So what are all the "in-the-know" cookie
connoisseurs talking about these days? Why, the newest rage in baby-shower cuisine, that's what: fetus-shaped cookies!
And how do you GET fetus-shaped cookies? With a fetus-shaped cookie cutter, of course! (

Here's what they're saying over on, where you can purchase your very own
"At last, EVERYBODY can have "one in the oven" with the deliciously disturbing Fetus Cookie Cutter!
Imagine the expression on the teacher's face when your kid hands out oatmeal or chocolate chip fetuses to all the students. We can almost hear the Principal calling now."
They also point out that it takes a special kind of baker to make these babies, which I would have to agree with. And if you're still not disturbed, check out the video which features the song "Fetal Bites" to the tune of Edelweiss. (Sample lyric: "small and white, far from right, you sit on my tongue sweetly") I guarantee you'll find it horrifying. Or hilarious. One of the two, anyway.
Is anyone else picturing these cookies wearing little fondant bow-ties and top-hats, maybe even holding a (sugar) cane? No? Just me? Right, er, never mind then.
Heather K., I think you were the first to submit this, so thanks!
157 comments | Post a Comment
I actually purchased one of these a week ago. I can't wait to try it out.
Gross. Just GROSS. Yucky.
They look more alien-esque than fetal, so it's really just kind of dumb.
Fetus cookies? If you say so. Looks more like alien crash cadaver cookies to me, but what do I know. At any rate, there is a canabalism question to be considered here, and it just ain't pretty.
Alixandra Hice
I was thinking licorice umbilical cords...but that's just me.
I have been following you for a while but this is the first time I have commented...I guess i have never been so disturbed by what I have seen here until now!!
"hello my baby, hello my mama, hello my ragtime gal....."
oie, it does look just like it!! Creepy!!!!!
Ugh...that's right up there with that cookbook on WWHM.
wvotd flowf "crap like this makes me want to flowf my breakfast"
I'm speechless...
So, do fetus cookies, erm, mature to become baby bum cakes?
My stomach is churning. Ugh.
That's a lot of wrong to be confronted with before 10:00am.
i can't wait to see these cookies on billboards!
And I thought that I had some strange ideas for cookie cutters...
Worst. Idea. Ever!
Great site, by the way. Visiting here is one of my morning rituals. It's always good for a laugh.
If these were at my shower, I would leave, running for the door!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry (and does anyone else see "Alien" possibilities here too...?)
I am disturbed in so many levels with this one.
I'm proud to say I own one of these cookie cutters. It was a surprise gift from a friend who bought it for me after I sent him the link.
When I told my parents about it, my mom said, "I don't think I understand your relationship with Joe."
The ladies on the pregnancy site are talking about these, as well. The site guide made some that turned out a little better than the picture did.
Here's the link:
Still a little disturbing, though.
That is wrong on just so many levels. Euiewww.
Yeah I can definitely see a little fondant top hat and a candy cane on these guys. Maybe they're meant to be Mr. Burns cookie cutters? It's got the same posture...I can almost here it saying "exceeeeellent".
Or this would be a great gift for fans of Silent Hill 3.
Congratulations, by far one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen.
Makes me think of a poem (forgive me, I was way too young for me to accurately remember this) by Shel Silverstein, "Somebody ate the baby."
Oh. My. God.
I think I'm going to be sick.
But hey, while we're at it, why don't we have placenta cookie cutters to go with? Could you imagine - a twizzler/liquorice rope between the two for an umbilical cord, and... no, I just creeped myself out.
Sick ... sick, sick, sick, Sick, SICK!!! I'm thinking, this is just shy of cannibalism, no?
oh, no! that's just wrong.
I think I prefer the cookies to the cakes of the mother's belly. I really think they're gross.
Wow... Just wow....
I vote awesome, but then, I've been on my way to hell for a long, long time.
The perfect cookie for my 2001 party!
This reminds me of my sophomore year of college, when pro-life supporters were handing out tiny feti made of plastic. It was some what ironic because people would just throw them in the trash (unless you were like my roomie and me, and named it Fernando and stuck it in your fish tank.) Now they want us to EAT them?!? Woo-hoo, Cannibalism!
i know a couple women who are pregnant, but i'm not sure they'd find the humour in this product. it's left me rather at a loss for words.
OMG.....that could be the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. How would you EAT that?!?!?!
I make babies for a living (IVF)... I need this thing. Also, we always say the plural of fetus is feti, but I think fetuses is correct too.
