Thursday, April 15, 2010

Five Awesome Things

Thursday, April 15, 2010

[UPDATE: We have our winners! Grammy of Grammy's Garden and ZekesMom10 of Insane in the Mombrain, please e-mail me with your addresses. Thanks!]

Every now and then, we get comments from readers that go something like this:

"You know that cake you posted today? It wasn't that bad! Sure it was misspelled, and the icing looked like someone had spread it on with their tongue, and there was that feces border and thumb print - oh, and the dead bug was kinda gross. But did you see that rose?! Gorgeous!"


Well today, in honor of our friend Neil over at 1000 Awesome Things and the rest of you positive Pollyannas, we picked out a few Wrecks from our arsenal - and we're going to find something awesome to say about each and every one of them. Even if it kills us. Which, let's be honest, is entirely possible.


*pulling up happy pants*

Here we GOOOO!

Hey, it looks just like corn! And corn's a great source of fiber! Cleans you right out! And clean colons are awesome!

Look how artfully arranged the tablecloth is! The folds are so even! So regular! Being regular is also awesome.



I love noisemakers.

Not that you'd want to put these in your mouth, of course, considering where they've been...but, uh...yeah. Noisemakers are awesome.

Gee, that looks like a really sharp knife! It probably cut right through that hideous scarecrow thing, no sweat! In fact, I bet whoever cuts cheese with that knife doesn't have to strain at all.

Not straining while cutting the cheese? You guessed it: AWESOME.

Alright, now we're on the home stretch! [rubbing hands together] Bring on the final contender!

Oh, crap.

I mean, uh, oooo. Tough one.

Sure, there's a full load of things I could say here, but not many would be what you'd call "awesome." Hmm.




[back to thinking]

Ok, I think I got it:

You tell me.

That's right, tell me what's awesome about this Wreck in the comments. Why? Well, mostly for the glory. But also because you just might win Neil's book:

I've already read it, and believe me, it lives up to its name. And speaking of names, mine's on the back cover. So that's worth the purchase price right there. (Did I mention it's also half off on Amazon right now? Yeah. That helps.)

Now go forth, and comment! Whoever makes me laugh the hardest wins the glory, while two randomly selected commenters will actually win a personalized and signed copy of The Book of Awesome. I'll even have Neil do the personalizing and signing. [waggling eyebrows]

Oh, and Neil is willing to ship anywhere in the world. So Estonia, I'm looking at you.

Chloe, Tosha B., Anony M., Molly C., Jeff H., & Rachel V., go make me proud.

- Related Wreckage: The #2 Way to Ruin a Cake

[John's rule type stuff]
When you comment, be sure to put your name. If your name is something boring like John, be sure to follow it up with something creative like (the hubby of Jen). Or, ya know, your last name. And remember, we're picking two winners at random so if you happen to be painfully unfunny like me, you can still win. Winners will be announced at 2pm (Eastern) on Friday. Finally, if you don't win, you should still buy the book. We could all stand to focus a little more on the awesome in life. Good luck and Wreck On!

UPDATE: We have our winners! (See the top of this post.) Thanks, everyone; your comments have been the best free entertainment I've had all week. ;)
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Twinkle said...

5 yo DD: What's so funny about it? Is it because they used too much brown? Brown and no other colors?

Me: What do you think it is?

5 yo DD: A tunnel.

Me: Why do you think it's a tunnel?

5 yo DD: Because I see a whole in it.

Me: Do you want to go in that tunnel?

5 yo DD: Yes, on a train, but only if it's not cake.

...Not sure if that's positive or not!

Chwirligwgan hudol said...

That icing looks so shiny and runny im quite tempted to drink it! ^_^

Angie Feinstein said...

This looks like a still shot of a chocolate fountain. And chocolate fountains are AWESOME!

Shantel said...

My five year old daughter said : "That cake is perfect for YOUR birthday - I want that yellow cake next to it." Thanks Ella.

J.D. said...

It's chocolate, and abstract! And you know what are awesome? CHOCOLATEY ABSTRACT IDEAS! Yaaay!

(Mac Lucking)

Anonymous said...

Wow..that's one heck of a recycling movement! (Get it...movement!) Woo!

Stacey Cornell

Dean Olson said...

My little girl was sitting next to me and said "look mommy, an ant hill cake" I guess if you want to look at it through a child's eye, it could be cool :o)
~~Jennifer (Mommy to Sophie)

Unknown said...

Look at how shiny that cake is. I love shiny things! Like pearls. In fact, speaking of pearls, they are created when a particle (such as sand) irritates the gonads of an oyster. And judging from the hole on the front of that cake, we should be able to uncover a lovely 6mm from this cake's gonads in a few weeks. And fortunately it will still be sitting on the bakery shelf then!

~Autumn E.

Tracie said...

Well, I think it's awesome because I don't have to eat it!!

Anonymous said...

That cake is so SHINY! Many awesome things are shiny! New cars, polished gold, tinsel....all awesome. Shiny cake = awesome!

