Thanks to wreckporters Laura R., Lacey C., Trisha A., Brian C., Kirsten H., Kelly N., & Erica for the name-calling.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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73 comments | Post a Comment
As an atheist, I have requested that the last cake be served at my funeral.
From now on before I shoot someone (in video games of course ) I will say good by bitchie go to the worm infested nothingnes of the 7th cake !
Ha Ha. Such nice penmanship and flowers on some of those too.
WV: ingsted
All happily ingsted those wreckified cakes. Looks bad, but tastes good (hopefully).
They asked for "nothing" and obviously received it in abundance! Great customer service!
wv:vangiona - lady parts
@ donna - yeah for the rocky horror reference!
WV: homigh: OMG phonetically with an accent
Actually, I think Angus got lucky with Ingus...I was quite sure they were going to leave the G out of that name....
Ha! Good SNL reference... one of my favorite Christopher Walken skits :)
Looks like a couple of good ol' fashioned Freudian slips... I wonder what the Wreckerators for the "Chubby" and "Booby" cakes were thinking about...
Given the plops of poop-like frosting on Turdi's cake, not to mention what could be fecal spray on the left of the cake, well, maybe this really is for Turdi.....
wv-arsta: a cake decorator who specializes in this type of decoration
I was never so embarassed in my LIFE than the time we went to the Red Lobster in Atlanta, GA when I was a teenager. My maiden name is "FUSCO". Please to not the relative positions of the "S" and the "C". When our name hadn't been called after 45 minutes of waiting and some extremely uncomfortable stares by the hostesses, I was the one relegated to the task of finding out just what the wait was all about. Can you guess why they didn't call our name over the loudspeaker? Anyone? Bueller?
Because they had written it down FU*C*S*O. And they were afraid to try and pronounce it.
I'm so glad my last name is Suluh. Because that's a HARD one to screw up. Unless you're a travel agent in the post 9/11 world and you enter it as "Sul*A*h". Which is why I tell people "Like the dude on Star Trek. SULU. SOO LOO".
The girl who is suck a Trek Geek that she married Suluh.
wv: adamm
Mispronouncing and misspelling my last names has been adamm problem my whole life.
The booby cake... is that cupcake...on a cake?
Tee Hee Happy Birthday Chubby.... NICE!!!!
WV: sleuts, the heavier version of a slut *shrugs shoulders*
LMAO - One of the greatest SNL skits of all time :) Like someone else said - changing the 'a' to 'i' is MUCH better than forgetting the 'g'!
My parents, in an excess of giddiness at their first child AND having watched far too many Flintstones cartoons, used to call me "Grand Royal Purple Pooh-Bah". However, for most of my life, they shortened that to "Pooh-Bah", "Pooh-Bear" (getting their cartoons mixed up), or just "Pooh". Even as a grown woman, I STILL answer to this. I shudder to think what these people would do with such a nickname.
Colonel Ingus!?! Love it, glad I had finished my coffee for the morning!
wv: ringie...my ears are a little ringie after all that turdi icing
Ahehehe good god some people are dumb
Macgyver's first name is Angus. Does that outweigh the risks and general non-coolness of the name? 'Cause I think it might...
The flowers are so and writing are well done. Someone is very talented.
Nothing still gets me. :p
mmmmmmmmmmmmm...seems like birthday cakes with a loads of chocolate and crunch.
Ritchie's cake scares me. :-S
*whispering* with all those squiggly lines and shaky writing, it looks a little crazy. And the way it's saying "Good Bye", it's just creepy....
Not that Turdl isn't a fabulous wrekkie, but it is just possibly a misspelling of the name Trudl, a rather Germanic version of N. American "Trudy"....or not...
Make me laugh! omg ... too funny!
Got milk??? hahahahahahahahahaha
Please someone tell me what WV: (random misspelled word) refers to! Please and spanks you! :-)
Loved how the "Turdi" cake has the little balls of poo on it!
I mean WOW it really got the "point" across!
That was pretty damn funny!!!
@ ninja dude - very appropriate and funny.
I'm starting to wonder if these cakes aren't being made intentionally. If not, I apologize to bitchie and booby if I hurt their feelings.
Hahaha!! Colonel Angus - One of the greatest SNL skits of all time! 10 points for Jen!
My cat's name was Cubby... I guess this is why kitties don't celebrate with cake.
wv: peadis- man parts!
@ mizdarlin - I thought the point was that someone had misspelled "Trudi" with most unfortunate (except for us Wreck lovers) consequences . . .
And speaking of that cake, your warnings are a little too late: my brand new neice has been saddled with the name Trudi. At least it's a middle name, or that poor girl would be facing being called "Turdi" from second grade through middle school. If only this post had been up a week ago!
At least "Angus" didn't have the "g" dropped....
Hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. The literally out-loud laugh.
wv: digno
I digno you named your little girl Turdi!
Haaa!! How funny these are!
@ Anon: "Please someone tell me what WV: (random misspelled word) refers to! Please and spanks you! :-)"
WV is for Word Verify, the funky little words we have to type in to comment. People are using 'em to be cute/witty.
WV: materiss - When talking about a Wreck, what materiss how much it makes you laugh. Today, lots.
