked Bunny Carrot Jockies!!!!

The Babies have competition! I'm sure bunny breed faster.

Theonlynikki said...

Oh no. The "sticks" on that "sticks and stones"/easter "flowers" cake look like tampon applicators!!

Eric Stott said...

That Cross cake- am I the only one who thinks it's made from two p*nis cakes with the balls together?

Gary said...

Maybe that's kind of a funky-lookin' mesusah instead of a chocolate cross.

Anonymous said...

@Sue in Canada--not only did I see what you saw, but I heard Monty Python singing "Sit on My Face" in the background. Kathy in Kansas

Becky said...

Got to love the bunny sprinkles!

Scarlett Robyn said...

Lol! I especially liked the last one.
Thanx for being funny as usual!

Becky said...

That first bunny is definitely a Care Bear!

DD said...

No, Eric. You are NOT the only one.

WV: After seeing that chocolate cross, I'm feeling a bit 'squenli'.

Ayla Zachary said...

Oh gross, FEATHERS on a cake?! Feathers are totally dirty and mite-ridden! Now, I'm no cooking expert, but even if they've been cleaned and bleached, I doubt that any companies produce food-grade feathers.

Lauren Borquez said...

Umm wow..wow wow wow

Trevor said...

Seriously, that last cake? Those aren't bugs, dear. No, no, they really aren't. But what I see makes me snicker and snort.. And puts my mind in the gutter.

Real Life, Except Not Real said...

I thought the last one of "bug bunnies" could have possbily been Jesus in a borrowed tomb......

Marie said...

Loved your last comment. Too funny.

Jasry said...

I thought "Poo bunnies!" instead of bug bunnies, but either way, it wasn't pleasant. None of these were.

Witchie said...

By the way, those "lambs in a bunny box" actually come that way. They're pre-frozen cakes that you can order -just- for easter.

You can get eggs and bunnies as well as lambs. So obviously, -someone- goofed it up by putting the wrong cake in the wrong box, but it probably wasn't that store's cake decorator. ;)

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else concerned that the lamb on the "cross" cake is probably one of those SOLID BUTTER LAMBS???? That's a whole stick of butter on TOP of a cake.

Cathy Read said...

Hmmmm, Bunnies aspiring to be carrot jockeys huh! I don't think they're trying hard enough! Where's the mohawk hairstyle?

Chantal said...

This does not make the cake better, but the "cross" really looks like a typical italian easter cake. It is called Colomba and is supposed to look like a dove, symbol of peace. It looks like this: http://www.gingerandtomato.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/144_47.jpg
But I don't think you are supposed to decorate it like that.

Aubrey's Outlet said...

The bug bunnies are quite interesting. But perhaps the most disturbing this...in is that in order to serve this cake you must decapitate the poor things.

RevAllyson said...

The second-to-last one, the bunnies and carrots... I agree, we have a new one: BUNNY carrot jockeys. Hot dang, maybe they are making them on purpose? No... we're not that lucky. Thanks for my morning chuckle!

SuperKlutz said...

Best. Wrecks. Ever. They take the WTH to a new level.

Flipping hilarious, thanks for the laughs. My fave is the fluffy-winged kitty cat. Seriously, what were they thinking? Are the wreckorators trying to get on CW now?

Fluffy Cow said...

I kinda like the bug bunnies...

Christina M. said...

At first glance, the first one looked like a pink care bear. Not a very well done one, I admit. The others are just...disturbing....

Emy Jo said...

The Bug Bunnies sort of look like rabbits in sleeping bags. Maybe it's an Easter Bunny sleep-away camp training facility?

Suzanne Dargie said...

Yeah...I agree that the "Easter Pig" is a Care Bear ...but not a bear...one of the Care Bear's friends. You know...like their lion friend named "Lionheart" or their elephant friend named "Strongheart" or whatever. I guess the pig could be called "Cholesterolheart"
The second thing with the feather ears must be an alien version of a bunny. Some sort of critter from "Lost in Space" or something.
The "Bunny Cakes" with the plastic lamb faces are yet another example of people slapping "plastic flotsam" on a cake in a pathetic effort to cash in on some sort of holiday/event that they know or care nothing about.

cyn said...

