Due to the overload of submissions, I had to be pretty selective in choosing which ones to feature. A lot of you sent in some really adorable cupcakes, but I stuck with cakes to whittle down the choices. I also looked for ones that fit the theme best - and, of course, I only picked my personal favorites. (But that goes without saying, right?) So, without further ado, here are the best Winter Wonderland cakes the 'net (and you readers) has to offer. Enjoy!
Tonia (and many others) submitted this beauty from Dahlia's Custom Cakes:

Hagar R. found this sweet ice-skating fairy from a baker in Israel:

Alex R-F found this wedding cake from Let Them Eat Cake:

Diana T. found this little guy who, believe it or not, was NOT made by a pro:

As you can see from the text, this was the baker's final project for her Wilton class. Now, I've taken all the Wilton classes, folks, and I can tell you they do NOT teach you this level of skill! So, Themie from Deviant Art, I tip my hat to you.
Sherry found one for you minimalists out there:

Since I still have lots more Winter lovelies to share, I'll be continuing the Winter Wonderland theme through next Sunday. Check back then for more iced goodness, and stay tuned for your next Sweets assignment!
42 comments | Post a Comment
That snow man is so cute! I want one!
That penguin is so totally adorable!
Yud's site also has an English version:
there's a link at the top of the page, right under the Hebrew menu :)
I love love love the Fairy cake! They're all super, but the Fairy cake is my fave!!!
Whenever I look at the Sunday Sweets it's a constant "oooo lookit that one!" and "oh wow I like that one best......ok no, now that one"
They're works of art but do they taste good?
simply gorgeous
does anyone ever eat these cakes or do they just devour them by looking?
WHO can touch these?
That penguin is so cute! I want it made into a plush so i can cuddle with it all day.
I am not a baker and never will be, but as an artist, I can appreciate the skill and imagation that goes into these thrilling creations. It truly is art in every form of the word and I am more than a little bit jealous that I could never create anything so beautiful.
So, so pretty. Thank you so much for a peek at such exquisite work.
The Penguin!! OMG, it is ridiculously cute, seriously. They are all so beautiful though, I wouldn't want to eat them! The last cake, the minamalist one, is a perfect example of how less really can be more. Good choices Jen!
The last one is simply beautiful.
That's the thing that a work-of-art cake and a cake wreck share. You don't want to eat either.
the penguin is offered in the fondant class the highest fondant class....
just thought i would say
The ice fairy cake is really pretty. They're all nicely done. I wonder how the fondant tastes, though.
The first cake, the Dahlia cake I think, is such a weird combination of classy and children's notebook tacky. Seriously, that fancy gold/silver shimmer stuff above snowboarding snowmen?
Come to think of it, snowboarding snowmen are kind of disturbing unto themselves. That would be like you or me sliding down a hill made of human blood and innards.
Since today is really the first day winter, you should just keep sharing these winter beauties for the rest of the season! Just a suggestion :)
Although I like the penguin, he's cute, (and so are the others really), the first and the last get my vote as the really cool ones!
I have looked all over the web for something similar to Small Things Iced - her cupcakes are amazing - I can not find anything that matches this standard in England!
the penguin is so freakin ADORABLE!
Those cakes are awesome! Good work everyone :)
Pretty, pretty, pretty! I love the penguin and the last one. The little snowballs are just perfect!
Tim H. - Agreed; I don't like the first one much. It would be beautiful if that tacky middle layer weren't there. The last cake is my favorite by far.
Wow Wow wow ! those are outstanding!!
Am I the only one to see some type of albino skin disease erupting on that last one? It may be that I spent too many years as an ER nurse, but I wouldn't want to eat that. It just looks.... well, infected. I appreciate the effort, but it just makes my tummy a bit rumbly!
My faith in decorators is restored. The Israeli cake looks like Lladro porcelain.
word verification: sceric
These lovely cakes are no sceric at all.
I love the little guy's flowers!!! It's absurd how cute he is.
Those are incredible. Can you box them up and send them over? I'll just zip you over a check!!!!!
That penguin is adorable! You're right that the Wilton classes don't teach that level of skill. I think I made an ugly little wedding cake for my final Wilton cake.
I also like the last white-on-white cake. Very elegant.
like that penguin...so cute...
love this blog too...:):):)
The last two=adore.
Those cakes are gorgeous! I LOVE the penguin!
Did you notice that Small things Iced has a nice Dalek cake in her pics?
Wow! What beautiful cakes!! Can anyone tell me HOW on earth they make the snowflakes?! I think a snowflake cake would be so fun to make...but no clue how to do it!
Great pics this Sunday! Can't wait to see more!
These cakes leave me absolutely breathless. What genius to have the fairy sitting on rock candy to represent ice crystals.
And that penguin, oh, that penguin. I took a Wilton Cake Decorating Class and trust me, what I came up with as a result was as wrecktacular as anything posted here.
Total awesomeness! I couldn't eat such cakes, I'd just want to look at them.
The Small Things iced actually has one of those odd, Dr. Who robot cakes that's made well!
All of her work is just fantastic!
"Small Things Iced" does have some beautiful cupcakes to see if you follow the link. However, she has made them for her son's classroom Christmas party. Can I tell you how much all the other mothers will hate her????
omg, that minimalist cake is stunning. Would make a gorgeous cake for a winter wedding.
okay, i clicked through to the small things iced pics which are fabulous...but, did you see the combat boobs cake??
Wow, I wish I'd looked at this post earlier--these cakes are amazingly beautiful. I can't decide which I like best, but the last one seems to really hit me the hardest. Thanks for posting!
In a sea of such horrific crimes against cakery, this post is so refreshing. I derive much enjoyment (read: schadenfreude) out of the cake wreck posts, but these cakes restore a sense of wonder in cake craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing!
I went to the Let Them Eat Cake site to snoop around and OMGOMGOMG I spied a Nightmare Before Christmas-themed wedding cake! The fan in me squeal. My aunt loved the Sound of Music one, too! Thanks for always posting up the link. There's so many amazing cake creations out there!
Oh, my! I can't tell you how giddy I was to hear that my penguin was blogged about (although admittedly a little fearful of it being "featured on Cake Wrecks")! You've said such lovely things, and I'm so flattered!
I only just found out today, as I don't really check my deviantART page all that often, but it was such a happy Christmas present!
Thanks so much, and Merry Christmas!
Aww..the penguin is so adorable! Very cute. xx