(Down, vampire-fans, down! I'm waiting to read the book before seeing the movie, ok?)
ANYway, so, when reader Corrie G. told me she had ordered a Ghostbusters cake, complete with the famous "no-ghost" symbol, I was psyched. And then I saw this:
Sure, I know lots of you are about to write in saying *you've* never seen Ghostbusters, either. [shudder] Consider this my "encouragement" for you to remedy that situation. It's not like I'm asking you to memorize the entire Bobby Brown rap from Ghostbusters 2 or anything - er, cuz' I'm told you'd have to be just crazy to do something like that... [cough, cough]
151 comments | Post a Comment
I'm thinking it's "inhumanity" but I would never argue with God.
The cake was a bit lost, wasn't it. I think all bakeries should have internet so the cake decorators can access Wikipedia in a crunch. We mustn't appear stoopid, now.
Not only hasn't seen Ghostbusters--didn't check the 'net for image suggestions--this one is so easy to find!
This makes me sad for this poor baker. How could they have missed this movie... unless they're a few years younger than me, and then I might be able to get it. (But then I'm not sure if they would be old enough to work in a bakery...)
By the way, Twilight's good, but not super holycow amazing. I think about half the people who read the books don't completely understand the draw, and both my mom and I thought the movie was cheesy... but it was still a lot of fun going to see it.
it saddens me that now more and more I feel when ordering a cake I will have to say "I mean the picture of a ghost, please do not spell it out on the cake"
Better still, this is why I took classes and began making my own cakes....
I love Ghostbusters. Most quoted line: "Art deco, very nice".
Green slime would have helped with the ambiance.
I admit, I could not immediately pull the no-ghost symbol to my mind when I read this. (shame on me, I know). So, I did what any good cakewrecks reader would do- I did my research. It took about 30 seconds to google "no ghost symbol", and TA-DA, there it was.
Not difficult people. Its okay to ask, if you don't know. Better ask a question than end up on cakewrecks. And, with google, asking is even easier.
Don't bother with the Twilight book, it isn't worth the time, and I hear from lots of people that the movie is totally different from the book too.
makes me want to see the movie again :)
oh and I would go see the Twilight movie first then read the book... just sayin' (I read first then saw.. too dissapointed :( )
donnananana... ghostbusters...who ya gonna call??..... great now its stuck in my head!!
Don't kill your braincells by bothering with Twilight.
Listen...do you smell something? From one GB fan to another who had the glow-in-the dark sheet set for my college dorm room, I was SO disappointed with this cake, but then I had to remind myself that GB was released almost 25 years ago, gosh I feel old!
Bakery manager to cake decorator: When someone asks you if you know how to decorate a "Ghostbusters" cake you say YES!
Okay, I've seen it. But it's been twenty years or so. And I don't know why this is wrong. Except that it's a little blah.
Slinks out with head lowered in shame.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Dude. Everyone has seen Ghostbusters! My 6 year old niece loves it. And I would be all over any of the boys in those movies. Even Rick Moranis and Especially Ernie Hudson... The cake looks great except for the fact that they didn't use the right logo.
I think it is somewhat unfair to decorators to order something so specific and not provide pictures. I doubt even the most hardcore fan could replicate it properly from memory.
That said. This is a great wreck!
Yay for Ghostbusters!! That cake was hillarious.
Hrm...now I have a hankering to go watch again...
Actually, I was thinking that it's possible that the cake was not explained to the decorator properly on this one. Maybe.
(Why am I often so nice to the wreck makers?)
Maybe with the new Ghosbuster video game set to launch in June 09 more people will feel the need to watch the old movies. It's got all the guys back to voice the characters and the trailer released looks awesome.
And of course we loved this movie, so much so we had to dance to the theme at my wedding.
"LISTEN. DO YOU SMELL SOMETHING?" That line still cracks me up!
I haven't seen Ghostbusters, but even I know what the image should look like!!!!
Good morning, I'm Roger Grimsby. Today, the entire Eastern Seaboard is alive with talk of incidents of paranormal activity. Alleged ghost sightings and related supernatural occurances have been reported across the entire Tri-State area. -Such as this cake, which is supernaturally wrecked.
