Thursday, February 25, 2010

World's Worst Pictionary Players

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Seriously - don't let any of these Wreckerators on your team.

On the one hand, I know this is probably supposed to be a car.

On the other hand... are you frickin' kidding me?

You know that control panel on Darth Vader's chest plate - the thing with all the boxes and lights? Yeah, that. Well, imagine that mashed up with a guitar, only they're both made out of balloons. Or maybe jelly beans. Got it? Can you see it? Good.

Now, tell me...does the thing you're imagining...look something like this?

Yes? No?
A-hah! Dang, I'm good.

Ok, here's where things get interesting: Go grab your friends/co-workers/family members, and see who can correctly identify these objects the fastest (if at all). Answers are at the bottom.




Time's up!

How'd you do? Here are your answers:

1) A hand mixer. Or possibly a hair dryer. But probably a hand mixer.

2) Ballet slippers

3) A helicopter

4) I have no idea. Really. Your guess is as good as mine. (Ugly little bugger, though, isn't it?)

Heather E., Anne D., Lisa O., Leah C., Tessa, & Jenny, if you're lucky enough to live near Austin, Texas, you simply MUST go to the That Takes The Cake show this weekend. Their theme this year is Science Fiction & Fantasy, people. I hear someone is making a gumpaste Zaphod Beeblebrox. I mean, come ON. Could that BE any cooler?

- Related Wreckage: Cue Cards, Please?
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Jenny said...

No way...helicopter?? I could have sworn it was an abstract fire hose.

Lysh said...

My guesses: 1 - hand mixer, 2 - some sort of pink fish, 3 - a grey life raft with an oar in a grey ocean and 4 totally escapes me!! Wow!! And I thought I was a bad artist!!

Unknown said...

coming in after 200 other comments, someone probably already said this, but i believe the 'helicopter' is actually a record player. and the last one is likely a frontal view of a car of some sort?
i just can't get over some of these they actually SELL? i can't imagine picking it up and PAYING for it...and offering it to ANYONE!

Culinarychiq said...

Um why is there an elephant with chicken pox singing on that cookie cake?

Wow those last cakes are just awful, I thought the ballet slippers were a pink fortune cookie (at least that's my PG impression) and I'm still playing Magic Eye with that last one:-P

sjjannen said...

Hey, I totally got the hand mixer and the ballet slippers (although to be honest, my thought process no,, BALLET SLIPPERS!), but the helicopter totally fooled me into thinking it was a shovel on top of some cement feces.

And in trying to make sense of the last one, I was thinking maybe a pin, if the bar part is where it's pinned, and there's a little purple wannabe heart dangling from

sjjannen said...

oh, and I like how the user apparently spattered cookie dough ALL OVER the hand mixer, but in a series of perfect circles in a fairly uniform pattern. Even I'm not that messy--or precise(?).

Anonymous said...

I thought #3 might be a curling stone. It looks more like that than a helicopter, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

I thought the helicopter looked like a curling stone.

Rainyday said...

My 3 year old said:

1. A shooter (gun)
2. A diaper
3. A guitar
4. Curlies

Anonymous said...

I got them all wrong! my guesses were:

A) wind tunnel
B) ladybug of some deformed sort
C) snake that just made a giant stone poop
D) turtle

Anners said...

1) hand mixer
2) lungs (sooo off!)
3) a paddle left floating up the creek
4) ???
I'm not sure what they're on, but I'll have a little of whatever it is please and thank you!

Annette L said...

1) mixer
2) fish
3) Starship Enterprise-yeah J. R.!
4) Love Bug

Randi said...

I guessed: 1) hand mixer with chicken pox; 2) lips? 3) an oar floating on top of a whirlpool where the canoe has presumably sunk; 4) Pablo Picasso took acid and threw up.

MoodyRedHead said...

God help me, I got the helicopter. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I'm a little scared.

Natalie said...

Haha, I thought the "helicopter" was a record player. And the "ballet slippers" were some sort of fish-lips hybrid. D:

monicael said...

I thought #4 was a 70s VW bug.av

Shirley said...

I didn't get any of the others, but I KNOW what number 4 is!!
Its the middle bit of the Ninky Nonk - no seriously, its a kind of train thingy on a BBC television programme called In the Night Garden.
I only know because I have an 18 month old granddaughter...

Wolverine Girl said...

Okay here are my guesses. Sorry they're so late, but that's what I get for living in Australia and being asleep when you post.