Cheryl, mom of Violet and Jo

Shedrick said...

Oooh...I know it doesn't look like much on the surface, but that's because this creation is in its pupal stage. When the time is right, the shiny chocolate shell will break away and the cakey goodness will split and a Chocolate Monarch Butterfly will emerge from wreckage...and there is nothing on this earth more awesome than the Chocolate Monarch Butterfly.

Tiffany said...

Mommy! Mommy! Look what I did? Aren't you proud?

Ashleigh C said...

Look at how wonderfully shiny that cake it. And shiny things are of course awesome. Plus it's folds and ridges are perfect for pixies to ski down. And don't forget the marble slab. It's so much classier than your everyday wooden or plastic cutting board. This cutting board makes anything on it feel special (even if it isn't).

Veronica said...

It was obvioulsy an attempt to make the top of an awesomely huge chocolate ice cream cone. Sadly they could not get the cone to stand up under the weight of that awesome chocolate "ice cream" and so went with the marble slab as a tribute to their awesome ice cream.
Veronica Yoshida

Heidi said...

It is shiny - and great marble cutting board!

David M. said...

Having a "nice" mocha step-stool that functions as a "artificial" centerpiece, AWESOME!!!!! (Note: cake not included, some assembly required,individual Wrecks may vary, by baker/state)

-David Medlin

Anonymous said...

Cakes like that give Jen inspiration to do what she does with her amazing blog, thereby providing enjoyment for the rest of us. ;)

Wendya Rosen

Lindsey said...

At least there won't be any surprises on the other end... the wreckerator has already done most the digestion for you. And easy digestion is AWESOME! - comment from Lindsey Turnbull

Lisa Gagnon said...

Look how Amazing the mountains of um shinny chocolate’s like a chocolate mountain of love and um... you can eat it. it looks nothing like a giant um... ah... accident. and that gap where the icing missed... that little hole... that’s gravity right there and their skill at mastering gravity… AWESOME!

- Lisa Gagnon

JilD said...

Wow! A shiny poop volcano! I've seen the ones with the yogurt and baking soda, but wow, an ORGANIC one! It's going green (well, brown, but still...)! Going green is AWESOME!


Onnie said...

The Chocolate has a nice color and it's very shiny. You can't beat shiny things.

BellaT said...

Thats not a cake you silly! It's a wheel of cheese! (see where a mouse ate some?) Too bad a horse came by later and.... erm...well...Ohhh Shiny!

Cassiky said...

Well hey, that cake's hopefully made of chocolate, and not only is chocolate delicious but chocolate also makes most dogs really sick. Or dead! I know I hate trying to guard my plate at parties to make sure I don't accidentally kill the host's overly enthusiastic pup with my dog-killing cake.
But the good thing about this cake is, it's so hideous the dog wouldn't even eat it! Yay for dog repelling cake! Now only if we could get humans to want to eat it...

The Red Headed Mama said...

You could use it to put outside in your yard, annoying door to door sales people would assume you have a HUGE dog and skip your house. That, is awesome!

Joel The Lover of All Things Cake. said...

This cake moved me, the artist obviously had a source of inspiration that exploded from deep inside. Where shall I start - the seemingly random piles of cakey goodness represent how we are buffeted by chaos theory each day and yet still we stand. The singular unfrosted cavern reminds us each, of our own dark secrets and the frailty of all human kind. Finally the glazing, far more suggestive than "regular" frosting shows us that it (our dreams) always flow downhill.

Anonymous said...

But it's so delightfully shiny! Like a penny you found face up on the ground! And face-up pennies are good luck! And good luck is awesome!

-Jordan (a.k.a. Syl)

MandysLameCakeJoke said...

See that hole right there on the side? That's awesome.

Why? 'Cuz it shows you there's really cake inside!


DW2 said...

Wow! With a cake like that, the birthday present must have been a pony. And having a pony would be AWESOME!

D. Weaver

Andree Arendt said...

It's very shiny. Shiny is really awesome? Also, it looks like Magic Shell. Magic Shell is awesome.

GreatBlue said...

The glazing on the last cake is so smooth that you won't even notice it passing through your digestion. Even when its finished, it'll still look exactly the same as it does now. Not many cakes can say that!

Karen the Chocoholic, but not so much that I'd eat that last cake.

bluekaeru said...

One word- Chocolate. Anything chocolate can't be all bad.

Heather (bluekaeru)

Karyann Doty said...

An excellent groom's cake...It really captures the lucky guy's mood.

Joan the Garden Gal said...

Slickerilicious cake wreck makes for a smooth move.

RachelKate said...

That last cake makes for some funny puns!
Rachel Kitchen

Lily said...

the pooh cake is shiny! and looks like it was a breeze to :P

Brenda J said...

The ganache is very shiny. It is also very wrinkly on the bottom. I can tell by the wrinkly part that it would be very grainy if I stuck my finger in the poop puddle and tasted it. Shiny is good. Knowing it will be gross before I eat it is good too. The fact that it's a poop cake distracts from the gross, dirty vent behind it. Distraction from gross things is good. Hooray for you!!!!!

