Ah, there's just something wonderful about biggafying candy, am I right?
I mean, who here doesn't want to take a giant bite out of this giant Snickers bar?

Those colors are the stuff of candy cotton dreams. Love it.
(I'll wait for you to finish your double and triple takes.)

I am amazed. And also in the mood for banana/Nilla wafer pudding. Mmmm. (Who's with me?)
My grandparents used to stockpile these at their house, along with Moon Pies, Tootsie Rolls, and root beer barrels. Oooh, and anyone else remember Fireballs?
Good grief, I'm starting to feel old.
Ok, moving on...
Is that not the sweetest little gumball machine? And check out the itty bitty orange slices! So cute!
Pocky! They're little stick wafers dipped in chocolate, and quite addictive. I love this design, and the mini Pockys on the cupcakes are adorable.
And finally, lets say your sister has a birthday coming up, and she's been training and eating ridiculously healthy for a long time, so she can't WAIT to have something really good (ie bad) on her big day. What kind of cake do you make for her?

Made by the amazingly talented Sweetapolita, and found by @PeeWeeHerman. (Yes, *the* Pee Wee Herman. Heh.) Hit the link for progress pics and the recipe!
UPDATE: To those of you having a hard time believing the cake box is actually cake, there's a photo of the bride and groom cutting it here.
106 comments | Post a Comment
Wow, that asparagus cake was so real! Love it!
Okay, that asparagus cake is amazing!
As for Lemonheads and Atomic Fireballs, I live across the street from the factory that makes both. There are quite a few days when the air in my neighborhood smells like lemon.
The asparagus one is simply AMAZING
On the fourth cake, at first I thought that butterscotch candy was the Golden Snitch. Heh. Now this makes me want candy (except for the last one. Which makes me want cake.) even though I had ultra-sweet muffins for Breakfast.
Pocky is gaining a following in the U.S.? I can't remember going to an Asian market in the last ten years and not picking up a package.
I get Men's Pocky, of course.
Yay! Someone who gets that Garfield reference! People usually look at me funny when I do my best Garfield "candy candy candy" imitation. A coworker got it once, but we're the same age. And you and I are the same age. I'm sensing a pattern here.
Sorry Jen - I've been a loyal reader from the very start and love what you and John do but there is no way that box in pic 4 is cake! I'd have to see it sliced to believe it! Jenna H
Of course, I'm sure you know you can get Pocky at Epcot... that's where I first discovered it, about 7 years ago... but now that I've moved away from Fl, I've discovered that you can get at WAL-MART of all places here!!
That box has me mystified... the labels.... gotta be either edible paper or real labels, don't they?!
The Snickers cake makes me wonder what flavor the inside is... the outside, duh, obviously chocolate, but imagine the surprise if the inside was like... fruit filled or something! WHOA! MIND BLOWING!!
wv: upper
UPPER?! What's that? that's a real word, what fun is a WV with a real word!?
Candy cakes!! So cute and cheery :D and the asparagus cake is so realistic it's amazing :D
All lovely, but the asparagus cake is most amazing!
Those cakes are all amazing, but I am especially impressed by both the shipping box cake and the asparagus cake. Wow!!! And the lemonheads cake brings me back to my days of biking with my friends to the local pharmacy to buy candy. :)
I can't even guess how they made that asparagus cake...
Yum. I love Nilas.
I don't even know how they made that asparagus cake.
You sure that's a /box/??
The Box cake with the candy on top of it was amazing. It's hard to believe that's it's cake. I also loved the Asparagus cake. I so want to get that for my friend who hates asparagus. hahahaha! Happy Birthday! Look I got you an asparagus cake. Oh I could have so much fun with that.
The talent behind all of this is incredible!
Not only is that asparagus cake astonishingly realistic... but the inside looks so delicious I had to stop myself drooling over my keyboard. That chocolate looks so rich, it's almost painful not to be able to grab a slice!
The shipping box is awfully un-cake looking. I'd love to see a closeup or a slice
Only Cakewrecks can make it difficult to decide between wanting to eat asparagus or a cardboard box.
fun fact - pockys are called mikados in the UK.
Oh what a fitting wv: creave
The asparagus cake is amazing but I creave that giant Snickers bar!
LOVE the lemonheads cake and the asparagus cake!! (i really could go for a slice of teh asparagus cake!)
all are amazing!
but, i am with Jennifer in thinking that that box is a box.. the labels? the one with the perforated edge hanging? the handwriting? it looks to real to be cake...
