Because brunch isn't over 'til Mom asks, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hideous butterfly cake: $9.99
Download of Christina Aguilera's single, "Beautiful": $1.29
Convincing mom you weren't being sarcastic: Dinner at Red Lobster and three years of guilt.

So which is it? "I'm Love you Mom," or "I'm Love Mom?"
I like to think this one was inspired by Isaac Asimov:
The first law of moms: A mom may not injure her child or, through inaction, allow her child to come to harm. No matter how many times said child asks to go to the bathroom.(And if you got that joke, you may now award yourself 15 geek points.)Like they always say, "If Mather ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy."
Bringing all of her concentration and communication skills to bear, Jean was finally able to place the apostrophe correctly.
So, hey, that's something. One thing you can always count on: moms will always love their kid's artwork. Always.
Ok, so maybe this one could use a few more plastic butterflies.And finally, while I appreciate a good multi-use cake pan as much as the next dessert addict, I'm not sure it sends the most
appropriate message on Mom's special day to
give her the finger:
The string is to remind you of your proctologist's appointment later this week.
'Cuz, hey, even #1 Moms have to go #2!
Thanks to wreckporters Jody G., Meg G., Adriel H., Suzanna P., Laura H., & Anony M., who think that last cake is a real nail-biter.
100 comments | Post a Comment
It's quite nice that, occasionally, I get to award myself some geek points. Great post as always, Jen!
Wow... the one with the kids artwork... just wow...
Oh dear, geek points for me for the I Robot reference. :)
I just love winning me some Geek Points in the morning!! :-)
And at first glance, those cupcake trays looked more like deviled eggs trays to me... I think I need more coffee...
The "I M*m" cake decorator from this post and the "I <3 M m" cake decorator from yesterday's post need to get together.
Is "Happy Mather's" a similar holiday to Falker Satherhood?
Just askin'...:)
Woot! Fifteen geek points for me! That brings my total up to 1,589,015! Go me!
The "IMom" cake isn't really a Mother's Day cake. It's to celebrate the release of Apple's newest gizmo...the iMom. It attaches to your iMac, iPhone, iPod, iPad, and iPood. It gives you daily affirmations such as "Wear clean underwear" and "If your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too?" and the classic "Well I'm not Joey's mom that's why Joey can jump off bridges with his friends and you can't"
Available next month at stores everywhere.
Donna M,
I wish I had a like button for your comment.
HAHAHA! Asimov's 3 Laws of Mombotics. 15 points for me :-)
15 geek points for me!
Sweet! 15 geek points for me! :)
That last cake pan can also be used for the ever popular leg-of-lamb cake and the Celebrate Idaho! cake.
Donna, your comment rules the day. Wasn't going to post today, but had to just to give you a virtual thumbs up.
And also because of my WV: fringbum. Which makes me think of that last cake...
I particularly like the "Far Side" feel to the apostrophe comment.
@ Donna M
the iMom also tells you where to find those other iGadgets when you've misplaced them.
Woot woot...I get the geek points!
The Mather cake reminded me of the happy falkersatherhood cake. Oh, good times. "It's like a word journey"
The kid's artwork cake looks like it's covered in cat litter -- even the cat thought it should be buried.
Thanks for the geek points. Can I give mine to Donna M? I just HAVE to give her something. My "IMom" would also say "Do you remember Sheila Smith? I think you went to high school with her? She was a grade ahead of you? Well, she's dead." (But I hear she was wearing clean underwear.)
Kinda expecting a Beaver joke with that Mather's cake.
Geek points here too! Thrilled you are an Asimov fan. First books I put on my Kindle were the first three books of the Foundation series. The cakes are just proof that Moms love you no matter what. Wreckerators have moms. Those moms are proud. Right?
first cake -- I see Groucho that bad...anyway, got the Geek I'm not only old, but I'm a Geek...not thinkin' this is a good combination....
wv - fater: the man we'll celebrate next month
I cede my geek points to Donna M, too - by the way, if I give my kid an iMom, does that mean I don't have to say those things anymore?
Thanks to the CW team and Donna for making my day!