(So I edited a little...)
Oh, another Egon-Ray-Venkman fan! I love that movie. And yes, it is a crime against humanity that that decorator hasn't seen the movie. Or couldn't be bothered to Google the dang image.
I knew my husband was the one when he worked the lines "Print is dead" and "I collect molds, spores, and fungus" into a casual conversation. *sigh*
What? No love for Winston? He gets some of the best lines in the movie: "Tell him about the Twinkie." or "Ray, if someone asks if you are a god, you say 'Yes!!'"
It's too bad the decorator messed this up. The timing is perfect to get on board with the Ghostbusters revival. A new game, a new sequel, an attempt to pretend the first sequel wasn't real. (Ok, that last part is just me, but the others are pretty exciting stuff.)
And I think the people in my office are going to be upset that this post will have me going around for the rest of the day singing, "Well, I guess we're gonna have to take control."
They definitely crossed the streams on this one...
Haven't seen Ghostbusters! That's like saying you haven't seen Star Wars! "Don't Cross The Streams!"
So I love your cake wrecks, but now I love you even more! Ghostbusters is AWESOME! And as far as the Bobby Brown rap, I not only memorized it in English, but I translated it into French for a project in my French class in high school. My friends and I then performed it for the class! I LOVE Ghostbusters!!
Actually....I'm 26 and I've never seen Ghostbusters....guess I was too young for it.
Confirmation word: balsynch....must be some interesting torture device...
But who's the baker gonna call if there's an invisible man sleepin' in her bed, or her Egg's start mysteriously exploding??!!
You know, the real tragedy is that obviously the decorator is skilled. The "no" circle is perfectly round, the piping is all very well done, and the spelling is correct. If the decorator had known what the design was supposed to be it would have been a really cool cake.
"Smells like barbecqued dog hair."
*cough* "Are you the piping bag keeper?"
I think what's worst about this is the decorator obviously has some talent. The letters look great - especially the name. A simple Google image search would have helped so much.
Where do these stairs go?
They go up.
Poor cake.
That's all I have.
Dogs and cats living together- MASS HYSTERIA!!
I was very VERY young when GB came out (try fetus), but was all over the sequels. My brother and I had all the gear, the backpacks, the trap, and ran all over the neighborhood screaming "DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!"
So really, unless this decorator is under the age of 20 and has lived in a cave until he was called upon to decorate this cake, there is no excuse.
Save the money . The book is really bad
I so love the look of hopeless resignation in Ray's eyes.
"It's the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man."
"Ok, so she's a dog."
Aw I'm going to have watch this instead of baking cookies today. Well, its less calories.
oh how sad it would be for someone not to have seen Ghostbusters!
I am with the person who would like forget the sequel. I hate that painting.
The Stay Puft Man has potential as an inspired wreck
- THE PIZZA (www.thesurfingpizza.com)
Ghostbuster-loving Customer to self: Well that's just great. Either I have a monster in my kitchen or I'm completely crazy.
I love that movie, too!
As for Twilight movie and book, I thought they were fantasies about male abstinence and keeping the immediately post-adolescent female libido in check. Or something. Do Not Bite the Apple on the book cover, Resist Your Own Fangs, that sort of thing.
Years ago I used to babysit a little boy who was named "Gabe" by his parents. He refused to go by his given name once he turned 3. He answered ONLY to Egon Spangler. If I took him out in public, I was Janeen. Sounds like a little guy after your own heart! :D I still remember what he wanted for Christmas: "An adjustable proton backback featuring soft-foam wand and labeling sheets." ;)
Everyone needs to see Ghostbusters. Coincidentally, I showed it to my ESL students today. They loved it.
I ain't 'fraid of no ghost...
...but I am afraid of this cake.
I personally am a fan of "I am the keymaster are you the gatekeeper" said in that whiny voice.
word verfication: wingleva. I like that word. Like feliz navidad.
A) Ghostbusters was one of the best movie ever. 2) Twilight is tweener vampire masturbation drivel. iii) WTF is wrong w/ people these days? It's seriously a sign of the decline of western civilization when a cake decorator does not know the "no ghost symbol" d) at least the writing is nice. :-)
I would have loved to have seen this Cake with the quote (Parenthesis and all) "I aint afraid of ...and the image" on this cake.