Thanks for the candy memories... as a kid an empty pop bottle was good for 2 cents worth of candy at the little neightborhood grocery store. That could take hours -- licorice pipe? wax bottle filled with sugary liquid? Mary Janes? root beer barrels? Often ended up with a long strip of paper covered with seemingly permanently affixed candy dots -- got your daily dose of sugar plus a mouthful of fiber....
Thanks for the Sunday Sweets -- kinda like a mind-cleansing before the wicked fun of the weekly Wrecks.
wv - consh: a cake with a spiral shape
I live less than 2 miles from the Ferrara-Pan factory, where they MAKE Lemonheads and Atomic Fireballs! If the breeze is blowing in the right direction, you can smell candy in the air. Sometimes you can even smell what they're making that day. Mmm... lemony...
wow these are impressive! I love the bit-into Zebra Cake on the box cake. and the nilla wafers! yum yum yum
Jen, almost all of the candies you mentioned are sold at the Vermont Country Store:
I live in Vermont, and the place is an institution!
Here's the blog post for the shipping box cake where you can see them cutting it:
It's an AMAZING cake.
Nom and supernom!
That asparagus cake was seriously amazing! How do they do it?
If you are really in the mood for banana pudding and don't want to make it, you need to seek out Blue Bell Banana Pudding ice cream. OMG! SO Good and it has real Nilla Wafers in it.
Also, I like strawberry coated Pocky.
Just looking at these cakes is going to put me into a diabetic coma!
Also, has anyone tried the banana pudding milk shake from Chik-Fil-A? Amaaaazing! Totally hits the banana pudding spot :)
I loved all the cakes; but I'll have to agree with Jennifer; the box cake is so not a cake. It is just a box. I did a close up of it; and I truly am convinced that it is just a box. The rest of the "candy" on it looks like what it is (cake), and so does that box (it looks like a used box)(not cake)
Thank you;
B. Weathers
The box cake is real. If you google the gateaux blog there is a post where you can see the couple cutting into it. Gateaux does AMAZING work and this box cake is no exception!
I so didn't believe the shipping box was a cake and had to go to the Gateaux's cake log to see. It really is cake, a groom's cake for a wedding. Here's the pic of cutting it: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qgvxgwNCZR0/TFSjB7LF03I/AAAAAAAAAjw/ZxC-DmOW078/s1600/DefurCuttingGroomsResized.jpg
These are absolutely A-MAZE-ING! I agree with Fluffy Cow about having to decide wheather to start with the cardboard box or asparagus. And I don't think remembering Lemonheads and Atomic Fireballs makes us old at all. They still make them and it was a fixture of my childhood that my grandmother had a big bowl of Fireballs out every time I went to visit :)
That asparagus one is amazing! But, did you see some of the others that the Snickers people did? I personally find "Happy Birthday Alison" (the blonde in the pink) pretty terrifying!
I kept looking at that box cake and going "That's not cake! Is it? Really!? That can't be cake! What??" Finally I had to quit staring and zooming in and move on to the next haha!
*does the tequila dance*
Mmm, I love Pocky. The strawberry is my favorite flavor. I think I want some now.
Pocky isn't gaining popularity in Northern CA. They have been here for years! We have them at the local mini-marts on every corner. If you don't, try the Cost Plus sort of places, they have them there too. You can get a large box, or individual serving boxes. Dipped in chocolate or strawberry... My teenagers love them. Teeny breadsticks is what I think they are.
That box still looks like a box, even checking the link. They are cutting something, but you can't tell if it is the box or something in front, or just for show. In fact, in the cutting photo the box looks more like a box, it has a cardboard looking crease in the side. I would have to see a photo of the front showing the slice cut out!
The Asparagus cake is amazing, and oddly very beautiful.
Oh. And I'm totally following Pee Wee Herman now. <3
Gotta agree on the Pocky thing though... Gaining isn't the right word. You can get that at standard large grocery chains. It's hardly obscure.
Amazing ...
My little sister's reaction after seeing this collection of candy cakes: "I'm gonna marry a baker when I grow up!"
If you look closely at the box cutting picture you can see the place where it was cut at the top. Just zoom in and you can clearly see the break in the box side.
