Monday, December 22, 2008

Totally Cheating

Monday, December 22, 2008

In yet another blow to true cake artists everywhere, many large chain bakeries are now "decorating" cakes almost exclusively with plastic flotsam. In theory, this means the "decorators" require even less skill, and therefore will wreck less cakes. That's the theory, anyway.

Well, Kelinda S., I guess we can't complain too much here: so long as the decorators don't put the feet on backwards, there's really not much they could do to wreck this design up.

Wait, did I say put the feet on backwards?

Ok, so these designs are still wreckable, as Jen S. discovered with Thunder Thighs Santa here. Though to be fair, maybe the decorator's thumbs DO face that way - that might explain a lot, actually...*

Some of these plastic cheats are deceptive. For example, at first glance Lyndsay W.'s find looks like a really well-made Santa suicide scene:

(Yes, of course Santa bleeds sprinkles. Duh.) However, that head is actually plastic. It's even kind of cute, compared with the nightmarish clown-head-picks all us Wilton vets know so well.

Of course, other plastic cheats can be just a smidge more obvious, as Amy D. discovered:

Attention Bakery Managers: you may want to post some instruction photos for these cheat kits. You know, to avoid the whole upside-down-nose-and-mustache thing.

What, you can't tell it's upside down? Here, I'll show you:

See? Santa went from sad & droopy to only mildly consternated. Much better. Also, if this Wreck isn't proof that wreckerators are addicted to their airbrushes, I don't know what is. I mean, it looks like someone attacked Santa with a machete! Two words, guys: "Inter" and "Vention". [earnest head nodding]

As someone who enjoys wrapping gifts so much that I actually *d0* wrap empty boxes just for funsies, I find this next one from Brian D. especially horrifying:

That's REAL non-matching ribbon on the lumpy green square thing edged with ketchup ooze on the round cake board. And did I mention the ribbons don't match? [shudder]

But then, Brian M. reminds us that in this season of extravagance it's often the little things that can bring the most joy:

Even better: the package next to this one also has the "oh oh oh"s. Score!!!

* Ok, yes, I suppose your thumbs would be on the outside if you bend your arms at the elbow. And yes, it took me about 45 seconds of thumb twisting experimentation to figure that out. :)
HorribleLicensePlates said...

That airbrushing makes Santa look contagious.

Alison said...

Santa's got child-bearing hips! Is there some weird elf-reproduction thing we'd best keep from the children?

(and...pssst: fewer wrecks, not "less." Because, though it's not a good idea, you can count them.)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the OHOHOH cakes were placed from the other end? I mean, if the workers stashed it in from the other side, then they'd show up as "OHOHOH" if it was originally "HOHOHO".

beckiwithani said...

Oh oh oh oh! Sounds like the Christmas cupcakes from an erotic bakery, a la Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally....

Craig said...

Wow, the reverse thumbed Santa's got back. It's a clear case of North Pole face with the Oakland booty.

Anonymous said...

Even my five year old can see the problems...
"Mom, that doesn't look like Santa at all!"

Anonymous said...

That fourth picture looks just like Lady Cassandra from Doctor Who!

Anonymous said...

Santa, NO! You have so much to live for! It's not worth it man! (yeah that third cake really screams slit wrist Santa to me).
I noticed the dearth of plastic on baked goods this year and the only thing I can figure is it's the only way you can cover for a total lack of talent. Of course if helps if you put the plastic on in the right direction. Love those "Oh Oh Oh" cupcakes...maybe Santa had a backache and that's what led to the suicide attempt?

joyce said...

Just wait until someone chokes on the plastic flotsam--then there will be lawsuits.

The green rectangular "present" looks like a little casket.

My Daily Vintage said...

oh my god, the upside-down nose is hilarious

Anonymous said...

Dear Upside down-mouth Santa-

Have you been spray tanning? You look like George Hamilton...




queenb said...

Forget putting the shoes on backwards....Are snowmen even supposed to have legs?

I live in a pretty warm climate and don't often get the chance to make snowmen....but I don't ever think I've seen one with legs and feet...