I picture them riding a marzipan carrot. With a mohawk.
Okay, that is just WRONG! And what the heck is that huge eye made of?
OMGWTFBBQ?!! That's just... just... disgusting! and wrong! and... well you get the idea. I'm going back to my lovely Christmas ornament cutters I bought this weekend......
UGH. that is just horrible. what's wrong with people??
I guess I'm that special kind of baker, seeing I saw it, thought YES!I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS! and bought one...the lengths I will go to, to make inside jokes into baked goods, and give them away as Christmas presents, because nothing says "Merry Christmas" like sprinkle covered fetus cookies.
OMG, LMAO! I'm with you - makes me think song and dance - like the Family Guy - Prom Night Dumpster Baby:
I think I've seen it all now.... still sitting here with a grimace on my face over the photo. What woman in her right mind would want THAT on her cake? It's not even cute, it's sick.
My question is:
Are we shooting for crunchy fetus cookies? Or nice soft chewy fetus cookies?
I would eat it. Unless that's a raisin. No place for raisins in cookies; they're just disturbing.
What? I'm just... what? Was someone looking for a new twist on baby shower treats? Purple icing and chocolate chip eyes and you're good to go? I'm all for a little irreverence, but this is just NO.
Um. Yeah. Uh. The cookie's "eye" is big, making it look creepier than it already was. While a real fetus may have an eye that size, it's generally also hidden in a uterus full of amniotic fluid. The general public doesn't see that on a daily basis. I suppose it might not look so off the wall if the adornment was more proportionate or something, but like all confectionery mishaps or triumphs, it's in the execution of the craft.
Ok, you make the cookies. Then you have to make a herd of gingerbread people protestors to line up around the cookie jar.
There are just so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to start.
I can't even put a question mark at the end, because I'm just too confused.
Eww! Just Ewwwww!
Truly disturbing.
eeewwwww just eeeeewwwww
What happens to the unwanted fetus cookies, the leftovers, the malformed, the (gasp!) burned ones? Are they just casually tossed in the trash with nary a thought? Could they not be appreciated by some loving, yet cookieless family? Perhaps there's a gingerbread foundling home waiting for them somewhere.
One word - ICK!!!!!!
If nothing else, this site deserves the offical Geek/Nerd Seal of Approval. "Star Wars" cake links, "Doctor Who" and "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" references and now "Spaceballs". I'm just waiting to see if any "Red Dwarf" references start showing up....
The only thing that could make these more disgusting is if you put some of them in the "Uprise" birthing cake tub and let them float around.
"Congratulations Mama, it's triplets!"
That's just grossly wrong. Ugh. Well, maybe for your next Pro-Life rally? Hmmm..not.
~Amy B.
I think the face that the baker makes in the video while she is eating the cookie is almost more disturbing than the cookie itself..which is already pretty darn creepy. She looks way too happy and excited while she bites the head off of it. Ewwwwww.
It reminds me of a brain-shaped cookie cutter I have. I got it for a celebration we had as my husband was nicely recovering from brain surgery. It was also a celebration for my daughter's first birthday--we called it a "Brain and Birthday Bash."
Mildly disturbing...who thinks of this stuff??? LOL
That's just wrong. My kids saw it on my screen, so I asked them what they thought it was. The answers shouted out included:
an alien!
a sugar cookie
an alien sugar cookie!
an elf!
what IS that?
Word verification word of the day: disms
Disgusting. I can't decide if this one is the worst or the real life baby cake. I guess I just don't know what to say about how strange some people are. At least we can't tell if "It a Gril or It A Boi"
At first I thought the lefthand image was not of the cookie cutter itself, but a white line on a red background showing the shape of the cutter with some kind of wierd red photoshop swirls inside the shape (because fetuses are red and meaty, apparently) and with a wierd little glowing eye. I think I thought this because I originally saw the image on a feminist website and it may have been attached to a post about anti-abortion activists.
I find the actual cookie no less disturbing, although for all I know maybe fetuses DO have large, black, dead, alien eyes.
Eh, I kind of like these, they're fun for childfree folks. I have a friend that would think it was hilarious to have them. No, she's not a cannibal or weird, just has a sense of humor LOL
I have to say that this is so horrible I laughed out loud! Your comment about hearing the principal calling was inspired.
And, no, I don't think Santa wants to find a plate of fetus cookies next to his milk ... how disturbing is THAT idea?
They might look nice with a carrot!!