Unknown said...

What? Isn't it a Jabba the Hutt cake?
-Rachel (the employee of a man whose Star Wars collection has taken up residence in our office)

Unknown said...


...The End

Kristina Kellermann said...

And under all that luscious melted chocolate - a surprise!

Johanna and George said...

Honestly it looks like poop! And well really poop is awesome. We all do it! And I don't know about you, but when I miss a day...YOU REALLY do not want to be around my cranky butt! :-)

Traci Leigh said...

Shiny! That cake virtually glistens with moist shiny-ness. Nothing makes you feel better than taking care of something like that!

Stephanie said...

Its SHINY! Like a bubble! A, um, brown bubble. Ooook, bad imagery going on. I, Stephanie Barnes, am going to go lie down. And take some Kaopectate.

Brenda is SO Blessed said...

So this is what is left when "walk with the dinosaurs" leave town

Unknown said...

Oooo, shiny!

TxBirdie said...

Well, everyone knows that there is nothing worse than really dry cake. And that cake is really, um, wet looking.

Wet cake is awesome!

Unknown said...

The ubiquitous 'they' did manage to not drizzle the crap...errr icing over the sides of the marble slab. Marble slabs are cold. I'm typing this comment, so I'm not dead on a cold slab, and (though this cake was obviously not so fortunate) that is AWESOME!!!!

(Thank you for having me here today, I've had a lovely time.)


Kyla said...

There is a peek-a-boo hole at the bottom, so you can be assured that despite the outwardly appearance, it is indeed a cake. And getting what you paid for is AWESOME.

- Kyla

Sarah in Israel said...

I'm not so funny but I have to say, that last cake has A LOT of chocolate going on, and it's even SHINY chocolate, and for someone who loves chocolate like me, hey, I'd eat that cake bite by bite until it was gone, no sweat. Pass the milk!

I'm also thinking that if a friend made it, we'd just laugh and say "well it tastes good and look at all the chocolate." The sadness is just that someone asked for money for it.

Allene said...

The greatest thing about this cake is that it cuts out that pesky middle man, the digestive system. Why bother chewing and swallowing your food, waiting for it to get broken down, and absorbing its nutrients in an unnecessarily slow process, when you could have the end result immediately? Efficiency: awesome.

-Allene from Ktowne

Geri said...

The little hole in the side is a lovely place for a mouse to live, and we all need to look after the rodents in our life - AWESOME!

monicael said...

Ooooh! It looks like a huge Hershey Kiss! I bet it just melts in your mouth! Awesome!


Terri said...

Call Guiness Book of Worlds Records immediately!!! We have a new record! Whoever said ,"you can't polish a turd" was wrong.. this one is done to a mirror finish!

Ang and Mike said...

This is the first time cake intelligence has been captured on film! how exciting! although it has long been suspected that cakes detest the wreckeration that occurs to them in the name of icing, here is our first proof. this cake has been caught in the act of peeking out from under the icing to see if the coast is clear before it sheds the horrific "decoration" that has been glopped on top of it. A clean escape will leave no suspects as the remains will be sold as a dreaded ccc (patooie) with no one being any the wiser.
- Angie B

Anonymous said...

A scantily clad dung-beetle is going to burst from this cake at any moment.

jillb-ilslp said...

It's awesome because it is a tribute cake to classic book: "One Poo Over the Koo Hoo's Nest" - I'm pretty sure it's by Dr. Seuss, who's awesome!

Anonymous said...

What is awesome about this cake is the fable that it was created to reference ...

There was a little sparrow flying south for the winter, but he froze solid and fell to the ground. To make things worse a cow came and crapped on him. But the manure was warm and it defrosted him. So there he was warm and happy to be alive, so he started to sing. Along came a hungry cat, who cleared the manure off of the sparrow and eats him. Now... the moral of the story is this .. everyone who craps on you is not necessarily your enemy and everyone who gets you out of crap is not necessarily your friend, and if you are warm and happy, no matter where you are ... you should just keep your big mouth shut.

Now look back at the cake and notice the bird wing across the top front of the cake and the little hole that everyone is so confused about is where the little sparrow's song came out.

Sandra H. (a new convert)

Mrs.T said...

that little hole at the bottom is an awesome place to hide a toy, like the old cereal boxes. way to make a kids' day!

whitneyvegan said...

When your stomach really hurts,
and you know that it’s the squirts:
Diarrhea, diarrhea.


When your stomach starts a rollin'
and you're cleaning out your colon:
Diarrhea, diarrhea.

-Whitney "Hill"

Anonymous said...

It's all shiny like a jewel.
That's gotta be good right?

Elizabeth Blooo said...

It's awesomely shiny!

Marie Eissens said...

The dyslexic baker misread the instructions on the last cake that called for a cake that looked like a carp.