~Bonnie B~

Cecile said...

I think they meant to put the nose/mustache/mouth thing upside down. I mean, who wouldn't be sad after getting attacked by a tiger while delivering presents? I bet the reindeer didn't even survive!

Donna M. said...

ROFL! Love 'thunder thighs' Santa and the "OH OH OH" cupcakes--that would be a good one for a "you made your first porno movie" party.

Anonymous said...

The first one says "display only" in the bottom left corner.

Melissa said...

Oh, how I love Cake Wrecks! Thanks for spreading the Christmas joy!

Cindy said...

Oh Oh Oh! Yrrem Samtsirhc!

Amy said...

Think the Oh, Oh, Oh cake might be the one to pick when you realize that your form of birth control failed and Santa's delivery might be a tad late...say 9 months!

Chris said...

The Oh-Oh-Oh's are CLASSIC!!! I want an APRON! :)

Joanie said...

OH OH OH!!! Yrrem Samtsirhc!!!

M K Glass said...

Ok... Does anyone else think that the Santa with the upside-down mustache actually looks like a cat? Anyone?

As for the last one... you know, perhaps Santa wants to show us his "OH" face...

I'm just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

OH OH OH Merry Christmas to you too! Keep 'em coming, I get check out your site daily for a good laugh!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I get to be first.

Love the upside down face on Santa, then again, since noone ever sees him maybe....

Boozy Tooth said...

Santa's upside down nose (and mustsche!), green brick, and Oh, Oh, Oh cupcakes.

What could be more Christmasy?

Word verification: "hypers" as in anyone who eats this garbage will be hypers!

Anonymous said...

Ok, i don't have a camera phone, but I am so gonna make sure i have a camera with me everytime i go to "Wally World" I don't know how I miss this stuff. Every trip I make is going to include perusal in the bakery looking for submissions to your site!!!! Thanks for the laughs!

Anonymous said...

Makes me wonder why they even bother.

I long for the day of plain, well iced cakes like my Grandma made. Back then the only wreck was if the cake fell and when that happend us grands got to eat the mistake.

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh Oh??!

Good Lord, the standard of wrecks nowadays is really falling. What's happening to the world, GOD!!?!?

Justine said...

Maybe the "Oh oh oh" cupcakes are for the morning after the office party. They are to celebrate all the "fantastic frolics" in the supply closet that occured the night before between "overserved" co-workers!

Jennifer said...

Is it funny that I now want to become a cake decorator after seeing all of these hilariously awful cakes?

Word verification: suprohip

Sounds like some sort of superhero. "Suprohip! Alien hero of the future!"

punkinmama said...

What IS wrong with people?!

Unknown said...

The Santa with an upside down nose/mouth has a feline look about him...and with those lifelike eyes I don't feel like thats something I'll ever eat. Love the OH OH OHs!!!

Anonymous said...

It's not whether you're bending at the elbow that determines which side your thumbs are on. It's whether it's a gesture of welcoming/incipient hug (palms forward, thumbs in) or whether it's a shrug of exasperation or cluelessness (palms in, thumbs out). Santa's gesture says it all. "Another failed liposuction!"

WV: porloct, a piggish warlock Santa Claus.

Ice Cream said...

No.Way! Even with cheater platic k-rap you can still make wrecks (and these are some pretty awesome wrecks). I think my favorite is the suicide santa. That one needs to be a holiday T-shirt. "Santa bleeds sprinkles." Love it.

loisgroat said...

I need those OH OH OH cupcakes!! Only THREE days till Christmas, and I am not done with cookies OR shopping! OH OH OH!!!!

Kelli W said...

The Santa with the upside-down-nose-and-mustache thing looks so SAD! Like somebody {maybe the Grinch} stole all his toys....or maybe he just saw himself in a mirror!

ella fae said...

Obviously that first Santa has the hands on correctly--he's just holding them up in preparation for surgery. The nurses have to fit those latex gloves over his mittens and that takes a lot of work (and big gloves).

Cake for Breakfast said...