And read Twilight... its harmless light reading.
I'd have to give it an E for Effort..and I'm a Twilight person myself.:o)
~Amy B
I would have loved to have seen this Cake with the quote (Parenthesis and all) "I aint afraid of ...and the image" on this cake.
And read Twilight... its harmless light reading.
Twilight fan here and I am not worried you haven't read nor seen the movie yet...I have taken care of at least 6 of you out there. *blush*
Even if one has never SEEN Ghostbusters (why, why WHY!?) how hard would it have been to Google it? To see the cute little ghost sticking out of the circle? I didn't even have to look it up. I believe because it is still a relatively recent addition to pop culture the symbol should be well known.
I still have my Ghostbusters T-Shirt! As for Twilight skip the movie stick with the book.
Too hot to handle, too cold to hold
They're called the Ghostbusters and they're in control.
Had 'em throwing a party for a bunch of children
and all the while slime was under the building.
So they packed up their group, got a grip, came equipped
Grabbed their proton packs off their backs and they split...
(Yep, that's actually from memory. Ha!)
"Try to battle my boys? That's not legal!"
"They were throwing a party for a bunch of children,
And all the while the slime was under the building..."
Rhyming children and building? Priceless!
Oh the horror. Such a waste.
Also, I was recently sucked in to the whole twilight thing. The only advice I can give is don't read it. Please, just, just don't.
I don't know what the draw is myself, but I read the whole series in 3 days. I am ashamed, and wish my friend had never forced it on me. I thought the movie was ok, but I'm more into the books.
Save yourself, don't end up like me. Save yourself while there's still time.
ghost busters is HOW old? ouch. it doesn't matter, it's a classic! i don't care who you are!! and all you twilight haters...chill! for goodness' sake. i think it's better left up to personal opinion. if you like to read, read the books. if you like movies, see the movie. don't expect "lord of the rings" quality in the movie, it's a small studio and there were limited funds. but you can't deny the chemistry between the main characters. when was the last time a 500+ page book was completely followed and perfect in a 2 hour movie?? that's right. so everyone decide for yourself, but don't go around throwing negative comments out to influence others!!
my favorite GB line: "ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!" hahahahahaha
Um...well....at least they had nice and neat handwriting for it.
LOL There's somethin' strange in the neighborhood...
are you kidding??? When I want to be left alone and someone says my name I reply with "There is no Shannon, only Zuul"
Shame on those who've never seen Ghostbusters!! How unAmerican!
and Twilight was okay all teen angst and blood, but avoid "Austalia" like the plague!! Horrible, cheesy, schmuck fest! blech
the tragic thing is, it looks like if the decorator had had a pic, they'd've been able to execute the design competently. the two-color icing text there is pretty deftly handled.
wikipedia: the solution to every problem.
My Daughters nickname is Zool 'cause she does this scarry whisper growl thing & sounds like the line "There is no Dana only Zool" BTW she's not even 1 yet.
If Twilight was a cake, it'd be well-suited for this site. And I'm not talking about the Sunday section. ;)
Back to the cake at hand... at least it wasn't a sheet with eye-holes?
Check out Cleolinda's livejournal for her hilarious Twilight entires. She loves the books, but knows they're cheeze.
You can watch Ghostbusters for free on hulu.com!
Mother Pus Bucket! Nobody gets the Ghostbusters logo wrong in my town!
"Gozar the Gozarian? Good evening. As a duly designated representative of the city, state, and county of New York I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return henceforth to you own ______, or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension."
"Thanks very much Ray, that ought to do it."
Ack! I just can't remember that one word.
I'd just like to say that I am offended that you referred to Twilight and then said down "vampire fans". I am an avid fan of vampire literature, and it makes me twitch to think about how much my little sister likes novels about a sparkly, loving vampire with good Mormon values. Just had to get that out.