My eyes are still bugging out at the box cake. HOLY SMOKES! O_O Hats off to that baker. My mind is officially blown. :)
The Pocky cake is pretty cool. Glad to know those are finally catching on in the States (we've had them here in France for years, except they're known as Mikado here). The dark chocolate ones are the best. :)
Regarding the Snickers cake: "Not going anywhere for a while? Like, for weeks?"
WV: plate -- You'll need more than one.
Don't feel old. I am 14 and I remember Fireballs, Root Beer Barrels, not to mention my best friend who is addicted to Lemonheads....
Are... you sure that postage box is a cake?! Wow!
Fireballs are my favorite!! I've never been able to find them in stores, but when I was little, my brother had a huge bag of them and my sister and I would beg him for one. I only got one about three times, but I still remember. :)
As a former produce clerk, the asparagus is amazing.
But it begs the standard aspargus question: Does it make your pee smell funny?
No kidding. Asparagus season, I got asked this question all the time. Usually kids and men. Who are probably a lot like kids.
thanks for the update post of the bride/groom cutting the box cake. I believe in you but I was struggling with that one.
the asparagus cake was phenomenal.
-Barbara Anne
I remember Atomic Fireballs all too well. I can attribute at least 2 of my crowns to my practice of chewing them (not the mini ones in the box either).
Ha ha, I love the asparagus cake!!! So clever!!!
Actually, I DID eat a candy necklace
last week ;)
I have a friend used to work in his parents cake shop and he couldn't look at the rest of this site without getting sad. He's going to love this though - aMAzing!
I also appreciate the Garfield quote! I say that to my boyfriend all the time and I had to explain it to him. Is it from the Halloween special?
The box cake is crazy! I've just been sitting here staring at it. Amazing! And if you aren't following Sweetapolita's blog you're missing out. All of her stuff is just as amazing as the asparagus cake and she shows you how to do it! And we keep Lemonheads in our candy drawer. The kids especially like the chewy ones :)
i lived near a cookie/bread/pastry factory. it was delicious
I don't care how cool and clever it is, I will NOT eat cake that looks like asparagus. ew.
Now that Snickers bar, on the other hand.....
Thanks for the picture of the Pocky cake and cupcakes. My brother is sad today because the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival was supposed to be held today where we live, but all of the rain is keeping us away. This picture made him smile for the first time since seeing the rain : )
Not only did I love all these cakes, but I sooooo want that blue cake stand in one of the photos! I love it!!
Wow, I am soooo used to you posting really crap and funny cakes that to find this little baby on my fave blog follow list is just amazing. I really love the asparagus cake, I have to try to make one in soap, Im sure I can give it a go!!
Hey Jen! Thanks for posting the grooms cake from our wedding. My husband is a HUGE fan of Cake Wrecks and he sent in the pic.
That box WAS cake. It was modeled exactly after the box of treats I sent to my husband years ago.
Here's a pic of the cake after we cut into it:
The label was edible and it looked like it came right off the side of the real UHAUL box, which we still have.
The cake even has a crack in it down the front to resemble how much wear and tear the box has now.
My step dad kept poking it all night, due to not believing it was cake.
Our baker was incredible. Her blog shows what she can do! Or watch her on WE TV! LOL.
These are ALL fantastic, but the asparagus cake - OMG. What a fantastic idea, and what incredible execution! Also especially loved the US Postal Service "small Box" cake. Just . . . WOW
wv: missess - This one's a given, but it deserves to be said - There were no missess today!
Yes, the box cake is real - I was married last year (and am from MN as well) so frequented theknot.com message boards. The bride was on the msg boards as well and posted pics b/c this was her groom's cake - I think the story behind it was that they were in a long distance relationship so would ship each other boxes of their favorite treats - so wanted to incorporate that inside info into their wedding. It is AMAZING - but Gateaux is an amazing cake company, so I wouldn't expect anything less!
Love love love the asparagus cake, I stumbled across it a week or two ago and was quite smitten.
I'm sorry, no. That box is not cake. No way, no how . . . nosiree Bob. If that is cake then every other "realistic" cake I've ever seen is actually a wreck. I clicked on it for a closeup on my 42 inch high deff tv and still can't believe it. The texture is perfect! The writing! The label! Please tell me that it's really just a box. I need you to restore my faith in my senses.
BTW: Happy Belated Birthday Jen! For some reason my computer wasn't allowing me onto the comments page that day. Hope you had a great one, and I'm definitely buying the new book.
