"Why do you say that, hon?"
"Oh, you know, all the baseball equipment for the girls' birthdays..."
"They loved those!"
"And the football helmets..."
"Once we painted the tiaras on they wore them all day."
"And you know earlier, when we told him we were having a boy this time? I'm sure that back flip couldn't have been good for his arthritis."
"Oh, he was just being cute, is all. I'm sure the thought of us having a boy is no more exciting for him than the thought of our having another girl."
"Riiight. Have you seen the cake?"
"He bought a cake?"

"Er. Does he think we're naming the baby Finaly?"
"That's supposed to say "finally", dear."
[more silence]
"So, do you want to tell him we were joking, or shall I?"
Amy W., I'd wait 'til after the cake was served.
54 comments | Post a Comment
So wrong and yet so funny...
These photos should be destroyed just in case they're really having a girl who isn't named Finaly.
"Honey, does he think we're having a monkey? lion? Or a floating elephant?"
Whoops! Be careful now... poor grandpa's heart might not be up to all this tomfoolery.
As for the cake... looks like he's hoping for multiples, no?
*snort* Your dialogue was spot on for this one! As for the cake itself... all the dye in the emerald green frosting can't POSSIBLY be good for you...
Or maybe it's for a boy called Finlay?
Because nothing says "We're having a boy after many attempts" like monkeys in a tree? Or a lion on a bunch of green? Or an elephant stranded in a pool? (OK, maybe that one is better suited to the situation...)
Word verification: langsp, an abbreviation for language and spelling issues observed on cakes
That poor boy.
My husband is one of five boys, then his mom gave birth to triplet girls. We were warned to quit trying for that girl. That cake is too funny. But, instead of animals, you'd think they'd put boy stuff on it---hunting and fishing gear.
Misspelled words aside, um, does that look like a green pile of poo in the corner, or is that just me and my wacky perception?
I think that your commentary for this cake was one of your greatest yet! I truly lol'ed. I do feel bad for the poor kid though.
Do you think the elephant just couldn't hold it any longer?
Are those supposed to be monkeys in the tree?
Love the Fisher Price plastic animals. Bet those would taste...chewy.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
A lot of green icing makes a lot of green poo at the end of the day! Loved the commentary! Love this blog!Keep up the morning laughs.
WV- regab
say again?
LOL...poor grandpa and great dialogue. The colour of that icing is almost sickening.
WV: acessi, as in I hope grandpa's oxygen is acessi-ble.
At least they left out the "quotation marks."
Yeah, you'd think they'd celebrate a boy with someone a little more apt. Like eels, weasels, and a train coming out of a tunnel.
No pressure, right? Finaly for a name. Eek. LOL
~Amy B.
I'd feel bad for this boy's sisters. Imagine what it would be like eating a cake that celebrated the fact that your new brother wasn't yet another girl.
I just wanted to let you know at the bottom of the page, the ad said "Save 50% off diaper cakes." I believe this requires some investigation on your part!~
That's a really cute idea to use Fisher Price animals on a cake! It's a shame about the misspelling, but that's the only thing I can see that makes it especially wrecktacular.
I don't feel bad for the boy - he's too young to know anyhow. I really feel bad for his sisters. Way to let them know they're not wanted. Thanks a lot, Grandpa.
WV: cappo, as in, "finaly we'll have a replacement for the cappo di cappi."
Poor Boy? Poor Kid? No, poor girls who have their spirits crushed hearing "Finally a boy!" over and over again.
Besides the spelling, why would someone request that on a cake? WEIRD! Wopuldn't something more like "Third time's a charm" or "Damn, you finally got it right?" be better? That's obviously what they were thinking! HA!
My first thought was that the decorator meant to say Finlay, a boy.
It took me forever to figure out what those things were on top. They're supposed to be jungle animals? Then the boy's name is Tarzan, not Finlay?
Um, yeah. Whatever you say.
Word verification: ressepie. I hope no one shares the ressepie for this wreck!
Oh yeah, no pressure at all, lol.
That looks almost inedible. Is that green carpet made of icing or fondant? I couldn't tell for sure.
Not only is it a wreck, but as a feminist, this completely ruffles my feathers! Double wreck!
I feel so sorry for the other kids! How thoughtless! I'm actually glad there is a misspelling on this cake! Ack!
Thank you for that! Your dialogue was hilarious!! :)
This is hands down one of your funniest posts!
Those poor Fisher Price Little People animals. I don't think they ever thought they'd be stuck on a cake!
Grampa is a rude, insensitive boor.