Tracy O
Yeah 15 geek points iv leveled up to ultra geek and unlocked the wreckie geek achievement
ROTFLOL @ Donna M! Love your post!
IMom, not to be confused with the IRon, ICook, IWash, IClean...and guys...if you complain about the INag, you will have the IHurt ;-D
Bravo on the commentary, as always!!
(I'm so glad I get to award myself geek points today. That makes my whole day.)
Happy Mather's WHAT?!! I need to know!
And no geek points for me, but I'm okay with that.
more geek points! whatever will i do with them all?
Yay Geek Points! But I don't think I deserve the full 15, because I never actually read I, Robot. My dad was an Asamov fan so I was exposed to second-hand geek.
Yay, geek points to me!
Donna M. I think you may be on to something - get that patented QUICK!
If it was really a tribute cake for a fanatical Asimov fan who happens to be a mother, there should have been a comma! ;p
Woot! 15 geek points for me!
And rule the world. Queen Geek. We bow to you.
I think the kid's artwork on edible paper is a really cute idea... with REALLY poor execution.
Where do I pre-order a couple of iMoms for my kids?
When I looked at the Happy Mather cake, I thought it said "Happy Mather' D." Oh my.
Don't these stores wonder why they don't sell any cakes? Or do people actually BUY these things they set out?
I really want to know! Does it all get thrown away?
wv: faket
I got 15 geek points, and I didn't have to faket!
Ok, let's start with the easy that last one a foam finger with frosting???? Come On People!!!
The second one "I'm Love Mom" reminds me of the old song "Love Man" madeover for Mother's Day (awww)
add my 15 geek points, and now I have 42. :-)
anybody else thing that last one looked more like the state of idaho then a hand? not that either really says "mom"
15 geek points for me!!! Woohoo!!!
Also, why didn't my kids get me an I Mom cake on Sunday? That's just not fair.
So what would the second and third law of moms be? What about the Zeroth law?
Woo hoo! 15 more geek points. Thirty more and I get a commemorative Hari Sheldon pin.
Really thought that last one was a map of Idaho. Although what better way to let your mother know that you have chosen a life of prostitution? "Mom, I da ho. Here's a cake."
If I read the comments on You Tube videos I get ill... If I read them on Cake Wrecks, I laugh until I am ill... I'll take door number two, please :) Personally, I am thinking that we are reverting to cave-dweller days... I-mom U-dad Dat-*point with ugly number 1 cake* -kid... or kidding... :P
Finally!!! My misspent youth pays off in geek points for me! (At least it was misspent according to my mother.) How appropriate is that!
yay, I get Geek points! lol!
I do believe that is Idaho. Next year I'm going to make my mom an Oregon cake for Mather's Day. I'll make sure I write I'm Love Mom on it. She'l love it!
+1 to the expectation of a Beav joke for the Happy Mather's cake
"and Happy Mathers as...the Beaver's mom"
An Oregon cake? I'll do a Colorado one...or Wyoming.
I have the special pan for them...a 13x9
Happy Mather's was actually a cake ordered for a "Leave it to Beaver" star's family reunion...and you mocked it!
Meanwhile - IMom sounds wonderful, it would cut so much time out of my day. Thanks Donna M.
No, I'M Love Mom! You are an impostor!
Hooray for geek points! I'll take 'em where I can get 'em.
My mother always said that no child was worth going to jail over- but that's partially because I was a handful. I'll have to pass that joke along to her, because I didn't get it :(
I got the geek points--yay, me! But I don't need to be told I am a geek mom, I KNOW. Why, just this morning I was telling my young'un that science is cool and all the things she likes were made by geeks--computers, video games, her robot penguin "Penbo", and yes, even Disneyland. I love the smell of geekiness in the morning!
Donna-- you could further personalize the iMom with "decade apps" like: "No, you can't wear a peasant skirt made from a bedspread, love beads, and bare feet to your cousin's formal wedding....AND, oh my gracious, Where. Is.Your. Bra. ?!?!?!"
Love my wv: ecrousta. What does a wreck grow (or already have?)
Squeee!!! I get geek points!!
I've been catching up on my wreckie reading -- and oh, my goodness, I think I hurt myself.