Heehee! Jen, you are making my holidays so much brighter with these great finds and commentary!

Oh Oh Oh! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Since this is a family blog I won't make any of the off color jokes that come to mind for the Oh Oh Oh cupcakes...except to say that I bet they were just delicious!

Anonymous said...

Upside down facial features, no arms or legs, one big block body and worst of all, it looks like someone's been grilling Old Saint Nick. I guess you can put anything on a George Forman Grill!

Am I naughty for wanting to eat those bloody sprinkles? Does it matter any more? Santa probably won't be making it down many chimneys this year.

D.B. Echo said...

Santa looks like he's about to do a double face-palm.

And poor Frosty got run over by a snowplow!

Word Verification word: stedi...stedi..

Anonymous said...

@Jennifer = "suprohip" sounds like a pretty good description of Santa's hips on that one ccc.

Grandma Cebe said...

ROFL!! My 3 year old grandson could do better than this! I do agree with ciwey that maybe the OH, OH, OH cupcakes were placed from the other side of the case and read "HO HO HO' to the decorator that put them in the case.

Lizard said...

that last one cracked me up-- the oh oh ohs are hilarious, then add that there's one column of snowflakes in randomly, because they apparently ran out of ohs, and then when they ran out of snowflakes they just tossed on that last column... of grapes! yes, the traditional christmas bunch of grapes. who can forget that?

Patricia said...

anyone else get a flashback to Office Space scenes about the "OH Face" ?????

Feisty Irish Wench said...

I have friends that buy their cakes at the big warehouse bakery because they're good. Yet its sister megastore screws things up so royally SO OFTEN. I will stick to my regional grocery store bakery that produces stellar results each. and. every. time.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like too much Beyonce on the cupcakes...
"all the single Santas...
all the single Santas....
Oh Oh Oh..Oh Oh Oh ... Oh Oh
Oh Oh ... Oh Oh..
If you like it then you shoulda
put a fork in it.....

Neen said...

You have to love my 4 year old upon seeing the present cake? She looked at me questionly and asked me, "mommy is that a cake? It looks bad."

Beth said...

The oh oh oh cupcakes are perfect for your wedding shower dessert or honeymoon treats!

Anonymous said...

The green block is the one that creeps me out the most.

Looks like Santa and the reindeer were encased in a block of floral foam by the gangsters from last weeks post for some gangland indiscretion.

The mobsters left Santa's and the reindeer's heads poking out so when they are tossed into the East River, they can watch their own fate as they sink to the bottom...

At least they added some festive decorations to make it look cheerful! Even the mob celebrates Christmas. Who knew?

Karen Elmquist said...

Dang! The "Oh Oh OH" cupcakes made me laugh so hard I spilled coffee down my front! If I saw those in a store I would be on the floor in the aisle laughing! Thanks for that!

Anonymous said...

Oh, oh, oh no you didn't!

Unknown said...

Totally artless. Is this what the bakery-schools are turning out now? SIGH
~Amy B

Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS today, Jen! Thanks for the laughs.

Raina Cox said...

Cakes decorated with "plastic flotsam?"

Ugly + lazy + environmentally unsound = cake wreck

Lauren said...

Lizard: I think the traditional Christmas grapes are pinecones. However, the fruit of the vine does seem like a more logical response to this awfulness.
Especially since, even though the employees can see the cupcakes backwards, the "OH OH OH"s are _tilted_ on the cupcakes... toward the consumer. Lovely presentation. Just what we need for that Christmas bachelor/bachelorette party.

Anonymous said...

RE: oh oh oh


Jennifer said...

Also, my husband thinks that the airbrushed Santa looks like he's been grilled instead of slashed. Mmmm, frame broiled goodness!

Meg said...

I agree that upside down nose Santa has a feline look about him. I was originally thinking a Thundercat or that lil character from a TV show who's name I don't know that says "snarf" all the time. But then I realized I didn't know enough about either to really make that official, but it works for my imagination! Snarf!

D.B. Echo said...

On second glance, could Skinnylegs Santa be juggling those blue cupcakes?