I would NOT serve that cake anywhere near the new baby's sisters, IF I accepted it at all. In fact, I would be tempted to get Gramps a cake of his own saying, "Finaly (sic)--the granddaughters know where they really stand with Grandpa! Stick this cake up your***!"
Do you think they really mean "Finally a baby" more than "Dear Gawd no more girls!" ?
Ya know what. The concept of the cake has the concept to be really cute. The elephant in the pile of blue frosting had the potential to be really cute.
Sometimes a cake like this is very appropriate... for example, the couple I know of who produced 11 girls (yes, 11) before at last having a boy!
In that case I think we all would be saying "Finally! A BOY!"
---Anyone else have the song "Welcome to the Jungle" playing in their heads after looking at that cake? Anyone?
Just me? okay....
I used to know a couple who kept trying until they had a boy, as their fifth child. By then, the oldest girl was old enough to know what was happening. I tried talking to the couple about how obvious they were about it, but they didn't see anything wrong.
If all else fails, they could always repurpose the cake for a post-sex change operation celebration. As in "You're finally a boy!"
...at least that's how I read it.
Maybe it's supposed to say "Finale, A Boy"... as in "And for the last child, it's a boy!" You know, if the family has decided this child will be the last... maybe?
I really hate this attitude; the boy is soo important, FINALLY. So screw the previous kids, since they're just girls; we FINALLY have a BOY! oooo.
Like my lovely neighbors, who have 5 kids. The last one is a BOY--oooo. FINALLY. I wonder what kind of crappy complexes all their unimportant girls have.
Maybe... just maybe... the "finally" is referring to the baby being born, and people finding out the gender, not because they have girls and wanted a boy.
I could see the frustration of the family if they didn't know in advance. Still weird though!
Unless kiddo's name is Finlay, I feel awful for his sisters :(
If I ever had a baby boy, that's EXACTLY what my father would be thinking. He already had three granddaughters seven years ago when I got pregnant, and I swear the first thing he said when I told him was "Maybe it'll be a boy this time!"
Awesome. Nothing like some good old gender preference to start off the new year.
My mother told me once in a fit of rage that when I was born (back in the days before ultrasounds could tell you what gender your baby would be), my father had cried out, "Oh no, not a girl!"
I think I prefer the approach of the Monds family: when they "finaly" got their baby boy, instead of requesting this downer of a cake the father (or was it grandfather?) proclaimed, "Wonderful! Terrific!" That became the boy's name, and he passed the name down to his son and grandson, who both played professional sports for a short period of time (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:List_of_unusual_personal_names#Wonderful_Terrific_Monds_III).
Still feel a little sorry for the sisters, though.
And for the finale..
WV: proto--it's the prototype for the real wv.
Add me to the list of people who feel sorry for the boy's sisters; after they cut the cake, Grandpa should just tell them that they've always been a disappointment to him, what with their dirty, nasty girl-parts, conniving ways, and inferior intelligence.
okay, i had to post on this on! besides the obvious references to the green poo icing, poor grammar, etc.... my eldest child is named Finley and his name is ALWAYS pronnounced and often misspelled Finely by strangers!
I think I know someone who would've ordered that cake.
One of my first year college roommates was a triplet (identical twins + 1.) The three of them were supposed to be the bouncing baby boy their dad wanted; instead, he now has six daughters.
Maybe it's a cake for Pinocchio?
reminds me of my baby shower..the cake said "Thank Heavin for Baby N athan"
Yep, they spelled heaven wrong.
(shaking head)
sad, isnt it?
I'm finally catching up.
Dialogue is hilarious!!
Perhaps they're trying to get across two messages in one cake. "Finaly, a baby!" after trying for so long we're going to be parents, and "It's a boy". But then there was going to put too much writing on the cake. Now to find a way to shorten it...
Of course they could have 5 daughters and really want to balance the family but I find the first explenation moor likley.
Or mabye they mentioned that a boy would be nice this time and the person ordering the cake decided this was what theu where most excited about.
I only feel sorry for the boys sisters if they exist.
Ok guys, just a thought. Instead of thinking so negatively . . . As the eldest of four girls, I know that if my mom had delivered her last baby and it had been a boy, all of us girls would have been just as excited as the rest to "finally have a boy"! Maybe the sisters in question feel that way as well? Just a thought!
I am one of 5 kids, only the 4th eldest is a boy. My parents made no bones about the fact that they kept having children just to have a boy (they went one more hoping for two) and I could have totally seen a cake like this being served when my brother was born, after all, plenty of people said it.