This whole last week was filled with awesomeness.
Donna M., I love your comment. Sending my geek points your way.
vw: fishbo. Donna can keep her geek points in this fishbo and go to Epbot for tutorials on how to make it even better.
Multi use? What kind of shape would the original one be for the last one?
I feel so special! Thanks for the nice comments on my comment :)
In appreciation for all the lovely comments, everybody will receive a free upgrade to their iMoms, now including "Because I said so" and "Just wait until your father gets home"
Do I get cake now? :)
First, I'd like to claim my +15 geek points :)
Second, Jen missed a wreck! We were so focused on the "Mather's" wreck, we missed the one behind it! Zoom in on the picture and you'll see "Love you MooM" or "Love you Moo!!"... not sure which...
Thank you for the laughs, and the geek points (like I needed more!).
"Happy" was Jerry Mather's nickname. Only LITB insiders know that.
Of course, that still doesn't solve the mystery of what possession of his is being discussed.
Donna M, and anyone who followed up with what their iMom would say -- fabulous comments!
Mine would spend its first few years with me saying "Aren't you cold?" then finally give up, and realize I am fine in a short-sleeved shirt while it is wearing four little padded iMom pouches.
Mel, I agree about the Grouchofly. I can just hear it saying "If I hold you any closer I'll be in back of you!"
wv - reagl
These cakes are not reagl enough for my queenly Mom!
I didn't know Stevie Nicks had a child.
Definitely deviled eggs. (Welcome back, previous meal -- it's good to see you again!) Were these part of a series? "That message still doesn't look right -- better try again. I need more eggs!"
I got the Asimov reference, then went on to Bradbury's story, "I Sing The Body Electric!".
I guess Jerry deserves a day, but two things occur to me:
a.) The apostrophe is then in fact misplaced (should be Mathers' or perhaps Mathers's).
b.) The wreckerator might have been attempting to circumvent the pun control laws (aka the 'Alan Brady Bill') with 'Happy Mother's [Mather's] Daisies'.
Next, I was trying to make sense of what appeared to be white powder (sugar -- yeah, just what every cake needs!), then I realized that moisture is soaking through what may not be edible paper. Which document subsequently had to be placed in a vacuum-sealed display case, following the Great Ant Invasion of 2011.
Finally, I can see a harpsichord decorated by someone who hates music (and musicians).
That Idaho cake? Personally I saw a headless pregnant lady. The pink flower-smattered bump looked like a maternity dress to me.
So it COULD mean, just thinking out loud here, "Thanks for being the #1 Pregnant Mom...but not enough thanks that I will not render you decapitated."
Looks to me like they didn't even bother with the edible paper for the artwork cake...ugh.
After those wonderfully refreshing beautiful cakes on Mother's Day, these past two days' cakes are just awful.
Maybe the iMom can help get the kids out of the house to school in the morning without my constant yelling at them to get ready faster, can help referee the latest argument, can keep track of whose turn it's supposed to be or who started it or how much each has had so that it is fair...
WV: cruenged--I just cruenged at the sight of the wreckerator's Mother's Day cake.
Is that SAND on the second to last cake?
So, how many geek points do I get for actually having read the entire anthology in which the story resides? Just curious.
... And those cakes... OH THE HUMANITY!!!
Is it just me or does anyone else see something that isn't a butterfly or a finger with George Bush ears in that first cake?
I mean....ew...
Thanks for the laughs! I needed them today :)
Donna M FTW today....FTW! Best comment ever. I'm with John....wish we had a like button on Blogger!!
The last cake reminds me of something Fred Flintstone might eat (leg of Brontosaurus perhaps) or something he might hit that annoying Gazoo with.
Lol. My typos drive my mom fact,it was she that corrected my only cookie mispelling....and I get prompt emails about blog typos, lol. No mispelled cookies for her!
Well it could be a reference to not only I, Robot but we can pretend it's referencing the TNG episode, I Borg too!
Do I get double points?
I'm going to make eveyone I know read today's post and comments. Donna M, I want to be your friend! You crack me up.
Yay, more geek points for me.
Do I still get geek points if I only saw the movie?
