Monday, July 20, 2009

Say What?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ah, sweet failures in communication.

Pushy, pushy. You WILL be Miss Charles, hear? Now, love PF Changs! Love them!!

At least it sounds right when you read it aloud. Although you do have to wonder: if you don't know, what makes you think the people eating your cake will?

Some folks just can't resist telling everyone when they're finished with a task. "G-r-e-a-t...J-o-b...there! Done!"

Resistance is futile.

Lindsay J., Tracey B., Amy J., & Anony M., congradulations on are job done.

- Related Wreckage: Jen Pipes Down
Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the last cake says "Congradulations" as well. 2 for 1!

Miranda said...

But, but, the "conformation" one is literally accurate.

*raises umbrella to avoid thrown tomatoes*

P.F. Chang's: Lovely roses. Message fail. It's kind of sad: I can do a good message, but my icing roses are still collapsing epic fail on a stick. :( Someone could hire me to do correct and legible cake messages...

Fluffy Cow said...

It's amazing how much poor spelling can negate pretty piping.

Taylor (My Older Brothers) said...

Eye can't believe people dew knot no how two spell write! That is sew sad.

Anonymous said...

You just made me laugh out loud at the library with that last one!!

Trevor said...

OMG! The last one is totally Borg. You are so right on that. I didn't realize the Borg had assimilated Christianity already. That or they changed their symbol to make being a Borg seem more appealing to other races. You decide.

Klokateer said...

So, is that second one a Toki/Skwisgaar Metalocalypse tribute cake or something?

Julie said...

The more of these I see, the less hope I have for the human race as it continues to think text message shorthand is acceptable and appropriate for real life.

Kelly said...

"Resistance is futile." Ha! This is why I love you people!

WV - aquabil "Hon, did we pay are aquabil?"

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

That first cake reminds me of To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar which makes me think of Wesley Snipes, Patrick Swayze and John Leguizamo in drag, which makes me not want to eat cake.

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Punctuation is everything, isn't it?

Angie (from over at

nik said...

i think smooshing all the letters together is a fine way to cover up one's inability to spell congratulations. they could have just proclaimed that michael has great form. very hook-ish.

Anne said...

Perhaps a cake decorator's Spelling Bee is in order??? LOL

Mario! said...

The "conformation" is hilarious on multiple levels. Love it!

Melinda said...

I was fine until "Resistance is futile". I laughed so loud my husband wanted to know what was up...imagine my embarrassment when he had no idea what a Borg was.

Jennifer Galatioto said...

This is seriously the funniest site! I LOL everyday to it!

beckiwithani said...

Your comment on the last cake is hilarious. One of your best yet, and I read this blog every day. Bravo.

P.S. Maybe the first cake is for someone undergoing a sex change operation? Good ol' Chuck will now be known as Miss Charles...

Mandy said...

ROFL..."resistance is futile"


WV: cleard - the Wreckerators should "cleard" their heads before attempting to inscribe a cake.

thisisbeth said...

I've worked for the same company for 11 years now. We've had six different names, and worked in three different locations. The "What's our name?" cake sounds like something I'd order. I only hope the bakery would have taken basic lessons on spelling and grammar.

Karen said...

Love the "conformation" cake.

Anonymous said...

"Whats Are Name?" OK, even if the cake was spelled "What's Our Name?" I still can't work out what occasion this cake is for.

Maybe I'm thinking too hard about this one!

Jenna Lynn Cody said...

My boring fiance used boring old Ockham's Razor to cut the first cake.

He surmised that "Charles" is an employee of PF Chang's who is leaving, so the staff got him a cake that was meant to say "You Will Be Missed, Charles. Love, PF Chang's"


Bri said...

These win! I think I'll send a mass email to friends saying; "whats are name?".
I really dig that last one; scary but good.

-Bri M.

Anonymous said...

"resistance is futile" HaHaHa! Made my day!!


wv - aminaut - a miniature astronaut

Leah McNally said...

The first cake- Is Charles a transexual?

That second cake has me humming Lynyrd Skynyrd.

The last one- everyone's comments have me laughing. Cakewrecks Blog-Resistance is futile.

DaMattafan said...

Coem on don't you all know Yoda ordered the "Good job done" cake?

LaurenH said...

OK, I'm a little embarrassed it took me a minute to get the last one (other than the huge blue slugs of frosting...if it's thick enough no one will know if you spelled things right or not!) but once I did I laughed at it :)

Also had a hard time with the cookie cake because for some reason I really like those so I was all like "oh yeah, extraneous words, silly phrase....I mean, what? YUM!"