I cannot help but agree that it's a travesty that the decorator evidently was unaware of Ghostbusters at all...I'm 19 in a Western-pop-culturally slower Asian country [Singapore] and the very mention of a 'no-ghost symbol' [even without context] already brings up the image of a sad and shocked banninated ghost. And like so many others have mentioned, the Internet exists to educate. What a tragedy. D8
[On the other hand, I just wanted to mention that again like several others, this post may have completely cemented my great love and faith in Jen and Cake Wrecks - had it not been for the earlier post with the 'Kobayashi Maru' reference. I have to say, Ms. Jen, that's where Cake Wrecks captivated yet another person wholly and completely.]
Bobby Brown? Not for the original Ghostbusters. "Who you gonna call?" Ray Parker Jr.
My boyfriend was disturbed when the clerk at Hot Topic--a good ten years younger than I am--was fluently quoting Ghostbusters at me. (I was buying a Ghostbusters T-shirt.) The movies cross all ages and generations. =)
And Twilight gives all the other fandoms a new whipping boy.
Despite the pathetic Ghost symbol...I would still say "Yes. Have some."
And thank you now I have "Too hot to handle too cold to hold...They're called the Ghostbusters and they're in control." going through my mind.
I just saw Ghostbusters recently for the first time-- it's available for free viewing on Hulu.com, in case any of your readers are interested.
Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!
There is no decorator, only Zuul!
They even got the red and white color scheme right. I actually had to look at the picture a moment to figure out what was wrong there. So close and yet so far, it's kind of sad.
All morning long I have been singing this song in my head to the Ghostbusters theme song:
When there's something strange
In your bakery (ooowwwww)
who ya gonna call?
Jan @ Cakewrecks!
(sound effects) peow wow peow wow dee dee de de dede
Oh and btw, Twilight.... if it were a cake I would submit it to you... 'nuff said
Oh Jen! You have GOT to read the Twilight series! They are soooo wonderful. I am scared to go see the movie because I just know it's going to mess up the perfect image I have of Edward.
I loved Ghosbusters! I can't believe anybody could mess that up!
Dogs and cats - living together!
I agree with the other commenters that this is extra sad because the decorator did a nice job, despite getting it completely wrong.
There really is no excuse for not seeing ghostbusters! Its on TV around here all the time, I watched it about 2 weeks ago.
As for Twilight - yuck, don't even bother. The movie is great if you're expecting a comedy though! I'm a big fan of the sparkles. Srsly.
Quite possibly my two favorite movies of all time. Well, in the top 10 anyway.
Also, "There is no Dana here. Only Zuul."
no human being would stack cakes that way...
In adition to the image of Fatso from Harvey Comics' Casper the Friendly Ghost shamelessly stolen by Ivan Reitman and company for this movie, I would have also asked for a bud vase with flowers ("The flowers are still standing!", an ad-lib by Bill Murray and one of my favorite lines).
So much great stuff in this movie!
How many other people have the Ghostbusters theme stuck in their heads after seeing this post?
Ghostbusters came out in 1984
I was born 3 years later
I STILL know what the Ghostbusters logo looks like!!
Saying the decorator could have been too young is no excuse.
Too hot to handle, too cold to hold, We're the ghostbusters and we're in control.
We were throwing a party for a bunch of children... when all the while the sign was under the building..
Oh yeah... I know it...
How can anyone who grew up in the 80s and 90s not have seen Ghostbusters? D:
I had a ginormous crush on Egon. That said, there is a bright side:
they could have attempted to do a ghost and ended up with cloud porn like the one in October's Ghost with the Most section. Let's be thankful. It's a cute cake -- no ghost = potential crisis averted.
Brianna McCarthy @ Passion.Fruit
I can't decide what's more disturbing, you saying there are people that actually haven't seen Ghostbusters, or that you haven't read Twilight....(or the baby riding carrot cake).
To Alix, first poster: It actually is "Oh, the humanity" but recently people have changed it because "Inhumanity" sounds more negative. I've always thought that "Oh, the humanity" referred to human suffering. Originally, though, it dates back to Herbert Morrison who reported on the Hindenberg crash. He exclaimed "oh, the humanity!" and the rest is history...though most people now only say it in exaggeration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Morrison_(announcer)
I was born two years after Ghostbusters but grew up watching the cartoon and still watch the movie. No excuse whatsoever for not seeing this masterpiece!