I think the chocolate chip eye really pushes it into alien zone. Funny though.
Are all Blogs saving up the gross stuff for the holiday season? A form of weight control perhaps?
This is so disturbing. I have a little trouble biting into the head of a gingerbread man. Can't say I would want to eat one of these.
They are terrific in a horror stricken, jaw dropping sort of way.
I could never bring myself to eat one.
Aside from the fact that these are slightly disturbing, you don't make oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies with cookie cutters, so that whole part of the sales pitch is just dumb.
Ooh, ooh, you could take it a creepy step further and put one of these cookies with a pregnant belly cake!
Or not...that might just be too wrecky.
I was immediately reminded of my other favorite site,, where they make plush and cuddly little deadly virus and bacteria toys. Wouldn't have thought of it before, but now that I've seen these fetus cookies, I think there might be a future for viral cakes as well. Ebola, anyone?
So, lemme get this straight...
It's not creepy to eat gingerbread people, unless they're fetuses, and then it's horrible and disturbing?
Okay, I can see it.
I love the idea of gingerbread protesters.
Okay, your fetus cookie cutter actually inspired me so much that I went ahead and blogged about the aforementioned brain-shaped cookies. Thanks for the inspiration!
OMG...I like subversively cool things, but this...this is just..
That is really, really close to the Virgin Mary Toaster on my weird awesomeness scale, but those are pretty pricy for a cookie cutter...
Oh my. I... I NEED one.
Okay, this is officially the grossest thing I've seen in a while. And I've seen the Sarah Palin turkey video several times now...
I am just disturbed by this. Wow. It's rare that a post on this site leaves me feeling creeped out, but this one most certainly does. Lulubelle, thank you for your comments...I laughed out loud when I read that.
No. Just no.
I really can't think of anything else to say.
Um, I'm a midwife and that even grosses ME out. Fetuses are not for eating. Ever.
Excellent! This is perfect for my cannibalism themed dinner party. I figured I’d serve Hufu (human flavor tofu) on a bed of baby greens for the main course and Eucharist with various cheeses and spreads for the appetizer. I’ve got a few side dish candidates as well. But I was really stuck on dessert.
I could not bring myself to eat a cookie like that whether fetus or alien.
I will say this, though, some of the things you post on this blog would sure help me stay on a diet.
I think these are amazing, and I can't wait to take them to the next baby shower I am invited to just to return my thanks for all those times I had to sit next to someone's insane aunt and pretend to get excited about each of the 50 different onesies the mom spends an hour and a half unwrapping.
Would it be awful or hilarious to dye the cookies red or cover them in red sprinkles? I can't decide.
Bake for 9 months in a slow oven? Wrong it you eat them; wrong if you don't.
I think these should be served in individual bags (corn syrup could be sold separately). except for the random twins or triplets. The jokes keep going but they just keep getting more disturbing.
Sign me up to help make the gingerbread protesters!!! That is so wrong on many, many levels... and I thought my Yellow Submarine cookie cutter was just plain weird... this one tops 'em all.
I don't understand why the cookie is green. Is it an Irish foetus?
In any case, I have to side with the "ew" folks on this one, and I too have issues with eating gingerbread men (I stick with gingersnaps).
But it really does take all kinds, doesn't it? How well we see that here on CW :)
I want to put this cookie on a cake done up to look like the void of space, with a white chocolate eye and "Also Spragh Zarathustra" playing in the background.
Somebody needs to do a D&C on that cookie cutter.
i've never really felt the need to comment before, being that i check this at work and really shouldn't comment, by OH MY GOODNESS. fetal cookie cutters?!
i'm disgusted. good thing i already ate lunch.
ooooh ... not a fan. I can eat animal crackers and gingerbread men and snowmen ... not feti, thank you very much.
My WV is "azest" ... I can certainly azest to the fact that these cookies will NOT be on my holiday cookie platters I give as gifts!
What is so wrong with this? We have the "oh so cute" hand cookie cutters or are they axed off severed hands... the wonderful Santa Head cookie cutters or are they a guillotined head... who doesn't love biting off the ginger bread mans head... or the chocolate bunnies? How can this be gross when it represents life. I think they are very cool.
This made me do a triple-take.
1) o.0; wtf?!
2) Flashbacks to this VGcats strip (one of my fave web comics)
3) I don't care if that's a baby, an alien, or an alien baby, that cookie just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
(First time commenting, but I have to say I love this blog! My day's not complete until I see the latest wreck. Keep up the humor!!)
