So Dawn W. was throwing a Wizard of Oz cast party, and she knew better than to order anything as complicated as a
Yellow Brick Road cake. So instead, she simply asked for a cake with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on it.
Now, if you've read this blog for any time at all, then you're probably expecting the same thing I was - an inscription that looks like this:
"Some Wear"
The Rainbow
I'm pleased to report that's NOT what happened. No, Dawn received something far more...colorful.

At first I thought the decorator was just being clever, but then I noticed the "Somewheres". Yeah. Well, there went
that theory.
86 comments | Post a Comment
Is this the best that the education system can produce?
This is one of my favorites of all....too funny!!!
Man, even that rainbow isn't that good. Do they get preschoolers to do this stuff?
I'm really diggin the neon colored 4 toned rainbow. Because everyone knows that in cake decorating world you're allowed to make that kinda stuff up.
I refuse to accept that this is a professionally made cake and that the concept of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" could have been so horribly misconstrued and completely missed. That's it, right? The whole of the cake? "Somewheres" and a poorly airbrushed rainbow that looks more like an unrolled Fruit By The Foot? Besides being just plain fugly, this is unforgivable. What would Dorothy think?
That cake decorator needs to stop swigging the vanilla straight from the bottle.
Angie (from over at
OMG! Who hasn't seen Wizard of Oz to know that anytime someone even says "Somewhere over the rainbow" that most normal people (well me), will break into the song! This takes the cake!
I think my 9 yr old could have come up with a better design...
The colors of the rainbow aren't even in the correct order...
At least the writing is pretty good(s). tee hee
And apparently the decorator has never seen a rainbow, as the colors aren't in order... Love it!
If crazy, clueless bakers try,
yet fail and still get paid...
Why, then oh why can't I?
Are you sure it's not "somewhereo?" It's just like a sombrero but it's worn exclusively by rainbows.
OH lol. It's perfect. Somewhere is LITERALLY over the rainbow!
Darn the ol' prepositional phrase strikes again!
If the "rainbow" was in the right color order and "Somewheres" was singular, this would be the most smart-assy cake EVER.
word verification: woomarn. I woonder if a marn oor a woomarn designed this cake.
Wow ok so my son looked at the screen and said mommy whats wrong with that rainbow. lol I have no idea honey. He then said rainbows are not that color. Priceless just priceless.
When rainbows are involved, please remember ROY G. BIV, people! Isn't this taught in elementary school science?
This could have been so cute. It could have been a competent rainbow, with little singing bluebirds.
Someone didn't pay attention to the Roy G Biv rule!
I really need to start reading your blog whenever I really mess up at something - it'll pick up my mood immediately. Cuz I'm freakin' Einstein compared to these decorators :)-
The more I see on your blog, the more it makes me want to become a cake decorator - just to stop the madness and help society. The Air Force has plenty of medics, but apparently there's a real decorator shortage in this country!
Roy G. Biv =
Word verifcation: ulaxe
Hey Decorator! Ulaxe on your spelling and rainbow colors.
Someone missed out on Grammer class, I think.
~Amy B.
Sheesh! It's not really that hard to draw a proper rainbow; even my 6 yr old knows about "ROYGBIV"!!
I love your blog! I haven't laughed so much in ages! I blogged sbout your blog today - so you may get some hits from me!
Keep it up! Too funny!
LOL's to The Courteous Chihuahua.
Why then, oh why can't I, indeed!
This one is really funny! It's like one of those crappy word puzzlers in the newspaper, only there was no proofreader.
Don't you mean "grammar" - or was that ironic?
I've really got to stop loaning my 3 year old out to decorate cakes... except that he'd get the colors in the right
Dear Cake Decorator,
Repeat after me:
(Didn't most of us learn that in 3rd grade?)
Word verification: debili.
I suspect this wreckorator actually wanted to be a fake tan technician.
Am I the only person who thought that the mnemonic 'Richard of York Gave Battle In Vain' worked the other way around, and used the colours of the rainbow (simple to remember) to recall the many strategic failures of the 3rd Duke of York? No? Ok.
Oh no, I mean, at first I thought there was a part of the cake missing, you know? The part that said "over the rainbow", but then I got they just wrote "somewheres" over the rainbow...ROFL
(I hope the use of "" is correct!!)
People never cease to amaze me. The rainbow is pretty dissapointing too.
These comments have taught me something I never knew. Roy G. Biv! I'm pretty sure none of my teachers ever taught me that...but I'm not a cake decorator so that doesn't matter. This person should have known the correct colors!
Ah! The pesky prepositional phrase strikes again!
That's freaking hilarious. And one of the fugliest rainbows I've ever seen.
This is the best one yet! Gets my vote for Wreckiest Wreck.
I think it wasn't done.
They started with the intention of putting "Somewhere over the rainbow" and accidentally put the s on somewhere. Then while they were out back smoking, thinking about how they were going to fix it, the customer came in to pick it up.
If not, they are either a total smarty pants or they have never seen or heard of the Wizard of Oz.
*Word verification:
hubblym-the green gooey frosting used to make dragon cakes.
i thought it said "somewhereo" too. and it must be difficult being a cake decorator when you're colour blind.
I can't believe this decorator got it SO wrong. Is it possible to become an adult and have never seen or heard of The Wizard of Oz? Must be.
Oh dear... so sad.
I think "somewheres" comes from the increasingly popular txting spelling and grammar rules. I have seen high school papers using such language, and it makes me very, very sad for the fate of the English language.
Word Verification: Throple- What most cake wreck receivers feel like doing to the sugar-high decorators responsible.
