Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rather Good Cake Video

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This video is utterly insane, disturbing, and potentially seizure inducing.

I rather like it.

Be sure to check out Rather Good for more general hilarity.

Oh, and Josh, one question: how would one go about getting one's spouse to STOP WHISTLING THIS &%@!$ TUNE?!? That is, if one had such a whistling spouse. You know, like, in theory.
Lilli said...

I guess my question is did they actually write the songs, then put videos to them? Or did someone else just as insane write them?

Good enough for a giggle first thing in the morning!

Thanks for the laugh

K&C in Uruguay said...

I love RatherGood. My poor spouse will have to endure me whistling this tune for a good long while, I suspect. He just got over me singing the RatherGood "we love the moon" for the last three years...

Becky said...

That's hysterical but the baby with the teeth is creeping me out!

Anonymous said...

I'm going back to bed. Maybe if I sleep long enough I will forget I saw that!

Anne Packrat said...

I've found that slaps upside the head help with the spouse whistling problem. If that doesn't work there's always threatening to delete his saved Tivo / DVR stuff.

AbFabAmy said...

OH YAY! Someone else who likes Rather Good! YAY!!

Anonymous said...

Rather good...I agree! Our whole house is rockin' out...our preschooler and toddler think the cake song is the best thing since, well...cake!

The Single One said...

amazing! i cant stop giggling. that song is going to be stuck in my head all day. heehee.

Anonymous said...

Whaddya know! I like cake too!! Even if I am a bit woozy from motion-sickness inducing kitty...

Off to decorate "Dad's" brthdae "cake"!!

four little blessings said...

OK, my 2 and 5 year old were jamming out to the song.... to the point where my 2 year old crashed and hit her head. Lying on the floor she uttered... "Mo' cake-cake". If that isn't a testament, I know not what would be! Thanks for the hiliarious link... we completely appreciated it! I have linked your blog to my own, and it is a source of humor to me every day!


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does that sound like The Wiggles? (And count your blessings if you haven't been exposed to that unique brand of torture.)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i do think that video could cause a seizure.... have mercy

Anonymous said...


He writes and animates his own stuff. If you get a chance, check out some music from his band "7 Seconds of Love" -- I have a couple of their songs on my iPod, and he's quite good.

Robert said...

See... what creeps me out is the cats with lips doing harmony in the background... Ewww. But definitely good first thing in the morning!

*Michelle said...

The creepiest part is the singing baby covered in chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Seizure inducing is about right...I was getting really dizzy watching it. Yikes, but hilarious.

An Apron Straitjacket said...

I suddenly feel dizzy, yet suprisingly hungry for cake.

lizzied said...

OK, I've had some coffee... yogurt... cereal...

Just trying to figure out what was laced with acid this morning! YIKES!

Elizabeth said...

Pretty funny. My kids sure like it!!

Anonymous said...

There's quite a lot of cake in here too:

Unknown said...

I love Rather Good. They had these ads out for Quizno's Subs a while back. If you think the cake tune is addictive... my friends and I were running around for WEEKS singing "WE LIKE THE SUBS!!!"

Anonymous said...

ugh. Not my taste.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but this was rather terrible. Easily the worst post on this otherwise great blog.

Anonymous said...

Um, unfortunately, I'M the whistling spouse in this marriage, so now my husband shall be dammed forever. I guess he'll just be happy it's no longer Wicked and Chicago tunes....

Anonymous said...

I only made it through 32 seconds before I got motion sickness and had to turn it off.

The song is cute, though.

Unknown said...

ugh, that was horrible.

and it's already in my head after just one viewing.

Kaye said...

Okay, I just got referred here by another blog and you are now on my ever-increasing reader list. Love your blog!

Momma J said...

Too funny, and thank you for now having that song stuck in my head for the day!!

Harley Dee said...

Oh my gosh I almost wet my pants.. that was too funny and utterly scary all at the same time :)

Yarnhog said...

From the minds that brought you "The Yellow Submarine", evidently.

LeahBear said...


I wanted to let you know that I came across your blog because you're on the "notable blog list" on Blogger. Now I'm addicted!

Indigo Moose said...

I LOVE that song and I LOVE that site. I was wondering whether to send it in - now it appears I don't have to

It is a very catchy song, and is available on iTunes ^^

V. Nicharico said...

That's an oddly disturbing way, LOL!

Debbi said...

OMG! That was great ~ in a weird kind of way, of course. Loved the background singers with the big red lips. Now I can't get that song out of my brain. aaaaaIIIIIeeeeee!

Chris said...


(loud scream)

MommaSuds said...

OK I can listen to it but I should deffinately not have watched it since already feel nauseas.UGH

Anonymous said...

Now that my husband has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, our cakes ARE made of rice. hmmmmm...

Christine said...

Oh, I think I'm going to be nauseous. Yikes...

Snowberry and Lime said...

haha, fair question, it is insanely catchy, as much as that video annoys me....

Dea said...