Iriszilla said...

this cake will save bee's lives.

think about it like this:

This cake is a bee hive. This cake is shiny. How brilliant! This cake is a symbol for bees from everywhere to REVAMP THEIR HIVES. Imagine, if every bee-hive were shiny, it would #1. look really cool and possible make humans gain respect for these wonderful creatures! #2. If someone were to come up to the hive in an attempt to smash it or kills the bees within, the shininess would reflect into their eyes and turn them blind. I repeat, the best thing about this cake is that it will save bee's lives.

Christopher said...

It looks to me like a pile of Molten...Awesome!

drhagel said...

That mirror is so perfectly slanted that it nearly hides the rest of the cake.

Heather said...

There are many wonderful things about this cake, I'm sure. First of all, it's a striking example of just how very regular one can be... The best thing about it, though, is that they were kind enough to leave that one tiny spot completely free of whatever the heck they decided to pour over the top. See? You can have your hideous-looking, gag-worthy cake and still eat (a very small part of) it too!
Well done, Wreckerator, well done!

~Heather Royalty :D

djgonzales said...

Wow! An Earth Day cake! You can almost smell the...loam from here. Let me get my shovel for that PILE, mama's got some plantin' ta do!


amanda said...

A cake of intrigue ..... it's incredible how they can make a round base then pile it with some wonderful mix (is it a rocky-roady-marshmallowy centre or chunks of honeycomb and other goodiness?) and then encase it in a wonderful chocolate ganache that just oozes in all the right places and finishes with that incredible patina. Priceless!! Of course I am seeing this up-side-down, being in Adelaide, South Australia on the bottom of the world and all. Mandy W

Anonymous said...

It looks like a melting beehive! And bees help pollinate, causing flowers and fruit and such wonderful, beautiful things to grow. Furthermore, all of those things look nothing like that cake, which, we can all agree, is not only just awesome, it's something to get on your knees and praise God for!

-Karly Abreu

Anonymous said...

It looks like someone there is nice and regular... And being regular is awesome!!!


Oswego County Guinea Pig Rescue said...

Wow, looks like someone ate the entire AWESOME corn cake with all that AWESOME fiber in it! Hooray!

Jen Johnson
Oswego Co. Guinea Pig Rescue

JumperGroom said...

That cake is on a lovely tile. It would look great on a floor. You know what's awesome? Saving time by buying your flooring at a bakery.

- Heather B.

-M- said...

Wow this cake is so shiny I think I can see my reflection and I'm awesome so.....this cake is therefore awesome! :)
-Merideth the marvelous-

Chrissiebear said...

The shades of brown in the icing are just so darn consistent, and consistency is just as good as regularity, don't you think?
Christine B, Ottawa, On

Jaime G. said...

That lovely marble cutting board was a wedding present... the cake however, is for their divorce party

Unknown said...

The icing is very shiny! ADHD people loooove shiny things! Awesome!
~Future Mrs. Green

Unknown said...

But Jen, that last cake IS awesome! First, it lets you use your imagination. With a little creativity, it could look like A. a pile of poop, B. a beehive, or C. one of those little African huts.

See, isn't that awesome?

Second, it must taste great. After all, it is very chocolaty, and who doesn't love chocolate?

More awesome!

Third, it single-handedly disproves the old theory that "you can't polish poop". Just look at it. Now, everybody say it with me. OOOO, SHIINY!

So, Jen, why didn't you save this delightful confection for Sunday Sweets instead of wrongfully labeling it a Cake Wreck?

Kim Koronas said...

I think we have established that the frosting is shiny.
Awesome shiny.
When you "bake" a "cake" like this it must be for someone awesome.
That's awesome right?
The marble makes it a fancy cake for a really special person.
More awesome. right?....Awesome?......lots of awesome..ness.

Mandi GutterRose said...

Hey, it's chocolate! You can't really go wrong with chocolate! Um, it IS chocolate, right?!

Mandi GutterRose (or Hill, whichever)

Kerrybearii said...

...Well, at least it looks like no one had to strain to push that one out.

RamblingMother said...

Well the chocolate is shiny and looks like an attempt at hand dipped ice cream which is good usually.

Emily said...

The beautiful white finish of the marble really sets off the deep color and shine of the... uhhh.... pile of brown to create an interesting contrast of color.

Yeah, see, so you can oohhh and aahhh over the looks without anything actually getting near your mouth!

kelly said...

it's a 3rd grade child's sculpture project of buddha! buddhas are awesome ^_^ <3

Anonymous said...

look at that marble slab its just gorgeous, expensive too, i'll bet.
And that brown stuff (icing?shiny mud? do we want to know?)looks a lot like water imagine if it was blue, very pretty, if it was blue it would be great for a party thats all about the artist who drew the melting clocks... if it was something

Unknown said...

The chocolate glistens gloriously in the light, which means that the flies who will circle the big glob of poo . . . I mean, chocolatey goodness will be able to enjoy their reflection!

Sora said...

