(It's supposed to be a Blue's Clues cake.)
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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75 comments | Post a Comment
Bules Cleuless...NIIIIICE!
Bules Cleuless? Come on, somebody at that bakery is just dying to get on Cake Wrecks.
*dances* "We are looking for Bules Cleuless we are looking for..." oh heck it just doesn't work.
I don't know which one makes me sadder...this one or the Ghost Busters cake. What's wrong with these people?
OM-freaking-G. These kinds of things make me weep.
Word verification: "nonogyp," as in you get the two-for-one special: a no no and gypped!
Sweet! I bet Steve would have told that decorator off!!
Bules Cleuless sounds like an Eastern European winter Olympian.
Poor cake dyslexic cake decorator - wasn't there anyone else you could have asked to check the cake? And was there supposed to be a drawing instead of just the stupid words?
Also, I see it's an oldie - the date stamp on the photo says 1999.
WOW. Unbelieveable.
How do they get jobs in the bakeries???
I love the smell of obliviously ironic self-referential wreckitude in the morning!
Wow - that misspelling is atrocious. Were they trying?
I'm guessing Kylie is a little kid...what a bummer of a birthday cake!
How sad! Blue probably could have done a better job on the spelling.
Where do these cake decorators come from???? Under rocks?
Oh My!
Hey Alix, I'm sure you -- like the rest of the planet -- have no idea about this, but "gypped" is actually a racial slur against Roma people (more commonly known as "gypsies"). It's my personal pet peeve so I like to call people on it when they use it, precisely BECAUSE most people don't know what it means.
That said: yeah, I'd ask for my money back on this too.
Well, it DOES have the blue paw prints...
$28.99 for a cake that cost all of $1.75 of ingredients and $4.50 in labor. Unbelievable.
awwww come on...they spelled happy birthday correctly. Give them a break...that's a lot of letters to write.
Bules Clueless..sounds like a dumb bull. Hahaha
Amy B
Wow Alix,
You get picked on A LOT!
Ya know, I'm not sure I should publish comments from "Anonymous" anymore, especially if they are critical of one of our faithful readers. It seems to me that if you believe in something enough to comment on it, you should be able to stand behind it by putting your name on it. Something for us to consider.
Oh and Alix? I didn't know either.
Good idea, John...
Notice Anon. didn't say he/she felt compelled to educate folks on the word's origin, but that he/she "likes to call people on it." Big difference.
I did know the gypped thing and it bugs me, too. Why not just not use it if people have problems with it? It's not a biggie to you to use a different word, and it's not insulting anybody.
I had a long post about anonymous posters who like to "call people on" things they are obviously unaware of rather than "educate" them. Then I decided this site was about cakes and didn't want to belabor the issue.
Then I realized my word verification was "iming" . IMing. Way too good to pass up. So I will just ask which 3rd grader on the field trip they asked to do the decoration on this poor, sad cake. I hope the mom didn't pay for it!
Wow. Maybe decorators should attend a quick pop culture class before being allowed to touch the shiny tips and colored icings. That might stave off some of these kinds of wrecks.
Wait ! What am I saying ? Then, I wouldn't get my morning crack-up.
Your Honor, I withdraw the suggestion. =D
Ninereil -- when the third rail just isn't quite enough.
Why would you pay for this cake and take it home? I would at least demand some plastic toys to stick on.
*sigh* And these people are allowed to reproduce...
Someday, no one will be able to speak any words at all just in case a word has some unknown origin that is offensive to someone else. We will all just smile and nod at each other and live in a perfect PC world. Blogs like this will no longer exist because humor is too dangerous and offensive :(.
Orrrr we could just consider what is being said in the spirit of its expression rather than technicalities and obscurities, searching out a reason to find offense.
I better enjoy the wrecks while I can! ;)
Word verification: buquo. Umm I have no idea, but I bet it's offensive!
Poor kid! Expecting Blues Clues and getting a wreck instead...
I wonder from what part of the country these wrecks come. That scares me...
What, we can't teach/learn proper English anymore? I understand using the lingo in texting and such but c'mon...that's why other countries laugh at us.
But then again, where would Cake Wrecks be without stupidity?
Anonymous at 10:47
Thanks for the cultural history lesson, but actually I am familiar with the word origin. I learned it a year ago in Rome where we were warned about gypsies! Regardless, what's the big deal? You a gypsie with a chip on your shoulder?
Why on earth would they walk out of the store with that? Its clearly at the party, I can't imagine paying for that!
sort of makes me sad to think that to be able to get a job, I need to be not only illiterate, but also not follow directions...hmmmm...
And the paw prints look like... well, I don't know what they look like. Not paw prints.
this is great.
maybe the decorator got the spelling by Blue herself?
lol. =]
Bules Cleuless - wasn't he the guy who was convicted of trying to kill his heiress wife, Sunny?
The upside to the cake is that, with any luck, the birthday kiddo is too young to read cursive.
wow---I am a grannie, and I know about Blues Clues.
word verification was just too tempting: nutlyst: when you are not up on the current little kid shows, you are the nutlyst of them all.
Okay, first of all, I don't use blogger (for a variety of reasons), and I wasn't sure what the whole name deal was about. I don't have anything to link to so I just clicked "anonymous." I'm not afraid to back things up with my name -- especially when they're not offensive, which this totally wasn't. I phrased my "history lesson," if you need to call it that, nicely and respectfully.
Neither is it reasonable to reply with "ZOMG everything is offensive PC OMG!" Some words *are* racial slurs. "Gyp" is. Why would you use it when you know it's a racial slur with its only basis in being awful to a group of people?
I'm sorry, I just assume that people *don't* know, because most people don't. It wouldn't have occurred to me that someone would *know* it was an offensive term and use it anyway. So I respectfully, nicely pointed it out, and I won't do so again, trust me.
To Anonymous 10:47 - you said you were sure Alix, like the rest of the planet... -- so you aren't of this planet?? And if you are the only "person" that knows the "real" meaning of gypped - then is that really the real meaning?
About the cake..seriously? That's just pure laziness.
And ALSO also, I didn't understand what Alix meant by "word verification." I thought nonogypped what what s/he was saying about the cake. So it *wasn't* just unconstructive random complaining, in my mind. I heartily apologize for that and I promise I will not post again.
Wow..that's some serious fail. I mean from beginning to end there. Even the paw prints..just wow!
To Craig,
Your comment was awesome and I accidentally deleted it. I am actually really bummed. Could you please rewrite it so I can post it.
You're the best!
Well now I feel bad. You weren't out of line but I do get weary of the many anonymous comments we get that are critical. Please feel free to post again because, oddly enough, the controversies make it fun.
One final note, however. This is one of my pet peeves. Here we go...
Racist= Loving ones race above all others, kind of like the Nazis.
Bigoted= Hating someone because of their color, religion, sexual orientation etc. Example: the KKK
Prejudiced= Assuming something about a person based on color, religion, sexual orientation etc.
Your pet peeve is most like this one in that it is based on the presupposition that all Gypsies are thieves or ripoff artist which is untrue. It is, I believe, described as a hasty generalization and it isn't fair.
That said, comment away.
That is just so wrong!
To Anonymous:
FYI:Gypsies are not a "race".
The Cake Decoration Community need to send scouts to Spelling Bees ... do a little head-hunting.
Hopefully Kaylie (or Kayleigh or Kaylee or Kreeatif, who knows what the original name was supposed to be!) had a happy Kirthday anyway.
Chances are, a kid who's into Blues Clues won't be able to read cursive, anyway... As long as the parents don't say anything about the fact that it's wrong in front of the kids, it'll be fine.
Oh, for the love of Pete. I'll just change my name and everyone should quiet down.
Hugs and kisses all around!
And I love that "Blue's" was spelled wrong. Yikes!!!!
"We just figured out Bules Cleuless because we're really... awful at spelling and decorating cakes!"
come on, even the little 4 year-olds that watch the show can spell!