Word Verification word: quargu
(noun) How much gu it takes to frost a cake

Unknown said...

Hmmm...those last cupcakes are definitely on the "naughty" list.

Debbi said...

I will never, EVER order a cake from a bakery. EVER. They scare me too much.

And "flotsam" is my new favorite word!!!

Crazy Cake Lady said...

Hey, since when did snowmen have legs?

Anonymous said...

It's nice to know that even in a world of plastic flotsam cakes, it's still possible to miss-spell one of the simplest words in the English lauguage.

Oh, Oh, Oh, a VERY merry Christmas, indeed!

Digital Daguerreotypist said...

Meg: the "snarf" character you're thinking of is Pinky from Pinky and the Brain/Animaniacs - the lab mice who wanted to take over the world..

and the thunder thighs Santa looks like a French Can Can dancer....

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

Those OH OH OH cupcakes could be quite appropriate for a wedding shower or bachelor party....


Cake Wrecks = most fabulous blog ever!

Sara Lou said...

Your thumbs would poke out that way when you are giving the cake-wrecker the middle finger, too!

Santa's Double Finger Salute to you, Bakery-CakeWrecker!


Sara Lou said...

Oh - and the "Oh Oh Oh" cupcakes... maybe were in an "adults-only" bakery??

Tania said...

Those cupcakes are having more fun than I am! No fair!

Unknown said...

I think the Oh Oh Oh cupcakes should be sold as a set with the Hi Hi Hi CCC from a couple of days ago Who would have guessed that there are multiple ways to mess up Ho Ho Ho...

Scritzy said...

O Holy Night! What a bunch of sorry excuses for decorated cakes! I hope to heaven I don't get a present that looks like that green THING. If I do, I'll know I was very bad this year.

But I just gotta love Suicide Santa. Those of us who get depressed at Christmas need to be represented, too.

Oh, oh, oh. And I say again, oh, oh oh.

Word verification: busil. There's so much hustle-busil this time of year.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I suspect that the upside down Santa nose is supposed to be a cat nose. That would explain why Santa is striped, too.

Ashley said...

LOVE the orgasm cupcakes.

Anonymous said...

@ ciwey... I considered the same thing the first time I saw that cake, but if you look closely at the OHOHOH, you'll notice that they're propped up a bit. And you know what that means...

Paul Koenig said...

Those Oh Oh Oh cupcakes would be quite nice for a festive Saturnalia.

Crystal Arnspiger said...

I think those oh, oh, oh cupcakes are actually for the New Kids on the Block concert--to be eaten during Cover Girl. Seriously, it fits.

Lalaith said...

Machete Santa reminds me of the "Santa Spud" Mr. Potatohead I just got!

joan said...

My fifteen-year-old daughter, reading over my shoulder, immediately said that the green box must be the casket from "Suicide Santa."
Thanks for this lovely moment of family togetherness.
We all love CW.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I thought the airbrush Santa face looked rather porcine and the snowman legs belong on a witch or Raggedy Ann. (What's with legs on a snowman?) The Oh, oh, oh cupcakes were my favorites, though.

Cute Things in Paint said...

but, if you turn those oh oh oh cupcakes upside down, theyre just ho ho ho! really, not a wreck at all, friends. ps. i <3<3<3 upside-down santanose. hiiiilarious.

Anonymous said...

If you actually look closely at the Oh Oh Oh cupcakes and they way they are leaning, they are not backwards, nor would they have been loaded into the case from the other side and have looked correct to the decorator because they put the decoration on UPSIDE DOWN...flip it 180 degrees and it'd be correct. :)

Anonymous said...

Santa with the upside down mouth looks like he's about to cry.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Oh, Oh . . . . Green Giant. That's what the "oh's" made me think of.

Anonymous said...

I have a theory about the thumbs out Santa. He’s directing the elves, who are positioning the sleigh prior to hitching the reindeer. He’s telling them to back it toward him. Don’t see it? Place your hands in front of you, elbows at your side, palms up, like you’re holding a tray. Now bring your hands up toward your shoulders. Lower them and repeat three times. I would further guess that the elves were a little too enthusiastic, which lead to the cake below it.

