Now, I was going to make some sarcastic remark about TiVo making all the wedding guests wear fuzzy antennae and providing logo-riddled party favors, but when I checked the photo source I discovered they actually did.
Reality, you win. I just can't compete with your superior level of absurdity.

"Uh, girls? When I suggested a 'diaper cake' for the shower, I meant those cutesy things made of actual diapers. But hey, this is...nice. Really."

I can't be certain, but it looks like there's a beer can embedded in this cake. Which, from the ad exec's perspective, is perfect: the customer gets a cake AND a sample of your product. From the look of that cake, though, I think I'd just take the beer.
Besides, in the battle of the beers you know the one that teams up with Playboy is gonna win every time:

(Note: Yes, even the beer can is cake. Amazing, right? [shaking head] It's sad to see great talent wasted - I mean, c'mon: Coors Light?)
Lucinda M., Joy D., Kyla Z., and Summer R., I'm thinking I should get in on this racket. Tell you what: write www.CakeWrecks.com all over the next wedding cake you see, and I'll give you...well, nothing. But I might post the photo here if you send it to me. How's that?
66 comments | Post a Comment
Maybe I'm nitpicking, but is that little speck above the bikini supposed to be a naval? 'Cos it's in entirely the wrong place, and should be up there at the waist.
That's all.
Except to echo 'ewww, Coors Light?...'
seeing the tivo wedding makes it twice as funny. maybe they used the theme like a sort of vip pass.
"oh, i see you want cake. sorry, antennae are required for a slice of this."
I want a stuffed tivo!!
oh wow...
I LOVE to look at your blog. I check it out daily as I know many, many devoted viewers do. The cakes are often hilarious and the commentary can't be beat. But the stories behind most of these cakes would be PRICELESS! You should make it a requirement for every cake that just leaves one speechless. :P (Although...I have to admit that your scripted scenarios are often better than anything on tv!)
The mustard color of the Corona cake is just putrid. Maybe we should have some French's instead of Corona.
I've got to agree with you. It's sad that such a pretty beer can is a Coors Light can....bleh.
Those are sad.
I wonder if the wedding guests' teeth were all black after eating that cake. Would've made for an interesting wedding night!
Did you follow any of the links in the Engadget article? Because this cake is hilarious.
Can you imagine what the bride and groom's teeth looked like after eating that black frosting on the little TiVo cakes?
Black teeth are so lovely for photos. I'd love to see their wedding album.
The Tivo cake is for a wedding??? WHAT!? And yep, the playboy cake - serious class. Must remember that one for my 8yr olds birthday (not).
If you follow the link about the TV-inspired wedding, then follow a further link about "bad cakes", you get this:
which I think is a worthy contender for its own "Cake Wrecks" posting!
That diaper cake is kind of cute. A reminder of what's to come. Start cutting those diaper coupons.
The Playboy cake makes me think there's going to be body shots going on..and not off the cake. But they could've picked a better beer!
And that Corona beer cake looks like it got...well..let's just say, wet. LOL
~Amy B
Another headless cake. Well, like you said, they don't know there's a face up there anyway....
I do like the plush Tivo's, but I also have to say that it took me a while to realize what the veil on the Tivo bride cake was. It looked like cobwebs to me for a while.
Ahh yes, the extreme talent of being able to hold beer cans between your breasts.
At least the cakes, except the Corona cake which looks like slime, are nicely done.
I for one love TiVo! I might not have a TiVo wedding cake, but if my husband had wanted that as a groom's cake, I'd be fine with it (though I didn't know about the whole groom's cake thing when we got married).
Those wedding guests would be thrilled with their black tongues and lips after eating the TiVo cakes. Hawt!!!
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
So glad you included the link to the tivo cake...I thought that one tivo cake was wearing a cobweb wig--the link clarified that it's supposed to be a wedding veil.
Still--black icing on a wedding cake??? eww...smile for the camera!
The article about the computer-generated cake error was already featured on Cake Wrecks, wasn't it?
But the TiVo cakes are cute. :D And so are the plushes. Just not for a wedding.
So.... who gets to eat the polkadot crotch? Just askin'
You know you're getting old when you just don't see anything tasteful or classy about a cheesy-looking, headless cake of a bustiered, gartered bimbo with a BB stuck in her *abdomen*.
Guys are SO lame and tacky! Is that black fur around the cake?
Nice touch. =^==^=
The beer bottle "cake" looks like it was made out of diarrhea. (Sorry!)
Perhaps the TiVo cakes were for TiVo execs or people who love TV or something...whatever the case, it's still kind of pathetic and al ittle shameful.
I think that corona bottle actually looks like a shiny Turkey leg, like the ones you get at a RenFaire or something....GROSS.
I usually only put a cell phone in my bra. But that's me. Maybe if I used a beer can, I'd get a date.
Jeff and Exit..: that cake is already on here somewhere. You'll see it if you stay up all night looking at every cake wreck entry ;).
I think that last cake, though I am sure it is the "ideal woman" (no mouth, no brain..) may be spiked with STDs...Yuck!
Apropos the diapers cake:
Hey, that last one...isn't that a cup cake? ROFL
Is the frosting on the beer bottle cake *made* from beer? Cuz it looks like... beer jelly. And now I want to hurl.
that diaper cake KILLS ME!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
Reality, you win. I just can't compete with your superior level of absurdity.- Jen, Cake Wrecks