Actually, the chocolate really made me think of that melted chocolate you can get on soft serve ice cream. It's delicious and the best part is that it looks way more appetizing than that cake does.

Bec said...

It appears to be made from chocolate. Chocolate is awesome. (ignore the shape of the chocolate in this case, remember the chokitio bar, so ugly but so tasty!!)

Cracked Pestle said...

If you subscribe to the general consensus here, ie. the last cake is most similar to a highly polished poo pile, then it follows that it will ultimately make you think of a rosebud (c'mon, stay with me here). Since this installment of CW started with a reference to roses, this brings us full circle. Circles are the perfect geometrical form, and perfect is AWESOME!

Jackie from the Ozarks, where we know s**t from shinola.

thepsychobabble said...

It's chocolate AND shiny. What more do you people want??
Jen ThePsychobabble

Unknown said...

There's a great door in that for any...thing that might want a new home!! With marble floors and all! A dung beetle, perhaps?


Gwenyver said...

It's so shiny! Girls love shiny things! It's like a diamond in the rough... in the wrong colour.

Seriously, I would hate to pay money for that, but it's chocolate, so I'm sure it's tasty!

Genny the chocolate addict

Ms. Renner said...

Jabba the Hut had to drop the kids off at the pool, unfortunately this marble slab was as close as he got.

The Gravekeeper said...

That last cake looks like a chocolate-covered beehive!* And bees are awesome since they pollinate all sorts of plants, including our food crops! And chocolate is, by default, the queen of the food, ruling over all the lesser foods with a sweet, sweet iron fist. So that's awesome, too!

*among other things

Becky Chamberlain said...

There's one very RELIEVED elephant wandering around the bakery.

Anonymous said...

The fact that the baker had the guts (or lack thereof, given that what was in his/her guts is sitting on that marble) to think s/he could still make things work when several layers of the cake crumbled to bits because s/he didn't use cooking spray on the pans is just plain awesome. I mean, that's some ingenuity right there - turning crumbled up cake into a . . . hmm . . . beehive! (yes, exactly - complete with opening for the bees!) is just plain ingenious. And ingenious cover-ups are AWESOME. Especially when NO ONE knows it was just SUPPOSED to be a boring, crappy chocolate layer cake.

- Candice N. in Louisville

dxf said...

Look at that marble slab it is on! Now THAT is AWESOME.

--Katy Leonard

Anne said...

It's a lovely, shiny, shade of brown. Did I mention shiny? And... brown?

Anne the Log Girl

Unknown said...

Now, now everyone. This is obviously an homage to the children's book "Everyone Poops". It's an absolutely brilliant cake!!!

My WV is bytiss - as in "You can't make me bytiss cake!"

Ady I. said...

Wow, 1600++ comments for a shiny pile of poo? That, in itself, is totally AWESOME!

For the actual pile of poo itself, isn't it just totally awesome how healthy the wreckator is? Just imagine if this is the real deal... yeah totally healthy, and totally awesome! Oh yeah...

Reyna said...

This was served at the laxative company's celebration. Now there's one group of people who get excited by a sight like this!
Reyna V.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a huge chocolate drizzled brownie cake! And brownines are AWESOME!!!

Jeremy said...

If you stick it on your lawn people will definitely listen to that beware of dog sign you put up.
Jeremy King

Suzy said...

Holy Crap - This cake has gotten 1625 posts. That cake should be proud!

Jody Bateman said...

No worms! Healthy poop is awesome.

Jody Bateman

Unknown said...

That marble cutting board looks like a really solid, useful piece of cookware! I bet they put the "cake" on it to show how it can withstand the toughest sh** out there... kind of like a Ford!

Artless Nail Artist said...

It is in close proximity to another, more tasty-looking cake. Cakes are awesome when accompanied by more cakes. Other choices are awesome!

Gina G- Nijmegen, Netherlands. Not quite Estonia, but shouldn't I get points for sheer distance?

Led & Eslie said...

The sheen on this cake is AWESOME. It's like the cake was taken out for a shoe shine, but instead, it got a cake shine. I can just see Scatman Crothers from The Shining talking to the cake now - "You got the shine on ya!" Oh, and by the way, the cheesecake below it looks fab!

Leslie R.

Mary said...

The comment from Mary (the awesomepossum): the shade of brown is the exact shade of one of my favourite shirts. Any cake that reminds me of my favourite clothing, well, you know that's got to be delicious!

Also, look at that master dribbling of chocolate (I'm assuming) over that beautifully askew, possibly "topsy-turvy" pile of delectable (I'm assuming) cake (which I'm also assuming). Mmmm. Nothing quite like it.

gatofish said...

Good to FINALLY see a cake that honors the yurts that manage to stay upright after mudslides!

Kudos to the awesome engineers/architects whose mad skillz/sheer blind luck inspire cake decorators to reach for the-- uh, chocolate paraffin.

And they, in turn, inspire us all.

Suniverse said...

Um, it's shiny and glisteny. Like it's protruding from a big bowl of water.

Unknown said...