Tammi said...

There is no excuse for "Whats Are Name." Neither the decorator nor the person ordering the cake could make that right!

Unknown said...

"What's our name?" is a slogan of Baltimore Ravens (and you can see the Ravens logo on the right edge of the picture). There is an explanation of how it came about here:

This only explains why someone would want it on a cake, not why the cake is such a wreck.

Anonymous said...

The 'conformation' cake is extra hilarious to me as a horse person. Too many times there are sale ads for horses with good 'confirmation'. hahaha!

Missie said...

I have a friend whose last name is Borg. Now I really want to order them the last cake...

ilovebabyquilts said...

The What's Are Name cake is next to some kind of sports logo, so I assume it's like a "who's your daddy?!" kind of dominating thing, like getting people amped up for the game.

Unknown said...

I can't help wondering if the piece that's been cut out of the cookie cake didn't include an 'l' or something that would make the last word a name, as in "Good Job Donel" or something like that. Seems a bit too strategic for me.

wv: opple - how your average wreckerator might spell apple.

Amy C said...

Oh thank you for the good laugh on a Monday. I NEEDED that. : )

Becky said...

Perhaps the conformation one was supposed to go to a person who shows dogs or horses?

Stephanie McGee said...

Nice Trek reference there at the end! These cakes are truly hilarious. Thanks for all the joy you bring to peoples' lives!

Novice Writer Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who reads the cookie as "Great Fob Done?" LOL

Analise said...

OMG, that last one.

I'm into horses and participate in a couple of horse-related forums. And we bitch a lot about people in sale ads who talk about their horse's "good confirmation" as opposed to conformation.

At least it happens the other way around too?


Kasey at Thrifty Little Blog said...

Ha. On some of these, I'm going to go ahead and blame the person who ordered them.

Vicki said...

Is it just me or does the last cake also have the name spelled wrong? It sure looks like Mickael to me. I think this might be a 3 for 1!

Kelly said...

Hee hee...I think my DH would order that "conformation" cake for me sometimes! I purport to be a non-conformist and he likes to tease! :)

jackie31337 said...

Melinda said imagine my embarrassment when he had no idea what a Borg was.

And you married him anyway?! (just kidding)

holly said...

Jenna, tell your boring old fiance we already figured that one out!

But 'are' name? 'ARE' name??? What's ARE name? I'm just...I don't know (shaking head).

Amanda said...

The cookie cake is suspicious... it looks like they cut off the last letter of a name (I knew someone named Donev...) which wouldn't make it as wrecky...

holly said...

Oh hey, Analise! I like the local ads that are selling a year old 'philly'. Some people also sell 'phoals'. No lie. But maybe your local horses really have joined the RC church?

Anna said...

Love, love, love these cakes, they made me laugh so hard I got cramps in my jaw.

Btw, I can't wait for the first Borg "Happy Assimilation" cakes to roll in. Anybody wanna be the first? There's gotta be some Borg cakes out there!

Tags said...

I think it was meant to be "You Will Be Miss Charles's Love, PF Changs."

To the question "Whats are Name" the correct answer is "Internets are Game"

The missing piece would reveal that it says "Great Job Donuts." Not sure whether it's Mr. Donuts or Ms. Donuts.

Conglomerations on your Conformity (making nonconformity)

SketchRx said...

I have to agree with all the other horsey people that I get a kick out of the conformation cake!

Hey now, maybe Michael is a warmblood stallion who passed his inspection with flying colors, thanks to his great conformation! You know... that really prestigious inspection... held by the... Catholic Church registry??

WV: rableed - what your eyes run the risk of doing after seeing one to many Wrecks. "GOOD LORD, someone unplug the computer and call 911, my eyes are ra-bleedin'!"

Wide Awake Wife said...

I love the last one! Writing the letters close together may make it harder to find the mispelling, but it's still there! lol!

M M said...

The bakery that make the "What's Are Name" cake must not be from Baltimore.

Cara said...

Congratulations on your conformation...Resistance is futile
...I see a T-shirt in the future.

Anonymous said...

I read the last word on the first cake as "Change." More importantly, I interpret this as a divorce cake: "You will no longer be Mrs. [Surname]."

I'll alert my church to the potential for humiliating error a la the last cake.

MarthaR said...

Okay. I give. I don't get the "Resistance is Futile" reference.

I LOVE this website as do my daughters. I laugh so hard, I cry and that is a very wonderful thing. Thank you.

jackie31337 said...

Diane said This only explains why someone would want it on a cake, not why the cake is such a wreck.

It also doesn't explain why the cake appears to have been decorated in the Colts' blue and white rather than the Ravens' purple and yellow. (Dang I feel old)

Anonymous said...

Courteous Chihuahua - Thanks for the reference! I was thinking something along those lines, but wasn't quite getting the image. That was excellent.

LKT said...

Since I work for a confirmation program called Confirm not Conform I especially appreciate that last one (and posted it on our Facebook page, with credits. I hope that's OK; let me know if you want me to take it down).

Unknown said... something is put together,ie; that horse has terrible conformation. Hahaha

Terribly hilarious, these wrecks!
~Amy B.

twinkle teaches said...

good job done! lol...

Jess said...

The "What's are name" cake should be purple, not blue, if it's a Ravens cake as suggested by the other stuff in the picture...Apparently the decorator can't deal with grammar OR color.

Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAY!!!!! Love 'em all. Laughing here, I also thought "Miss Charles" was having a gender change. heeeeeeeeee

Jodi said...

Your comment on the last one made me snot myself a little. A sure sign of a good day to come. Thank you so much! :)

Cyndi said...

Maybe Michael is just the most symmetrical and well-proportioned Catholic out there?

c3 said...

Maybe Michael is a horseman? It's 4H time!

Dorci said...

These cakes remind me of The Big Doofus' "Engrish" posts.

Suzie Q said...

One day, cake technology will be advanced enough to have spell check XD
Sheesh--barkeries should have a list of commonly mispelled words posted right above the work tables.
Although a "conformation" cake would be awesome.

CBS Radio said...

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Dynamo said...

I work with both the girl who decorated the "conformation" cake and the one who sent it in. It really makes my life to see it up here xD

and the name is in fact spelled right. So it's only a twofer.

Anonymous said...

Love it, made my Monday worth while!

Is someone sleeping in the moderation room? How did that radio ad get through?!?


Mindy said...

Conformation is the Catholic celebration of coming into adulthood. That's the name of the ceremony. It's right.

Anonymous said...

All these cakes are great!

Mindy: Catholics become confirmed into the religion, they don't conform (according to them at least. Personal opinions vary) Check the definitions XD

As the annonomous one who submitted said Conformation cake, yes, it does also say Congradulations, making two spelling errors. ^.~ I'd also like to point out that the girl who decorated the cake did a lovely job with the writing, just not the spelling. Its my photo that failed at capturing the fact that it is legible XD

Borg ref or not, this cake was not intentional, and I had a glorious freakout over whether or not to scrape it and fix it when i found it TEN MINUTES before pickup time. I decided not to. No one but us noticed to my knowledge, which only makes it better!

Jacq Cooks said...

Baltimore Ravens explanation not withstanding, clearly the 2nd cake is the answer to the age-old demand, "Say my name, B****!" as evinced so well in American Pie.

Mel said...

that last one reminds me of work. we have a folder for "currant conformations"

Morgan_Horse_Queen said...

There's been a discussion raging on a horse forum about confirmation vs. conformation - probably one of the most misspelled words in horsedom. I linked back to today's post here on CakeWrecks so they could get a laugh about the confusion (for a change!).

Love this blog by the way...

Ted S. (Just a Cineast) said...

Am I the only one who thought the first cake was for a contestant in the Miss Charles beauty pageant?

Meg said...

Conformation. Hmm. For my conformation, I think I'd prefer chocolate frosting.

You never know, maybe Charles WILL be Miss, not missed.

Jessiey said...

for the first cake... is "bettercream" better than buttercream. perhaps i don't know enough about cakes. but really bettercream???

woofless said...

Well, at least there's one other person who totally doesn't get the "resistance is futile" reference. I guess I'm a different kind of, I'm a dog nerd.

Like the horse people, dog show people also have an eyeroll fit whenever somebody spells it "confirmation". My first thought as a "dog person" was, "Well, maybe they got a cake for their dog's first specialty win" LOL. At least I'm not the only one who found that cake humorous for a completely different reason :)

Anonymous said...

2nd cake: Oh, right, the Baltimore Ravens, sure...??? I was hoping the person ordering when asked, "and who is the cake for?" replied in a foggy moment, "What's 'er name(?)" and the wreckerator just went with that with a minor spelling embellishment. But it's probably a spin(?) on the Ravens thingy...

Peachkins said...