I haven't read Twilight but according to a well-read friend, it is very obvious that it is the author's first novel, and it's a shame that the first one recieved such notoriety because now she won't have to fix those same mistakes in her later books. As far as young adult fiction goes though (since few people write YAF that doesn't involve teen angst, everything going wrong, forbidden love, people dying in car crashes, teen pregnancy and/or eating disorders and all craziness breaking loose), it's among the best available.
They're called the Ghostbusters and they're in control...
Another GB fan! I hate watching it on TV because they always cut Harold Ramis out of the 4-shots.
Also, if you want to contact me privately, I have a small stash of GB2 buttons that were given away before the release (at some SF convention or other many years ago), and I'd be more than happy to share with you.
I agree with Spicy, dont read Twighlight. Its a complete waste of time. If you want to read a book about vampires, read Anne Rice.
To the anonymous person who posted as "Embarrassed" and stated that they're only 26 and maybe Ghostbusters was before their time...
I'm 27. And I had that movie MEMORIZED as a kid. And the sequel was HUGE and hit theaters when I was just about to leave elementary school. So the "probably too young" excuse - doesn't work!
Now, sheltered, no access to cable as a kid, parents didn't rent videos - I'll accept all those excuses! But Too Young does not work.
I'm more upset a true fan is leaving WINSTON out in the cold.
Collectors' set, watched with disturbing regularity.
You mean:
some people hear it
some people fear it
some people just won't go near it!
Oh yeah, that's classic bad rap, my friend. Seriously, everyone NEEDS to see Ghostbusters 1. It's classic. And the 2nd isn't bad.
I'm starting to feel old.
I am so glad this was a reference to Ghostbusters. When I saw the title, "Too hot to handle, too cold to hold..." this first thing in my head was "they're called the Ghostbusters and they're in control." I love it! Sad decorator.
Ooh this makes me want a slimer cake now!
I had to leave you links to these two hilarious reviews of Twilight--first the book, then the movie:
- If I could review "Twilight" (the book) in three letters, they would be "WTF".
- If Twilight the Book was WTF, Twilight the movie was FTW.
Keep in mind that some bakeries carry licenses for certain characters, and cannot reproduce just anything. Most likely, if it is not in their display book, they can't do it.
I'm no avid fan nor expert of Ghostbusters, but uh... even *I* knew something was not quite right about this cake. Seconds later upon seeing it, I knew that there was supposed to have been a picture of a ghost, where the text "Ghost" was. C'mon, its really not that difficult check out the facts before making it.
Don't get me wrong, the text has been executed rather well and the cake is neat overall, but... :\
Even if the baker didn't have access to internet/didn't know how to use internet, they could still go to the local video store and find out at the very least...
Again, do your research all you "decorators" (cough cough)!
I think I can match your love for that movie. I just burst out laughing in my cubicle because of this cake. Hilarious!
"Egon, your mucus..."
I think I found this blog because someone put a link on twitter about this cake! I'm embarassed to say ... although I have seen GB I do'nt know the logo and must now go and google it!!! fab blog - going to dig around in it now for more giggles!
ok, sorry, but do NOT go the "mormon bashing" route. just don't. has nothing to do with twilight.
As mentioned, the game, starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson, not to mention Annie Potts, Brian Doyle Murray and William Atherton, is going to be AWESOME.
Which leads into my next statement -- the game was greenlit after a survey was done revealing that the Ghostbusters no-ghost logo is THE SECOND MOST FAMOUS SYMBOL ON THE ENTIRE PLANET behind the Coca-Cola logo. So even if this guy has failed to see the movie, he fails at pop culture entirely.
Totally OT, but since you mentioned it, see the movie (Twilight) first. I made the mistake of reading the book first and was sorely disappointed.
By the way, BEST BLOG EVER!! You are hilarious!
I'm actually pretty sure that the original quote was "Oh, the huge manatee!", but that may just be the internet screwing with my head again.
at least it looks like a really tasty wreck.