@ Anonymous, wv is word verification. It's the little code word you have to type in to prove that you are human when you comment.
wv: munthri.
A munthri two ago, I didn't know what wv was, either.
This must be Trudi's turdief birfday.
This reminds me of the whole "Ashlynn" somehow became "Asslynn" debacle.
LOLOLOL @ Colonel Ingus. I love Rachel Dratch.
Oh, I'm so sending today's post to my aunt Trudi! (Yes, I'm evil).
As for "Richie", "Cubby", and "Bobby" I'm wondering... was that a true accident, or was this another case of "innocently" hinting (as with Jenn marring Troy the other week). This may explain why Cubby's cake is only a lame cookie. So if he chows down on the whole thing, it's not as caloric as eating a big slab cake!
And if honey bunny's hubby's horny, that cake makes perfect sense ;)
PS Empress Nina... I can totally relate. Pretty much anyone who's Mother Tongue is English can't pronounce (or spell) my name. The worst mis-spelling was when they got just one letter right (the "l")!
@ninja dude 12, you made my day. I NEED a "Go to the worm infested nothingness of the 7th cake!" t-shirt.
Anonymous- As to WV... for the first few months, I thought it was some hillbilly thing, the way they spelled and pronounced things in West Virginia. It was nice to catch on.
Such a great post (as always)! Made me almost pee my pants!
I have a similar cake mishap from my childhood.
It was my sister's birthday. Her name is Brett.
What was on the cake?
Happy Birthday Brat!
Love the got milk line!!!!
Kudos for the Colonel Ingus reference!
This totally made my day, thanks!!
This post completely made my day. Especially that "Ingus" comment.
As we ponder a name for our child I will now see if it can result in a cake wreck!!
I love a random SNL reference.
The Booby cake would have been so easy to fix too, just a little stem to turn that second o into a b... It must take talent to produce such a wreck.
I wasn't "getting" the Ingus joke. I thought, "huh, what's so wrong with Ingus? It's much better than Anus, right?" And what's with the Colonel bit? But then I read the comment in my best Mississippi accent. And I was shocked, I tell you, shocked by you Jenn! And I used to think you were such a refined young woman. ;-) LOL!
wv: barpt
I almost barpt when I saw the last cake.
Angus' cake could have been worse... the "decorator" could have just omitted the 'g'.
Additional evidence that some names are really self-fulfilling prophecies: "Happy Birthday, Chubby -- have a heavily-frosted giant cookie!"
'Happy Birthday Ingus' also celebrates the coming History Channel premier of 'Lava Road Truckers.' "Those ice road guys are girlie-men compared to us!"
I'm getting a strong hint of intentionality in the 'mis-spelling' of Ritchie's cake.
'Booby' seems to have been the recipient of a radically new take on the cupcake cake. Are those Frosted Flakes?
Poor Turdi. Ya wanna know what someone really thinks of you, just let 'em order your birthday cake. Know what I'm sayin'? That has to be in the running for 'most actively disgusting cake yet' because it's almost good, yet has problems. What on Mars happened on the left side?!
Not sure if it helps or not that I went directly to 'Boney Maroney' on the next one.
Finally, nothing. With worms. Oh joy.
At Bitchie I was hooting.
At Got Milk I laughed so hard I scared the dog.
At Turdi I nearly tripped over the dog trying to race to the bathroom to pee.
I came back and saw Honey Boney and nearly woke the neighbors I was nearly screaming with laughter.
(wipes tears from eyes)
Bless you!!!
-Barbara Anne
P.S. you warn us we should just lug our computers into the bathroom??
Oh poor Ritchie, to be done in by an overwrought "R".
WV: imycle
Who was the imycle who decorated these wrecks?
HAHA! Reminds me of the Office when Micheal's GF Jan had the baby, and they spelled it wrong-Astird!
These men are nihilists... there's nothing to be afraid of.
Oh my goodness! I thought that honey boney cake was pretty til I saw the writing lol. At least you could read it. Poor booby or bobby..not a good thing. I sure wouldn't have bought that or the turdi cake. Sheesh and I thought my name would be hard for them to spell..
lol at the happy birthday booby one, the kids asked me what i was laughing at so i told them, nothing
Please please can someone tell me what the 'wv' thing is all about??
You said poor Angus but I was expecting a MUCH worse name than Ingus! Thank goodness they remembered the 'g'!
ahh Colin Firths greatest performance.
I literally laughed out loud at some of these - particularly Trudi lol.
Well I'm sure most of these are meant to be jokes...
"bye bye bitchie" ahhh my favorite
LOVE the SNL reference on cake #2!
second cake... happy birthday INGUS. ingus means SNOT in the malay language, here in south east asia. lovely, just lovely. fiery snot, anyone?
:) 69 comments (although this is 70...)
The sad thing is that that "honey boney" cake wouldn't be a wreck if it weren't for that. It's actually quite nice.
Ahhhh! Thank you, thank you ALL of you for the word verify explanation! Being in the know really amplifies the hilarity! :)
WV: ingsts - Them there decorators must have a lot of ingsts built up in order to slaughter those cakes that way.
Richie's cake made me laugh out loud! Too funny!
Colonel Ingus. BWA HA HA HA!