Monday, February 15, 2010

Seeing Star Wars

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's ok: you can tell me I've been staring at cakes too long, and need to step away from the 'net for a while. I can take it.


Remember this guy from last year?

It's Admiral Ackbar!
Sure, he looks like he's offering you his heart, but..."it's a trap!"

Note: This is Admiral Ackbar:

Well, now I'm seeing his friends pop up in other Wrecks.

Be honest, now. If I told you to imagine a cutsie-fied version of a rancor beast, wouldn't something like this come to mind?

A rancor beast:

And from the context I'm assuming this next thing is supposed to be a bee or maybe a bear...

...but all I can see is a disemboweled Jar Jar Binks.

Granted, that could just be wishful thinking.

Haley B., Val L., & Sarah S., you are to wear these clown shoes and refer to yourselves as Mary. Why? Because I think this video is frickin' hilarious:

- Related Wreckage: What's Love Got to Do With It?
Helena Handcart said...

Has that "bee" had a giant disembodied ear grafted to its stomach? Yikes.

wv: ristot
The ristot the cakes are wrecks too.

Anonymous said...

George Lucas swears that kids who've been growing up with Jar Jar love him. Can you imagine??

I enjoyed the silent, disemboweled Jar Jar much more, actually, so thanks for that. :)

purplewowies said...

Y'know, the last one COULD be a bear... but perhaps that's wishful thinking as well.

Erin said...

good one, Jen. I agree with your wishful thinking about JarJar. I speak Russian and if you can imagine it, he's even worse in Russian. ick.

Melvira said...

Actually... I think that's a bear, not a bee. But that video is hilarious either way! ;)

Luma said...

I think it's a bear, not a bee. Y'know how winnie the pooh was yellow? Yeah...

Unknown said...

From the context, I'd guess the second one is supposed to be a frog, and the last one is supposed to be a bear sitting next to a beehive, but those are just guesses. They definitely look alien. And extremely unappetizing. (Anybody who wants to disembowel JarJar gets my vote.)

Sara said...

A bear, maybe? I'm a little afraid that I'm getting better at figuring out the wrecks. This has to be the first step to an insanity plea.

Katie said...

I'm going to have to remember to watch that video when I get home from work! <3 me some Star Wars.

Honestly, I think the last one looks more like someone cut Jabba the Hutt in two. Kind of like what you can do to worms, and both halves keep squirming.

Anonymous said...

I could "bee" wrong, but cake #3 looks to me like it's supposed to be a disappointed bear, or honey badger maybe?

It's definitely wrecktastic, whatever the amorphous yellow blob of icing was intended to be.

Maybe I have looked at one too many regretsy postings because the pink goo looks more like a certain part of the female anatomy, and I can't figure out at all what it was intended to represent.

Here's a link that explains, with a NSFW picture of a teddy bear with hand-sewn... erm... parts.


Anonymous said...

That is not a bee, but a bear. A bear that is a VERY good listener.

Anonymous said...

Well, whatever the hive-themed monstrosity is, it's beyond bad. If my "honey" gave that to me, I'd know exactly how to answer the question-mark-less question on the cake: outta here!


The Shitty Astrologer said... that dung pile on the "Where's my Honey?" cake...(taking a long crap?, don't ask don't tell).

Maria said...

Isn't the last one a jaundiced pig eating a severed human ear?

jackie31337 said...

That video is too hilarious, and it looks to have pretty high production quality. I'd love to know where it came from.

WV: dertie. Don't eat that cake on the floor, it's dertie.

jengersnap said...

I have altered the cake. Pray I don't alter it any further.

Anonymous said...

I guess we could call that bear/bee Winnie the Pooh-Pooh? Looks like a cowflop that someone pressed a prosthetic ear into.

Anonymous said...

Disemboweled Jar Jar standing next to a juandiced Jaba the Hutt.

Anonymous said...

that green one reminds me a little of ET but I think you called it right.

meanwhile, that "bee" has paws and claws! it looks like a fat baby dragon with a stomach issue. or maybe it's a greenish cow with mutilated udders (but i utterly can't explain claws instead of hooves). It is most certainly NOT a bee! what the heck were they thinking? is this from a template? and that "hive" looks like a face. like some sort of silent sidekick....

jo said...

ooh, a bear. a greenish disemboweled one, that's possible! and then being next to a "hive" might be possible. Bears like honey--I bet that was the intention! but why has he been gutted? and why is he greenish? is he sick because his "honey" tore his heart out (through his stomach) and now he's suffering?

mlb said...

this blog is hilarous. i love it!!!

Jules AF said...

Oh man, these scare me.

Terry Lee said...

yikes. i don't know if that's supposed to be the beloved pooh bear next to an alleged bee hive or not ... but what is up with that ear on his rumbly tummy?!

"if the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. it may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear. ~~ winnie the pooh

Anonymous said...

Jackie, this is a clip from Robot Chicken, an Adult Swim show. It consists entirely of short stop-motion sketches like this, usually involving pop culture. They've done two Star Wars special episodes, which are completely worth watching.

DebbraSue said...

Did you know that Jabba in the Polish language (definitely spelled differently) means FROG

Not that it really matters, it's still yucky

Lauren Borquez said...

Wow these are some of the uglyiest creations of creatures I think I've ever seen!!!

Anonymous said...

Bee or Bear... all I'm seeing is a dinosaur with an ear sticking out of its belly!

Fluffy Cow said...

Cake schmake... I'm watching the video again!!

mchughla said...

Love this post. did you see the han solo valentines on buzzfeed?

Hobbit said...

(Comic Book Guy voice) Worst cakes ever!

Thanks for the fantastic clip! I love adult swim!
(yes, I'm a geek.) ;-)

Unknown said...

I grew up with Jar Jar, and definitely DON'T love him. Just saying...

Rev. Eric J Brown said...

Are you sure the very top one isn't supposed to be a Wampa? The Snow Monster from Hoth?

Gary said...

Anonymous said:
"George Lucas swears that kids who've been growing up with Jar Jar love him. Can you imagine??"

Eeeeeeek! Keep those kids away from me!!!!

Rachel M. said...

Could... could the "where's my honey" cake possibly be meant to portray Winnie the Pooh clutching the remains of a burst balloon? Since in the story he tries to reach the honeybees' hive by tying himself to a helium balloon (although it's never specified that there's helium in the balloon, which *always* bothered me) only to require Christopher Robin to shoot the balloon with... um... a BB gun? To help him get down again, after the bees start stinging him? Okay, I'm grabbing at straws here, trying desperately to come up with an explanation for the gross pink shape on that yellow creature.
Aw man. I just remembered that the balloon in that story was very pointedly a BLUE balloon. Hm. I'm still determined to believe that that's supposed to be Pooh and a deflated balloon. Milne *did* write more than one story where a burst balloon played a central role.
WV: boargene
Boargene, one of Piglet's distant relatives, is one of the less savory inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Wood.

Anonymous said...

That rancor wreck was totally a special order by that fat guy who cries when it dies.

Musicalviolin said...

Just wondering, but does anyone else see a "Jabba the Poo" right next to that ugly Jar Jar in the third one?

Amy said...

As one who lives with three Star Wars-obsessed children, thanks for this. You made me laugh out loud...again.

gatofish said...

Jar Jar doesn't look disemboweled to me. It looks like his fetus is coming up for air. :)

Anonymous said...

K said, "Maybe I have looked at one too many regretsy postings because...."

I thought of the very same thing the second I saw that last wreck! Yeee-ikes.

greyfuzzy said...

It's not Jar Jar! The bee-bear thing totally looks like Zorg's little critter from the Fifth Element.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I thought that rancor beast one looked more like a short legged version of that "night club" singer with the huge lips. You know the one....right?

I love the image of a disemboweled Jar Jar. Hee!

Anonymous said...

# 3- the Bee/Bear looks like it has, for some inexpliciable reason, one of those fetus cookies stuck to its belly.

Anonymous said...

Oh... I thought that was Alf...

Anonymous said...

I bought myself that exact frog/rancor cookie thing last year and it didn't make any sense then either.

Unknown said...

i think that bee/bear creature is eating a fetus

not exactly sure how fetuses (feti?) and honey relate though....

Garrett said...

Yes, that's a human ear alright.

Tamara said...

I'm not really sure what scares me more - the wrecks themselves, or your overwhelming knowledge of all things Star Wars...I mean, heck, I didn't think anyone knew more than me :)

Anonymous said...

via craftzine's blog- the valentine looks just like the rancor cake. eerie.

Brittany said...

I personally think that the giant blob in the last picture is reminiscent of Jabba, but that could just be me.

Altissima said...

For the lasst one (bee or bear) I see Alf, the loveable TV alien.

Anonymous said...

See, I kind of thought that the first wreck looked more like a wampa, the ice monster from Hoth:

Which makes it all the more disturbing that he's handing you a heart; is it his or one he's pulled out of a rebel fighter who got lost in the snow.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, that second one looks a bit like a Slitheen...

Misty said...

The bee-hive next to Jar Jar reminds me not a little of Jabba the Hut.

LaurenH said...

Ha ha! The first one makes me think of the Human Being mascot on 'Community'

Carol said...

Hee hee hee hee!!!! LOVE that video!! Thanks for posting that! :D (oh, and fyi....I am planning a baby shower cake very soon for my best friend.....and we are both huge star trek geeks.....mwahahahaha!!)

ksaldria said...

Robot Chicken FTW! XD

Paloma said...

That thin on the "bear/honey/michelin-man " looks like it has a big ear on the stomach!

ugh! It is so disgusting!

Red Wolf said...

That's not a rancor beast! It's the monster from Cloverfield.

Gina said...

Yeah, Anonymous, but I think George has always been in denial about Jar Jar. He couldn't seem to figure out why people didn't like him in the first place, and now it's just because we grew up with the original trilogy, not the 1st three episodes.

I also think the Rancor thing sorta looks more like ET.

And I love Robot Chicken. Just sayin'.

Nystral Djo said...

i think that first cake's supposed to have the ice creature from hoth that got luke - not admiral ackbar.

either way ;)

Anonymous said...

I really needed the laugh I got from the video. Thank you so much for adding great humor to my day....

Naomi said...

Are you kidding Jen ?
The third one is definetely Jabbah the Hut !!!!!
Disemboweled that is ...
Even though I like the idea of hurting Jar-Jar :)

Unknown said...

Based on the lettering on that last one, the unidentified yellow 'being' was definitely supposed to be Winnie the Pooh. They were clearly very lax in their artistic interpretation...

ET said...

Where's my honey?


(Sorry, but I would NOT wanna stick my hand into that menacing bee hive. It's watching us!)

Cole said...

That first one totally looks like a vulva.