[cue applause]
Welcome to Guess That Cake, where your most delicious desserts are decorated and designed, deconstructed and defined. I'm your host, Kay Krex. Let's start the show!
[cue applause]
Now folks, if you're just tuning in, you're just in time for the rules. We'll show you a cake that was prepared by professional bakers at an actual cake store. All you have to do is GUESS... THAT... CAKE!!
Here we go. Let's start off easy with a cake sent all the way across the interwebs from Bridget H.:

Is birthday boy Shaun a fan of:
A) The Fireys from Labyrinth (attacking a B for Bowie, of course)
B) Colorful Rorschach inkblot tests
C) Budweiser
And the answer goes to....

The stakes are raised on this second cake, a CCC, sent in from Jenny H. Let's take a look:

Is Jenny's cake supposed to be:
B) California holding a sledgehammer
C) The Virginia Tech logo
Drumroll please.....

Moving on to our final round where the points that we've neglected to mention until now are DOUBLED, let's take a look at this masterpiece sent in by Jasmine:

Can you tell us if that little guy on the bottom is supposed to be:
A) A broken vase
B) A bullhorn with a stick through its eye
C) A fish with legs wearing sunglasses and a beret and carrying a paintbrush
Survey says...

Eeeeesh- tough one. Tough one. I'm sure most of you were so distracted by the haphazard confetti sprinkles and day-glo lettering that you missed this little camp logo altogether. Spitting image, really. What a shame.
Better luck to you cake-lovers and wrecktators out there on the next episode of "GUESS... THAT... CAKE!" G'night, everyone!
[cue applause]
{off air}
- Related wreckage: Twins!
88 comments | Post a Comment
Today's post was a blast! Always SO funny!!
It's a shame it wasn't a "P" on the first cake. Then it could be a "Happy STD" cake. Get it? Burning P?
Fabulous show, Kay Krex. Hope they renew you for another season!!
What IS that fish thing?!?
Seriously...I don't get it...if you lack the skills to draw the logo yourself, why don't these people just cut out the logo and use it like a stencil. Obviously, they have plenty of sprinkly things they can use.
Great post Number1!
Maybe they should make Cake baking/decorating an occupation you need an arts degree to have. At LEAST a sculpture or airbrushing class in a community college! Sheesh!
Oh, heavens, I got them all right. I guess that means I've been addicted to this site for way too long!
Aw man, I stink at this game!
How do some of these wreakarators get jobs decorating cakes? I suppose the employers just take their word for it when it comes to artistry instead of giving them a test run? Or are these cakes the test runs that failed but were put on sale anyway?
I have to admit, as the wife of a Virginia Tech alum, I identified that cake as the logo before I even saw the choices.
Heh, Kay Krex, nice. Never would have guessed that bottom one... looked like a blob with a line next to it to me...
I love the "Kay Krex." Very clever...
Thanks for making me laugh when my abs are already sore, Jen!
This reminds me of a local radio show I used to listen to on my way to school, called, "Just pick C!!!" I always wanted to be caller #12 or whatever, 'cause I always knew I could get the answer right .....
You know you've been visiting this blog a long time when you look at the second one and you know it isn't B because that's exactly what it does look like and you know it IS C because that's what it looks least like. Ironically or maybe saddly, the Virginia Tech logo has to be one of the easiest to pull off with a CCC.
cool game show, Kay Krex!
Kay Krex!!!!
Shawn is clearly being haunted by Ghosts of Rorschachs Past.
[cue spooky sounds and ominous music]
He must have been a baaaaad psychiatrist in a previous life! ;^)
I lost it when I read "California holding a sledgehammer." Fantastic!
Those are just not right. Really.
Once again I request: Please tell me people didn't have to put down actual non-Monopoly money for those wrecks.
...shaking head...
and the VT logo is one of the easiest to do- simple lines, etc
so sad...
must have been made by a bakery in Whoville (Charlottesville- home of the rival UVA cavaliers)
Go Hokies!
-goodfood4ursoul in VA
Kay Krex,
For my prize for getting all of these right, "I want sprinkles!"
Great post!
WV: conimp. Yup, that imp sure did con those buyers, making them conimps.
When I read the caption under the second cake "California holding a sledge hammer" I laughed out loud and received odd looks from my coworkers
In defense of the first cake, I don't know that there is any way you can do those flames in that style unless you're really really good, and you're not working in a place with limited tools.
The Virginia Tech logo, there's just no excuse, the shape could have been pulled off as a CCC
@Erin: I got it right away, too, and I have no affiliation with VT. That said, the cake's still a wreck.
I was thinking more along the lines of a tadpole that had a vision impairment cooling off in front of a fan...
but your idea works, too.
wv: when in doubt, always choose "c"
and that's a factoros
I was SO hoping it would be the Fireys, if only for nostalgic every-slumber-party-in-4th-grade reasons. ;-) Now I want to know what the freak of evolution on the last one is from...
That was downright fun!!
Me, reading today's post:
"Kay Krex" - literal Laugh Out Loud! Love it! :)
Cake #1 - Fireys?!?!?!!!!?!?!!? AAAaaaaahhhhh! Run-away! Run-away!! *clop-clop, clop-clop*