1. A hand mixer that's been left sitting dirty for so long that it has developed globules of mold, which have spread out and started taking over the rest of the cake. Yummy.

2. Two pink footballs stuck together. Seriously, can people only see one?

3. A horrid red and grey gloopy record player. I eventually saw the helicopter after much looking, but to me it looks like it's upside down and about to crash into the moon.

4. Teenage mutant hippie turtle. Also with mold. Yeah groovy baby cowabunga dude.

wv: gonal. Oh dear, I'd better not go there.

angie and tyler said...

my 3 year old son called the first one a house.

Juniper said...

I'm with the consensus on the mixer (you'd think someone who worked in a cake shop would know what a mixeer looked like though?), tailless fish, and hippy bus (a bus with only one wing mirror and the nose of a dog, but a bus all the same), but I thought 3 was a horribly murdered snail. I couldn't for the life of me think of an occasion where anyone would want a horribly murdered snail on their cake, but then I couldn't think of a reason why anyone would want a cake that looked like that whatever it was...

Arcturian1 said...

The top one looks like the Canadian Maple Leaf

Vanessa Martin said...

My guesses were:
1. a hand mixer (are those Nilla wafers on it?)
2. Hmmm...maybe lips? a pink helmet?
3. A record player (see the arm over the record?)
4. A turtle with a caterpillar on it's back (my children just laughed at me)

These decorators need serious mental health insurance.

WV = doses (I can only handle small doses of this web site without hurting myself with laughter!)

Kathryn H said...

1) yeah, I got mixer. Ugly mixer.
2) I puzzled over why the pink fish has no tail.
2)Why it's a Classic White Picnic Cake, or course!
3) It's vehicular. I think.

That shiny icing on the picnic cake. Eew.

msyendor said...

1) some weird kind of air cannon mounted on a pair of square frames

2)mutant tulip

3) distracted by the grayness of the "white" cake, but then the beginning of a clay coil pot with a child's plastic toy shovel, possibly for molding use

4) Monet's interpretation of a couch (that works when I take of my glasses)

Mira said...

Periodically, I draw to entertain my nephew. I can't draw, but he's only five and very forgiving. That cupcake car looks exactly like how I draw a car. I can also do a passable kitty. Clearly I have a big future as a wreckerator.

Bree said...

It's a shame about the Darth Guitar cake, because the handwriting and musical notes were quite nice.

As for the unknowns, I guessed
1. hand mixer
2. a lopsided heart
3. target with arrow
4. alien life form

Beth said...

So I went with 1) hair dryer or spilled coffee cup 2)football bustier
3)Star Trek poo 4) ????

Debbie Culpepper said...

#4 is a turtle? Right?

Jenny said...

1) hand mixer
2) butterfly (no one else saw that?)
3) spatula on a pan
4) This is my Wreck!! It was found on New Year's Eve, if that's a clue? I thought it was a sheep, but that makes two of us...

Kasha said...

I totally thought the hand mixer was some weird cigarette things (that or a cannon)

I thought the slippers were a corset of some sort...

And the helicopter.... I figured it was a unicycle ><!

I'm no good at these guessing games haha

christina said...

my guesses were
1) hair dryer (half yay!)
2) slippers (90% yay!)
3) curling stone (maybe just because the olympics has been showing curling like 24/7)
4) vw 60s hippie van (seems to be the general consensus)

Anonymous said...

#1-no idea

#2-a pair of lungs with horribly broken/misshapen ribs

#3-not a clue

#4-what Van Gogh's "Starry Night" would have looked like if he was using LSD

Niki said...

if that's a helicopter, it's upside down plunging into the ocean...
what a horrific way for your horrific death to be memorialized...

Anonymous said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME????!!! This is what passes for cake decorating. Oh my God. There's no way that was a pair of ballet slippers. I saw a deformed fish. You know, one that was too close to the nuclear bombs at the bottom of the ocean. But not a pair of ballet slippers.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that #3 was a coiled fire hose, with the nozzle on top.

Unknown said...

My guesses were:

1. Hand mixer
2. A very odd looking butterfly
3. A sandbox with appropriate tools for digging
4. Bwuh?!

Anonymous said...

1. hand mixer
2. fish
3. disembowled snail? DX
4. the rear view of a VW bug with lots of flower decals...maybe

Oh, you MUST post a picture of Zaphod!cake on Sunday. I need to see this so badly.

Anonymous said...

