The candy wrappers smashed into the icing on the cupcakes?
The cupcakes smashed into the icing on the cupcakes?
Or could it be the fact that someone managed to write $18.99 without a giant "LOL - j/k!" after it?
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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70 comments | Post a Comment
I'm trying, honestly, I'm trying to come up with something witty to say. Dear God, this is bad.
I think the surprise is when you bite down on a piece of plastic floatsom.
A new twist on Cupcake Cake. Even comes with candles. A-Mazing!
Sharon's Edible Art
wv: gettere = Get 'er Done!
wow.... just, wow.
Maybe the surprise is it's acutal existance. Who would have tought.
CCCs brought into another dimension. Great, just when it looked like the economy might recover, the snowstorms abated, and Congress was holding hands and singing kumbaya.
As Linus would say, "We're DOOMED!"
Surprise! It isn't cake!
Really? Really? A pile of cupcakes (p-tooey) and you call it a cake?
I think the surprise is that it came out of the dumpster!
Surprise! Your kids will want more sugar after consuming the cupcakes and frosting! Surprise, they will be bouncing off the walls!
Or is it Surprise! See what color your poop is tomorrow because of these cupcakes!
WV: Creevies: A combination of being creeped out bu something and wanting it. These cupcakes, because I can see that they are chocolate, give me the creevies!
Great, now it is going to become a trend to do multi-layered cupcake cakes and then they are going to start covering the whole thing with a MOUND of frosting.
Just what we need!
Just the dye from the psychedelic icing will drive the kids crazy. ugh. a ccc surprise.
Anonymous stole my poo idea... lmao off... I would never pay 18.99 for that NEVER!
Maybe the surprise part is the candy attached...
wv: "doat" - Smushing cupcakes into cupcakes? Don't do-at!
How can I resist?
Merry at Annie's Book Stop
And, just to make it funnier, the wv didn't register properly, and I got a new one: "table"! An actual word! Good grief.
Okay, here's what happened: There was a little accident in the back room of the grocer's. The cupcakes collided with the unsold Halloween candy and it kind of exploded into a big mess but then the BOSS came in and said, "Holy Crap, that's almost $20 in ruined goods. Find a way to fix this!"
I'm pretty sure that the way the cupcakes are stacked leaves a hole in the center of the bottom layer, and there's a "surprise" in that hole.
The real surprise is that under all the smashed cupcakes, under all the icing-coated candy wrappers, and under that gold cardboard panel...there's a smashed cake struggling to be seen as its on smashed identity.
I bet there's a squirrel in there somewhere.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the bakery (department): It's CCC3D! Taking wreckage to a whole new dimension! Coming soon to a display case near you. Voidwhereprohibitedbylaw.
How it likely came about: [Manager on phone] "Did you take that pile of expired candy and unsold cupcakes to the dumpster as I intended, Bevis? It's in the display case. (*facepalm*) Lovely. At least you didn't eat it -- that's something. What price did you put on it? HOW much? I'll be surprised if anyone buys it, but ok." (To self: "I had the opportunity to go to Florida and assemble the world's first feline football team, but nooo! I had to manage a bakery, instead!")
wv: merge. Really.
"Honey, look at this wicked cool cake I got for the party with your boss and all your coleagues!"
"Uh... That's great, dear... How much did you pay for that?"
"Twenty bucks. SURPRISE!!!!"
WV: Calispo - Calispo, the mercurial, unreliable, tasteless goddess of CCC wreckerators.
The surpise is what's in the middle of the abomination...we've been assuming it's a pile of cupcakes...but, what's really in the center of that pile? Probably a beautifully decorative cake elaborate piping and gold dust.
the surprise will be if someone actually shells out the 18.99 to purchase the cake.... Now that's what you call a cake wreck.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
I'm gonna go with the $18.99 as the surprise, because that's what I find most surprising (really? REALLY? $18.99?). The rest I just find... sad.
i think the surprise is that there will be someone who actually buys this and thus perpetuates the thought that this is a GOOD idea. we need more cake education out there people!