At least I hope that’s what he’s directing to back up, because my only other theory involves Mrs. Clause and the origin of the OH OH OH cupcakes.

Christa said...

ok so I'm like 9 weeks pregnant, and when I was looking at those CCC I suddenly could smell all that aweful buttercream icing and I thought I was going to be sick.

And that poofy hipped Santa looks like someone took the cupcake off his belt that would have evened him out!

Anonymous said...

@Digital Daguerreotypist
Actually if memory and Google serve me correctly, Pinky's favorite word was "Narf". Snarf was, as Meg said, a Thundercat. Well sort of technically...he was Lion-O's annoying pet, who interjected "Snarf!" into everything much as Smurfs use "Smurf" as a wildcard.
Now that I come to think of it, that flame-broiled Santa strongly resembles Snarf indeed...good catch Meg.
Err..I should go now. My 80's geek is showing.

Meg said...

@Digital Daguerreotypist: thanks for the tip but I'm thinking of something else. It's a little yellow cat-like thing. Maybe it doesn't actually say snarf... maybe I made it up... Hmm...

Oh! It is real! It's one of the Thundercats, the lil red and yellow, and it's name is apparently Snarf. Link:

Karen said...

Those Oh Oh Oh ones make me think of the New Kids on the Block. Oh oh oh oh oh...the right stuff! Or, the wrong stuff, in this case.

-- Karen T.

Rob said...

Santa with his upide-down nose/mouth/tach looks like some kind of christmas care bear.

Anonymous said...

I was coming in to say the same about the oh oh oh's. Just turn the package around, it is right. WHen you take them out, it is right.

clueuin said...

Boy, looks like a missed a lot in two months. I tried to catch up but between the laughter and the shock disbelief I had to leave the libarary cafe before they kick my butt out of there.
Nice Sunday picks guys and I just love the Wrecktastic Santas.
So Jen are the Calendars out yet? I see the t-shirts, nice, I saw the apron, and as soon as I get the money I'll get one, niceeeeeeee! But don't see the calendar. Prehaps I missed it in between the sad, crazy, parents from New Jersey and the fantastic interpetations of Disney's Children classic.
Oh well.
Looking forward to next year!


the ginabean said...

ick. who wants to eat a santa cake when he looks all cellulite-y? makes you think, "that could happen to me." and then there's the red-faced santa with the up-side-down plastic--looked like a strange cartoon kitten or something. if i ordered a Christmas cake and they "decorated" with plastic i'd be very upset. oh, but wait...since cakewrecks exists, maybe it'd be easier to laugh it off and submit the nastiness to you...and the world.

Suzanne Dargie said...

My supervisor at work saw these cakes over my shoulder and he said all that was missing from the Santa Suicide cake was a tiny knife and the ones you used to get in the board game Clue? He also said the sign that says "Blessed Season" should say "Bloody Season".

And for the the Oh, oh, oh's....does anyone remember Horshack from "Welcome Back Kotter"? Well, he must have made those.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think the "Blessed Season," with I believe a cross next to it, sign on the dead Santa cake is either ironic, or else a not so subtle reminder about what happens to people who worship the wrong guy on Christmas? I can see Dan Brown's next book: The Santa Code, where we learn that the Church put a hit out on St. Nicholas to stop him from co-opting the proper symbolism of the day. Clearly this cake is reminder to those in the know that "accidents" still happen. The Church is making its list and checking it twice. You don't want to end up like Santa.

Mari said...

These are like the strip malls of cake making. I'd rather see an attempt at frosting artistry!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the oh-oh-oh decorator was looking in the mirror while she did her thing. That takes talent, right...?

Gladys said...

When I talked to Santa he said that his mustach IS upside down and that people are always misunderstanding him. He said he has never said Ho,Ho,HO...He in fact says Oh, Oh, Oh, but because he has an upside down mustache no one understands him.

Nat said...