#4 has got to be a VW van... kind of has a "Mystery Machine" vibe if you squint your eyes... lol

stephanie said...

These are the best Wrecks ever! That Darth Vader jellybean guitar definitely reminded me of a chicken thigh...

My guesses...
1: WTF?!?!
2: ballet slippers
3: raft with oar
4: Scooby's Mystery Machine

I died when I read the answers though; this was SO good!!!!

Ady said...

1) Canon shooting out canon balls

2) Butterfly (for some reason)

3) ... grey poo anyone? ANYONE?!

4) No idea, at all

Good pics to use for those mental IQ questions :D

Carolin said...

I thought #3 looked like an oar in a life raft...

#2 was ballet slippers - really??? it looks kinda like a corset gone wrong to me!

Ms M said...

Ballet slippers? Yeah...right.

Helicopter??? :O I'm still trying to see it.

Final picture? No idea. So artistic. :O

Anonymous said...

NO WAY thats a helicopter!! Who told you that? they LIED!! Love your blog, keep on keepin on.

kylakae said...

We do have the coolest cake show on the planet. Someone else I know is making Golem. I can't wait to see all our entries. I hope you can make it next year. Our them will be comic books! How cool is that?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I never would have guessed ballet slippers...I thought: lungs with corset strings...

Anonymous said...

The third one is an inner tube with a paddle, I think. Not seeing any helicopters.

Jenifer said...

My guesses:
1) a sewing machine
2)the word "DANCE" gave it away
3) record player
4) a taxi

lenny said...

Lynnette sez:

1. My sister-in-law plays pictionary like this.

2. That's totally a chicken leg in pic 2.

Anonymous said...

1. handmixer
2. lips
3. record player
4. no idea!

Shelley Dayton said...

A helicopter?! Really?

Hill said...

A few people have said the fourth cake is the Mystery Machine... found this pic of a nice Mystery Machine cake.

Andie said...

I dunno; that cookie cake 'guitar' looks to me like Zombie Pac-man crawling out of a bathroom stall (made of balloons?) with t.p. stuck where the sun don't shine. O.o

WV: gorit. Onomatopeia for vomiting a little in one's mouth. "Why is there a flaming spatula on a gray poo swirl?" *gorit*

Anonymous said...

4 is a bug, the black thing is the steering wheel.

Marie said...

My guesses to those crazy wrecks were 1. Either a hand dryer or a mixer, 2. A horribly disfigured piranha 3. Someone trying to claw their way out of a block of cement with a fork, and 4. Someone on an acid trip decorating a cake of unknown origins.

Anonymous said...

Where is your olympic spirit #3 is obviously that big stupid rick they shove out during curling... on the bumpiest ice rink ever.

DJ said...

I got the hand mixer; I thought the ballet slippers were a pink fish; the closest to a guess I came up with on the helicopter was that it was a backward Navy issued lollypop (the Navy is partial to grey); and the last one ... well I decided it must be a newly designed Toyota.

Hey Wedding Lady said...


Leah said...

1. A hand mixer
2. Lips
3. A dinghy with an oar
4. a VW bug

Unknown said...

Ballet slippers? Get out! If anything I suppose they could pass for effeminate leprechaun shoes?

Unknown said...

#4 Has to be The Mystery Machine!

Anonymous said...

I thought number 3 was a flat volcano XD

Taylor P. said...

A hand mixer! Awesome, I rock! Ballet slippers, cool, nothing can beat me! That's--!, crud.

Unknown said...

Sheri said...
1)mixer or a hair dryer
2) bustier for Madonna
3) no idea really but it does look exactly like a metal detector now that someone else has mentioned it.
4)VW bug from the 60's.
I am kinda scared that I am beginning to understand CCC's!

PattiH05k said...

for the last one, I was going to guess the scooby mobile...

Kelly said...

Thanks for the info about the show in Austin--I'm totally going to that. It looks super cool!

Natalie said...

I thought the first one was a mailbox. The second looks like the Barbie version of a tribal mask. The third looks like a graduation cap. The fourth could have something to do with being high..

Unknown said...

I thought:

1. Cannon
2. Weird lips
3. A shovel on a pile of poo (to clean it up, naturally, though why anyone would want to celebrate such with a cake . . .)
4. Some kind of car (*what* kind, I have no idea)

Pie said...

I think 4)is a flower.

Qatie said...

