Thanks to Jessica D. & Tiffany V.!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cheery O's
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thanks to Jessica D. & Tiffany V.!
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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68 comments | Post a Comment
Yeah, and then it would have been an even 2 dozen instead of 18 cupcakes. Whatever! Since following your blog, I had never known how "Wrecky" the world could be. I've even spotted some scary Santas at our local store!
I'm thinking someone was HI HI HI when they made this cupcake cake!
Doesn't help that the red is actually more orange. I thought this was some football-game "cake" until I looked closer.
Or used a cupcake as the "O" each time. I mean...they are round.
ROFL. This tops carrot-riding-mohawk-babies.
Only Americans would put cupcakes on top of a cake! lol I haven't seen a wrecky cake in person this holiday season, but I saw hideous rice crispy treats with gloppy frosting at a drugstore last night. They were scary!
Before reading your text, I thought they said, "HI, HI, HI" too. I had to go back and really look. You would think that since Santa is so jolly, his 'O's would be nice and round, and not on a diet.
I was looking at it confused until I had that AHA moment when I realized it said HI HI HI. Uh, then I read your commentary.
Hee-hee-hee! Or rather, HE HE HE.
Anorexic Os
I can honestly say that I, too, *facepalmed*
*Shakes head* Seriously!
Yes, but would they have actually fit if using four CC's for the 'O's? It'd be pretty squished if the words were arranged the same way. Maybe if they were arranged stacked diagonally...
How funny! It looks like hi hi hi. So cheerful.
It took me so long to see the HOHOHO, all I could see was HI HI HI.
And here I was thinking it was some hyperactive decorator spewing a cordial greeting. Thank goodness you interpreted.
All I can think here is that this is some strange mash-up of Santa and Paul McCartney.
Mari: At first glance, it does look like the CCs are atop a sheet cake, but they're not.
Word verification: surearl as in, "Those skinny Os are surearl."
Mitosis in cake form!
Oh, I just thought it was a salute to our 50th state, Hawaii!
Well, I guess economic cutbacks have hit everywhere. When the supervisor says only use 18, you have to get inventive.
You don't have to put extra cupcakes in the package though--there are six cupcackes just sitting there being decorative. Put them to work being Os.
I think that decorator was "hi".
word verification word: pheical
is that phonetic for fecal? Or maybe the above mentioned decorator chose it...
You know how those inflatable Santas puddle on the ground when they are deflated?
That's what happened to these O's.
Word verification: noment. It only took a noment to make the skinny O's.
Some of the commenters here seem just as dense as the decorator - there are *24* cupcakes total here, not 18. Thus, the statement in the original post that the decorator could have used the extra six (the ones decorated with trees off to the side) to "round out" the O's. I thought it was fairly straightforward, though apparently some people either can't count or pay very poor attention to detail!
That's so bad it's good.
Angie (from over at
Ha! I thought of that old McCartney song too!
word verification - in 'where do you fiden these wrecks?'
It's like a four-year-old: hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi!
I'm still confused.
I thought this was a tribute to the movie Heavyweights - Hi, hi, hiya!
Instead of doing the unnecessary Christmas tree cupcakes, couldn't she have used THOSE six cupcakes to make decent Os? Just a suggestion...
At first glance I thought this was "Hi Hi Hi" !!
I love it!
I wanna make it if I could,
but I don't wanna eat^^
I am glad you cleared that up on the HO HO HO. I never would have seen it. I was sitting there thinking....HI HI HI???? Huh? And the Santa mounds from the other day? Hilarious! Maybe someone had been drinking prior to slapping those together!
OK I am so glad that I wasnt the only one to see hi hi hi I was like huh?
Oh, I'm so glad someone sent you this. I actually saw this at a store somewhere this week, but I didn't have a camera handy. Hi, hi, hi will be my new Christmas greeting to people.
See, I didn't realize this was a wreck at all, or that the mistake was they put HI HI HI instead of HO HO HO. But then upon closer inspection, it does indeed say ho ho ho, and they're just cheap on cupcakes.
f*cking genius. we're not really surprised that americans can't build good cars either, are we?
