Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Sweets: Baby Cakes

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wow. Can you believe it's 2011? What happened to 2008?!? I'm still writing 2003 on my checks. And I'm still writing checks. Man, I'm getting old.


Anyway, Jen told me to write Sunday Sweets this week. Yup. She told me. (Jen's having a hard time letting go of Christmas break right now. I swear she just said we're leaving the tree up 'til March.) So I figured, since it's the new year, I should feature new stuff, right? And what's newer than babies, am I right?

Look! Baby!

Awwwww. Seriously, I'm tearing up over here. Oh, and there's an awesome cake there, too.

This next one has the word baby on it so it totally counts:

My mom tells me I had baby shoes just like that. I'm beginning to think she wanted a girl.

I'm loving the soap bubble borders.

Submitted by Cameron and made by Karren's Specialty Cakes & Confections

As an artist, I'm absolutely amazed by the detail on the fondant fabric. I mean, look at the green trim on the crib skirt: It has stitching!

Made by Sugarshack

Simply sublime stripes.

Made by Sweet Irene

I always wanted a rocking horse when I was a kid. 'Course, mine would have had flames down the sides and scary red eyes, but this one isn't bad, either.

Hey, look! Another baby on a cake!

Made by Cakerific

A baby duck that is. Admit it: That is the most adorable baby duck standing on the edge of a house boat staring at a bottle you have ever seen. Though I think it needs a thought bubble that reads, "Aww, quap." Am I right?

Made by Wreckie David T's fiance. (Psst, David! Tell us her name!)

I know what you're thinking: shouldn't that clown have huge pointy teeth and a butcher knife? I wondered the same thing, but apparently the baker was going for super-cute-fun-happy-joy-joy. Which I'd say she totally nailed.

Submitted by Liz S., Baker unknown. (Anyone recognize it?)

Jen and I once made a cake a little like this for Sweet Baby James. Of the billions of lions we attempted, I'm pretty sure not one of them was this perfect.

And finally:

Made by Kassie

Talk about a sweet tweet!!

Well, everyone, thanks for another great year of patronage, puns, and plenty of Here's to a 2011 filled with more laughter, joy, and goodness than we can possibly stand. Sláinte!

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
Anonymous said...

One Word (not counting the words I already wrote. Or the ones that I am writing right now) : AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

weirdmom said...

Wow these almost wipe away the bad baby shower cake memories bouncing around in my head. almost. : )

T'Ilia said...

I am SO piggybacking on the last cake as a papercrafting concept.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is AWWWWWW

Anonymous said...

Aw! Thanks for sharing the humor and the artistry =).

Unknown said...

WOW! We are due to have a baby boy in just about two months, so this post was ore than appropriate- these cakes are absolutely adorable! I can't get over them! SO CUTE!

DK @

wv: ideal- these cakes are ideal for the baby showers I have coming up!

Anonymous said...

I busted out laughing at the "aww, quap" caption. nice job.


stuckinmypedals said...

The baby in the bubble bath is so precious!

Sharon said...

Dress cake: WOW!
The baby looks like, "Now how am I going to eat all this?" Don't drool on the cake, baby.

Baby in the tub/shower-so cute.

I was drawn in to the crib skirt. The detailing...WOW! Lot's of work.

Rocking horse is VERY cute.

I didn't notice the bottle floating in the water until you said, "Aww quap!" I laughed......

Tweet bird at the end. Thumbs up for making it look just like fabric.

Jen, John, and #1:
Thanks for all the laughter you bring me. I can't wait to get on my computer and your site each morning to help start my day. I'm so glad my friend told me about you. May 2011 be an even better year for you.

Wreck on!

Sharon's Edible Art

Wordfiend said...

I always look forward to your Sunday Sweets, and this one was worth the anticipation. (I'm kind of nuts about babies.) And you are quite right about the "Awww quap!" speech bubble.

manybellsdown said...

"Aw, quap" made me giggle like a loon. You're right, it DOES need that thought bubble!

