So, apparently, there's this "cake show" in Austin where bakers make cakes and show them. Which is why it's called a "cake show." And apparently, many of these cakes are freaking awesome. Let's take a look, shall we?

(You may have noticed by this point that I'm not all that "good" with "words" but I am "trying.")
Hey, look!

Yellow is my favorite color!
Ya know, what's most impressive to me is that these bakers actually left the relative safety of their own homes and, as far as I know, Texas did not kill a single one of them. Frankly, I'm amazed.

Green is my favorite color!

I'm pretty sure those are daisies.
This next cake was part of the official Texas theme of the show:

Which was death.
Wait. I'm being told that it actually wasn't death.
(Are you sure? It was in Texas, right?
Ok, apparently the theme was "Superheros."
Like this one:

Great. Now I have the theme from "Batman" stuck in my head.
(I'm also not so good with "Superheros.")

And finally, the most awesome cake I've seen in quite some time:
A special thanks to our Texas liaison, Kimberly Chapman. And hey, maybe next year Jen and I will be able to attend the show! (They rent out the Popemobile, right?)
Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
Quick update: Thanks for the great comments today guys. For the record, Jen and I both agree that Texans are some of the kindest, most awesome people we have met. However, I've been to Alamo, Houston, Amarillo, Dallas and Austin and been sick, injured or hospitalized every time. But maybe it's just me... -j
157 comments | Post a Comment
All the cakes are amazing, but the first one...there are no words to express how much I love that cake. It's drop dead gorgeous.
I was smile-gasping (is that a thing?) and oohing until I got to the point where it said Death was the theme. Then I literally frowned in confusion.
Wow. These cakes are AMAZING! :) I like the safari one at the end. The details on it as well as all the other cakes are phenomonal!
Wow, fantastic cakes! As I scrolled through the images, I held my breath, just in case I found one which was a disaster. Thankfully, they were all incredible!
Oh, then after that I started smile-gasping again.
Wow! Love the one with the calavera... and the one with lights in the middle... and Wolverine... Almost impressive enough to make ya wanna risk a date to the Very Hazardous State of Texas ;)
I don't think I like the comments about Texas. Get any tourists killed in Florida lately?
Clearly the concept of "Don't Mess with Texas" is completely lost on some. They say that's just an anti-litter campaign, but we know better.
Some of these totally fit Austin's unofficial motto of "Keep Austin Weird." I'm not saying they're not great, but some of them are kinda weird, especially the death cake and the 'shroom cake, which totally befits Austin! The angry bird and green beheaded zombie pigs cake is nice, but, huh?
The African wildlife cake is amazing!
WV: prostect
Prostect endangered species, like people who can make beautiful cakes. And people who don't have the self-preservation instinct not to dis Texas.
Such pretty cakes. I love the giraffes. Glad texas didn't kill you or anyone else
I'm actually terrified of today's post. It's funny, Jen and I discussed it at length.
Me: "People from Texas are the nicest, funniest people in the whole world! They're totally gonna get it! They'll understand I'm talking about my own near-death experiences, right?"
Jen: "Most of them. Then there will be those who hate you..."
Ah well. We'll see how long it takes before the comments and emails get so bad I have to pull it.
Oh, please, john (hubby of JEN), don't pull the comments. I'm planning to pop some popcorn and sit down for an hour of enjoyable reading this afternoon. Can't wait for the Texans to rise up in anger today! Do I smell EPCOT?
Wow, I would totally have that calavera cake as a wedding cake. (Or I would have if my wife would've let me) It's stunning.
If you ever go back to TX, maybe you could see about getting a human-sized hamster ball to run around in for protection. Too much?
Nah. I'd have to pull the whole post. We'll see...
What's the worst that could happen? I mean, Texas is a big state but we wont lose THAT many readers, right?
hahaha, this is so cute!! I read this blog pretty much every day and my favorites are the Sunday Sweets.
(btw, Wolverine is Canadian, not Texan.)
And, coming from a Texan, I loved today's post ;3 quite fun ^^
Wasn't it Texas that nearly killed John a while back? Or have I got the wrong state entirely.
Anyway, that Wolverine cake takes the horror out of the one from a couple of days ago. All of them are fantastic but that one....
I remember reading about your near-death experience during that Cake Wrecks "World" Tour! So glad you survived =).
Those Texans sure can make fabulous cakes: the first two blew me away, and I'm really diggin' that Day of the Dead cake, too. And even the ones I didn't love demonstrated an amazing amount of skill.
Wonderfully funny post, as usual--thanks for sharing the sweets and the humor!