1) Hand mixer
2) Fish - though now I can sort of see the slippers. At least, I can see all the ribbons to tie them on with. In retrospect, the word "DANCE" should have been a clue...
3) Shovel and bucket, bird's eye view - like for making a sandcastle. Either that, or someone's trying to clean up poo from someone with serious liver or gall bladder disease. I still don't see the helicopter.
4) Road-kill turtle or psychadelic compost pile.

Anonymous said...

I think the last one is a police car in the rain. The black thing on the side is his spotlight and the black V shape is a windshield wiper. His town is on a budget and could only afford one wiper.

Fat Bottom Bakery said...

I got the first two, but I definitely thought the third was a turntable! Like for sure. Still can't see the helicopter.

Sabrina said...

I got the hand mixer, but I guessed Butterfly, Snail, & Gay Raccoon with yellow shades for the other ones.

Anonymous said...

I think the last one looks like a Cinderella carriage? Maybe?

Anonymous said...

come on 4 is obviously a shag-waggon.

Heather said...

#4 is definitely a turtle. Can't you tell that the black cupcakes are a head and 2 legs?

That's my guess anyway...

ACM said...

Reading everyone's guesses is as entertaining as this post! I guess getting the hand mixer right wasn't much of an accomplishment. My other guesses:

2. Sideways tulip head (although I'm glad to see pink football came to other peoples' minds as well).

3. I got banjo (you have to want to see it). Curling rock was my favourite guess on that one.

4. I saw the Magic School Bus, which I guess shows my age difference from all the 'Mystery Machine' guesses, haha.

Jen said...

The red part of the guitar looks like Mojojojo's head to me. >.>

Anonymous said...

1. Sewing machine
2. Lips
3. The moon
4. car?


Anonymous said...

After reading all the comments, I went back to see if they helped identify these wrecks. Not so much. I thought #1 was a mixer, but I'm less sure now - maybe Jodee or Ian will let us know (did they graduate from barber school or cooking school). #2 looks like anything but ballet shoes - I thought pink football but now will go with Ms. Pacman. #3 I thought was an oar on gray icing, and I don't see helicopter. Put in a call to Whole Foods which I realized wrecked this only when I enlarged the photo. #4 I'm sure is a vehicle. Go back and enlarge it, close one eye, and squint with the other. It's a hippy ambulance with a light on top. Tricia

jane smith said...

I'm gonna go with #4 owl.
Face only of course.

BADKarma! said...

That first wreck... It's not a car... It's a metastasizing tumor on wheels... O_O

Tova said...

I guessed: 1.) a mixer thing! Yessssssss
2.) A heart
3.) a very disproportionate baseball bat and ball
4.) I forget... haha

seriously, though, I am soooooooooooo not seeing the helicopter.

AngElaqueate said...

My mom says that the last one is a psychedelic police punch buggy.

Isabella said...

I *think* the fourth one is what the Mystery machine looks like when Shaggy sees it coming straight towards him after one too many "Scooby Snax"..... Since we all know that Scooby Snax have some very interesting, illegal probably even in Amsterdam type ingredients....

Jessica said...

I got the helicopter!!!
didnt do so well on the others

thecarie said...

obviously the "helicopter" is actually a curling stone. DUH! Olympics-theme-week. At least, it looks FAR more like a curling stone than a helicopter. wha?

Darlene said...

Okay, slightly out of order here, but my guesses were :
1)statue to the electric egg beater
2)pair of lips after the dog gets at it

But the third one actually isn't a wreck, ya know ;p . It is an illustration of what it would be like to be up s**t creek WITH a paddle!

Alana Skye said...

The last one is a pixelated nude Marge Simpson on a flowery sofa on wheels.

Anonymous said...

Thought I would revisit these wrecks with a clear head this morning. If you enlarge the mixer/hair dryer cake and read the computer's name for it, you will find that it is for a bridal shower. Yeah. That clears it up. Tricia

jo said...

1) a hand mixer, but why is it covered in poop brown polka dots? batter doesn't splatter so evenly... those beaters are sad, too.

2)I have no idea. a pink finless fish? or a girlie football that someone took a bite out of? i don't see ballet slippers AT ALL. good thing they wrote "Dance"--like that will help. I didn't even notice until you gave the answer.

3) is SO not a helicopter! it's a gray "white picnic cake." my guess is that the swirly gray icing is water (supposed to be blue) and the round thing is a raft and the red thing is an oar, for a whitewater rafting enthusiast. or someone who just lost their boat. I'm not feeling too creative to figure out the rest of the possibilities today.