Seriously though, I think it's letter C - the Budweiser thing.... *ding, ding, ding*
Cake #2 - *scrolling down - see the "go team" enthusiasm....* I'm going to guess "L. T." (LaDainian Tomlinson) of NFL fame. Dang! It's not even a choice! I'm from the Big 12, so VT never even crossed my mind...
Thank goodness this is a multiple guess gameshow!!
#3 - I actually got this one right, although I had to read the inscription 3 times to figure out what it said. I guessed a fish - but not all the walking and paintbrush stuff.... oh dear!
Great post! Love that Cake Wreck Team!!! "go team" :)
I actually guessed the VT logo without seeing the choices. And I'll bet you anything the Wreckerator was a Hokie too (the place isn't exactly famous for their academic standards).
Well OF COURSE it's a fish holding a paintbrush! It's so obvious!
"California holding a sledgehammer"
Too funny! That's exactly what it looks like! I wonder what you would get if you ordered "California holding a sledgehammer" from that bakery...
P.S. That VT logo almost makes the Kentucky Wildcat CCC (one of my favorite wrecks) look spot on.
1) is that for a firefighting angel? an arsonist? a performance artist specializing in pyrotechnics? what, no border? *scroll down* Oh, we have choices here. I'm totally lost. *scroll down* Oh. um, they forgot the crown on the B. Looks like what should be emblazoned on a motorcycle.
2) No clue. Ick brown icing, lame orange border, no enthusiasm on Go Team. (must be an expected-to-lose team with obligatory cake. but what sport?? sledgehammering?)
*scroll down* B! B! California holding a sledgehammer! that's what it LOOKS like anyway. Are they going to pummel Nevada or something? *scroll down* oh boy. They don't even have the colors right on VT, as if that even looks like a V. and that's a topheavy T.
3) Music, golf and an evolution fish sprouting legs? *scroll down* Um, the fish? but the beret is missing. What kind of camp is this? Fishing and art? Jazz and Tee suggests music and golf to me, too.
I just clicked on the Fireys link. I couldn't even watch it *shudder* reminds me how much I hated that movie. I forgot all about that scene. creepy Bowie, lackluster Connelly....*whimpers in a corner*
I firmly believe that the little fish with the paint brush could have done a better decorating job than whoever/whatever made these cakes.
That Virginia Tech cake immediately reminded me of the block test Raleigh St. Clair gives to Dudley in The Royal Tenenbaums. Not even close.
The VT cake looks kinda hokie to me.
I totally see California holding a sledge hammer! lol!
This is a fabulous post, Jen! Kay Krex indeed!!!!!
For the second wreck I was thinking way too hard - elongated hockey stick and puck? Um, nope. But I guessed Virginia Tech correctly when I read the choices. That last one is very funky - can't say that I've ever seen a painting fish with legs and a beret before...
Woo Hoo! A Labyrinth (and Bowie) reference! But seriously kids, don't forget - you have the best chance for getting them right if you go for C!
That Virgina Tech one was just too bad. Before I saw the options I thought it was a "G" or "J". I get being bad at details, but they didn't even get the general shape right...
I looked at each before looking at the choices, and for the last I said to myself, "That's supposed to be a Darwin fish."
And frankly I think it's a better Darwin fish than whatever that other thing actually is.
Go Darwin go!
For some reason, I find "Kay Krex" far more hilarious than I probably should. :-)
The first wreck made me wonder what happened to the first 29 Shauns.
I won! I won!! Where do I collect my prize?
Kay Krex made me laugh so hard! Love it!
That is more Leningrad Tech than Virginia Tech. Definitely a hammer and sickle.
The first cake's flames look EXACTLY like an outline of the Falkland Islands.
Yes, it's been said many times before, but....
"Kay Krex" - I LOVE IT!!!!!!
i thought the VT logo was a piece of bacon..my bad
I love this. Being a professional decorator myself, I'd be ashamed to let something so hideous leave my back room. However, it is incredibly entertaining for the rest of us...
Ok, guys...let's not be too hard on the wreckreator who made the VT cake. It's hard enough to put those cupcakes in a line without the poo frosting getting out of hand.
I like the stencil idea anonymous had. Then you just frost the cupcakes individually in red, and put a line of white around them to tie it together. Make them one cupcake thick all the way around, too.
I like how they made the left part of the V two cupcakes thick, but then made the top of the T (that doesn't have a leg) THREE cupcakes thick. That is just weird, and I think the California holding a sledgehammer thing was GENIOUS.
I dunno about the last one, as the description actually fits pretty well, and the logo itself kind of needed explanation in the first place. I don't think you can blame someone for going their own way on that one. The whole thing's a mess just the same, though, under any circumstances.
Excellent job, #1! "Kay Krex" is inspired, really. LOL!
I've been reading this blog entirely too long when not only did I know that was a VT logo, I also didn't think it was all that bad.
The orange icing on the VT cake had me fooled. I thought it was a UT cake until I read the choices. Kinda sad when you can't even get the school colors right.