Santa in #2 is clearly shrugging, as in "it's not my fault I'm made of cupcakes."

Kath said...

maybe the second santa is telling the kids to "come hither"...? no? But there couldn't possibly be someone stupid decorating a cake, could there be?

Bridgete said...

Office Space, the Christmas Edition: When Santa Shows his Oh-Face.


Anonymous said...

I don't think Santa's nose is upside down, I think the rest of the cake is upside down. The way it is, the little "oh oh oh" picks say "ho ho ho" !
And I don't know what to think about the grapes/pinecone cupcakes.. maybe they are caviar?

M.D. said...

I think the OH OH OH cupcakes need to be displayed next to the sad Santa, because Im pretty sure thats what he would say after getting steam rolled and thrown on the grill like that. Poor guy.

stuckonsushi said...

my favorite is the "Oh Oh Oh." of course, my dirty mind doesn't read that with Christmas in mind at all...

Anonymous said...

Thunder Thighs Santa looks like he's doing the Macarena.

Woonette said...

I thought that the cake with the plastic details (the airbrushed one) was a teddy bear before i saw the right side up mustache! im such a retard...

Hyena Overlord said...

Thanks for putting up the snowman. He's the first ccc sighted in the city I believe. S*****store has wreckerators

The legs are so he can run away...far far away.

I love the cupcakes...Christmas porno anyone?

wvotd cometal..."oh cometal ye faithful..."

Lulubelle B said...

Perhaps the Oh-Oh-Oh cupcakes are promotional items for a Tom Joyner event?

"Oh! Oh! Oh! It's the Tom Joyner Morning Show!"

sendingtheclowns said...

Merciful Heaven.
And looky! Santa Cake is wearing the Wicked Witch of the West's stripey stockings!
With any luck, someone will drop a house on HIM, too.

Anonymous said...

Our Wal-Mart does NOT stoop to using mere plastic flotsam on its cakes. The bakers there, being wonderfully creative little elves, have taken it upon themselves to top all of their seasonal cakes with COOKIE CUTTERS. The theory is, apparently, that customers will overlook the pathetic ornamentation to "save money and live better" by not having to purchase cookie cutters this year.

Word verification: "whimpe," which very accurately describes dear Wally-world's holiday cake decorations...

Sleepwalker said...

Hubby and I were discussing one of these plastic flotsam Santa-face cakes in a large grocery store just yesterday, and I said it's not a Wreck, because it's so neatly done. Lame, but neat. How could someone screw that up?

I now see all too clearly...

-P said...

Well - since its the season, we could give some credit. If we turn the last one upside down, the OH OH OH becomes HO HO HO...
The missing exclamation mark is the saving grace :)

Anonymous said...

lol, Safeway Safeway Safeway, they were the culprits in a Halloween pumpkin/jackolantern cake I sent you as well.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh. Given the number of inverted plastic decorations, what's next? Reindeer with their legs bending the wrong way? Santa plunged headfirst into a mound of frosting?

Actually, I'd probably buy that latter one if I ever saw it.

Minyassa said...

I love the OH OH OH cupcakes! But they should have waited...that's not a Xmas-appropriate design and should be saved for something more adult like the Night After Valentine's Day, perhaps.

Bri said...


Score is right! These are so bad they're good. Those OH OH OH's win completely.

I don't know how the people who buy these cakes actually get past laughing at them to eating them.

Brianna McCarthy @ Passion.Fruit

Anonymous said...

ok, the santa face in pieces looks like a sad kitty could they get that sooooo wrong????

/looks down shaking head..they destroyed Santa!!

Hyena Overlord said...

....and the green brick. It's what I'm throwing through Santa's window. It's a nasty message written on nasty green paper. Because I still don't have the pony I asked for when I was 4.

wvotd wafes....what you do instead of waving because your thumbs are on backwards.

Tom said...

I laughed my ass off with the OH OH OH cupcakes...then I realized...maybe the decorator was iliterate....Now I am sad

Cara said...

so....about the green rectangle with mismatched ribbon...
What is with the green squiggle on the side of the cake? You've got Rudolph, Santa, and what?

