Monday, March 1, 2010

The Frogs Talk Back

Monday, March 1, 2010

Recently here on CW I took aim at frog cakes, which I might have insinuated are all slimy hell beasts of Wreckage. A few of you took issue with this. So, here to defend their good name are some more frog cakes.

Take it away, guys!

"Well, Jen, as you can see we're extremely well-rounded."

"And we always put our best feet forward."

"In fact, you'd be hard-pressed to find a frog cake that was too dimensional.
(And if you did, I'd be crushed.)"

"Never mind all that, though: The eyes have it, dahlings."

Uh huh. I see.

Well, frankly, guys, I think you're just making my point for me. But wait - what's this? Dribbles has prepared a short statement summarizing why frog cakes are awesome? Ok, then. Preach it, Dribbles.

"Thowwy, I can't wewwy tok wight now. Ma tongue is bwoke."

Aw, what a shame. Well, slimy hell beasts you remain, frog cakes. Sorry.

Thanks to today's hip-hop artists Wesley T., Jen C., Erin R., Tim W., & Andrea L.

Related Wreckage- Conditions Froggy
Gary said...

I think what I said last time bears repeating:
Just painting anything green does NOT make it a frog.
Frogs have actual body structures, with actual shapes. And many of them are not even green.

Anonymous said...

The second one is actually kind of good, and the decorators of fourth one probably think the frog looks awesome next to the rest of the cakes in that case (the german chocolate thing underneath?)

Love your website!

Anonymous said...

Awww, the second one is actually really cute-- he's just stylized!

-- abadidea

Beth L said...

Is there a good frog cake out there anywhere??

Jessica said...

I love how #4 has a lovely poo dollop on the cake under it. Is that the catch tray under its cage? Ick

Anonymous said...

I think the second one with the huge feet is adorable!

Gotta Catch 'Em All! said...

As soon as I saw the third cake, the words "deranged demon pokemon" popped into my head.

And I realized how amazing it is that those words pop into my head so often when I read this blog.

Lauren Borquez said...

The boob eye frog is really hot...not lol :)

Reagan said...

I actually think that 2nd one is kinda cute. But you're right about the rest-slimy hell beasts!!!

Jules AF said...

Oh man. The third/flat one is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Is that a giant suppurating boil waiting to pop atop the first froggy's well-rounded derriere?
The second clearly has lymphodema, while the CCC one (PTOOI!) looks like a mutant Pokemon.
A very angry mutant Pokemon.
With weird, lumpy eyes.
The fourth one looks like the Wreckerator got a couple of stale cinnamon buns, stuck them on the front then slathered over them with virulent green icing, under the mistaken impression they made perfect eyes.
The last one is kinda cute, like he tried to catch a fly, but over-stretched his tongue, and now can't wind it back up - like when you pull a blind down just a bit too far....

Babsiegirl said...

I think the second cake is kind of cute!

Unknown said...

Did that 4th frog just take a dump on the cake below? Eeewww!

Terry Lee said...

i wish folks would just stop trying to make frog cakes.

they creep me out. frogs and the wrecks.

however, the eyelashes are kinda cute ...

Belle Epoque said...

You'd think I'd be the first to get the association between frog and cake, but I'm missing a few nuts and bolts it appears...

Laura Dotson-Thomson said...

Oh my! I just went to Yahoo and did an image search for "frog cake". And while I'll contest there are some cute(r) frog cakes and they aren't all wreckage, these are just the tip of the iceberg. Run! Run away now!

Laura Dotson-Thomson said...

Oh, and frogs and science should never mix with cake:

Miranda said...

GLARGH. Horribly unappetizing.

Maybe applying to be a cake decorator should include a thorough eye exam. Many of these wrecks look like they were done by a person who couldn't even see what they were doing.

Anonymous said...

I can't help it but... the second one is kind of cute. Somehow.

Andygirl said...

that's tragic. especially because I think a frog-themed cake could be cute. maybe some lilly pads and tiny frogs? less wrecktastic?

Natalie said...

I like the second one! :P

peewee said...

Was that frog CCC must have been done by a true picasso type artiste.

Casey said...

Is the fourth cake a frog or the scary chair from Pee Wee's Playhouse?? (Chairry I think was her name) :)

Kiddan said...

This might be something for you

Bakingdom said...