The asparagus cake is easy. First, get some asparagus... [ducks and runs]
Yay, I'm so happy Julie's cake made it! She has detail shots on her blog: http://bluecupcakebyjulie.blogspot.com/2011/01/from-sweet-shoppe.html
So cute!
What's the emoticon for my mouth dropping open in utter astonishment?
I can see it right in front of my eyes and I still can't believe it. Part of me is thinking, "OK, any minute now they'll shout April, I mean, May Fools, and proclaim that they photoshopped the cake layers onto a box photo..."
I'm starting to believe we need to add a new rule of the internet -- if it exists, there is a cake of it.
I think this is one of my favorite Sunday post so far!!! Especially love that asparagus cake. Wow!!!
Ok, definitely NOT outdated candies! I'm sixteen, and those have been popular candies still going strong with kids for my whole life, and still are now!
That last cake would be the only way that I would eat asparagus!
Wow, thanks to the bride for posting the "after" pic of the cut-into box cake. I refused to believe it until then.
I'm wondering if the baker used edible ink and edible photo paper and printed it out? I just don't see how they'd get the printing on it otherwise.
If anyone is interested the bakery that made the "cardboard" box cake is on WEtv's Amazing Wedding Cakes this season and they do a lot of awesome stuff as do the other two bakeries featured this season. The new episodes air 10 pm on Sunday nights!
Click here to check out some video clips from the show!
Pockyyyyy! Woot!
Wow, my favorite blog, and one of my favorite characters (PeeWee Herman) in one post!!!! Jen, you rock!
The asparagus cake is totally amazing and looks yummy. I can't get over how realistic it looks. And I concur with those who have said that the box cake doesn't look like a cake, but I'll take your word for it that it really is a cake.
Jen, I'll wish you Happy Birthday again, since the bulk of the Thursday comments got nuked, including mine. May you have many more cakey b-days!
WV subjec: The subjec of today's post is totally amazing candy cakes.
Oh my at that asparagus cake. That looks rather yummy after you cut into it lol. Wow I am completely in awe at that box..just wow. All of these are just splendid and I would never want to cut them. Alas I would but I would be sad lol.
Add my thanks to Jaime (the bride) for the closeup of the cutout. Absolutely outstanding. I am SO tempted to ask how much it cost... :)
I've been drooling over that asparagus cake for several days now, and all I can ever think about it is "WANT!"
I sincerely hope that was a Snickers flavored cake. All sorts of yum. And the others were great, too! I'm almost sorry they got over shawdowed by the box and sperry-grass. :)
Candy necklaces are very popular here - this is a university town, so it's very common to see more or less grown up people doing childish things, like playing with Lego or wearing candy necklaces.
The students sometimes wear them to some of those really big and crowded parties, it's a tradition. Other traditions include (of course) not eating someone else's necklace without permission, and only using your mouth to get the candy. Those tight fit necklaces make that embarrassingly enjoyable for someone with a sensitive neck. I'll admit that I miss the university parties...
Mmm, Lemonheads. Yeah, the Ferrara-Pan factory (where they make those, as well as fireballs) is in the next town over from me. I've driven past it a bunch of times.
That Snickers cake looks scrumptious. And the asparagus cake is hilarious. Very nicely done.
I want the snickers bar cake for my husband's next birthday. It's his favorite chocolate bar and I always get him one on his birthday, but one that size? I think he'd die happy.
That box..cake?? Really?? It is an astounding confection recreation. And the asparagus cake...wow!
I think my chin is bruised from where it hit the floor, as I gaped at these two masterpieces.
I live in China and whenever anyone asks "What can I send you in a care package?" my reply is "Atomic Fireballs!" Love 'em!
Great cakes.
Loving the "lifesavers" one but that asparagus cake is incredible!!
Jaime! Thank you for posting that link of the close-up slice into the box cake. I had to see it to believe it! That is some fine artistry and innovation (the edible printed labels are amazing, but the texture and precision of the box is just incredible, which I guess is why so many of us were incredulous!)
* * *
The Lifesavers cake is less impressive: it looks like a log covered in foil and edible/inedible paper that's been printed on.
Jen post this link also for those who need more proof that the box cake is real. http://tinyurl.com/5wmbmxa
Even AFTER seeing the pictures of the box cake being cut, I STILL can't believe it is real! I'm going to have to see its birth certificate! ;-)
Great job bakers!