Just Mairs said...

You're all silly - can't you see the *cupcakes* are upside down?! Obviously none of you are trapeze artists or gymnasts....

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how many people are claiming that the "OH OH OH" picks are correct if you turn the cupcakes around.

Noooo, they're not. See how they're in at a definite angle? That gives the cupcakes a front, which is indeed facing the camera, and therefore they are upside-down.

Hopefully YOU can see that even if the original wreckerator couldn't.

Miranda said...

Dear Wreckerators: Drugs are bad, mmkay? At least when you're at work, they're bad! People don't have striped faces. Snowmen are generally not endowed with legs and feet. The nose goes above the mouth. Santa is not generally known to have a gargantuan tush and then toothpick legs, nor is it particularly jolly to dismember him. What's UP with you guys?

Anonymous said...

Hilarious today as always, of course, but I gotta chide you on the "Oh Oh Oh" entry...The photo's just upside-down! Spin 180 degrees and it becomes normal...sort of.


SmittyChic said...

Oh Oh Oh - How do you like Santa's "O-Face!"

Anonymous said...

The eyebrows are also wrong! Look closely and you'll see they should each be on the other eye!
Dallas, OR

Melissa said...

They have been selling tons of those snowman cakes at the grocery stores around us. It's crazy! And people buy them too! Will send in some pics of others ASAP.


Oonie said...

Now I need to go look for Oh Oh Oh cupcakes for the humor value at my family Christmas! Thanks for the giggles.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the snowman CCC in our local grocery store. Except one of the mittens was facing the wrong way...much like the Santa. Too funny.

~Red~ said...

I know I'm a little behind, but I love this site, and the Santa upside-down nose thing made me remember a picture I took at Wal-mart in one of those claw machines:

If you wanna see it. :)

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

Oh how your commentary always cracks me up! I should've been in bed hours ago, but I get sucked in here!

That snowman cake seems to have some big... snow*balls* instead of legs!

And the Santa with the upside down nose/mouth? The entire background of the cake looks like a slab of bacon. Gross.

Thanks for the laughs!

Lian said...

"See? Santa went from sad & droopy to only mildly consternated."
I read that as 'mildly constipated', and you know what? That's what it -should- say!

Anonymous said...

The thunderthighs don't worry me so much as the leprechaun legs...You'd think they'd at least get the time of year right?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that the Santa suicide cake has a plastic pick that reads "Blessed Season" on it? Blessed Season of what? Santa horror??!! Traumatizing the kids???

Anonymous said...

the up-side down nose cake makes me think "good kitty santa!"

Phoebe Carmean said...

not only did they put santa's nose on upside-down, they also seem to have barbecued his face and then tried to cover it with the plastic santa face pieces!

Claire said...

Am I the only one who saw that last pic and thought of "Sweet Caroline?"
(oh oh oh...good times never felt so good...So good! So good! Okay, I'll shut up now.)

anthemsong said...

OMG reading this for the first time, going back through to read all the old posts, and I think this is from my bakery! We put the Ho-Ho-Hos on upside down on purpose ;) To see if anyone would notice. Think its my bakery cause the pinecone picks are from 4 years ago and the snowflake are 2 years old, we used them all up this year

River said...

On the last wreck- I think mommy has her boyfriend over!

Unknown said...

I know this post is forever ago, but I can't help myself, and simply must tell you. All I can think of is "The Right Stuff", from NKTOB.

Hawkfeather said...

Emo Santa(a.k.a upside-down mouth)..
the upside down thing is bad.. but the lizard-man-esque striped flesh-

I dunno what disease he has- but i think if i sported flesh so festively striped- I might be sad too.

poor emo santa- the holidays *are* the hardest aren't they?

Zelly said...

Am I the only one that sees that present as a giftwrapped creature of some sort? Because from where I'm sitting, that Santa head on the side looks like an eye. It looks like it's about to pounce...

Word verification: "busti". Methinks the internet just made a Freudian slip.