Here are some more amazing cakes you readers have submitted for the "Winter Wonderland" assignment.
Emily S. made this for her work's Christmas party:

Although those snowflakes are lovely and delicate, my favorite bits are the marshmallows and "steam" rising from the cup of cocoa. Why can't every workplace have someone like you, Emily?
Sarah W. was the first to submit this one from
Highland Bakery, where the decorators prove that not
all airbrushing is evil:

I don't think I've ever seen shading done so skillfully. Love it.
Miki W. found this electric addition:

You wouldn't think a string of lights on a cake would look elegant, but Dianne Rockwell (aka
"The Cake Lady") really managed it for this wedding cake. Don't those snowflakes look like porcelain?
Here's the one you guys submitted the most, from
Pink Cake Box:

Super cute. Thanks to Heather, who I think was the very first to send it in.
Here's one from the creator of the
very first Sweet I ever posted: Mike of
Mike's Amazing Cakes:

I almost feel chilly just looking at this; those snow-dusted pine needles are simply perfect.
And lastly, here's a gorgeously detailed bridal shower cake from
She Takes the Cake:

Click on the photo to see the larger version: the lace work and ribbon are truly incredible.
Thanks again to all of you who submitted nominees for the Winter Wonderland assignment; I'm just sorry I couldn't include them all! Stay tuned for your next theme assignment!
35 comments | Post a Comment
My God, what stunning artistry. As I scrolled down I kept thinking no, that's my favorite. The bottom cake (truly? for a bridal shower? for who... Mariah Carey?) is probably the most gorgeous piece of bakery I've ever seen. I love Sunday Sweets. Thanks for the one day dedicated to the dedicated.
SO beautiful! Thank you for sharing these! I could only dream of creating such masterpieces.
They are all so stunning that it would be a sin to cut into them!
I can't decide...but I think the cake with the penguins is a sure pick for a winner with me.
wvotd receng..."an abbreviation for recreational english, a form of communication used on lolcats."
Very Beautiful!
These makes me think "I don't want to eat it" for reasons 180 degrees from the reasons I sometimes wouldn't want to eat a Wreck. So pretty, like presents you hesitate to unwrap.
I love the snowflakes on the first cake, along with the marshmallows and steam. I will agree that all of these cakes are stunningly spectacular. Each cake artist has something special that sets them apart
The snowman family on the second cake is so incredibly adorable! Great cakes to brighten a dreary day!
Oh, my stars!
Now, that cake with the snow-dusted pinecones is my favorite, because it looks so ethereal; I can almost imagine the pinecones simply taking wing on the little sprigs of pine, and flying away like little, wispy birds.
Snowflakes!! I love everything about them. I can't get over them; they seem impossible to BE. Those on the cake DO look very bisque-y.
Finally, the little snowmen wearing the purple hats and scarves are WAY to cute to eat!
Lovely, lovely cakes!!!!
Wowsa. Nice work. I still think the ugly cakes taste better though.
Angie (from over at
I'm not sure that I could cut any of them. They're wonderful, beautiful creations! Congrats to the artists, they should be very proud.
I'm with Angie...I'm not in to CHEWING my frosting like gum. I'll take regular icing over fondant any day...although the Sunday Sweets are fantastic pieces of art!
What are the 2 penguins at the base of the cake doing? Looks like they're gathered around a campfire but don't see flames.
The last one is my favorite. The snowflakes are gorgeous!
WOW! Those are stunning cakes!
I read ALOT of blogs and this one is smack dab in the middle of the ones I read. I always need a good laugh and you supply it. Thanks again for your blog. If you have time stop by mine
If that last one is for a bridal *shower*, I really want to see the one for the reception afterwards!
These are all breathtakingly beautiful! I read your blog everyday, and get lot of laughter out of the wrecks, but my favorite day is always sunday.
those cakes are so pretty,
Awesome selection! All of them are too beautiful to eat, but the penguin cake really made me chuckle. My late mother-in-law loved penguins.
Word verification: ingums. Where bad frosting sometimes gets stuck.
I can't believe that first one wasn't made by a professional! It's pretty amazing!
I saw that "let it snow" cake in Taste of Home magazine. My sis-in-law really liked it so I made a smaller version for our family get together! Beautiful cakes!!!
wow, i thought the bow on the last cake
was a real bow until i enlarged the picture!
The ribbon is fake??
You’ve got to be kidding me!
Cake is truly art
These are lovely cakes
Worth wading through the wreckage
For the Sunday Sweets
Cutest air brushing job ever on the snow family cake but the bakery that did the last cake needs to get a new photographer. The lighting is horrible! It's a beautiful cake and it needs to be shown off not downplayed like that. Just my opinion.
Victoria the Amateur Georgian Photographer
Awesome! I love the penguins. My Linux geek partner would be delighted. Sadly, I haven't the talent to make that for him! Though at least the penguins are a start, lol...
I'm tired of everyone always placing penguins with polar bears. There aren't any penguins in the arctic and there aren't any polar bears in the antarctic!
Oh my. Those are awesome. The snowman and penguin ones are almost enough to make me wish I was having a winter wedding.
Ok. Maybe not.
But they are still awesome!
So Cute! I love the penguin spats!
I love sunday sweets. Maybe a good sweets mission would be baby shower/christening cakes that that prove you need to eat neither babies nor boobies to celebrate moms and kids?
Each cake in its own way is an amazing work of artistry...the detail, colors...wonderful cakes!!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Wow, such gorgeous cakes! How in the world do you get icing to behave like that? My cakes do actually turn out looking like wrecks!
I have to see.. these wintery delights were probably some of the best cakes i've ever seen! so beautiful!! <3
That third one is STUNNING. That's how I want my wedding cake to look. I could do without the lights (not that they don't look lovely, it would just make things easier and whatnot). Thanks for posting!
Not only the ribbon, but also the satin rope and tassel on the bridal shower cake are all created (I'm guessing) of well worked fondant. Truly incredible artistry.
The festive cake by the Pink Cake Box is wonderful looking, I like the topsy turvy design is has.