The last cake looks more like a bunch of butterflies with their wings ripped off... =(

As for the gingerbunny cookies, I guess the bakery made too many gingerbread men over the Xmas season. Instead of being wasteful by throwing them out, they just revamped the decoration design! Now THAT'S resourceful!

GoryDetails said...

The chocolate - thingie - reminded me of one of those folding omelet pans (example here), which just makes the lamb-in-the-middle even more wrecky. [Although now it's making me imagine other Easter-themed omelets; Peeps, perhaps?]

Wendy said...

I think the "cross" is actually the famed Easter Dreidel. The rest of the "wrecks"...Fantastic!

Shea said...

"Easter Pig, Easter Pig, Does whatever an Easter Pig does..."

Seriously, that last one was spit-take-worthy.

Anonymous said...

"I'm starting to think we should offer bakeries animal flash cards."


those bunnies--snug as bugs in rugs. they look like they're having a campout in sleeping bags. another interpretation of Bugs Bunny perhaps? Is it raining orange sprinkles? if those are supposed to be carrots they're eating, why are they mutant sized? and why are some, er, PHALLIC (look on the left edge).

they look like scared little ghost bunnies.

The Easter pig is cute, but he's a pink pig. at Easter. with a nest. and he looks like he's eager to devour what's in it.

Jen said...

I thought the first one was a Care Bear at first.

Anonymous said...

ooh. the pink coconut crusted cat is scary. nasty long claws. or scared--the coconut makes his little pink fur look like it's standing on end. the wide fruit loop eyes. the feather wings--is he going to heaven? what? that's supposed to be a bunny with feather ears? yah. whatever.

um, the clover leaf/fleur-de-lis hybrid cross looks like it's covered with little tiny bones. and the sheep looks a little frightened. is this the graveyard for sacrificial lambs? and is that dove a scavenger picking at the bones? or is he bringing the lamb the message of his doom?

the logic of cigarettes on the messy CCC garden escapes me. as does my appetite. what a lovely shade of green. *turns green*

Those cookies are inexplicable. a gingerbread cookie? with a tiny plastic flotsam bunny? eating a huge carrot? after obsessively compulsively "hiding" eggs in plain sight on all four limbs of the cookie? could we at least have TRIED to make it look like there's some grass here? instead of a muddy flat? or is it SUPPOSED to still be a gingerbread man sacrifically pinned down with jellybeans and a bunny on his face? really, wreckerator. this is a mockery of the crucifixion.

"Not my gumdrop buttons!"

Julia Spencer said...

The gingerbread maker had his head in the toilet. (or was watching a porn while decorating...) Either way... I'm not sure who would buy those.

Mella said...

so the blue bunny is sitting on the face of poor neglected christmas left overs

Anonymous said...

@Ayla. never fear. the feathers are pink. nature does not produce pink birds and in order to make this a stock cake, they'd need a supply. think fake feathers from a craft store.

but it's still gross. who wants feather tendrils in their icing to accidentally swallow? and it looks AWFUL

ilovebabyquilts said...

I knew I should have taken a left at Albuquerque!

Mandy said...

Seriously. I have officially just been traumatized by all things Easter the last 2 blogs.


Galadriel said...

It's not a cross, it's a demented brown shamrock. Clearly.

Cassie said...

These Cakes are not helping my morning sickness. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

You have never heard of the Easter Pig? I am from South Central PA and he is a big deal here. The Easter Pig visits after the bunny has hopped through and eats the chocolate out of the baskets of the bad children. Kind of like Santa leaving coal in the stocking. The Easter Pig only leaves wrappers....

Pamela said...

I've never seen South Park, and still the first thing I thought of on the last one was, "Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo with bunny heads."

I'm not sure if that says more about the cake or me.

wv: prudd - Maybe I should be more of a prudd and think cleaner thoughts

babyblue1217 said...

bug bunnies...What's up doc??

~Anne said...

I'm with Trevor, those are not bug bunnies, those are Easter Organs.

(WV: that are apparently "entanct"! bwahahahaha)

Anonymous said...