4) with the swirly colors and flowers--is Scooby Doo's Magic Mystery Machine. obviously.

btw, nice taxi. love how lumpy it is and how the wheels are in the CENTER of the car. how does it balance?

wv: fliess--what these cakes need to be PERFECT.

Mich said...

No way... #2 is DEFINITELY the Audrey II!

PotsyinAz said...

A helicopter? Wow. I got m-a-y-b-e a sand shovel & pail...and that's ONLY because the label says "picnic cake" on it. lol Those are some real wrecks today! hehe

Elizabeth said...

1. hand mixer

2. corset

3. my hubby says it looks like poop creek, but WITH a paddle - lol

4. we really do need random drug testing for bakery workers...

Anonymous said...

Here's a whole BUNCH of great Mystery Machine cakes-- and I want one!

Anonymous said...

A gray poo-copter? Was that necessary? :) --Samantha

Merenwen said...

I guessed: 1) hand mixer/egg beater/etc, 2) a fish, 3) a curling stone, and 4) a sheep - perhaps a hippie sheep, or a graffiti sheep. Eh.

Jo-Momma said...

OK, the first one was easy, just never seen a polka dotted hand mixer before. The second one I got cause I tilted my head and could read the word dance on the board. Not exactly sure HOW you get helicopter from #3 as I thought it was possibly a frying pan with a spatula or a banjo. My best guess on #4 is some sort of hippy-ized turtle?

jo said...

wait, is that a helicopter landing on a raft in the ocean? with propellers spinning so fast we can't see them? or are we looking UNDER the helicopter and that swirly circle is the propellers and the swirly gray stuff is the sky. huh.

oh, and that guitar is most definitely inspired by Dr. Seuss with those colors and curves

jo said...

why is there a blue cupcake on top of the mystery machine? did they upgrade an ambulance or something? is that a siren or light?

and that mixer cake,er, cookie cake? (those look like vanilla wafers stuck on it. wtf?) what are we wishing them luck for? baking a cake? taking a pastry class? entering a baking competition (which the baker wouldn't qualify for)? hosting a bake sale?

what a pg-rated 1950's design if that's intended for a wedding. or a weeding.a mixer? at least make it a kitchenaid. lingerie for some, phallic symbols for others. but NO. old-fashioned kitchen tools to remind the poor girl of her expected culinary servitude.

they should have used an old fashioned hand-crank egg beater! (which could not be mistaken for an elephant with the pox)

Anonymous said...

I love these guess-what-it-is posts. It inspires so much creativity from the commenters. Bravo, people!

Erin H said...

The last one reminds me of an angry pink bischon with a major skin problem...

Erin H

Abigail said...

1. hand mixer
2. pink ladybug
3. looked like a rowing oar on a pile or poo.
4. Flower Power/tie-die turtle?

Anonymous said...

I have officially decided that I look at this website too much. And here is my evidence:

I got all three answers right.

Blake said...

I thought the second one was an off colored football LOL! (American style football of course.)And I think the fourth one is some kind of funky firetruck. But that's just me.

Anonymous said...

1. hand mixer
2. laced up corset
3. inner tube with oar
4. VW hippie van.

Anonymous said...

I got the mixer, but failed miserably from there. To me the shoes were a human heart, the helicopter was a record player, and I had NO idea what the last one was!

Tristan Elyse Jude said...

There was a sweet egg and face-hugger from Alien at the cake show in Austin.

Anonymous said...

i thought the helicopter was a spatula on a gray hamburger on a gray grill. and why does the hand mixer have chicken pox? i thought numer two was lips. this also makes me wonder who wanted these wrecks in the first place.

Miss Meredith said...

hahahahaha. i thought #3 was a sperm attacking an egg

Awesome Aunt Kelly said...

I totally thought in the spirit of the Olympics, that No. 3 was a curling stone and the broom things that they use to clear the ice with.


Gale said...

My guesses were:

1) A hand mixer.

2) A fish

3) Grey poop and ?

4) A spray painted sheep with a stomach wound and flowers in it's fur?

Christina M. said...

Ditto on the 4th "cake" looking like the magic mystery machine. Particularly if the wreckerator in question ran out of green and had to do it completely from fuzzy memory.

(WV:typneake, which at first glance makes me wonder if they're asking me if I'm typing while naked. Should I be?)

Anonymous said...