I have to admit that I too think the second frog is pretty darned cute.

Also, I couldn't stop myself from reading Dribbles words out loud.

Then I proceeded to laugh so hard that I may or may not have peed my pants a little.

Thank you, Jen. Thank you.

Stella said...

why are there even frog cakes? Is this something regional?

Anonymous said...

The second one is cute. The third one is just plain scary!

Caroline B said...

My mum, having been brought up in the 1920's, was of the opinion that any food containing green colouring was potentially poisonous. After seeing these, she may well have had a point...

Anonymous said...

That first cake gives me an idea for a Halloween costume for my Roomba vacuum cleaner!

Jasry said...

I must admit to making not one, but TWO frog cakes in the past. They looked nothing like these, tho, thank goodness!! ;-)

Shannon said...

The last one looks like a dog they covered in green icing.

Anonymous said...

andygirl said...
that's tragic. especially because I think a frog-themed cake could be cute. maybe some lilly pads and tiny frogs? less wrecktastic?
Exactly.. can anyone say Kermit!

Mary Connealy said...

But don't you think it's good that they keep TRYING???

Mama Bear said...


I think my name is Jenny? said...

I found today's blog entry quite amusing, and then I noticed that the ad on the left hand side was for "Frogger." hahaha I realize that the ad changes, but I thought it was very appropriate.

Mama Bear said...

LOL this should have been titled "The Rainbow Disconnection" its not easy being green...

Amanda said...

The Princess and the Frog cake, anyone? :D

Unknown said...

Add my voice to the growing number who think the second one is actually kinda cute, and not a Wreck.

Brandy said...

Aw, I think the one with the huge feet is cute. :)

The rest, though.... kinda scary.

bento-making Melissa said...

Gross. Just gross. The way the tongues of the frogs stick out, I'd have to think they agree...

Dawn A. Gardetto said...

That first one looks like a squashed Grinch!
wv- rearke. I rearked back when I saw these frog cakes.

Anonymous said...

That first one would turn your mouth green for a week! But I love the cupcake one! It is the most hideous thing EVER!

I agree that the second one is adorable.

WV: refunte - what I'd be asking for at the counter for most of these cakes

skatej said...

There is hope! Google "frog cake" and many of the images that result are oh-so-cute!

Heather said...

To the last picture my daughter said: "Oh look it's a doggy!"

ShidaPida said...

Slimy hell beasts indeed! Frog #4 has anus eyes... ANUS EYES!!!!

Sparky said...

I have never seen a good frog cake, personally. However, if people insist on defending them, have them send in frog sweets! That would be wonderful.

Little Lovables said...

the huge footed 2nd one is cute.. but yeah, those others are some hell beats for sure!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does the third one down appear to have some sort of cauliflower wart skin disease? Seems to be adding insult to injury given he has also been recently run over by a steamroller.

Gary said...

Stella said...
"why are there even frog cakes? Is this something regional?"

A lot of people seem to think frogs are cute. It must have something to do with their big eyes, and the fact that from certain angles they appear to be grinning.

Of course, to the extent that frogs embody cuteness, these cakes are very un-cute, since they bear almost no resemblance to frogs. And the idea of a frog cake doesn't seem very appetizing to me (sort of like a trout-flavored cake?).

Donna M. said...

I do feel I need to correct your description of the CCC...that's not a frog, it's an amoeba.

Layla said...

"It's not slime. It's mucus."

Christina M. said...

Add me to the list of peeps who think the 2nd cake is actually pretty cute. Could have used smoother lines, but at least you could actually TELL it was a frog. And not a turtle. Or Atari's Frogger after he's had a run in with an asphalt roller...

Becca said...

It's hard for me to imagine a dark green cake of any kind that I would actually want to eat. Bleh.

But as always, Jen, the commentary is brilliant!

Laney said...

The second one is actually cute.

drgns4vr said...

I'm trying to decide if cake #3 is more disturbing as a frog or as a stand of man-eating broccoli.

Steph said...

Perhaps these will give the frog lovers hope:

John Sperry said...

Call me crazy but I think the second one is cute in a mis-proportioned way. It's just goofy enough to be acceptable in my book. The others CLEARLY belong in wreck status.

DJ said...

I also thought the last one was a green dog. And the ccc is a perfect example of why you should just say no to cupcake cakes.