In defense of some of these cake wrecks, I've been in their shoes, and a customer will come up and just tell you, I want a fish carrying a paintbrush wearing a beret and not give ya any idea what the logo or whatever is supposed to be. And to the lady that said you need an art degree to do cakes? LOL.. that's too funny... I got paid maybe 25 cents above minimum wage to do cakes for a store. (That's what I did while going through college.) I took a cake decorating course at the local community college, and loved it, and ended up getting a part time job doing it. These stores also expect you to only put in 10-15 minutes to ice and decorate most cakes. Some of these were still REALLY sad.
VT logo did pop into my head but not before trying to figure out how it might be the TN Vols. That's REALLY sad, since out of all the CCC designs, a VT logo REALLY shouldn't have been that difficult.
OT: Mensa likes Cake Wrecks!
I really though the VT logo was a putt-putt course--they have putt-putt teams right?
I know what's wrong with the last one: they forgot the little beret. WTH is wrong with people? Even if this is the 21st century, it sure seems hard to find someone in a grocery store willing to put your total nonsense artist-fish logo on baked goods. *sheesh*
Kay Krex---too funny! Can't wait to put that on an "Hello..my name is" sticker. or sign her up for some list...
you have the smartest commenters!
I snicker every time I walk by the cakes at Tom Thumb wishin' I had a camera on my phone.
Well, I guess if I fail at my chosen profession, I can always get a job as a cake decorator.
Great post! LOLOLOL!
Does anyone else see a little yellow bunny caught in a forest fire in the first cake? Or is it just me?
Is it a just a coincidence that all of the answers were C? They spell out the evil CCC! (*patooey*)
:) Sara
Dang - I could have sworn the last one had something do with Darwin! The others are just pathetic.
Is that... the Art + Fun Summer Camp logo?
I don't quite know the story behind the fish (if it is) but the fact that we're on a tropical-ish island and use fish in a lot of logos probably has something to do with it. Don't ask me why it has legs though.
And if my guess is correct, would the submitter please, PLEASE reveal which bakery is responsible for that thing? For the safety of local cake-buyers? Even just a hint would help....
I love this site and HAD to comment today on how hilarious the post was! Oh my gosh! I'm still wiping the water off my keyboard from when I squirted it out of my mouth while I was laughing. Great website!
Oh no! I'm a VA Tech alum, and as soon as I saw it, I knew deep down in the pits of my stomach that's what it was supposed to be. And I said a little prayer that it wasn't...which was quickly unanswered. Just wow...
The first cake: None of the above. That is absolutely a combination of Barbie and Hot Wheels logos. (It's a ubiquitous combination, trust me -- every time you see a toy, kids' bedding, etc. where the same thing is offered in both "girl" and "boy" variations.)
California with a sledgehammer. LOL. That even makes sense. We Californians have an attitude, you know.
The middle one was the worst!
Wah...!? I got the fish one right. Does that mean I get a cookie, or something? :)
ok, but - do they TASTE good???? Kay, your name ROX!
anyone else think the last one was a darwin fish with a machette?
Katja--I see a bunny stuck in the flames too! That was my first reaction, then i tried to figure out what could be on the other side and gave up :P
"California holding a sledgehammer" also creased me.
And the last one definitely looked like a strange Darwin fish (mutated, of course, from the weird chemicals to be found in the colouring :P)
The Virginia Tech logo cake...wow, complete lack of geometry skills there. Not to mention even my three year old knows what a V and a T look like, and could probably line up cupcakes in some semblance of the correct shape.
This site never fails to blow my mind!
Wow, I thought the second cake was supposed to be a J... though the fact that the submitter's name was Jenny probably primed my brain for that somewhat.
In retrospect, it's clearly the Japanese character ク turned on its side. Clearly.
Is that last logo really a fish with legs wearing sunglasses (which is what it looks like) or a big-headed camp girl with a ponytail?
Lol I loved today's post! That fish logo with legs looked more like an impaled darwin fish than the logo it was supposed to be. Scary how none of the cakes matched the logos especially the Virginia Tech one..couldn't stop laughing.
You're so awesome. Kay Krex!
And yeah... some of these decorators are just a liiiiittle too optimistic. I say work within your means and abilities...
That thing on the last cake looks like something I have to defeat in Pikmin 2.
How could they forget the little crown on the Budweiser B? Budweiser is the king of beers, after all!
I loved "California holding a sledge hammer" --that's exactly what it looked like!
I love you just for the Labyrinth reference <3.
Hi Jen,
Did you mean "bullfrog" instead of "bullhorn" on the last cake?
A fish with legs wearing sunglasses and a beret and carrying a paintbrush. Seriously?
Funny as always!
*face-palm* It's times like these where a PhotoCake machine needs to be involved... Or DON'T take the cake order if you know the decorator CAN'T free-hand, it's that simple.
*shakes head*
GO HOKIES! Totally showing the husband.