Diamadozen said...

I say this not because I am an emotional pregnant lady but because it is true...these are BY FAR the best cakes I have seen on cake wrecks. I, too, teared up when I saw the first one. And I want that last one at my shower! Awesome job John!

Stephanie said...

I think I'm in love with the baby duck cake. Simply. Too. Cute. :)

Anonymous said...

Clearly you are comfortable with your masculinity, John, and that is great. But I still don't think you should admit to the world that you know what a crib skirt is. ;P

Liz in Seattle

Meg said...

I love all the textures on Paige's cake. I just wish the first one had a bigger picture when you click on it. Or detail shots.

Anonymous said...

These cakes are not "quappy" at all! All of them are adorable!

Lady Bright said...

"aw, quap!" ROFL!!!

Thanks for a totally awesome year of laughs, giggles, guffaws, and some truly scrumptious Sunday items!!


Anonymous said...

Aa, too cute!
Though I must admit, ending this post with 'sláinte' made my day :P
Go raibh mĂ­le maith agat (thank you) for all the cake enduced happiness this year!

Anonymous said...

I wish we had a front view of that first cake. Judging from the back alone, it was stunning. And the baby is adorable!

Such cute cakes! And the last one looks like it belongs on a baby quilt.

Kaliseviltwin said...

looks like someone else took the Intro to Fondant class at Baking Arts, too. :)

yes, this was an INTRO class! I couldn't believe how awesome all of our cakes came out.

NiteNurse said...

As someone who actually inks newborn footprints (a lot!), I offer kudos to baker #4 for getting it almost right: correct number of toes and good ratio between sole and digits. The only problem is that real babies often squirm: not so good for a cake. However, salutations to all the wonderful bakers represented. Great cakes and many smiles!! Lovely.


Meg said...

I've gotten pretty good at keeping my auditory responses to your blog silenced since I usually read at work. But I actually had an involuntary outburst over your "Aw quap" comment! Awwwwwwwwww (times 1,000 more w's)!

Robin @ Bird On A Cake said...

I laughed out loud about the duck and the thought bubble...and he is SOOO cute!

PinkCakeBox said...

Meg & Others,

Here are more photos, (including a front view) of the christening gown cake.



Dorci said...

Thanks you guys! You're the best.

Ado_Annie said...

Those are all blissfully lovely, but the baby in the first photo really seemed to be worried about the cake's lack of a head.

House of Holt said...

Adorable! I'm having a baby girl this Friday, so this post really made my day :) But, did anyone else think the slats on the crib looked like bones? Spooky...

mickeyp415 said...

these are all darling (and i'm sure delicious), but absolutely loving the pink/white stripe cake with the bubble bath... the way that the pearls mimic the bubbles is especially adorable.
thanks as always...

Stephanie said...

That last cake is my favorite Sunday Sweet ever! It is amazingly cute and beyond perfect!

Melch said...

HAHAHA, "Aww, quap"! I love posts full of crazy cute cakes.

Happy Holidays, Cake Wrecks crew!

Anonymous said...

Ummm...John? I hate to break it to you, bud, but your mom SO had a girl....

But I mean that in the nicest way possible. You're the coolest husband Jen could've ever picked!

Miss Mindy said...

Thank goodness you do what Jen says! These cakes have me running through the list of all the relatives to try and remember who's pregnant and having a shower soon. Must get cake as cute as these! I didn't realize how funny I felt that "Oh, qwap" was until I dropped something and that popped into my head.
wv: inoseamo - Google translate tells me that in Italian, in or se amo means "or in love" - as I am with today's cakes!

Amy said...

Happy New Year, Jen and John! Thanks for all the smiles in 2010!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure the last one is cake?

Craig said...

#1 That's the most realistic baby cake I've ever seen. ;-)

#4 I *also* didn't know what a crib skirt is (nudge-nudge, wink-wink, say-no-more), but I, too, figured that it must be that skirt-looking thing below that 'crib' thing. That's some nice woodwork in that crib, uh huh.