Okay, I was born YEARS after GB, and I've seen it and the sequel- several times, in fact! Even my live-under-a-rock friends can identify the 'no ghost'symbol.
Oh, and you all out there bashing Twilight, don't. Okay, the books are great and the movie's good enough. And please, don't try to drown me and the other true fans out with your protests, I'm just here for the cakes.
I can't decide what's more disturbing, you saying there are people that actually haven't seen Ghostbusters, or that you haven't read Twilight...
This may shock you, then, but there are people who voluntarily don't read this series. I like my lit well-written and without purple prose, thanks.
As for GB, one of the greatest movies ever made. For really reals. This cake is so sad.
Ha! Ghostbusters was the first movie I ever saw in the theaters! :o)
Long time reader, first time poster here, I only had to comment because my almost 5 year old LOVES the ghostbusters and is haveing a Ghostbuster cake this sat for his 5th birthday party. I hope and pray that the cake looks better than that one.
Oh, please don't mention Twilight. I am SO tired of hearing about it.
Anywho, I want a cool NO GHOST cake! Ya know, the generic ghost, not any special ghost.
Did the person ordering request the "no ghost symbol" or the "symbol from Ghostbusters?"
Too bad that the decorator has missed a movie that's a pop culture staple, but if you're not specific about exactly what you want I suspect your run of the mill cake decorator isn't going to take the time to investigate given what their salary!
Don't worry about reading Twilight - it's the carrot riding babies cake of the book world.
omg you mean to tell me someone really didn't know what the symbol was. That is so sad. I am only 26 and I have seen that movie numerous times. So sad. Just so sad.
On the plus side, they got the direction of the slash in the international "No" symbol right.
Of course, the Ghostbusters movie got it wrong (and I think is largely responsible for the fact that so many people do likewise today), so I guess that actually makes the cake doubly inaccurate...
OK, I went from this post, DIRECTLY to photoshop disasters, where I read this:
I don't think Apple invented the wet floor style, but they have certainly used it a lot. So it was only a matter of time before an album sleeve featuring a wet floor should appear on Apple's site within another wet floor composition. Result: human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria.
How is it that I get handed 2 unrelated Ghostbusters posts in the same 2 minutes? How am I sooooo lucky?
I do <3 the ghostbusters.
I am a yes vote for Twilight: the book AND the movie! Let Cakewrecks judge for herself people! Stop saying it's not worth it!
Alright, I know I'm like last to post and nobody will ever even bother to read it, but I'll side with you, Jen. Even my 4 year old has seen and loves Ghostbusters. I'm doing right by my son, pop-culturally, anyway. =)
Alright...I admit...I had not seen Ghostbusters until 7 months ago. I had always wanted to, but my mom always had a thing against movies that were actually good (the only good movies I ever saw in childhood were either Disney or my dad let me watch with him). However, upon being out on my own and a GREAT deal at the W-word, my roommate and I bought both One AND Two for less than ten bucks. It's an easy remedy, even for the deprived souls like me and dumb decorators as he or she.
Ray: "I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay Puft!"
Stay Puft would make an awesome cake!!
I can't believe no one has used this one yet:
"Egon, your mucus"
Also "there are many subtle layers of laundry"
Dang it now I wanna watch both movies again! (about about the 1000 time)
Did you know that the writers of "The Office" are working on the third installment?!
Gigi- who's favorite Halloween costume to this day was her Venkman suit complete with "proton pack" with a cassette player hidden instead that played the theme song on a continuous loop for 60-count em'- 60 minutes. I was bad ass.
P.S. I love this blog
Even if you've never seen the movie, that symbol is iconic. There is no excuse for this cake.
re Anonymous (lack creativity much?)
"This may shock you, then, but there are people who voluntarily don't read this series. I like my lit well-written and without purple prose, thanks."
I was being funny. I'm a huge fan of Twilight. But I don't think everyone should read it. I find it more disturbing how many people go out of their way to bash something other people enjoy. What is it to you if someone likes something?
if you like good writing, editing, characterization, and stories, avoid Twilight like a syphilitic ex-boyfriend. if you're into vampires as morman allegory and endless, unconsummated longing, by all means, read away.
sorry. i'm kind of bitter about them...