Darn it, I read through just about all of the comments for once, and Shannan totally beat me to it.
and, not trying to be overly PC, but the use of "gypped" bothers me too. and it's REALLY hard to find a substitute. but just like I have had to re-educate my midwestern friends that they can't talk about "jewing someone down", I do think it's right to call each other out on word usage . . . not trying to spoil anybody's fun, but I think it's okay for us to try to be more sensitive when it's people's ethnicity/identity that's involved.
I am constantly sending my friend's teens to this site:
okay. word verification: flopyrip. um, cake wrecks wording on a cake for the funeral of your pet bunny?!
yeah, that's all I've got . . .
I just can't even . . I mean . . what??!
All your words offend me
Just kidding.:)
Bule Cleuless...is he Inspector Clouseau's (spelling forgiveness please) dog?
I'd pay for it just to get it on CW.
wvotd...physinme: (fizz-in-me). To scrape incorrect calligraphy work from the top of a cake. "Jane will physinme the mistake off the cake at home and re-ice it."
Just wanted to say "Thank you!!" to Lorraine for putting the link to that website up here. Wouldn't it be great if everyone who loves Cake Wrecks would take a look? That would be, like, a million people who might join us in saying "Knock it off!"
word verification: heaccush:
Heaccush, theyaccush, everywhere a cush cush.
Two media themed wrecks for the day—what a treat!
LOVE IT!!! Creative is what you are and what you are seeing
and people don't know it when they see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good job and LOVE the website!!
On gypped: I think Allie's point was, all things being equal, why is "gypped" accaptable in our nomenclature, but one is criticized for the similar expressions; "jewed," for example.
I used to be uptight about that, too. Then I decided that I can't really get offended on the behalf of a different group of people. I just don't use it, personally, and I go on with my life.
Still a bad cake.
In my opinion,the guilty party here is the word verification computer spitting out that horribly appalling "racial slur". Anon, shooting the messenger, is classless, go to the source! Um, but seriously, the words gyp, gypped, and gypping are in the dictionary defined this way: Main Entry: 2gyp
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): gypped ; gyp·ping
So I guess this means we should all boycott dictionaries and go picket the Merriam Webster factory in defense of Roma people?
- Beverly K.
I just thought of what the decorator might think. Like, geez, these people what will they want next! They don't even know how to spell "clueless." Boy! If it weren't for me catching this mistake!!--That also made me giggle.
It looks like there's some actual curling ribbon around the edges of the cake. As in non-edible, must pull the stringy stuff which is now covered in icing off the cake before you can eat it.
For extra win in the cake wreckery department, I suppose.
Since my original post is lost in the ether and people are still talking about this. I'll try again. (Be warned that, just as a fish that gets away gets larger with time, my original comment was wittier and more eloquent than this can ever hope to be.)
I'm all for being careful with words and respecting the sensibilities of others, but there is no evidence of the term gyp actually coming from the word gypsy (it's possible, but so are multiple other origins). People have brought up the use of "jew" as a verb as a comparison, but in that case there is clear intent to negatively stereotype a group. The connection here is not an attempt to insult a group of people, but an assumption of intent based on a similar sound (compare events involving David Howard and a similar assumption). The Romani are without a doubt a people who have been persecuted throughout history, but use of this word is not necessarily one of those times. At some point, a word becomes so removed from its origin that, when used with no ill intent, it loses any connection it once had, which is why I take no offense at use of the word sinister to mean evil or gauche to mean uncultured.
I find it hard to believe there has been such an uproar on the comments about a Blues Clues cake. I'm not sure how the next controversy can top this, unless there's going to be a new category of Racks and Wrecks. Hmm...maybe I shouldn't give people any ideas.
I'd say that they need to add another question to bakery interviews... Don't just ask "Can you write legibly?" but add "Can you spell correctly???" Oh, and in orientation, suggest strongly that they have the customer spell out the words on phoned in orders!