It would be really awesome if that was just a giant pile of money hiding under there, and... also awesome if I don't get sick from touching it

IrishNYC said...

...and the ganache is so shiny!

burton said...

Sure, I feel like a bit of a mercenary leaving a comment on a day when there is a prize on the line...but there were poo cakes!

I love poo cakes!

warp.nine said...

This cake is clearly more than it seems. It speaks to your very /soul/. It conveys the message of the consumerism ripping at the world from all corners, and the mountains of chocolate (our mass consumerism) melting away because of the shallowness of our greed.

That or it's a lovely crafted pile of poop. I'm not quite sure.

Either way, pursing your lips, turning your head to the side, and then closing your eyes really helps to bring it into focus.

Anonymous said...

The backsplash, did you see how awesomely shiny that backsplash is. You could see youreself in it. I guess seeing shiny moutains of goopy mud could be awesome too.
Missi S.

mellytheg said...

This cake looks like product of a colonic. And colonics promote a healthy digestive tract therefore allowing your body to absorb more nutrients and water from the food you eat!


Taylor Prouty said...

Oh, wow, that chocolate coating is so...smooth! It's almost like they poured it DIRECTLY OVER THE CAKE and just LEFT IT ON THE COOLING MARBLE.

Elizabeth Spinner said...

Now *that's* how to put chocolate frosting on a cupcake! Bravo! Also, the marble slab is pretty.

Elizabeth Spinner

Ellen said...

I absolutely love the blue in the marble base, and the mirror in the background was so clean - they MUST have used Windex. And the shine on the icing was very nice too - I didn't see one hair in it. Looks like it was spit shined. The photo was excellent too, no blurry picture here. WOW, I can't say enough wonderful things about THIS cake. (or perhaps I've already said too much)

Ellen Goza

Sari Everna said...

I have no doubt I'm echoing at least half a dozen other people, but I like that piece of marble. I used to use a piece of marble as a cutting board. It was black, though. I also have real dishes now.

Anonymous said...

This is the result of eating corn and having a clean colon, which is of course AWESOME!!!

TableforTwo said...

That ganache looks nice and smooth. So much better than lumpy ganache. Because lumps just don't come out of the hole Pretty. Smooth ganache is awesome.

Rebecca-Yes I am an attorney, no I am not yours- W.

Anonymous said...

The glossy finish - a way better choice than matte for everything from your eldest child's grad photos, to the flowing locks of hair on a model trying to sell a shine-inducing shampoo, to steaming heaps of... cake.
Stef H
aka TravelsWithGnomes

SoCalLynn said...

It's shiny.

Mozz said...

Holy crap o moly.. I cant stop laughing...
I just couldnt even contemplate attempting to eat that last cake...

I do a picture this challenge for a digital scrapbooking site, and my poor ladies challenge next month is to make a layout look like a cake lol..
I will link you up once its completed lol...

And so ok I will be Mozz The Digitalscrapateer :P

Pixel said...

I really like that little uncovered spot... because then you can see what kind of cake is on the inside without having to cut it! Who knows! It might not have been chocolate cake, and then you would've been even more disappointed (you know, after the disappointment you suffered from seeing the cake).

Stargirl Heuser

Carolyn said...

Obviously it's a ganache-covered beehive, and the Wreckerator was kind enough to leave an opening for the bees to come and go as they please. So, chocolate, honey, and live bees - what could be more awesome?
-Carolyn W.

Mac said...

Be sure to purchase enough so that when they have been "wiped clean" the marble tiles can be installed in the bathroom.

Jules said...

C'mon... that's craptastic!! I mean, think of all of the strain that the wreckerator needed to put into that... it's hardly a number 2 job! And really, I don't think there's been such a great movement since Beethoven wrote his last symphony.

Anonymous said...

It's like a chunk of shiny ice! Melting, shiny ice! Melting, brown, shiny ice! But ice slabs are awesome.


plotthickens said...

With that much chocolate, it'd cure ANYONE's PMS.

Anonymous said...

the good thing about that last cake? Brown goes with Everything. Awesome!


Kirsten & Jon said...

The careful placement of the hole in the chocolate coating takes real skill. Yes, a preview of the delicious cake awaiting was appreciated.

Kirsten P.

Birdlady42 said...

Chocolate! 'Nuff said!

Vicki Lucas said...

"no" random quotation marks, no misspelled wurds, NO oDD MiX Of LeTTeR cASe, no SPRINKLES....AWESOME!!!

-Vicki Lucas

BarefootCajun said...'s chocolate and chocolate is always a good thing.

Michele aka BarefootCajun

That Dad said...

Remember how regular the other cakes were? This is the result! And regular is AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

That's the only cake that after you're done with it your pants fit better.
My apologies to Ron White.

Katy S

Erin said...

This cake has been beautifully photographed. The contrast of the whie marble slab with the black background. The icing glistening. I mean, it could look really wrecky if it wasn't photographed so well.

Erin Carter

kady stachowiak said...

Well it is quite shiny, and ummmm.... nobody would be wanting a piece of your cake, so you could have the chocolaty poo shaped goodness all to yourself. Assuming you are brave enough to take a bite.

Docshawn said...

Look at that tempered chocolate - Nice and shiny! No! Wait! Dont!.... drop it.

Beth said...

Lots of chocolate = possibly delicious. Also, the mousehole at the front bottom left could provide shelter for a family of homeless critters.

Beth R.lubs

Jenn said...

This just goes to show that with a lot of grunt work you can doo the impossible and turdally polish one of these until it shines.

(Baroo2u- Jen M.)

Unknown said...

It's what is on the inside that counts..?


Prairie Loon said...

a. The little unfrosted part lets people know that there is cake there. This level of clear communication to people who prefer cake over poo, is AWESOME!

b. The fact that 2 people commenting on that cake get that AWESOME book... well, that's just AWESOME!!!!!!!

Prairie a.k.a. Her Awesomeness

From FAT to FAB said...

Cindy jay from australia....

well ever since my hubby had chemo twice for two lots of cancer.. discussing his bowel movements became a topic... let me tell you the awesome thing about this cake that looks like a pile of crap...

well its not the poop of a person going through chemo.... and that would have to be pretty awesome right????

Mare said...

The mohawked carrot jockey babies all have clean diapers now. That's why the fiber in those carrots is your friend.

Mare from Nowhere

From FAT to FAB said...

Cindy jay from australia....

well ever since my hubby had chemo twice for two lots of cancer.. discussing his bowel movements became a topic... let me tell you the awesome thing about this cake that looks like a pile of crap...

well its not the poop of a person going through chemo.... and that would have to be pretty awesome right????

Just Me said...

Well, at least that 3rd enema worked.........

(And as a nursing home caregiver I say that will full knowledge of the situation at hand).

Britani.C.S. said...

This is such a fitting cake for the bakers Septic Pumper friend. Can you believe the baker did this one for free?!?!?! I have tried so hard to make a cake look like someone took a crap on a piece of marble, and I have never been successful. I like how they even smudged it on the marble! How realistic!!

From FAT to FAB said...

ok sorry if this double posts...

cindy from australia.

well ever since my hubby had chemo twice for two lots of cancer.. discussing his bowel movements became a topic... let me tell you the awesome thing about this cake that looks like a pile of crap...

well its not the poop of a person going through chemo.... and that would have to be pretty awesome right????

srexrode said...

Ah, how "lovely". It looks like it took a while to push out all that.

curiousceridwen said...

Look, "no" misspellings! That's awesome!

Unknown said...

the marble its on is AWESOME!! I LOVE MARBLE! i hope w/ my $8k tax credit i get marble counter tops and that is AWESOME! did i mention my birthday is today & that's AWESOME! & that jen & her AWESOME hubby are AWESOME! AWESOME!!! - Amanda Mintkenbaugh!

Shoeballz said...

My dog helped me make this cake. And spending time with your dog is AWESOME! -ShoeBallz

Foxy9121 said...

That is one shiney poop cake. It glistens more than any poop cake I've ever seen. In fact, one might say the sheen on the shiney, glisteny poop cake is AWESOME!

Amelia said...

I know! It was a pile of hershey's kisses... that melted...and were stepped on...and then thrown back on the cake, and chocolate candies are awesome? - Amelia M.

Kaaren said...

There's one teeeeny piece not covered in poop-like icing. Awesome!

Julia said...

The one good point, the chocolate is amazingly enough STILL on the Marble slab not running off and making a mess. :)

Neroli Henderson said...

I couldn't go for a week, but then after looking at your cake..... awesome!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh!!! Look! A chocolate mountian!!!!! What's better than a mountian o' chocolate? NUTIN'


Anonymous said...

It's so shiny you can almost see your reflection in it! can use it as a mirror, and then you don't have to eat it!
Liv (the Fat one)

Tubby Baker said...

Maybe next time the scarecrow will get his brain..

those roses were nasty.

Minuet said...

It can't be all bad, 1716 comments have to be a good thing. Piles of um, whatever, not so good. ;)

Minuet in Tas

Kore said...

I bet it plays tennis better than a Scotsman.

omniscience said...

It's really shiney! You could probably see a very chocolate-y pooesque reflection of yourself in it!

-jessie k

tjwesson said...

What's awesome about that cake is not its shiny coating of chocolate goo, but lies beneath. How awesome is a cake topped with a pile of dildos? I say, "very!"

Shannon Smith

Korta M. said...

Look how amazingly that last cake was caught after falling from such a great height, landing RIGHT in the middle of that marble board! Now that's good aim!

Kendall Bunch said...

It has GREAT reflective tendencies, or issues, or something like that!

Storm said...

It is so smooth and shiny--it looks soft! And softness is good when it comes to thick swirls of..chocolate. On a marble slab.

(Yaay for fragments!)

Sara said...