The shipping box! Wow! Are the labels cake too??? The asparagus cake is also awesome.
I can't imagine the passion a decorator would have in her/his craft to so lovingly render such a mundane object as a U-Haul shipping box complete with smudges and shipping labels! It's almost Zen-like in its exquisite ugliness! Seriously, I find myself staring at it and contemplating its inner sweetness.
My fave, though, is the Snickers bar, but I would be horribly disappointed if it didn't taste at least somewhat like Snickers.
WV: theak
I'm going to get out my yoga mat, put on some meditation music and theak about that box cake.
My favorite vegetable is asparagus...and I LOVE that cake!! Like the others too, but that one is just...amazing.
Holy moly! The asparagus cake! I called my husband over to see it. He would eat it and he HATES asparagus! lol
No. Way. That asparagus cake is unreal! I can't even remember what else I was going to say, because the asparagus cake just stole the show...
Those are so awesome.
PS--the special milkshake right now at Chik-fil-A is a banana pudding milkshake with real nilla wafer chunks. It is soo goooood. :D
I totally need a Snickers now. Thanks.
wv - siamples.
I'm not sure those are REALLY cakes. I think I'll need some siamples to be convinced...
I've been lurking for a while, but this post has prompted me to comment again... a few of thoughts:
1) THREE readers live so close to that particular candy factory? The wonders of the Internet and how it can draw people together!
2) I've led a deprived existence. I've never even heard of Lemonheads. But that's likely living overseas as a kid rather than my age.
3) Love the candy necklace's cake stand! I'm normally not a fan of lace but that's beautiful.
4) A giant snickers bar. Yum. Although a frozen real Mars bar (not the kind you can get in the US) would be divine...
5) Love the idea of playing a prank on someone with that spectacularly well-done asparagus cake. I guess I'm as "evil" as Melanie @10:38.
6) OK, that box cake is incredible. Thank you Jaime for posting a link. I'd already figured out it was real from zooming in (that label is an example of how edible paper SHOULD be used on cakes!), but the confirmation was nice. (PS congrats on your wedding... and on your "taste" in bakers!). Your bakers skills put even Sweets-worthy bakers to shame. Wow. (FYI check out their "lobster hot tub" cake for a real giggle).
awwww... nummie box.
wv - heought. When my friend told me the nummie box wasn't cake, I showed him the other picture and told him heought to have known.
Love the asparagus cake! Love Pee Wee, too! LOL
Crafty Neighbor
You can add me to those thanking Jamie for posting the "after" picture of that box. Even after seeing that pic, my parents still aren't convinced however. Bah. Such little faith. :-) As one who works in a mail room, dealing with boxes and express shipping labels, I admit I was doubtful as well, at first. Simply incredible! My kudos to the baker.
My jaw also hit the floor with the asparagus cake. Wow. Just wow.
All the cakes are fabulous! Lemonheads, tootsie rolls, root beer barrels, and candy necklaces. Yummy!!
The asparagus cake is a masterpiece...
Wow... is it sad that after seeing that last cake, I'm craving asparagus? Yum!
Nummie box= the name our oldest daughter gave to the box full of sweets. :o)
We are tickled that so many people like that cake. Imagine OUR impressions when we walked in and saw it!
We linked this to our baker and she was THRILLED that so many people were amazed by her work. She said that Sunday Sweets was the ONLY way she hoped to ever be on Cake Wrecks! HA! (Although, it's not the first time she has made it on here. http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2008/10/sunday-sweets-super-mario-wedding-cake.html )
that asparagus cake is a great idea for making sure you get all the cake to yourself! nobody ever suspects the asparagus...
AH, I remember that Garfield quote AND the Halloween special he said it in!
AND I remember eating those candy necklaces! I loved those. Such a cute cake!
That box cake BLOWS my mind. WOW. MAJOR skills.
How has there not been some kind of dirty Epcot over the phrase "speaking of amazing boxes"? Did this place get classy when I wasn't looking?
I remember, know, and love Lemonheads. So I was completely taken by surprise when you called them "a blast from the past." Since I'm fourteen.
Oh I loved Fireballs, but I'd have to take them out of my mouth for a bit to let it cool down.
So you can imagine my surprise to see they make chewable Fireballs!!!!
Usually i dont comment but wow these really blew me away! the candy necklace one is gorgeous and the asparagus cake... unreal!
Asparagus Cake: