It's Friday the 13th again, folks, so you know the drill: watch out for broken mirrors, black cats, and homicidal maniacs -
especially if you're a hot chick skinny-dipping alone in the woods tonight*. Which reminds me (the homicidal maniac part, I mean, not the hot chick part) here are a few Jason Voorhees goodies for you:
First, Reader John M. whipped these up for his co-workers:

I guess you can never really Wreck a horror cupcake, can you? I mean, the face looks totally freaky, but that's the
point. I like how John paired it with all those cheerful sprinkles, too. They say, "Well of
course I'm here to kill you, but there's no need to be all
gloomy about it!"
And here's a pro's take on the masked murderer:

Creeeeepy. Jane D. found it
here, and it's by Antoni and Edward Frys of European Cake Gallery - the same guys who did that amazing
Wall-E cake I featured a long time ago. I can't say I'm onboard with a cake that looks like it's about to kill me - I prefer my food happy and non-confrontational, you know? - but I must admit: the irony of slicing into it
would be pretty rich.
*Tomorrow night should be fine, though.
59 comments | Post a Comment
The best part was what I read as "Creeepy Jane D. found it here." even though that's not what it really said.
Is that giant Jason made of red velvet cake? 'Cuz if it's not, what's the point?
I've never been a huge Friday the 13th fan (the movies not the day) but the cakes are definitely fun. Who says serial killers don't want sprinkles too?
I'd eat it, but I'd approach it from behind.
I can't say that I'd be able to eat that cake either. Most people fight over the frosting flowers on a cake...this is a bit too realistic. I'd have to say, "I want a piece of the cold, dead looking hand...or I call a piece of the old leathery coat!" Not so much.
Those cupcakes are HILARIOUS... Besides the sprinkles, I love how he paired it with a note too, and signed off with TOODLES?!? Hmm... Sounds a little disturbing! Then again, anyone that makes Jason Voorhies cupcakes has to be a little disturbed themselves!
i think i would be too freaked out to go any where near the 2nd cake let alone eat a slice!
I wish that I worked with John M. because that is the most thoughtful gift a co-worker can give you. First, it's a delicious little snackeroo that will prevent your stomach from growling and giving away your hiding place when the masked murderer enters your home. Second, it comes with a warning to help keep you safe because no matter how many people get killed in horror movies, pretty girls still feel the need to skinny dip alone in the woods or leave the doors/windows open while babysitting. Third, the horrorcakes are WAY cooler than bringing in carrot sticks and dip to win the favor of your co-workers!
Rock on, John M.! I hope to see more horrorcakes on Friday, November 13th, 2009.
You're so dang funny, Jen.
That Jason cake is freaky. I love how the guy is standing next to it all proud and everything like, hey, if you're gonna take a picture of the cake, I'm gonna be in it, too.
Happy friday the 13th!
Wow, I thought that was a real person. Yikes!
We made our own cupcakes last Friday the 13th... you can see them here: I wish I had better photos... and yes, they were red velvet cake =P
Beautiful! Those cupcakes look DELICIOUS.
Oh man... I've only seen the new movie - i never saw the originals, and I see why!! I, too, don't think I could get within machete-range of that cake - I'd be waaay too freaked out!
What would be awesome is if the Jason cake was red velvet with raspberry jam swirled in it or something... Make it look like veins with oozing blood... heehee.
WV: sarbotha... Sarbotha's cause of death was a machete through the skull...
PS The machete needs more blood. I'm just not believing it.
I am totally making Friday the 13th cupcakes for the kids for after school today! Thanks for the inspiration!
I'm not a scary movie fan at all, but I would probably still eat the cake although I might have nightmares after that. Interesting thing about the note with the cupcake is that it says that it has a "sweet red gooey inside" which makes me wonder what the heck is inside the cupcake? Still, I love any coworker that brings in baked goods! SmittyChic I loved your comments!
I think the cupcake memo is really corny!! Am I alone in this?
I've also never found those slasher movies scary in the least; to me, Jason is a bloody bore--I guess that (is one of the things that) makes me weird.
I find psychological horror
way scarier than buckets of blood and gore (give me Alfred Hitchcock any day).
As for all that leather fondant (or fondant leather)--they did a great job on it, but it's just a bit too "overkill."
I'd approach that cake from behind and bite it on the neck, vampire style.
You'd have to lop off the head first, of course.
Angie (from over at
My favorite part is the end of the letter, "tootles". How else you end such a fantastic letter regarding cupcakes in honor of a homicidal maniac?
Ah yes, I do love the creeptastic ones.
I'm not sure Jason has ever looked better than in that second cake. Seriously, he looks a lot less dead than I would have thought.
I'm actually very impressed with the size of that cake. It makes me curious about the infrastructure they must have had to do to get it to stand.
I agree. Can you wreck a scary cake? That Jason cake is kinda cool ya know. I bet they were so predictable and used red velvet though. I would've chosen Funchip.
Also if you ever find yourself in a horror movie kick OFF the high heels before trying to run away. That irritates me ever time.
Purdue's spring break starts tonight, there should be lots of drunken girls skinny-dipping around the country tonight!
* Not here in Indiana though, still too CHILLY! 17 degrees last night!
amazing !!
The memo with the cupcakes is sort of funny in its own right, in that the guy signed it "Tootles", rather than "Toodles".
The immediate thought that I had was that he's wishing that the cupcake will give his fellow employees.. um.. gas. :)
Hmmm, you think maybe it was red velvet?
I wanna make Jason cupcakes now D:
I love that cake.
Woot, Brilliant! =D
That second cake is a creepy way. Wow.
~Amy B.
LOL I was going to make the same remark as "ELISABETH"
I hope he's a red velvet cake =D
A version I made for my co-workers last Friday the 13th can be seen on my blog here:
They were red velvet with cream cheese frosting topped with a chocolate ganache. The masks were made of white chocolate.
Yeah, I am that big of a nerd...
How WOULD you slice into a cake like that? I mean, it's masterfully done, but how on earth would you serve the thing?
@Kritterbug--yes, only he couldn't spell "Toodles" quite right... it was "Tootles". So much funnier that way.
"I prefer my food happy and non-confrontational, you know?" Hahahaha!!
Also, the cupcake looks more like The Joker to me.
And I would totally eat that murderous-man-made-of-cake. It would be very satisfying.
I'd still eat it,too. Even if it is the face of a deranged serial killer!
Nice. That's all I have...
how creepy is it that these cupcakes made me *want* cake? and then i remembered...i have trader joe's chocolate cupcakes in the fridge! oh, happy day! happy friday the 13th!!!
Why do you have to be the funniest freakin person? You are blog hero. *sniffle*
Just call this another 'red-velvet comment.' Cuz.. that's all it was going to be. :)
I'm a girl from Sweden, and I read this great blog like.. often. Just wondering if you've heard about this collector in Sweden (he's dead now, but all his things are in a museum where I work in the summer) and he's got a cake from the 1920's. That's pretty gross.
I so WANT that 2nd one for my birthday! It is brilliant I tell you BRILLIANT!
Hope the second one's red velvet ;)
Aha! So NOW we know what kind of person actually can get sprinkles. You just need to have a homicidal side.
Wow, that cake is amazing.
Who puts sprinkles on a creepy cake?
There are a lot of things that churn my stomach, but eating blood...fake or not, gross.
I can safely say that the second one is the only cake I would ever have sex with. Seriously.
You have to admit that the Jason cake is well executed.
Get it? Executed?
I'll take my cake and leave now.
I just found this site recently and I think it is totally hilarious! This is my new daily dose of laughter. I'll be looking for wrecks all over the place now. The cupcakes are alright, any free food while at work is always nice. The Jason cake was awesome, but I don't know if I would want to cut it though. I think i'd be afraid it might try to cut me in return, lol!
Yikes...that last one is terrifying. Could you imagine the pranks you could pull with that on one dark and stormy night! LOL...okay I will put my wicked side to bed now.
i love the fact the homicidal cupcake letter ends with 'toodles'
That masked murderer cake should have a semi-liquid raspberry filling so that when you slice it, it oozes "blood".
The Jason cupcakes are cool! (I'll take mine without blood, please!) The note is a hoot, too. The second cake, however, I would be unable to eat. As a teenager my friend & I would rent these movies every weekend and watch them (in the dark of course!) I didn't find them scary, just kinda ridiculous, but I still couldn't choke down a chunk of the UNDEAD Jason. The EEWWW factor is way too high!
I couldn't be in the same room as that Jason cake!
I wish he was one of my co-workers. I'd totally love a Vorhees cupcake of doom.
Great footnote! Almost missed it.
nice jason cake.Fred Smilek is the acting president of the Society to Save Endangered Species. It was founded two years ago by Fred Smilek along with his two best friends Charles and Jonathan.
HaHa! I looked up close on that note and it said: Remember , it is never a good idea to swim naked in the dark, wear a thong!