Haha...we featured that one too! It's amazing how many crafts are fetus/baby related. Creeeepy!
At first glance, I thought the title was "fecal". I'm glad I misread it, although this is almost as disturbing! lol
OMG!!! where can i get that?????
i so totally think it would be great for halloween cookies, or maybe you could drop a dozen by the local abortion clinc?so i'm a tad warped, so what?
"Hello my honey, Hello my baby, Hello my ragtime gal!"
When I was little, my mom had a lot of cookie cutters (so I thought), so I asked if I could have her cookie cutter collection when she died. This, of course, became a big family joke. Also, Mom subsequently got every kind of cookie cutter known to man.
Mom died three years ago and I got the cookie cutters. But I don't have one of these. I feel I owe it to my mother to get one.
How's that for justification?
I was picturing them riding on a carrot.
- Ed
A Father's Thoughts
Two things come to mind: 1) Preemie Pete and 2) that episode of "Rats on Cocaine".
The only way I would eat one of those cookies would be if they were served at a Halloween party or a zombie-themed party.
Two things:
First, if you've ever seen an ultrasound of a fetus around 12 weeks or so it looks exactly like that, hence the alienesque shaping.
Second, out of 100+ post, NO ONE else thought of taking it one step further and making little red jello fetus jigglers? Not sure Bill Cosby would be on board, but great for your next pro life rally!
I think far too many people are taking this too seriously. I can't stop giggling, I think it's hilarious, and the "omg it's so close to cannibalism" is the funniest thing I've heard in ages.
I've loved this blog for quite some time, now, and I think I love it a little harder, now. I want a fetus cookie cutter!
Yay! Thanks for posting! :)
I'm highly in favor of the fondant top hat and bow tie idea, perhaps also with an icing monocle.
-Heather K.
Creepy as that is, I'm tempted to buy one because I know people who would eat them.
HA!! Funniest. Comments. Ever.
Sure to offend everyone on your list this holiday season!
I love these!! I just gave birth 3 months ago, and fetus cookies would have gone so well with the "it's an embryo!" announcements we gave out. My husband and I aren't sick and twisted people, we're just folks who don't take life too seriously. ;)
I also think the top hat w/ cane accessories would be spot on. And somehow, these cookies remind me of that guy on the Simpsons, Smithers? (Not sure I have that name right.)
I just don't know what to say to this. How could you sit there and munch on these?
To the poster who mentioned Smithers: I think you meant Mr. Burns.
Two words: Edible Nativity. OMG picture this: Gingerbread fetuses wrapped in napkins.
Or even better, fetus shaped cookie ornaments hung from their bellies with red ribbons ALL over the Christmas tree.
Lord if only I had the balls to do this, I could finally keep the in laws away for the holidays...
i suddenly have the urge to bake cookies for everyone i know.
I think they are AWESOME.
What is WITH you people???
I love rolling out dough and making cookies, but these have a big problem. The problem is not what the shape represents, but the shape itself. Those little tiny skinny hands are going to be burned to a crisp before the body bakes. Maybe you can put tinfoil over the hands or something.
captcha = ectop, as in ectoplasm
hahaha.. The cookie cutter is fantastic!! I might just get me one!!
can't mess with fetus shaped cookies, to much like Cronos eating his children.
disgusting! yecch.
and while i'm on this tack, folks, this is right up there with (albeit worse than) bringing your (or your wife's) sonogram pictures to work. just don't.
Aviatrix - I think you could get around the burnt extremity problem by only baking the cookies halfway. Seems more appropriate that way, anyhow.
Like Jennifer, I misread it as "fecal" but I'm not sure if that would be better, worse or just different.
The smart money is probably on different.
Now there is a moral dimension to cookies? Please...regardless of shape, it's just dough that's gestated...i mean, an oven to term...sorry, until done. And then you pop the little suckers in your mouth.
Should we mention that you could color the dough to have every race represented (even though fetuses at that stage are all the same color)?
Let's lighten up; it's not cannibalism. And I think it would be a lovely thing for clinics to pass out warm cookies to those poor protesters out in the cold.
So gross, but so funny. Thanks for the post.
I can't get enough of wedding cakes gone horribly wrong. MORE! MORE!
Ugh...way to make a preg woman sick to her stomach. I am, and it did.
This is the most disturbingly awesome thing I've ever seen!
Now that I've heard about it, I'm going to have to grab one.