"the cross" isn't a cross..


is a tipical italian cake baked only for the easter,
named "colomba pasquale"
(mean "easter dove").
Trust me, i'm italian :)
bye bye


p.s. sorry for my bad english! :)

flying gargoyle said...

Nothin' says Easter like cigarettes with the egg hunt! (perchance was that cake made in tobacco country?)

Voltaire said...

The gingerbread/bunny things actually reminded me of Donnie Darko. Which still isn't very Eastery...

Anonymous said...

"think fake feathers from a craft store."

Are there fake feathers? I always assumed that craft store feathers were real feathers that had been dyed.

As far as the lamb on the cross it looks to me like a sloppily done plane.

lunchbucket said...

That pink cat? I don't know why he's wearing wings, but that's Rosebeekee the Magenta Hamster.

He's the really little pink guy in the following video

This was a real show.

Anonymous said...

Great Googamooga!! hehe... what the heck is the pink cat really supposed to be??

I love this site, I feel better about every mistep I've made on a cake because (so far) none have come close to some of the wacked-out creations on here.

I may keep a picture of the cat at my desk for giggles... and somehow I've got Sheldon singing 'soft kitty' in my head now.. purr purr purr :)

Librarian Stacie said...

I must have an Easter Pig cake! My Dad always used to sing "Here comes Porky Corkscrew Tail, hopping down the Piggie Trail, hippity-hoppity, Easter's on its way." Made the traditional Easter ham that much more disturbing . . .

Sarah Strauss said...

I think the black cross cake is actually Texas.

Anonymous said...

bunnies, carrots and jelly beans on a gingerbread man, does not an Easter cookie make

PWatters said...

The fuzzy pink bunny thing? It's Bunnicula!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh! I was trying to figure out why a Care Bear was on an Easter cake...but then I saw the second cake & cracked up! The feathers make it look like a little yipping dog!

Katherine said...

regarding the "easter flowers" with cigarettes (or tampon applicators. . .) cake, why is there an alarming number of randomly lopsided CCCs (ptooie!)? it's not that hard to make a kind of regular shape with cupcakes. it's kind of sad how lazy you'd have to be to look at a group of randomly arranged cupcakes and say to yourself: "that's kind of a rectangle shape. if you're not looking at it too closely - good enough. where's the vat of icing and tub of unappealing decorations?"

lisadh said...

That bunny/kitty feathery thing is just the most absurd thing I've ever seen. That made me laugh for quite the long time. Hilarious!!

Great work, Jen! LMAO!

Lapis Kelinia said...

Feathers on a cake will make me wretch. The person who mentioned hairballs got it right.

Laura P. said...

i think that pink thing is really the pink evil bunny of death (with really fuzzy ears). i mean just look at those claws!! and i'm totally not understanding the bunny heads with gingerbread bodies. nope, just doesn't compute.

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:59 Great story about the Easter pig!

Anonymous said...

since when do bunnies have hooves and look like lambs?

Lugebooty said...

I think its cute that the first of the "Bunny" box cakes looks sheepish.

Kae said...

An Ode to Cake #2:

Wreck is the thing with feathers
That perches on the plate
And sings the tune without the words
And cannot hear you scream.

And sweet on the tongue is tasted
And sharp must be the knife
That could destroy the little huh?
That kept me 'wake at night.

Culinarychiq said...

OMG I'm DYING LOL First of all tossing Fizzgig into a tub of pink dye doesn't make him an Easter animal! (cake #2)

The look on the "bunny" cake's face is priceless, "um... baa?"

Of course that's not a cross, silly, it's an advertisement for Easter Airlines and look, they'll fly your pet lamb for free!

Adriana said...

The "cross" cake is actually a Colomba Cake. It's know in Brazil (because of the Italian immigrants). It symbolizes a dove (I know you have to use your imagination a bit) and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Here's a picture of a classic Colomba: http://tvtem.globo.com/banco_imagens//canalnews/%7B376B4B09-1E42-45CE-8FDC-A7662AF0E099%7D_colomba01.jpg

The cake tastes almost like a Panettone (classic Christmas cake in Italy) but it's a little lighter.

OK, now that the serious part is over...