Friend: Where is so-and-so?
Me: There is no so-and-so.
Friend: There is only Zuul?
Me: Exactly.
This conversation happens almost every time I see that friend. The "so-and-so" can be replaced with either another person we're talking about or an inanimate object. Hilarious either way.
I <3 GB.
Also, when first trying to submit this post, the word verification spot only had WORD VERIFICATION in it. Heh.
Second try: deepto
Twilight? Really? do yourself a favor and skip it. If the self-pitying really annoying teen protagonist doesn't make you actually vomit on the page, the self-pitying really annoying teen prose will.
Are you stoked about the reunion movie, or frightened? I think I'm both...
I was all ready to extend an offer to come and see Ghostbusters on the big screen (a local small theater in my town shows it every few years--I've seen it both times since I moved here) but then. . .THEN you had to mention Ghostbusters 2.
My heart broke.
Ghostbusters 2 is, well in my mind it just does not exist. Period. But if pressed to admit its existance, I can only use the word TRAVESTY.
Oh, who am I kidding. I'll still invite you to see it on the big screen again.
(and I love your blog)
I'm a huge fan of Twilight. But I don't think everyone should read it. I find it more disturbing how many people go out of their way to bash something other people enjoy. What is it to you if someone likes something?
It's nothing to me. I was merely pointing out the fact that not everyone wants to read it. Bully for you for not pushing it, but it seems there are a LOT of Twilight-pushers out there. Including the person I responded to, who was "disturbed" someone hadn't read the books. Pot, kettle.
Also, I wasn't bashing. From what I've seen Twilight really is full of purple prose and isn't very well-written. To each her own. That doesn't float my boat, but good for you if it floats yours.
Nothing my friends, NOTHING makes me gasp like a little old lady. But when I saw this post, my reaction was inevitable.
"*Gasp* OH.....OH no she didn`t!"
I was ready to get to my knees, throw back my arms and head, while screaming Twilights name to the heavens.
With all the Twilight haters in todays world, there also have to be some lovers too *AHEM*. I am one of those lovers.
Y'know, I don't think I've ever watched "Ghostbusters" all the way through. But not seeing the movie is no excuse for this -- if you don't know what that symbol looks like, you've been living under a rock.
I'm majoring in Zoology and Marine Biology and I have a fantastic time with, "Back off man! I'm a scientist."
I'm Corrie's father and there is more to the story on this cake.
Corrie was planning on getting married and her mother and I were looking for a bakery to do the wedding cake. This bakery came highly recommended and we though we would give them a try with a cake for Corrie's 25th birthday. When we were ordering the cake we asked if the bakery wanted a picture of the GB symbol (which we had with us). The response was, "No. Everyone knows what GB is." The cake was also suppost to be a lemon cake. When we picked up the cake the person at the counter opened the box to show it to us. She then stated, "Oh that doesn't look right." We got a $5 discount on the cake. When we served the cake we found that it was a white cake that was about 1/2 cooked.
Called the bakery on following day and asked to speak to the manager who I told about the cake and informed him that he had lost the wedding also. His response was "Is that all you got. That is the way things go."
Hey, that's my name! I had to blog about it.
Woo! I knew this was my kinda place!
"Get her Ray!"... am I the only one who had her wits scared out of her by that libary ghost?
GOOD NEWS: It's offical - a new Ghostbusters movie IS being worked on. Ramis, Ackroyd and Murray are already on board. Happy happy joy joy!
Wow - someone has never seen Ghostbusters?? My son has referred to okra as "slimers" since he was little (25 now). My daughter blessed me with the DVD set for Christmas after our VCR bit the dust. "There is no Dana, only Zuul" is the code hubby gets in place of not tonight, honey... I feel such sorrow for that poor decorator, and anyone else who's missed the wonderfulness that is Ghostbusters. What a tragedy.
In honor of the release of Batman...Holy Ghosts Batman! Who hasn't seen Ghostbusters!?!?!
Just my two cents... as a rabid Twilight fangirl... I just have to say.. As in almost ALL cases, the book is better than the movie. Do read the book. It is worth it. The movie... well, that is another story for another time. Dr. Cullen is cute though!