Gimme some cake!


The Hatter said...

who in the world comes up with these things?

anywho, cute, and gosh darn catchy!

Marissa said...

I think you've found your theme song for this blog!

I need to go take a motion sickness pill now.

Anonymous said...

Very entertaining Good for a few laughts.

MB said...

Did that come from the creators of those Quizno's ads a few years back?

Anonymous said...

We're RatherGood fans from way back, but our problem isn't whistling. It's the fact that we can't get our preschoolers to stop singing the "Beer Beer Beer" song. We try to rephrase it as other things "Cheese Cheese Cheese," etc. We'll have to try "Cake Cake Cake."

Anonymous said...

And people say that television is leading to the degradation of our society and the pollution of the minds of our youth. No; no, I say. It is Videos Like This One that are frying our brain cells one by one.

Gladys said...

Does anyone remember Toonce the Cat? Yeah I think this is Toonce's long lost cousin, Cake Kitty.

Jonathan Jerkins said...

hilarity ensues...

Kristi said...

Great, now I have to go to bed with that song in my head. Love the Dalek cake at the beginning, though!

Anonymous said...

I just went thru all your cake wrecks...BLOODY HILARIOUS! I can see why you made the Blogs of Note.

Anonymous said...

That was just....bad.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Now that my husband has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, our cakes ARE made of rice. hmmmmm..."

And as we saw a few posts ago, some are made with meat and fish. Not that they should be, but they are.

lexis said...

The best part is the baby singing, "I like cake!"

Kat said...

Did you make this? it looks like that you just put music to it.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, thank God we're not the only ones! My daughter was hooked on the Beer Beer Beer song a few months ago, too. Eventually I convinced my husband it wouldn't be good for her to sing at school, and he stopped showing it to her.

Izzy said...

Disturbing ... but I couldn't stop watching! Somebody had too much free time on their hands :-)

Nancy at ManicForMosaics said...

That video is like a car accident: you don't wanna watch but you can't HELP IT!!

When the Hubster starts singing/whistling/humming some annoying song, I sing the Vonage song (Woo Hoo Woo Hoo Hoo!) at the top of my lungs and drown him out. The trick is to out annoy the heck outta him & beat him at his own game!

I think I threw up in my mouth a little when I saw the macho man cake. Sadly, I think I dated that guy...........

That Barbie concoction reminds me of the crocheted doll thingamabob my grandma used to hide the extra roll of toilet paper in.

It the cake kitty on crack?

Abbie Nelson said...

Yes...Josh...please tell us how to shut up our spouses. Sigh...

Anonymous said...

I showed this to my 4yo and he laughed hysterically when the baby came on the screen! The first time he asked to watch it 4x in a row. Now all I have to do is whistle the theme and he says, "I Like Cake!"

I love this site!!!

Anonymous said...

Made my day as I really needed some hysteria (FUN hysteria as opposed to personal hysteria).

That's not teeth on the baby, is it? I thought it was icing...

Anonymous said...

Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes always gets rid of the repeating ditty for me.

Garrett said...

I'm a Doctor Who fan, and I couldn't help but notice the dalek go by in the background in the first couple of seconds...

Teagan said...


Anonymous said...

:-) I've been a Rather Good fan for YEARS! And I agree 7 Seconds of Love is awesome too! Joel and Alex rule! :-)

We love the moon
'cause it is close to us

Friggin' classic.

Lord Manley said...

That is my R2D2 at the end.

Anonymous said...

Rather Good are ace. I would also like to admit to some of those cakes in the video being mine. I am particularly proud of the pink cake with 4 candles - entirely crafted by my own fair hand.

Love this blog - it never fails to cheer :)

Anonymous said...

I think this should be the official Cake Wrecks Anthem!

(I will not play this with my spouse around...I am having enough trouble getting the song out of my head on my own!)

Anonymous said...

Wow. I am REALLY glad I am a stay at home mom, because if I had - say - watched this at the office, I would be fired for sure. I nearly peed my pants laughing at this! I love that this is available on iTunes. This song is my anthem.

Connie said...

Cake cake, cake cake cake cake yeah!

I love RatherGood. They're Rather Awesome. I love the Viking Kittens.

Anonymous said...

Hey, was that a Dalek I saw?

Anonymous said...

ummm this guy needs to fix his video because we have already established that cakes are, indeed, made from meat...

Anonymous said...

I would hope that your hubby has stopped whistling the tune by now, but just in case he hasn't here is a catchy replacement!

Kara C.

Anonymous said...

Cake, cakecake, cakecake ye-eah..

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, good gods.

I read the "seizure inducing" warning. Why did I not listen?!

Curse my overwhelming curiosity!


If any other readers out there are epileptic, HEED THE WARNING.

Anonymous said...

"this video has been removed"

sad news for those of us who've just recently discovered cake wrecks, and are working our way through the archives. :(

Ryan Egesdahl said...

If you wanted to see the video again (WARNING: it's an ear worm!) you can find it here now: