Sarah P.'s brother got this cake for her husband, an investment banker. It's like the Sci-Fi channel meets WWF: the earth has cracked open, and a demonic blood-sucking leech has attacked one of the wrestlers.
OH, wait - I just got the connection! Blood sucking leech/investment banker! How did I miss that?
And now a word from our new Director of Sensitivity, Pat:
"Jen in no way means to imply, allude to, or otherwise state that all investment bankers are blood sucking leeches or, conversely, that all blood sucking leeches are investment bankers. Any and all similarities between the aforementioned “Investment Bankers” and “Blood Sucking Leeches” may be purely coincidental and should be disregarded unless, of course, the above parties wish to be known as each other, in which case we, as members of the “World Community” should accept and embrace that choice."
26 comments | Post a Comment
Are you sure this wasn't supposed to be posted on passiveaggressivesnotes.com instead? I think this might be better than the "stepson" cake.
Hilarious! Blood sucking leech~ investment banker...hahahaha
Wow--what a fun excuse for a party--to make more Cake Wrecks. And then you'd have to have a party to celebrate getting featured on CakeWrecks, too!!!
But, no 'dissing Scrabble. We play it almost every night. I wonder if anyone has ever made a Scrabble CakeWreck??? Any creative folks out there want to take up the challenge?
woognart: comes from the German which means the mixer for whipping up CakeWrecks
or it can mean the art of making CakeWrecks
I especially love the sprinkles. They go so well with the theme of the cake.
That blood is a little dramatic, don't you think?
Was that supposed to be blood?
The thought of either leeches or blood on a cake with the addition of sprinkles is just nightmare inducing.
I would hate to see the lawyer cakewreck.
I think your comparison is too harsh on blood sucking leeches. They can have medical benefits for certain conditions, after all.
That wrestling investment banker doing the face-plant looks like he could use someone to come and...wait for it...bail him out
Since the Sci-Fi channel actually has its own wrestling show (ECW), there's no need for it to "meet" WWF. They are already well acquainted. For whatever bizarre reason, Sci-Fi's wrestling show is one of its highest rated shows. :(
WWF is now WWE. Just wanted you to know so you don't get sued for using that name. LOL
Wait: "Sarah P.'s brother got this cake for her husband..."? Huh?
Cool cake, though. :)
Now that's hilarious. Blood sucking investor. LOL
Amy B
That would be why it's worthwhile to be nice to siblings as kids. They grow up with a deep seated resentment and take it out on you publicly in a passive aggressive manner, on notable occasions (like in 27 Dresses).
Brian's lesson: Don't screw your brother-in-law over when he comes to you for a investment advice. You gotta watch your back with those in-laws.
LOVE the blood sucking leech! It looks like something from Dr. Who.
The cake was funny, but the sensitivity statement was hilarious.
And I thought only hockey players shed so much blood in the area. Who knew investment bankers did the same?
Word verification: readdest. Didst thou readdest thy Cake Wreck to-day? (Hyphen intentional)
"Happy Birthday! I hope you spend it in prison for involuntary manslaughter!"
Seriously, what is that cake trying to say? And why is a guy over the age of 8 getting a wrestler-themed cake?
It's about time someone laid a smack down on an investment banker. Even if it is just cake.
wvotd..pordecon..."the coupling at the corner of the ring was protected by a pordecon so his head injuring was only superficial"
I thought the blood was pouring out of his head. Leeches are much better!! :)
"It's like the Sci-Fi channel meets WWF: the earth has cracked open, and a demonic blood-sucking leech has attacked one of the wrestlers."
I think you nailed it. What leech would go for the head instead of the tender spots though? Does this particular species like blood with a side of brain meat?
you know, looking at all the cake wrecks, especially ones like the first one, i have to seriously wonder about the sobriety of those people put in charge of cake decorating in stores. i can't draw my way out of a wet paper bag, but even i can do better than that and i have l33t spelling skilz.
huh... isn't the ring supposed to have 4 sides so the dude couldn't escape?!
weird weird cake....
I think its an awesome cake!!!! However, a theme I would not have thought of, but cool nonetheless
And i don't even like WWF
I just think its funny!!!
Being a former cake decorator and bakery manager, I can say that this cake looks like one pulled from the display case and 're-decorated'. they probably scraped something off where the ring is now placed which would account for the smeared icing/color. They thought they could cleverly put the ring and wrestler in this spot and no one would be the wiser. Redo gone very, very wrong! FUGLY!
I have been a pro wrestling reporter for over three years and I'm absolutely mortified! I have no clue who those "wrestlers" are supposed to be, what moves could have brought them to this point, who might have brought eels to the ring and why one side of the ring might be missing.
I'm so completely befuddled by the whole thing that I don't know what to think about it!
Hmmm... that's a bit odd. Either he has VERY thick blood, or there's a large snail climbing into his ear. Interesting. And why is the 'winning wrestler' apparently stretched out on a medieval torture rack and/or nailed to a wall? Maybe he's being drawn and quartered...
I have to say, I could think for hours about this little cake. Is the wrestler on his back, slurping a huge pile of ketchup through his ear, while his good friend is nailed to a wall? Or maybe Harry Potter in his Invisibility Cloak is frisking the one wrestler who's standing, and the other has chopped of Ron Weasley's red hair... So many possibilities.