#8 Mr. Clown has his mouth closed for a reason. That cap might be hiding something, too. Mwahahaha!

#9 Awww. And not for the cake as such. That was such a sweet story. (Real guys have a heart.)

#10 brings the phrase, "Come on, get happy," to mind for some reason. ;-)

Speaking of which, Merry Christmas* and Happy 2011!

* Christmas season has three more days to run as those of us who celebrate the '12 days' reckon it. Deal with it, you take-the-lights-down-and-toss-the-tree-on-the-26th types. You know who you are.

wv: quysinet. Just like a Cuisinart, only half the price.

Hawkfeather said...

that duckie looks like he has had enough of life and he is gonna toss himself over board with his bottle.

life is hard for little ducks.

drgns4vr said...

Thank you for posting a picture of the christening gown cake. I have just been asked to make two gowns for a set of twins and this has given me some ideas. (No, I'm not making them of fondant.) I'm just waiting to hear if the babies are boys or girls to know how much to frou-frou them up.

loisgroat said...

Are you two trying to tell us something??

Susan said...

John - as I was scrolling down and I saw the jungle cake I thought it looked so much like James's cake. You both did such a great job on it. What a great memory!

john (the hubby of Jen) said...




Fabby said...

I love them!!!

Jennifer Grigsby said...

Now, THIS is how you do baby cakes correctly!

I loved every one of them, but the baby duck is, by far, my favorite.

Thanks, John, for being a good hubby and doing what Jen told you to do. Commentary was perfect; just what the overabundance of cuteness needed.

On a related note, I got my CW calendar in yesterday, and we have laughed over every picture. Thanks, guys!

Arlene said...

So very very gorgeous. I love the cute little baby chick on what looks like Noah's Ark. I wanna adopt it lol. Also makes me want a baby..*watches* as hubby sees this and runs like heck for the door. Lol.

Craig said...

@Arlene, I also thought 'Noah's Ark'. But then it occurred to me that the Ark didn't need life preservers, nor would aquatic birds have been aboard.

@Hawkfeather, if a duck jumped overboard, nothing bad would happen -- unless a shark happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Tara said...

So much awwwww in one post. Gorgeous. Almost makes me want to have another baby just so I can have an adorable baby shower cake! ALMOST!!!

Erin said...

the first cake is beautifully done, has no head. isn't that one of the criteria that immediately sends it to the wreck part of the site? execution not withstanding, it's a headless person. yikes!

Meghan said...

ohmygosh "aww, quap" made me giggle like a crazy lady sitting alone in my office. Thanks for that, simply hilarious in a "cute-or-sad?" way. :D

Anonymous said...

@Erin - it's a christening gown on a dress form. That's a totally different thing than a headless person.

As a quilter, the last cake was my very favorite.

ValGal said...

Ok wait... So wedding dress torsos are totally tabboo but baby Christening dress torsos make it to Sunday Sweets? Hrmmmmmmmmm lol

Lynn said...

"aww quap" is now my favorite expression. I always love the captions from John. However, if Jeff Bridges knocks on your door in the next week, he'll be there to collect one of you man cards.

Ado_Annie said...

Val and Erin, I agree, it may be a dress form, but it looks like a headless baby and I think the BABY thinks it looks like a headless baby. Check her worried expression. ROTFLMAO! That would be a great name for a rock band, The Headless Baby Cakes!!

Ado_Annie said...

PS. With apologies to Dave Barry.

Robin said...

Awww, quap....that was hilarious!! Needed that today, quappy day at work.

Angela K said...

"Aww, quap."

LOVE it!!!!

ern said...

"aww, quap" made me snort. and i giggle without breathing for a good ten seconds whenever i look at it and hear a little baby cartoon duck voice in my head say, "aww, quap."
thank you for making my day.

Rae said...

I have been laughing over "aw, quap" since this was posted, and it hasn't stopped being funny yet.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love all of them. So cute! :) These cakes inspire me, because I'm making a baby shower cake.