Hi! Hi! Hi!... So not celebrating the Mickey Mouse Club then?? :D
Wow Sarah, I'm surprised they published your comment being it says above the form:
Profanity, mean-spirited remarks & blatant advertising will not be published.
I'm having flashbacks to discussions of "central core imagery" in my undergrad women's studies/art history class. Alas, these are supposed to be "ho hos", not "hoohoos".
It's clearly celebrating the immortal words of The Winslow! :-)
(In fact, I even thought those little green things were Winslows until I looked closer and saw the were trees.)
HAH! I totally saw "Hi Hi Hi!!"
The good news is that they are frosted nice and neatly.
I agree with Misty. I thought it said HI HI HI. I was thinking that the bakery folk had a touch too much caffeine.
*facepalm* At first I thought it said "Hi Hi Hi", and I was just like, "Oh, that's kind of cute." And then I realized it was supposed to be "Ho Ho Ho" -_-
"Cheery O's"
Has anyone noticed the latest addition to Blogs of Note? It appears we could have an all out war on our hands!!
I'm a bit sad, as I work in a grocery store and I haven't seen a single wreck at my store the whole time I have been reading this site! I thought Christmas would bring out a few (I'm Australian and our Halloween is not a big thing and there is no Thanksgiving), but the bakery is too conservative.
Until I read that, I swore it said "Hi hi hi".
Laura - I think that instead of Christmas trees, the 6 spare cupcakes should feature the mohawk baby carrot jockeys. I can just picture those little dudes yelling "Hi Hi Hi" as they ride their noble vegetative steeds.
Word verification: Conates - stretching exercises specifically designed for people who eat too many ice cream cones.
Oh, that one is hilarious!
Hi, Hi, Hi... Murry Chrastmis!
Ditto the "Hi, hi, hi," which at least seems cheery enough to match the holiday season!
It took me a little while to make out the O's.
Still looks delicious to me.
I find it sad that I would actually like 24 of those Christmas tree decorated cupcakes than the mess of HOHOHO cakes.
Three hydrogen and three oxygen, what does that make?
Also, word verification: ticip. That's like TCP/IP for us computer geeks, but when drunk and having that perpetual twitch in the corner of the eye, developed thanks to our bosses and users.
It's actually kinda cute....
I really don't see what's so bad about it. It looks fine to me. A lot worse could have been done to it.
I believe this will be our new Christmas greeting for all eternity: "Hi, Hi, HI!!!! Merry Christmas!" Somehow, I see a wee cartoon dog saying that:)
Sorry Jim and Garrett, but I agree with Sarah,
and I don't think her comment was mean spirited. For such a great blog, I think Jen has some crappy readers.
Personally I think that there is a bit of responsibility that comes with commenting.
1) Read the entire blog post before commenting
2) Read at least a few of the other comments before commenting.
I like to read the comments, some of them are as funny as the post, but when you have to scour through twenty posts that say "eighteen cupcakes," you get bored.
What's sad is that it would actually look pretty good if they weren't so cheap on cupcakes! It's not too bad of worksmanship. Well, considering some of the other wrecks, anyway.
Too much espresso evident on that decoration.
~Amy B.
Oh, pshaw, this is just "ho, ho, ho" in Gill Santa MT Extracondensed Bold.
That's the friendliest/please for the love of god buy me out of the torturous hands of my decorator I've ever seen!
HI HI HI to you wreck-a-licious!!
Someone was at the coffee pot a lot that day at the bakery! That's one hyper-looking wreck.
My three year old was sitting on my lap as we got caught up on the last few wrecks.
I read the entry, and almost as soon as I finished it, she turned to me, crinkled up her little nose and said, "Hi, hi, hi? No. Ho, ho, ho."
At least now I know if I can't pay for her college, at least she has
career options.
'Hi Hi Hi' is the background music for the Mr. Saturns in the video game Earthbound.
Guess what started playing in my head when I saw this.
Somebody shoot me. I'm totally sober and I LOVE it! Something's wrong with me.