Well I'd be surprised if someone bought that for $18.99! o.O
wv: flize: Don't be surprised when your kid gets a sugar high and flize off the handle.
ha!! I like Rufus's explanation.
p.s. Can I also just say it has taken me MONTHS to figure out what that "wv" followed by a nonsense word was all about in people's comments. MONTHS. I had no idea why people were mentioning West Virginia so often nor what strange dialect was spoken there.
Perhaps the staff were surprised (#1) when a tray tipped, all the cupcakes tumbled over and landed on top of each other in the Great Cupcake Catastrophe of 2010. Then they decided to sell it rather than write the mess off -- and see if a customer would pay that much (surprise #2).
What surprises (#3) me is that, if it was a back-room mishap, they didn't just divvy up the ruined cupcakes between the staff to take home. Which says a lot about how they must taste... (surprise #4!)
for others who are mystified by the wv, it's the word verification, which sometimes is amusing
If you squint really hard and cock your head to the side, it still doesn't look like a cake. Sorry.
HaHaHa! @ Rachel. It took me a while to catch on, too. I think I finally got it after my first post...!
Surprise! It's the LTCCC - Leaning Tower of Cupcakes Cake!(Warhol style, of course) Next week: The Eiffel Tower CCC!
Couldn't they at least have taken the wrappers off of all that candy?
wv: dritypen - er, what!?
the surprise is that after eating all that colorful icing and candy you'll be pooping rainbows for a week.
This is a perfect Cake Wreck post especially on my birthday. I love cupcakes even ones with candy wrapper still on them. LOL
Surprise! Diabetes!
I'm surprised that anyone classified it as a cake at all.....
Maybe there's something... under all the cupcakes. You know, in the middle? Maybe? No?
Hmmm. Maybe it's because they're always surprised when someone actually buys one...and pays that much for it. That sure would shock the hell outta me.
It'll be a surprise if anyone pays money for it.
SURPRISE: One of these cupcakes is poison.
...maybe the "surprise" is hidden in the middle of the mound of cupcakes?
yeah, seeing the chocolate mixed with the ccc ... creevies is a perfect description.
An attorney is suing the store for intentional infliction of flotsam in the gullet and color-blinding distress...
Will someone *PLEASE* explain to me what "wv" stands for??? Or do I have to know the super secret password first?
The one and only redeeming factor to a CCC (ptoooey), I would assume (I'm glad to say I've never been served from one), is that, if one is very, very careful about the globs of icing on the top, individual cupcakes can be pulled free, with a nice clean cupcake paper underneath.
This . . . thing . . .has eliminated even that.
Icing on the bottoms of cupcake papers, icing on candy wrappers.
Just awful on so many levels (you should pardon the expression).
wv: smagis.
Smagis -- a "surprise" cake iced with sheep organs and oatmeal.
If you squint really hard and cock your head to the side, it sort of looks like a sunburned Cookie Monster.
WV: bionaff- Dem kids'll bionaff soo-prise cake like white on rice!
I don't know how I came upon your blog, but I'm sure glad I did! All those cakes so grotesquely - and inappropriately - decorated, combined with your comments ... comedy gold!
Thank you so much, you've really made my day!
Sarah :)
I... I... huh.
That is so funny that you said "j/k"! As a teenager, I have this urge to correct you that is probably equal to the urge that grammar freaks have to correct inproper grammer. It's "jk" or, if you must, "j.k.", but NO slash.
Love your blog!
This BIG surprise is that someone PROBABLY bought it because they actually LIKED it....
Pee-wee Herman posted this to his facebook and twitter. I love you guys now, this site has me in stitches! ^^
not by any stretch of the imagination is that pile of....cake worth that much.
Pee-Wee Herman just tweeted with a link of this. Prepare to be EVEN MORE FAMOUS THAN YOU WERE BEFORE.
Freaking love cakewrecks.