As a proud and native Texan, I must say I love this post. Why? I did remember the umm... incident that John and Jen happened to experience on their last excursion into my great state.
Also, the Dia de los Muertos (AKA Day of the Dead) cake was absolutely amazing. The colors are so festive!
Sounds like someone been eating some magic (cake) mushrooms....
That Japanese cake is amazing. And for the record, the appropriate word is "wow" (and I know, cause I'm a writer).
The safari cake -- with the miniature giraffe toppers is also most impressive. (Click on the link to see real live miniature giraffes, aka petite lap giraffes.)
But my favorite may be the angry birds cake. The fondant work is fantastic.
Just one question, the cake show was in Texas, yes? So where are the cowboy hat and cowboy boot and armadillo and road kill cakes? (Okay, that's two questions.) I feel robbed.
Great looking cakes!
Reading again about your experiences in Texas again (boy, that was scary), I'm glad that you're ok now, John.
Having lived in Texas, I believe I'm qualified to 1)grant you permission to joke about it and 2)agree that it has the potential of killing folks. But then, I lived in Houston. I'm sure Austin is a lovely place. Love Sunday Sweets - inspirational!
@ John (hubby of JEN)- Very brave post. I think I can hear Texas loading its knives and sharpening its rifles...
@J - I know the petit lap giraffes are fake, but I ~want~ one!
As always, FABULOUS sweets!
wonderful artistry, amazing modelling and wonderful technique
(But, NO Daisies)
...and sorry but all that black on cakes isn't for me but I totally appreciate the consummate skills of the cake makers/decorators.
Angry Birds!! It makes me so happy knowing that somewhere there is even a cake for this. Bakers amaze me.
First off, those cakes are all gorgeous! I'm pretty sure there is now a bruise on the bottom of my jaw, from it hitting the floor so many times. Also, what is it with bloggers, and near death experiences here?
Dear John,
As a resident of Houston, I would like to reassure you that not everyone in Texas is trying to kill you. At least, not the three people who live in my house. Probably not my parents either. :) We love you here in TX!!! (Really!) Trish
I was born and raised in Austin, Texas and have discovered I am incapable of surviving outside its borders. So, I think we natives develop a certain immunity to our state's potency. (And Zombies have been known to randomly wander these parts. Highway 290 was infested last Spring.) Also, the Angry Birds cake was so fun I squealed.
I LOVE the Day of the Dead themed cake! I want one for my birthday!
I'm thinking that the white, black and yellow cake IS sporting some daisies...
Does anyone know what the text around the bottom of the Wolverine cake is?
@Mary_B, the petite lap giraffes are fake?! Next thing you'll be telling me there's no such thing as the Easter bunny.
What happened in Texas??
Is there a link?
Were lives lost?
These cakes are AMAZING! I love the first, wolverine, and angry birds, but the safari cake really takes my breath away! WOW. (It would be such a shame to lose this post to sensitive texans and comment wars--these cakes are just too good!) And well, I found the commentary amusing :)
I saw the first cake at the Oklahoma Sugar Art show in Tulsa last year. I didn't think they were allowed to re-enter cakes in different competitions. And lemme tell ya - it's even more gorgeous in person! The detail is really incredible, the pictures don't do it justice.
Sitting here in *gasp* Austin Tx, I find this post funny. Its doing its best to kill me but that is only because I'm allergic to everything that grows here :P
I'm from Texas (wonderful San Antonio)and I get the jokes! Don't pull them or edit any. I especially enjoyed the Sugar Skull/Day of the Dead cake, it's so Texas and really beautiful!
I can hardly wait for a Wreckerator to attempt Cassandra's "split quarters" cake.
Hey, I'm in DFW where I recall you were hospitalized. I couldn't stop laughing at this post. And, to the commenter mentioning knives, uhm, as far as my experience, we're a gun-totin' society. Knifing is for the outsiders wanting to be Texan. ;-)
Come back john (the hubby of JEN). We won't try to kill you this time, promise. *sweet, innocent grin*
WV: famsx - We here in the Republic of Texas are famsx fer our guns, uh huh.
Those are amazing! Love the blue cake!
Please come back to Texas! I'm sure the attempt on your life was a one-time-only deal!
Texas tried to kill my husband too. We got doused with water and then got on one of the hyper air-conditioned buses on the way to the Alamo and my husband was wracked with chills and a 24 hour death flu. Loved the Day of the Dead cake.
The first cake is actually a copy of an illustration from a children's book. I LOVED the book as a little kid--if i remember correctly, it is about a princess and some sort of magic koi. Whatever the plot, the illustrations were phenominal, so i'm sorry to say that this cake does not do it justice...