Yeah, the second one is definitely supposed to be a Ravens cake. Why they wouldn't choose AT LEAST ONE of the team colors for the icing is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Well, one is "conforming" to rules after confirmation, so at least there could be some sense made of it. I love the humor on that one

Bree said...

Finally, a Ravens cake wreck made onto this blog!

(I live in Maryland, 30 miles north of Balmer, and around here the purple black are sported proudly). The decorator must be a Steelers fan.

Pat said...

Echoing - WHAT is the CBS ad????
Just pitifully hilarious - whyshould our kids learn to spell to get a better job??????

Anonymous said...

I just found your site through Failed Craft and I have know idea how I got there, but I have literally laughed so hard I cried. This is the greatest page ever. Just the greatest!! Kudos!

Matt said...

Do you have an accent? "Are" and "our" don't sound the same in the midwest, usually.

Hyena Overlord said...

Shame about the last one. I won't throw tomatoes at Miranda but I can't help associating conformation with AQHQ line classes.

wv: gynds...nope not touching it.

Scritzy said...

The second one reminds me of the time my cousin painted Grandpa's dog's house.

She scrawled in big black letters: LADY IS ARE DOG.

Maybe my cousin grew up to be a cake decorator!

sendingtheclowns said...

Mel said...
that last one reminds me of work. we have a folder for "currant conformations"
Heh heh...
Either you work in a raisin factory, or the people labeling those folders can't spell, either!
Curiouser and curiouser...


Phoebe said...

Mindy @ 3:13 PM:

Sorry Mindy, but the Catholic coming of age ceremony you are referring to is actually called "Confirmation." However, conformation is in my opinion a much better title. (teehee)

alexakim said...


As Miranda notes, "conformation" is literally accurate but oh so wrong.

I pictured Michael the Chocolate Eating Horse.


Resistance IS futile, so let's go mad.


Michelle S. said...

Oh that conformation one made me nearly pee my pants! Priceless.

Yes I dated a boy once that deserved a cake congratulating him on his conformation. My, oh my.

jackie31337 said...

Matt said Do you have an accent? "Are" and "our" don't sound the same in the midwest, usually.

They do in Bawlmer, hon.

Michelle S. said...


Sometimes I think I come from a different planet, rather than the west. "Our" and "are" sound different to me, as well. But this is coming from a person who pronounces "yolk" and "folks" and "polka dot" how they're spelled. But I'm told by everyone I ask, they're pronounced "yoke" and "fokes" and "poke-a dot". Even the dictionary says I'm wrong. Ah well.

Lucia said...

I am happy, a Catholic cake!
Even if it is misspelled. ;-)
~Lucia the Catholic

Unknown said...

Is that a Freudian slip? It should be Confirmation, not Conformation.

Pam Walter said...

These are hysterical! I feel sorry for the poor people who went to get their cake and discovered these errors.

Anonymous said...

See, I looked at Mickael's conformation, and immediately asked 'Who took best of opposite sex?'

Still Singing said...

Heh, GO RAVENS! A Steelers' fan definitely decorated that cake! HAHAHA! (And yes, OUR and ARE do sound the same around Balmer, Merlin.)

As friend to many in the dog show world, that last cake cracked me up!

Angie Jackson said...

That first one just *screams* "shot-gun wedding!"

This post is featured on Sunday School

Sr. Mina, BSP said...

I can't decide... is the last cake a misspelling of Confirmation, or is the wreckerator anti-Christian/anti-Catholic or something? *confused*

Or another theory... perhaps the child wants to celebrate how well they are conforming themself to Christ?

Either way it goes, congratulations. *smiles*

Word verification says "kraplate". Isn't that what we sometimes have to do late at night in the bathroom?

Anonymous said...

Maybe with the Balmer Ravens cake... the colors might come from when we still had the Baltimore Colts... the decorater might have had a moment where they forgot the colors and thought it was still that time period, and brought back those memories (btw, I wasn't even born when the Colts were stolen from us. It's been passed down from my mother, another true Balmer girl, hon.) Maybe...


Anonymous said...

For a Baptism cake that my aunt ordered once, they misspelled Jesus as Jeusus. When called out on it, the bakery clerk said, "Oh, Lord."

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully funny surprise to see my boyfriends going away cake on here! He transfered from 1 PF Changs to another and his crew was missing him before he left. I took a pic of my computer screen to show him! He was a little surprised!

Anonymous said...

I love the last one!

MerryJane said...

The first cake is supposed to be "You will be MISSED." Sadly I know many people who don't know how to write in the past tense.