That is perhaps my new favorite quote. Love!
Far be it from me to 'poo-poo' your cake-wreckery, but isn't that Coors cake actually a jelly with icing piped around the bottom? That is why it has that odd translucent look about it?
It might just be me, but I think the Corono "cake" might be a very large Jello (shooter) cake thing. It certainly looks like the cake (sans can) that the people I lived with right out of college made one time... vaguely translucent and very gross.
I love Tivo! I want a tivo wedding!! haha. great post!
It's a cake Rack!
The Corona cake looks like a roasted human leg. MMM. crispy skin! The best part...
Hey! Maybe this is a photo shoot to accompany the recipe for "Beer Can Human"
I must say, normally a corporate sponsored wedding cake is the height of tacky, but ... it's... TIVO. I can't say anything negative about tivo. I love tivo. I also love cake. So I get this.
WV: hateab, as in I eat too much cake so I hate my abs.
I know you're always looking for the baker of the cakes ... the Tivo cake was crafted by the incredibly talented Debbie of "Debbie Does Cakes" and can be seen here on her Flickr stream: "http://www.flickr.com/photos/debbiedoescakesnet/495655936/" Having her as a Flickr contact is like getting a Sunday Sweet every day!
I may be misremembering, but I vaguely recall the TiVo cakes were from a wedding where the couple had met on a TiVo community forum, so at least that sort of makes sense...
The lovely lady lumps cake would not surprise me if it was a 15 year old girl's birthday cake. Nope. No surprise. Not after the other classy gems that have been passed of as kids cakes.
I hate to nitpick but being a avid loler "srsly" is lol speak. The definition can be found here: http://speaklolspeak.com/page/Srsly
looks like you broke your own rule Jen!
I think I'm gonna order that last cake for my daughter's 3rd birthday!
Mmmm....black icing! Not only is it good for black teeth for photos, but think of the dark green horror they'd encounter on its exit during their honeymoon. Sexy!
I Just want to know what is that red thing down by the girl Tivo's legs
Um, that is some freakishly wide cleavage on the Playboy cake. Did she have her third boob amputated to accommodate the beer can?
I would love to go to the Tivo wedding. I'm assuming that I would be able to bypass all the boring parts and get to the buffett line sooner.
And that Coors one? Brrrr!!!! A frosty beer can would not feel good on my chest.
I'm all in favor of having a sense of humor at weddings and this certainly fits the bill. I think the TIVO cakes are cute as the dickens! Not that I'd go near the black icing--not while there were photographers around!
In defense of these cakes at a wedding, if you check out the link you see that they did have a *real* wedding cake as well, and it is quite gorgeous.
Am I the only one who thinks black (and red) icing tastes awful? I've had people look at me like I'm nuts and swear that there's no difference, but I can taste a difference. So that TiVo cake, though cute ... yuck.
I think the Coors bikini cake is very well done, even though it's tacky.
This is FANTASTIC!!! Must. Blog. About. Cake!
I saw this and the first thing I thought of was this blog. http://failblog.org/2009/03/12/apology-herpes-fail/
When I looked at the Corona cake all I could think of was peanut butter. Peanut Butter and Beer. Sounds like my refrigerator in college, but I digress.
You *know* that last cake was probably for a twelve-year-old's birthday party, a la the Playboy Cakes entry.
I'm telling you, a "bizarre concept, well-executed" category would fill up fast on this site!
The diaper cake is fantastic, artistically. It's not a printoff, it looks like someone drew/freehanded all of it.
The idea is a wreck, but the cake is really good...
I love the whole cake mistake idea...but maybe Tivo meant something to those newlyweds. It just seems mean spirited to call their special day absurd.
Other than that those other cakes are just wack.
As someone who is planning a wedding, I guess I can understand accepting a sponsor when I see how much a full blown traditional wedding costs. Which is why my guests will be eating regular store bought sheet carrot cake. Hey, it's already white!
I remember the horror of changing diapers the day after someone gave the kids bright colored frosting. I see the Tivo cakes and wonder how many guests were certain they were bleeding internally the next day.
I have to second the comment on the navel placement for the playboy cake...I don't think they're naturally that low. Or shiny. Or dot-like.
I gotta say...the Coors can is amazing. I can't tell that's not a real can from that photo.
WV: nonetype
Make of that one what you will. :D
Anonymous said...
"...but maybe Tivo meant something to those newlyweds. It just seems mean spirited to call their special day absurd."
I agree! It MUST have meant something to the couple- {only they know and they haven't talked}- or they wouldn't have HAD these.
I don't think we were calling their special day absurd at all...((chuckle*snort)) They shouldn't care less what others might think.
It's not mean-sprited 'cause we're not laughing at them--just at the cakes. And they can't hear us.
And hopefully they don't read this and all the stuff about the..well..stuff.
The Tivo cakes are cute but for a wedding ? Black frosting...never except for a groom's cake !
The beer part in the Corona cake looks more like ballistics gel.
Wow, those diapers must be from the 70s! Awesome!
I like the Johnson that is hilarious. The body is really funny and know I can't choose a favorite.
the corona cakes is the best! Fred Smilek is the acting president of the Society to Save Endangered Species. It was founded two years ago by Fred Smilek along with his two best friends Charles and Jonathan. http://www.fredjsmilek.com
I guess everyone was mesmerized by the boobs on the Playboy cake. Was nobody else creeped out by the dark, curly hair around the cake?