When I look, I see "Someiuhereo", except the "i" isn't dotted. I don't see a cursive w, but instead iu. And yeah, that doesn't look like any rainbow I've ever seen. Wreck-tacular!
Oh that is just *the best*. My day is made. I'm going back to bed, because everything else that happens after this today will just be a disappointment.
LOL this is my favorite wreck yet!!! And the more I look at these things, the more I think, "HEY! I can do this, too!" I've never been to pastry school, but I don't think any of our wreck creators have! tee hee
That's not even a rainbow! ROY G. BIV, friends.. ROY G. BIV!
Now, I question that this was professionally done.
You know those kiosks in the mall where you can get your picture taken and screen printed in mediocre quality on an airbrushed T-shirt or wall scroll or whatever? That's who I think made this cake, one of those.
Egads! I choked on my chip! What a riot!
My word verification says it all: Dawn was "CONDED"
Thanks for the chuckle!
Somewheres...maybe it's actually supposed to be 'Somewhere's' a contraction--Somewhere is....over the rainbow...
No? ah well...I didn't really think so either...
~Bonnie B~
Maybe she had a lisp?
Thanks for the humor! It's the highlight of my day today!!
I agree with arcOH. I am most concerned with the failed connection of w to h.
Wow. That rainbow.
How hard is it people.
I thought it said "somewhores". A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste!
It looked like "Somewhered" to me. Maybe it's a new verb meaning "I went somewhere." Just, "I somewhered."
And to the decorator's credit, the colors are sort of in reverse order... violet, pink, yellow and green go in that order... it just doesn't start with violet. And there are like four other colors missing.
... ok so it's not in order :D
I tried.
It's even more funny when you realize that the 'e' in somewheres looks kind of like an 'o'. yeah...
This is completely ridiculous. As usual I'm torn between staring in horror and laughing my pants off.
wow...that's cute.
I mean, if a 3 year old did it, it'd be cute.
I agree with Sara and Randy!
I see "SOMEWHORES" too!
I feel like there are times when an incorrect rainbow can be excused. Really, if someone sort of combines blue and indigo, I'm not going to get all worked up about it. Or if a child's birthday cake is deliberately done in a cartoony style and the rainbow only has red, yellow, green, blue, and purple, it's fine.
But they could at least get it kind of in order.
I just like to think of alternatives. If you've ever seen a double rainbow, you will have noticed that the colors reverse on the outside one, so this could be the outside (reverse order) of a double rainbow. The area between the two rainbows is sort of purply-black (I like to think of it as ultraviolet).
But I doubt that this decorator ever bothered to look at a rainbow.
I'm guessing the words "Somewhere's over the rainbow" featured somewhere in that conversation...
Fred from somewhere over Australia
sooommmmeWHEEERESSS over the raiinbowww!
I'm assuming that the decorator hadn't been introduced to Roy G. Biv as a child, hm?
If they only had a brain!!!!!
That's the worst looking rainbow I've ever seen. Hasn't he ever heard of ROY G BIV?
Amy.mangos said...
"I think "somewheres" comes from the increasingly popular txting spelling and grammar rules. I have seen high school papers using such language, and it makes me very, very sad for the fate of the English language."
Or not.
I've heard ADULTS talk this way-plenty of times. "Somewheres," "anyways," and many others. It's not new at all.
That fate is sealed, I'm afraid.
Wow. At least it was over, not under the rainbow!
haha... that is AWESOME!
I would have been expecting "Some Where Over the Rainbow," but I guess people "Wear" things over the rainbow too?
So simple, but so wrecky.
Maybe the "decorator" was Gollum: "Somewheres over the rainbowsess, precioussssssssssssss!"
Such potential for utter hilarity...wasted by lack of adequate culture AND grammar
WOO-HOO! I was THRILLED to see this on Cake Wrecks today! I'm the submitter and yes - it's totally real. This happened to me a couple of years ago...and I'm SO happy I snapped a photo before it was gone. The "decorator" was a 45ish year-old woman at Sobeys. I almost refused to take the cake when I saw it, but on second thought, it was just too funny. I'm glad you all thought so too!
And yes, we sang "Somewheressss, over the rainbow" all night.
As to the Blue Birds - they must be over the White Cliffs of Dover. (And I dread to think what a wreckorater would make of that!
These just keep getting better!
possibly a miss-translation of an idea.
call-taker: "hey I have a sweet idea, they want a somewhere over the rainbow cake so we do a cake with a rainbow on it, and get this the somewhere's over the rainbow right?
cake decorating chimp slave: ook?
I love it... Sadly, as much as the "S" annoys me the reverse order of the rainbow colors is WORSE to me, somehow. ROYGBIV people! ROY G BIV! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRG
I've lost my faith in cake decorators now. I've gotten past the missed marks and the fugly before but that....that's just sad.
Oh my word verification is "whine" Ha ha ha ha
I think you mean "udjumakashun sistum"
sendingtheclowns: Talk like that? Yes, we've all done it. Write it out? No, because we understand that spelling is important when you're getting paid for it!
I think it would have been a bit cute of it said, "Somewhere...", wasn't so close to the rainbow, and maybe...okay, I give up. But it could have been cute.
oh my goodness, that is......clever? this makes me laugh even more, because I am actually making a Wizard of Oz cake in Jaunary for a little girl. It's going to have an emerald city, fondant yellow brick road, poppy field and a rock candy rainbow! The cake in this post is just....disappointing.
New England cake?
Everyone knows that the order of rainbow colors go turquoise, yellow, pink... purple. er..
It doesn't say "somewheres" because the cursive "w" wouldn't look that's more like a jacked up cursive "u". I think.
I don't know... I think it might say "Somewhereo," like "Somewhereo over the rainbow!"