@kiddan — those are some pretty cupcakes at that link you posted

wv: egqkz - ingredient for a frog cake recipe: add two medium sized egqkz, beaten

Allison Wonderland said...

The second one is surrounded by other wrecks, a fugly christmas log and some random blue thing. Wreck-o-rama!

Sarah said...

I had to go look at the Sunday Sweet frog cake featured awhile back to even remember what frogs are supposed to look like!

cakelady72 said...

i like the second one too.
the broken tongue one is funny.

izzati noris said...

funny this should come up.
I actually looked for pictures of nice frog cakes after your first post. i thought i'd find them and e-mail them to you for sunday sweets.

naturally, i found none.

frog cakes are clearly not cake worthy

DMackendrick said...

Isn't the bigger question here why anyone would want to eat something that looks (or embodies the spirit of, as represented by the mad genius of a wreckerator) like a frog?

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha. Oh well. They tried. :O

Currer813 said...

It took me a few seconds to figure out what was going on with the second to last one. It looked like the frog had defecated on the shelf below, but it turned out to just be another cake.

WV: brall. Jen's so freaked out by frog cakes, there's gonna be a brall.

Rana said...

Eyelashes? On an amphibian?


Josh W said...

That third cake would have been a fairly good CCC if it hadn't been turned upside down before frosting! the eye stalks turn into pretty good legs, and the lump body into eyes (if there was still a cupcake where one of those glue spots is.)

Fanboy Wife said...

Have any of these people actually seen a frog? I guess if they see those mutant frogs from MN, they might have an excuse.

S.E.L. said...

There is some "frog wedding cakes," and you'll see what I mean! A frog cake can be nice, but I think it requires a wedding-sized budget.

Anonymous said...

I thought with the exception of some seriously fat lips my frog cake came out ok.. Or is that my wreckerator side peeking out?

jillb-ilslp said...

The one with the thpeeth pwobwem hath a cute fwoggy bottom. (You can thee it in the miwwuh.)

Momof4 said...

I enjoy the "best foot forward" wreck. Totally Wrecky, yes, but somehow cute. :-)

Unknown said...

Bwa ha ha! These are great! Love 'em!

Terri Coop said...

CWAP! With hell beasts like these, the frog cake photo I sent you with the guacamole green lilypad side cake doesn't stand a freaking chance!

C'mon wreckers! Give a small town cakewreck a chance! Take the day off!


Hana Jenkins said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your two dimensional joke and about being crushed. :-D

Marie said...

Cake number four looks like the decorator was playing a serious game of Frogger and the cake was run over by a truck..

Gal220 said...

This calls for a Sunday Sweets on frogs to give us hope...

Come on troops! Find those Actual frog cakes!


Julia Spencer said...

So now you will have to actually do a Sunday's Best with the Frog Theme... Work really hard and find some that are done cute....

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAH one of your best posts in recent times

Elizabeth said...

I made this frog cake for my son's 1st birthday. First cake I'd ever decorated completely by myself - thought it turned out really cute! Much better than the wrecks on here! By the way, I'm self-taught, never taken a decorating class, so I don't claim to be any good at this. :)


Anonymous said...

the one with the big feet is kinda cute.

BADKarma! said...

Frankly, that second-to-last one looks more like a Cthulhu Cake...

Gale said...

I don't think I want to admit to this, but I bought that cup-cake cake for my son's 1st birthday...and I saw what it looked like before I bought it. Sad but true. Other than the green out of place wort or whatever it was it looked very much the same (tounge sticking out and everything). What was I thinking?

Oh well, my lil' one still looked cute eating that green frosting on his single cup-cake.

Gale said...

PS: I put a picture on my blog if you all want to see...just about identical. Except I think the one Jen posted was actually cuter than mine.

Nonna said...

The second one is pretty sweet...but way too green !

TisforTonya said...

shoot - I've actually made a frog cake I was kinda proud of once...

at least IT didn't show up here...

and yeah - the german chocolate poo catcher underneath the one frog made me lose my appetite, maybe I should start checking your blog PRIOR to dinner and it would help my diet?

Miss Mandamonium said...

I think this one needs to be added to the frog cakes... creepy... they look like green leeches...

Angelina Krell said...

I think the isolated swirl of poo on the cake under the second to last frog is more disturbing than the frog cake.