Pink Cat with feathers??? I want to see someone come up with an explanation for THAT! haha

unbeausaumon said...

I like how people think that if they put lots of sprinkles on the cake it will fix it or make it look better.

Nat said...

I think Chantal is right. The cake resembles the italian "Colomba" (the "Dove"). Traditionally it is not chocolate covered, but recently they've been produced in different ways.



I still don't get the lamb, though.. Did the makers really think it was a cross and tried to symbolize the "Lamb" on the cross?? I don't know...

Steve the Pocket said...

I dunno what you're seeing when you look at that "cross", but I'm seeing an unexplainably brown pantyliner. The kind with "wings".

And is it just me, or is that last cake topped with the "prancing pink bugs" in Rasputin's lair from Anastasia, who sing backup to his song "In the Dark of the Night"? To quote what the Nostalgia Critic said about that: "..........FAIL!"

PotsyinAZ said...

I'm with Trevor...those last things aren't bugs in my mind's eye! Yikes!!

DD said...

Nope. Even with the Colomba explained, it still looks like a *close your eyes kids* a double-sided dild0.

gil58 said...

How absolutely laugh out loud awesome-best cake wrecks in a while!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Monty Python, @Kathy in Kansas, the demented feathered bunny is clearly a relative of the killer rabbit in Monty Python's Holy Grail. I would be very afraid to have that on my Easter table.

I, too, saw Mr Hanky in Easter Bunny garb (multiplied many times) on that last one.

Shelley in Kansas

Pilgrim said...

What? You've not heard of the traditional Pink Easter Cat and the Carrot Gingerbread Men? That travel together and bring ugly "bunny" rabbits to Jesus at Easter? HAVEN'T YOU READ THE BIBLE? ;)
Its all right THERE!!!

StaceeW said...

After laughing so hard I almost wet myself yesterday and causing my coworkers to think i'd genuinely lost my mind.. I came back today only to discover orange bunny sperm.. I spit my slushie on the screen... did I mention I work in a Dr. Office?

msyendpr said...

Cake #2: first thought: special Hostess snowball cat created to hunt down the Peeps.

Love the expression of Sheep bunnies.

WV: demind -- De Mind, de Mind, it totally overflew the isle of sanity

Lynn said...

Thank you so much for a bright spot in my day. I now come to your site daily to get my fix of laughter. I even read ALL the past posts of your blog. I even had to get my inhaler out- I was laughing so hard I couldn't catch my breath. Thank you so much for your blog. It never fails to amuse and we all need a good laugh every day. Keep up the good work!
Lynn :)

Goob said...

These are the lesser known gods of spring, Easter Pig, Pink Gremlin, and BunnyPoops. Nothing is tastier than Bunnypoops on a cake.

Karen said...

i just had to say that you were featured as an answer in today's yahoo crossword puzzle! twice! (sorry if this was already brought to your attention, i didn't have time to check all the comments first)

Anonymous said...

@Sue in Canada and Kathy in Kansas: hmm, I thought the very well-endowed bunnies were violating the gingerbread men.... Don't they have a cure for penilis carrotitis? ---Kararrrr in Belfast

LadyRhian said...

That last one looks like either bunnies having a sleepover in sleeping bags, or lots of bunnies rising from the grave.

tessa said...

am i the only one to notice that the individual bunny cakes are actually lambs?

Bree said...

If that cat didn't have a nose and whiskers, I'd swear it was Pepe the Prawn from The Muppets.

Gary said...

I'm afraid someone beat me to this comment, but the brilliant thing about the bug bunnies is that to cut the brownines apart along the lines, you have to decapitate each and every bug bunny.

Anonymous said...

That last one is the easter bunny cemetery.

LeeAnn said...

Hmmm leftover Gingerbread cookies from the freezer are great to sell 3 months after prime time!

Bitchin' Atheist said...

I was thinking that maybe the cigarettes on that dubious cigarette cake were because the recipient had given up smoking for lent, and with the arrival of easter would be able to once again indulge in a little bit of cancer inducing oral combustable based activity?

sendingtheclowns said...