I like to make sugar cookies shaped like coffins with icing skeletons on them for Hallowe'en.........and people thought THAT was sick!!!!
These "Embryo" things are just SO wrong!
I'm wondering how my (college) students would react if I passed out fetus cookies while I show "In the Womb" (movie on prenatal development). Seems like an awesome idea to me!
EEWWWWW ewewewewewew my throat is still constricting from the horror of that cookie. I truly could have lived without seeing that one. ew.
So...are these cookies served at a Pro Life rally or something?? I'm trying to think of an instance to use this. Maybe a Baby Shower...if you have bad taste.
um................uh..................ahh..........yeah I just don't know don't know what to say to this one.....
That is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen.
I made a fetus cake for a friend's "baby shower." Takes a certain sense of humor to appreciate this stuff, of course.
I'm making these with Santa hats for the holidays. I might use that candy cane cane idea. (:
Seriously funny.
Hilarious. And even more hilarious are the pearl clutchers who don't seem to get the joke.
If this is the most horrible thing you've ever seen in your life, you are either the luckiest person alive or you willfully ignore the real world horrors that surround us.
Why would anyone want a fetus cookie? Obviously, some demented, fetus-loving weirdo.
I am *so* handing these out when I get pregnant to let everybody know. I'm just that sort of tasteless kinda gal I think!
The picture ruined my peanut butter and fetus sandwich.
Awww... these are not so bad guys! Just put an extra big eye on and some green or gray frosting and you are ready for your next alien-themed party or event!
Mamma's little baby IS shortnin bread?? UGH.
Does anyone else picture the scene from Family Guy (or is it American Dad? I can't believe I can't remember!)? "I'm just a prom night dumpster baby..."
omg! babies! i want fetus cookies now! if i had a fetus cookie cutter, i'm not sure i could help but use them at every possible occasion.
Prom night dumpster baby,
prom night dumpster baby
haha, word verification : first I thought it was "urine".
Again - WHY?!
BECAUSE, Beagleyweagley, it's FUNNY.
Get a sense of humor. And preferably take those tightywhities off next time; they're ten sizes too small.
My friend has this cookie cutter. I think they taste better than actual shapes, but I have a sick sense of humor.
What really astonishes me is that people are actually freaking out over this. Or were, back when it was posted.
It's a cookie, folks. It doesn't really matter what it looks like. We're not squishing up aborted fetuses and making them into cake batter. We're taking innocuous cookie dough and making it into fun shapes specifically for the eating.
We make cookie bats, cats, reindeer, santas, snowmen, and even Jesusi. Why is it so completely awful to think about eating a cookie fetus when most folks see no problem biting the head right off a cookie Jesus or a cookie Santa?
How is eating a cookie grown-up less cannibalism then a cookie fetus? Really now.
This doesn't disturb me nearly as much as the baby ZOMBIE lawn props I saw at a Halloween shop the other day. Really. One of them had two malevolent heads.
Yumm. Baby fetus's! i gave a fetus cookie to my neighbor who just just had a baby.... she doesnt talk to me much now. i Bite there little heads off ! :) hahahahahahaha.
i love this! *and i am an expectant momma* ...and i love the licorice umbilical cord idea....why not take it a step further and cover them in a powder sugar type glaze for the vernix? =] just a suggestion.
yes...the fact of a fetus shaped cookie is a little strange, but c'mon! have a sense of humor! it's just a cookie. lighten up people!
(with sarcasm) Make sure you make those fetus-shaped cookies from gingerbread to complement a gingerbread abortion clinic, decked out in royal icing, candy, and, of course, red piping gel! It'll be a hit with pro-choice advocates throwing a Christmas party!
I think these are just wonderfully, disturbingly FUNNY!!!
Much easier to take than any of those horrid mother-belly-baby head-poking out cakes!! UGH I agree w/those comments about them looking slightly alien-esque too! COOL - Double duty cookie cutters!
Awesome!! Think, people!! Gifts for midwives, doulas, nurses, obs. Pro-life Mommy to 5 and I would eat the cookies. The eye is too big,it needs a mini chip.
It's funny, people are more disturbed by the thought of eating a cookie fetus than killing a real one!
Oh, and the fun of eating gingerbread includes biting off the head/arms/legs. Who doesn't do this?!?
Now, if only there were a "fetal carrot" to go with it, then we could totally recreate the life cycle of Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys!
...perhaps I shouldn't be allowed on the internet. ^^;;;