Ooh! That last one, oh boy. There are so many things to say about it! It's positively smooth, and look at how artfully the blob on top is placed? It almost follows the 2/3 rule of photography, and the way it reflects light is just.... brilliant.

JD, GM, AvO, and MI said...

It's not a cupcake cake (ptui)! And that is awesome.

Stacy Smith said...

Hey, it's shiny! That means it is fresh. Fresh is awesome!

Sarah Holland said...

It is chocolate, and thus intrinsically awesome.

scrappernic said...

Hmmmm...I'm sitting here stuck, really stuck on something nice to say about that pile of...cake, but the dessert in the front corner looks like it might be tasty :)

Nicole S

Anonymous said...

Wow, I vote for Lynette Cherish These Days. What she said was pretty good.
---Deborah K.

La Yen said...

That baker's colon is SO healthy! Way to eat a variety of fruits and veggies!

Brenda--the corny one said...

The only thing that could make this cake more fantastic is tiny corn kernels mixed in!

And, it's a little funny that my word verification is "pilins". If that's not a pile, then I don't know what is!

purplewowies said...

They've ELIMINATED every bad thing possible on this cake! No one will pooh-pooh it! All other cakes are crappy compared to this!

(It's my fecal favorite!)

Jessica H. (AKA purplewowies)

Anonymous said...

Two words for the last cake:


Makes me drool, all that melty chocolatey goodness. :D

KarenElizabeth said...

But, it's so shiny! Their cake polishing abilities are obviously top-notch!

Cooper said...

This reminds me of 30 Rock, where Liz Lemon hates Jenna's movie "The Rural Juror" but finds something "nice" to say anyway.

"Those TREES were awesome!"
"The programs were easy to read!"
"You *looked* beautiful.."

If you haven't seen that episode, watch it now. It will change your life :)

Vanessa H said...

My father is infamous for always pointing out the good things in bad situations... we call him "Silver Lining Man". I'm going to make sure he sees this post! :)

carla said...

The cold marble kept the chocolate/frosting from going any further.

Anonymous said...


Krysta Carhart and Amanda Robertson said...

If I had labored and strained and produced that load of . . . whatever, I'd feel. . . AWESOME!

Annimal said...

Oh, it's a metaphor for life--no matter how "crappy" your life, no matter how high the climb, there's always cake to make everything better!

kkicks said...

The color brown reminds me of dirt, dirt helps flowers to grow and flowers are beautiful.


As in, Sher-wood like to win that book!

Kathleen said...

Well, the icing is really, REALLY nice and shiny! Almost reflective. Yup, no wondering if someone's sneaking up behind you with murderous intentions when you're staring into the blinding glow of that cake, nosirree.

Unknown said...

It's Shiny! When the cake is cut up into slices, I'm sure those will be pleasant. It looks like it's covered in a shiny chocolate shell which will give the eater a nice chocolaty satisfying crunch.

Amanda said...

Ladies and gentlemen, please turn your attention to the most interesting result of our "make your own volcano" competition. This stunning piece will leave you agog with wonder. I know what you are thinking: "This doesn't look anything like a volcano." But look closely and the frozen flow of icing, doesn't it resemble the flow of cooling lava?

Hmm...where is everyone going...and why do they look so green?

Amanda, the bad science fair announcer

Stephanie J said...

It is a chocolate covered Mountain :-)

Really want to win, lol

Stephanie Kay Johnson

Aneela said...

That's clearly the awesome result of eating the corn cake.

Trixie Falsae said...

Hey! Even after you eat this cakes, it won't change color or consistency! lightening the work load on your digestive system.. Awesome!

Veet Voojagig said...

It'll help things grow really well in the garden!

lisa bowman said...

So after the "colon cleanser" and the "regularity of the folds" I don't think there's any thing wrong with that nice shiny pile of ....stuff. It's the natural progression of life.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate is good for you? That is awesome? Lots of chocolate....yeah....chocolate poo glob....makes me hungry.....that's it...

Rashelle, the chocolate poo lover

queenbee123 said...

The black behind that cake is AWESOME. It's a void you can escape into to avoid the horrors of that... um... "cake". And avoiding that kind of horror is totally AWESOME.

amyhalesmith said...

So much awesomeness in one cake! It was tough to narrow it down, but here are my top 3 favorite awesome characteristics:

1. The cake itself is amazingly round & flat. Like a large hockey puck.... but a cake!

2. Some cakes make buyers guess what flavor they will be, but this one takes the guesswork out of buying a cake - there's an awesome hole where the icing didn't quite cover so you KNOW that it's a chocolate cake!

3. That mound of icing... Can you see how asymmetrical it is? There's got to be a solid 6" of icing, and yet it hasn't fallen off! That icing has amazing sticking skills!

Libby Meehan said...

I see two people underneath that chocolate glaze. That's why there's a little hole at the bottom: for air. Preventing death by chocolate: awesome!

Quincy said...

It STILL looks better than the cake I baked a friend for her birthday, and I have pictures to prove it.

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