Hey, at least he didn't put the GBII logo on it. That might arguably have been worse.
(I kid, I kid. I still own the GBII soundtrack, if that helps. On cassette.)
I have not even seen the movie and I even know the ghostbusters sign.I really think they most likely A.didn't care or B.really stupid to not look it up!
Ok, so, she's a dog.
Since the decorations seem good, I'm wondering whether it's simply a case of lawyer avoidance.
The Ghostbusters™ logo is trademarked, and unauthorized reproduction might get someone into trouble. The MPAA has a fairly large cadre of lawyers, and they haven't been afraid to use them in the past...
No idea whether they'd try and nail someone for infringement in a case like that; but money would be changing hands for something with their logo on it, so they might have grounds. I know I wouldn't risk it myself.
my dog's name is Gozer, so i obviously don't understand not knowing what the No Ghost symbol is! What is with people these days?
To Corrie's father:
Wow, the manager's response is ridiculously unprofessional. Good thing you gave them a trial run first; sounds like a great tip for any "high-stakes" cakes!
Okay, I have to admit that I was stumped for a second about the symbol. But, it took me about 10 seconds to type in ghostbusters and google it. Apparently that never occurred to the cake decorator, lol.
too hot to handle too cold to hold their called the ghostbusters and their in control had em throwin a party for a b ch a children, when all the while slime was under the building
Not only have I seen Ghostbusters, but I bought both DVDs and my kids are currently in the process of memorizing the movies.
For no good reason, I occasionally enjoy saying, "At 1:40 this afternoon at the main branch of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue, ten people witnessed a free-roaming, full-torso vaporous apparition! It blew books off shelves from twenty feet away and scared the socks off of some poor librarian!"
Then I can tell by reactions who should be my friend. I have a feeling you would qualify. :D
Another good test is to talk about a six-fingered man and see who says, "You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Where do these stairs go?
They go up.
I'm thinkin the bakery has a rule about copyrighted material?
That's the only thing I can think of.
When I worked in the print shop we had a guy come in with a Disney poster he wanted 10 copies of. We told him no way, or else we could get slapped with a lawsuit.
He could use our machinery to copy it himself, but we couldn't do it or we'd be breaking the law.
Who the hell knows...
Obviously the person who decorated the cake and/or took the order wasn't at all familiar with the ghostbusting no-ghost symbol. OK, hard to imagine, but I'm sure not completely unheard of.
So, what really amuses me is what the decorator (or perhaps order-taker) thought of Corrie. She/he had to have wondered why on earth the client wanted a no slash through the word "ghost" on her own birthday cake. rofl! I would love to have heard the speculation in the bakery over that!
I have only seen 1/2 of ghost busters. Sorry
Found out about Vigo, the master of evil, tryin' to battle my boys? That's not legal!
Yeah, I also have it memorized. Good times!
Twilight might be a boring tweener series that will put your vocabulary to sleep, but at least there is merchandise with my last name on it now! I scored a $5 tshirt with the "Cullen Family Crest" on it at Wal-Mart. That is just wry gold.
Also, it's pretty priceless when young store clerks tell me to, "SHUT UP!" when they look at the name on my credit card.
Why no love for Zedmore? "Ray, if somebody asks if you are a god...you say YES!"
I used to get really unreasonably scared of Ghostbusters. But truth be told I have never seen Star Wars, Indianna Iones, the whole Ghostbusters or the whole Gremlins (i'd get too scared)Also, Shaun of the Dead gave me nightmares for three nights in a row.
Twilight is fine in book form, but honestly Kristen Stewart kills Bella for me and Rob Pattinson's eyebrows change like 9 times in the flick. That being said, Im still a Twerd.....Which is why I haven't rented SW yet because I don't want to turn into a Star Wars fanatic or what if I hate it? Then I'll feel like a jerkface.... Dilemma
WHO YA GONNA CALL? GHOSTBUSTERS!! ...I ain't afraid o' no GHOST!
Love that film! No one's too young for Ghostbusters!
"Don't cross the streams."
Hahaha Mr Staypuft! I would love to see a Mr Staypuft wreck :)