Oh my good grief #3!!!!! What the heck is that?!?! And does that say wholefoods! :O Wow what a disaster, I would surely not pay for that if I had ordered that, whatever it is! it is surely NOT a helicopter! LOL!

Unknown said...

My guess on the last one?

Banana Slug on a Bed of Posies.


Anonymous said...

These were so Easy!
1. a hand mixer - and best wishes to the happy couple & their kinky sex life.
2. a really ugly conch shell. no? ballet slippers - seriously???
3. a helicopter landing on an electric stove. duh.
4. a tie-dyed sheep on acid. Obviously.

I can't wait to see the gumpaste Zaphod!!! Hopefully they'll go old school with 2 proper heads instead of the truly bizarre head-in-neck thing from the American movie.


SarahG said...

that cake with the guitar is Great American Cookies stock image of a cake. the artist did an alright job. the person who designs standard cakes for GAC should be fired. pick up a brochure and look at their version of a dolphin.

when i was working there i couldnt stand the guitar. it looks like a mickey mouse face with a phallic object protruding form its head crossed with a banjo. it was so bad i had to find another image online.

Anonymous said...

#3 in pictionary would be a representation of "up $h!t creek without a paddle"

C. Moore

Anonymous said...

My guesses:
ballet slippers (the word "dance" was a hint)

My 5 year old son's guesses, which are more fun than mine:
I don't know... just flowers

The Cookery said...

My take was:
1.Hand mixer
3.A hand/stick blender over well arranged diarrhea
4.A girly GPS (green monitor with a pink body)

Anonymous said...

The second one looked like a pair of disfigured lips.

Masha said...

Actually, with the first cake, I first saw it as a bus/car, then some eyeballs under a hat, then a rollerskating girl without a head (or maybe just a dancing dress), and then as a motorized fish with a nightcap on.

Oh, and here are mine and my boyfriend's guesses: 1.) An elephant with laser vision; 2.) A football fish; 3.) A... tank?; and 4.) Something horrid from the 70's.

codeman38 said...

Wait, #3 is supposed to be a *helicopter*? I thought it was a mortar and pestle.

Feisty_Granny said...

My guesses were a
A.mixer clam
C.chicken leg on a grill
D.'just married' car

Katie said...

I got the electric mixer, but I thought 2 was a ladybug, 3 was an oar on top of some white shit, and the last one - well, some sort of psychedelic automobile.

Anonymous said...

#4 is a hippy decorated VW bug from the back (or the front I ca't tell just not a side angle)'s made out of cupcakes

Unknown said...

I thought the helicopter cake was a unicycle actually.

Miss Dosentwanttogivehermane said...

I thought the fourth one wasa hippie turtle with a blue sanil on it's back

Anonymous said...

im thinking the last one could be a 60s technicolour buggy?

I see the hand mixer.. I but whats with the chicken pox...

and the ballet slippers??? I was thinking demented lips...

Unknown said...

The last one is a car. Look at it as the front of the car coming at you. Probably a police car. Siren on top. Spot light on the right side. The yellow area is the windshield and you can see the steering wheel on the right side in the windshield area.

Anonymous said...

I think the last one is a car!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the last one is the Mystery Mobile from Scooby Doo

Coco said...

A helicopter? Aren't the blades supposed to be on top? Not that THAT is the main problem...

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I did see the beater, I even figured out the ballet slipper with the "dance" help from the decorator. However 3) is a shovel and pail at the ocean, and 4) is a turtle, I think.........still pondering though.

Anonymous said...

I guessed 1)a very crude drawing of a hand mixer , 2)a lovely corset much needed after eating cake, 3)the strangest record player I've ever seen, and 4)the back end of a car (but I had to squint and tilt my head a few times before it became clear to me). That was a fun game! You should do more of these.

reva said...

i work at a bakery, and sadly...i've known decorators to pull worse stuff out of their butt then this. oh, i wish i'd taken pictures for you :)

Cupcakes Lady said...

I could have sworn that helicopter was a record player. I see it too. Lol xx

MB said...

My guesses were:
1) A plug-in fan of sorts
2) A demented ladybug
3) A red spoon stuck in poop made by a dog who ate cement
4) Hallucinations caused by LSD

Anonymous said...

I guessed 1)hand mixer 2) a messed up pair of lips 3) a shovel ona pile of grey poo 5) Who would air brush on a pair of crotchless panties?

Katherine said...

I think 4 is supposed to be a fire engine, maybe?

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