This cake makes me sad. My daughter LOVES Blue's Clues. She dances to it, and calls out letters sometimes when they have spelling episodes (she's only two), and puts her hands up to her cheeks like Steve/Joe does when they're thinking on the thinking chair. It's all so sweet, and this cake gave me the idea to get her a Blue's Clues cake for her next birthday. I'm kind of afraid to now, though. I can't imagine how upset I'd be if someone tried to hand me that. She probably wouldn't notice or care, but I definitely would.
Happy Kirthday? And the airbrushed paws (though they look more like crowns to me)? And the curling ribbon ON the cake? yep...it's a wreck.
...oh, and can you just imagine the wrecks that could be if some of these decorators actually *asked* for the correct spelling. It would be ...Ok, so...that's Happy Birthday J as in John....and that's what you'd get on the cake...you know I'm right.
word verification:avessor..hmm...I ave a sor tummy from laughing at all these awesome wrecks!
Wow. I have to admit, I am a Cake Wreck Stalker - I read religously but can never think of anything whitty enough comment to publish.
However, I just can't beleive that a word verification, of all things, created such interesting cultural lessons.
Without trying to repeat most people's already valid comments, I'll just say that I agree with Craig, and that some words have become so commonplace and diluted over the years that they have become a part of everyday nomenclature. Unfortunately and inevitably, no matter where you go or what you say, someone is bound to be offended no matter how innocent things may have been.
That being said, what better word can describe getting "gypped"? Let me know and I will gladly replace it. In the mean time, "gypped" it is.
I'm a little torn on being politically correct. I'm a faggot, homo, queer or whatever you want to call me. I don't get offended unless it's said hatefully. Have you heard many teens say, "That's gay!" I have, and I don't correct them. It's not a big deal. I've even seen it used in comments but don't take offense.
I see no problem in pointing out the origin of a word. I sure didn't know about gypsies. I just think adding the annoyed tone of "personal pet peeve" was over the top.
I wasn't annoyed. Saying that it is my personal pet peeve was to explain why I felt the need to bring it up on a blog about cakes. I had no intention of its becoming A Thing and I'm very sorry.
I also heartily, heartily disagree with people who say a word's origin doesn't matter. But opinions are opinions. I certainly know a lot of gay people who *are* offended by "That's gay!" so obviously there are a spectrum of opinions about all kinds of things.
But again, I wasn't annoyed -- or lecturing, or pissed off, or anything else. It's a text medium and you bring to it a lot of meaning yourself. JMHO.
That's what they passed off as a Blue's Clues cake? What a gyp.
Oh my goodness, what a terrible cake. I feel sorry for the poor kid that had to have that at their party. :(
As for a word to replace "gypped", how about it's own definition? "Cheated". Or even "ripped off" "screwed out of", etc.
They REALLY need to start asking people on the applications, "Can you spell the following words correctly: Congratulations, blue, clues, clueless, graduation...?"
I was aware of the connotations of "gypped" and I don't use the word myself. Because I find that saying "F***** over" or "ripped off" to be just as emotive and indicative of what I'm feeling right then (the first in particular). I find the overuse of "gay" to mean silly or stupid to be silly and stupid itself, for some reason. I think it's because the use doesn't make sense - is the speaker saying this object or that activity is happy, or homosexual? How is a thought someone had "gay"? A fantasy, I suppose would fit, but outside of that? Yeah, OK, I'm being pedantic. I'll hush up now.
You've got to be kidding me. The use of the word gypped caused all this jockeying for position? When did Gypsies become a protected class and harmless comments have to be "called out" on their behalf? Looks like some people have nothing better to do than be bossy and arrogant (and defensive). Allie, make yourself useful... Go save the whales or something. Geez.
Actually, "gypped" is not a racial slur at all. The word came into common usage because of the fact that gypsies have a different moral code as far as stealing, or rather "borrowing" as they like to call it.
Whelp I just discovered this blog today and it is absolutely hilarious - obviously Jen's posts are great but a lot of the comments are classic too. And I just had to say, for this particular conversation, Peach's post takes the, uh, cake.
First attempt at word verification: malnestr. Maybe like Mayzie from Horton Hatches An Egg wasn't a good mother. Kinda abstract, really.