Sorry, it's on my list!
That last cake looks rather suspiciously like my home state, too. If you wrapped it in pink flowery wallpaper from hell. And hey, Delaware's one of the only states that's small enough to feasibly do that!
*takes my geek points and runs*
The last one is nice. What better way to show your mom love than to remind her that she still needs to see her gynocologist even after menopause. But there should also be a squished boob cake to remind her to get her annual mammogram.
I do believe we have found a rare DOUBLE WRECK! In the background of the "Happy Mather's" cake, there's a cake that says "Love you Moom!" Plus, I got Geek Points. I think I have 35 so far...
Yay! I got geek points!!
I can't get over the one with the children's artwork on it. It would be cute if a kid actually did it themselves and gave it to their mom but that was just awful!
My one of my sons likes to call my Mather when He is being cheeky with me, so I thought of him and loled. Thanks
"M" is for the messy blobs of icing,
"A" is for apostrophes galore,
"T" is for the too tremendous pricing,
"H" is “Hell, these cakes are looking poor!”
"E" is for my eyes, which now need bleaching,
"R" means retch, what these cakes get from me.
Put them all together, they spell "MATHER,"
A word that means a kid from old TV!
"I MOM"? Shouldn't that be, "I,MOM"?
Did Steve Jobs buy the iMom cake?
Donna M wins the interwebs!!
-Barbara Anne
(who has way more than 15 geek points)
Hey, Can I cash in my geek points?
I feel Especially geeky being only 15 and knowing what I Robot is and Isaac Asimov's rules of robotics...
My mother must be SO proud of me.
At least that last one wasn't the middle finger then someone would be in big trouble with mom. Lol the first one wasn't so bad compared to whatever the heck was drawn on that "artwork" cake. And alas no geek points for me :(.
The 'artwork' cake.. What the heck was the decorator thinking? You don't put an edible image over choc. frosting to begin with, and you've got to cut it to size.. holy crapoli.. I was decorating today thinking 'I hope I never see one of my cakes on cakewrecks'.. lol..
Next year (please oh please) - CCCs buried under pink swirls bearing the words: ["Happ^" Mather's day 2 "my" #1 Moom With Sprinkles]
I think that the zeroth law would have to be amended somewhat, because it is a rare mother who will put the needs of all children over the needs of her own...
@drumnate 10:39am
You beat me to the Beaver reference. How dare you!
What oh What is the meaning of the 5th cake? Why is there a piece of paper with writing and pictures covered with sand? Is the sand supposed to be a playground reference? Goodness, I sure hope the sand isn't real. But what, then, could it possibly be?
Donna, you rock!
Laughing so much - thanks for the iMom, Donna M, but even more thanks to Sharyn for letting me know that my iMom is not the only one who goes to great lengths to ensure I remember someone I'd forgotten, just so she can say they're now dead.
WV: aneted, as in "All geek points have been fully compiled and aneted."
Could the last cake be for Moms of Idaho?
Just wondering.....
After so many tough days, or the beginnings of them, I truly find solace and laughter on Cake Wrecks. Here is the link to my shout our to Cake Wrecks! You guys keep on going, keeping the world informed of one new disease after another!!
Yay, I got 15 geek points!
What? No one corrected you to say that Spatial Awareness is a REAL disorder and you shouldn't make fun of them? No one was deeply chagrined that their favorite country/race/holiday/King's cake/Disney edifice was lampooned? And we even got treated to delightful wit such as Donna M.'s? Oh my, what is this world coming to? LOVE IT!
Jen, I <3 your cents of youmr. Can I mary it?
@elissa--fringbum is my new cuss word, preceded by my own wv, chrolish.
("Why, you Chrolish Fringbum!")
15 points to us =D
The first one looks like a caterpillar ingested someone's head except for the ears!
ha ha ha ha! OMG i'm 95% sure that iMOM cake came from the store i work at! i remember laughing at it with my co-worker and saying "wow we habe a great bakery plant". dont worry this cake came in pre-decorated. i follow this blog and was wondering when i would see something from our bakery plant! now please excuse me as i have to go compose myself from laughing so hard i think i may have wet myself!