Cake#1. Pig, huh? HUH!
#2. Looks kind of like a dust mite (I looked it up in a microscopic dictionary). It just needs to grow a few more legs, and lose the "caught-in-the-headlights" look, especially since dust mites have no eyes.
#3. Again... HUH!
#4. Okay, I'll tell you that "It's not a cross." But really, it is. A cross between a migraine and an acid trip.
#5. Packaged display of what was just swept up out of the gutter. (Niiice.)
Or possibly an employee *inside joke*.
#6. Oh-oh, here it comes againnnnn: HUH.
#7. This one is EASY! It's a hospital nursery! ("Oh, Mr. Bunny--come and see your 10 new daughters!")

Jean said...

I can see "Bug Bunnies" being the new "Carrot Jockey" ....or not.

Anonymous said...

The flower and cigarette cake made me think of Sandra Lee-- hope she's given up cake decorating, and I don't just mean for Lent!

J.B. said...

That's not a pig, it's the little referenced Easter Care Bear!

Dennis said...

I have to say that my favorite is the "Bunny" cakes. I laughed out loud on that one.

Rebecca Grace said...

OMG you crack me up every time. I don't know where you continue to find these crazy cake wrecks, but your comments and captions are sublime. I take my hat off to you, and I shoot coffee out of my nose all over my keyboard in your honor... Note to self: Don't try to drink coffee while reading this blog!

Heidi said...

msyendpr said...
Cake #2: first thought: special Hostess snowball cat created to hunt down the Peeps.

OMG this had me literally on the floor rolling. I can't even look at it now without laughing!

I LOVE holidays!!

wv: plase, as in Plase let Independence Day hurry up and get here!!

Allyson & Jere said...

Oh thank you THANK YOU for the best laugh I've had all day. For realsies, those were some of the most atrocious things I've EVER seen! And most alarming, that lamb on the "cross", except that cross was slightly fallic. Ewww!

Anonymous said...

Easter pig? Don't tell me you've never heard of an Easter HAM!

Anonymous said...

Carrot Jockeys, the last ones look like rabbit carrot jockeys.

Jen said...

that is soo funny!

Ashlie and Aiden said...

your blog makes me so happy! i laugh out loud every time i look at it! thank you!

Arlene said...

Oh I can't imagine why anyone would put bunnies on the faces of gingerbread men.. scary scary bakery that is. That second cake looked like it had been electrocuted and put on a shelf. Honestly if those cakes are the best they can do I suggest they give up and go back to whatever it is they were doing before ruining cakes lol.

Edogirl said...

That pink thing ... a pink kirin? http://www.obakemono.com/obake/kirin/
who knew Chinese mythology had something to do with Easter.

Anonymous said...

I think the pink cat is trying to be a bunny. I bet it has some nasty, big, pointy teeth to match those claws...

Knatolee said...

The last one? Bunny sarcophagi!

c3 said...

I thought the bug bunnies looked like bunny papooses! Although commenters seeing sleeping bags makes sense, too.

kimberj said...

I think those last ones are poo bunnies...

Jill M. said...

What would possess you to make one creepy gingerbread/carrot tie/ bunny head cookie and say "yep, that's right." and do it AGAIN?

sendingtheclowns said...

Anonymous said...
"@Ayla. never fear. the feathers are pink. nature does not produce pink birds..."
*AHEM* I beg to differ, little missy (or mister, as the case may be), but what color do you perceive FLAMINGOS to be? My vote is for "pink."
Granted, they only turn pink because of their diet (shrimps), but it's still ALL NATURAL.
msyendpr said...
Cake #2: first thought: special Hostess snowball cat created to hunt down the Peeps.
Liking it! =^~.~^=

The Ferber Family said...

pretty sure the one you thought might be a cross is an italian colomba:


...covered in chocolate of course

Barbara Anne said...

StaceeW: orange bunny sperm! woo hoooo

what I love about this site is Jen & John are hysterical and the posts are just as good. it's a twofer!

glad I wasn't the only one who thought "good vibrations" at the "dove/cross/God-only-knows-cake"

Eve said...

1. I thought the Easter Pig was cute. And reasonably spring-ish. He may stay.

2. o/` Mad kitty, clawed kitty, little ball of cake... sticky kitty, freaky kitty, bake bake bake... o/`

3. @tessa: No. Pretty sure everybody noticed that.

4. I'm glad to know that shape isn't supposed to be a cross, but my first thought was "Easter dreidl!" too.

5. So much ugly about this cake, I don't even know what to say.

6. Easter declares its victory, dancing atop the fallen bodies of Christmas!

7. Everybody's so concerned about their "bodies," but what about these bunnies' FACES? They look like the kodama from Princess Mononoke! Or bowling balls. They might be bowling balls.

In summation: WOW. That is a lot of wreckage right there.

WV: natst. That swamp-green cigarette cupcake cake (CCCC???) is just natst-y. =P

Anne said...

I think the bug bunnies might just be inspired by the carrot jockies...

Anonymous said...

After considering Pinkcat for a day, I gotta say...yes, it is ugly, strange, and possibly an abomination.

But it's kinda cute, right?

My one-year-old made the 'quack-quack' sound when he saw it, which can only mean that he thinks it's a cat, too.

Mary Kirkland said...

That easter pig is kinda cute. No, seriously, he is.

Anonymous said...

oh, and a pig with a cupcake.

Anonymous said...

My daughters thought the pink monstrosity was a) a hairy bunny, or b) a monster bunny. I could buy that--with the scary face and CLAWS.

Then there was the "gingerbunny"

Teacher Anonymous said...

I heard this little ditty somewhere, sometime back in my childhood:

Hippity hop. Hippity hop.
Who's that hopping through the slop?
Why is he so fat and big?
Because he is the Easter Pig!

Lilya said...

Cake 4: no, not a cross. Was it an Italian bakery?
It looks very similar to our traditional Easter cakes: we actually call them "doves" because they (are supposed to) look like (very) stylized doves - try googling "colombe pasquali."

Cutie said...

the Easter Pig cake has a "Lemon" sticker on it...flavor or design?

Danielle said...

What disturbs me is that on the bug bunny cake you literally have to decapitate each one of them to get a slice. I wonder what the business end of a bug bunny tastes like?

Claire and Laura said...

The Pink Cat reminds us of Pepe-- the little shrimp from the Muppets. hahaha

Melanie said...

I didn't expect to jump. That pink "bunny" is frightening beyond belief. I mean, REALLY scary. Forget clowns, needles, and confined spaces, that thing will be in my nightmares for years to come. The only responsible thing for me to do is make a wrecckplica for my son. For all three of them. Hehe. Fear is slowly being replaced with evil intent...

Sarah said...

The cookies with bunnies and carrots look like the bunnies are masks and the carrots are REALLY BIG BEARDS. Classy.

blueiguana said...

RE: smoking lamb
For the last *year* I have been asking anyone that I think might be able to shed some light on the smoking lamb cakes.

No luck.

I haven't been to the site at all this week and was just looking through hoping that you had some update from last year.

Jen, if you ever get an explanation on them, *please* make a big daily post about it. (Not buried in comments somewhere)

I. Must. Know.

Chef, Interrupted said...

It IS bunny carrot jockeys! It IS!

Anonymous said...

The gingerbread men bunny lovers remind me of a certain Monty Python song... for adults only! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKeQpeDkoGc

Linda said...

The It's Not Cross is colomba, Easter dove, one may say, an Italian thing. Vaguely pigeon-shaped. I think it should refer to the Holy Ghost but I don't know about the roots of the tradition.

Mudhooks said...

The "chocolate cigarettes" look more like broken crack pipes...

Unknown said...

The 'cross' cake is a traditional Italian Easter cake. It's meant to represent a dove... which, I suppose, makes it a fail anyways. These are probably commercially produced cakes that have been iced.

Cupcakes Lady said...

Pink Cat..imagine walking down a dark lane...and seeing this cat. Waw! lol xx

Kerry said...

No thats not a cross but its probably a dove. Not that it makes it any better.

wordsmith101 said...

I agree with all the people who say the "cross" cake is probably a badly-decorated Columba cake, but I still think it looks more like a sanitary towel than anything else. Ewww.