Wow! What a fantastic mess! I for one love sweet tarts but I definitely don't think they are a suitable topping for cupcakes with or without the wrapper.!
Woo hoo! Pee Wee Herman himself linked to this post!!! The word of the day is "surprise"....aaaaaaaah!
a tiered CCC? O.O
the sole redeeming factor is the lack of a 2 inch thick icing pavement on top...
am I the only one who wants to make Ice Road Trucker jokes about the ones with a hundred pounds of frosting on top? "is it thick enough to drive an 18 wheeler on it? no? add more!"
ahhh, just me, then...
-Barbara Anne
There are no words that can describe how scary that CCC is.. Maybe the surprise is they hid the candy in the cupcake and surprise if you don't choke to death..evil wreckerators.
The "surprise" is how many people handled that candy without washing their hands.
Oh, I guess that's more of a "secret" than a "surprise." At least until the diarrhea begins.
The surprise would be me bursting into tears if I was given it.....
Ahhh, Heather, wv just means the little group of letters you have to type in the box before submitting your comment - sometimes they are really funny. Mine today is 'cloto' in 'don't be such a cloto, just eat your risotto'. No secret password required!
Oh dear god, the colours!
The surprise in the center must be frosting-coated marshmallows.
Another IRT fan! Way to go, @Barbara Anne!
@Heather, 'wv' is the word verification that must be entered in order to post. Along with diligent moderating, it helps keep this a Spam-free zone, for which we all are grateful to infinity and beyond.
Some people have taken to assigning meanings to the often-nonsensical 'word' that is automatically generated, adding yet another dimension of humor (as if another one were needed).
The surprise is that it isn't a cake.
EEK. I think a 3 year old could do better.
Who would pay 20 bucks for that D:
Just wanted to let you know that your book had a starring role on the Graham Norton Show (v. popular chat show in England), it made Kate Hudson laugh very much. Hooray for Cake Wrecks!!!
Hey, you were on British TV last night. The Graham Norton show had a little section featuring baby cakes from the book including the naked mohawk carrot jockey babies!
The only surprise I can think of is that someone had the gall to ask for $18.99 for that, that,... well, for that.
WV: shlog. "Blog, shlog, abi gezint!"
Thanks! Now for my kid's next birthday, I can just take some cheap cupcakes and candy and throw it all in a pile. When he gripes, I can show him this and say it was professionally decorated, so shut up.
WV: aunticiz
The status of something after my aunt is done with it:
Aunt Molly, bless her heart, she can't decorate a cake worth a flip, but she keeps trying. That pile of cupcakes and candy over there? Yep, that's Molly's work. That stuff's been "aunticized," all right!
This reminds me of the "cake" that my old tech support team put together to surprise our supervisor for his 21st birthday.
Except ours had less smashed frosting.
We were going for something gloriously horrible. The random-looking pile was in fact carefully engineered for maximum random and horror ...
Haphazard pile of Hostess cakes.
... while containing and disguising the true terror inside, candy corn. (He used to rant at length about the horrors of candy corn, so we had to.)
Partially demolished pile of cakes, showing candy corn spilling out, and an alarming number of sprinkles.
Someone suggested putting some of the pumpkin-shaped candy corns on the snowball cakes, but they were voted down on the grounds that this would be a little too tasteless.
I'm not paying $19.95 for that cake.
So, you instructed me to cooment HERE on the blogspot to get a chance to win a Zooborns book!
Let me win please, this comment box took a llooooonnggggg time to load ;)
Lynda A., chillin' in WI
I used to work in a grocery store bakery (didn't work out, I was too slow and neat with my work).
I'm guessing, from past experience, the surprise is:
"Surprise! You just got promoted to head decorator for the great new idea of how to re-package old cupcakes!"
I think the "surprise" would be if you could taste any cupcake through the frosting.
I think the surprise is, you pretty much have to eat the top two cupcakes before you can get to the bottom cupcakes...oh and you just gained fifty pounds SUPRISE!!