Hopefully you can come back to Texas and have a better experience. Austin is really fun, lots to do and tons of cheap, delicious restaurants. Also, congratulations on not dying!
Oh my, all the cakes are amazing! The best was saved until last, though! The African cake is just jaw-dropping gorgeous!
okay, look, Texas does not want to kill you! Texas LOVES you! you just have to let Austin have its way. when entering Austin I have found ( I'm from San Antonio) that you must be ONE with the city .... this involves Cajun bloody marys on 6th street, shots of really good Tequila, or just get too it and eat a raw pepper. your MoJoe will be good to go in no time. don't fear the pepper for it will protect you. if you do two out of three you will be very safe for no germs would dare enter your body.... but remember in Texas it's a fine line. if you do all three, well, then its too much, and you will end up in jail... of course that would be kinda of fun to hear about on your blog......
Pam, San Antonio is a whole different thing, Ramirez
Can someone tell me if those giraffes are pulled sugar, or what on earth they're made of? They're incredible!
(Sorry to ignore the Texas controversy, but I'm fascinated and want answers!)
Can someone tell me if those giraffes are pulled sugar, or what on earth they're made of? They're incredible!
(Sorry to ignore the Texas controversy, but I'm fascinated and want answers!)
Those are exquisite! And that first cake - by Susie's Victory Cakes - looks like a gorgeous reproduction of one of my favorite books from when I was a kid - "The Weaving of a Dream" by Marilee Heyer.
(I want it, but I wouldn't be able to bring myself to eat it!)
John, come hang out with me in Texas, and I promise you won't die. We haven't had a smallpox outbreak since, oh, last week?
And hurricane season doesn't start for a couple of months.
You only have to watch out for chupacabras, but the Botanicas here sell very good chupacabra-repelling charms.
Another DFW reader checking in!
The Day of the Dead cake is so beautiful. And the interior-lit cake is amazing!
But my favorite is the Angry Birds. Now, back to knocking marmosets off their posts (AB Rio.)
I want to hear more about the zombies!!! LOL Anyone? Anyone?
Sorry, John-the-hubby-of-Jen, but I've gone to Houston several times from Orlando and TX never tried to kill me so I think it's just you (glad you haven't held a grudge, though). I have no trouble believing TX has a state death ray, though. It's just a big gun, after all.
I loved the black cake as it was striking but I can see why that puts some people off.
-Barbara Anne
If you had forgotten, Texas is the Friendly State. I really love the Dia de los Muertos cake, the calavera was gorgeous
First, the mushrooms are COOKIES! I didn't even know that could be done with cookies! Amazing skill!
Second, Come back and visit Texas again! The bonk on the head was Texas' way of saying "Stop for a bit and go get checked've got something really wrong with ya." You've been looking at it all wrong. Texas <3's you!
I'm from Austin and I can say I think you are amazing and you make my day everyday. Not sure about the hate on Texas
It says something about what a fan I am of this blog that I'm more giddy at you calling me your liaison than including my cake! Okay I'm pretty giddy at both, but...*squee*
You do know next year's theme is Renaissance, right?
I'm a poor Canuck living here and it hasn't killed me yet. OMG with the allergies today, kind of wish a zombie would come eat my eyes so they'd stop itching so bad, but I'm not actually dead.
If you come to next year's show I promise we won't let Texas kill you. The show will fawn over you like the cakey celebrities that you are. I will personally ensure it! Or come start building up the immunity at our Day of Sharing in July. I'm teaching gummy!
Either way, you have to come to the next show. Did I mention: RENAISSANCE! Chris Wingler and I have already promised each other to dress up. YOU MUST COME.
WV: walizin: You can come a'walizin Matilda with my Aussie hubby who has survived living in Texas twice. Mostly.
PS Someone asked about the text. The whole thing is up here.
Hey! Quit messin' with Texas!
We're one of the friendliest states in the nation.... GOT THAT?! ;)
don't make me hurt you.
These cakes are breathtaking.. I have to agree with you about Texas trying to kill people. My husband planned a fishing trip to Lake Fork, TX for over a year. He came home with what had to be a mix of Anthrax/Whooping Cough/Smallpox/Athlete's Foot. In spite of that, he plans to go back next spring!
From your many and varied derogatory comments re: Texas, I will just go ahead and assume you've driven on the freeways in Houston.
I have to say, you led the entry with the most impressive cake. After that first one, the rest didn't seem as impressive.
What a treat to find the Austin cake show for the Sunday Sweets - very kind and brave after your experience here in TX. I went to the show on a whim and am very glad I did. There were so many amazing cakes that weren't posted. I wish there was a "like" button to the comments like on FB...Zombies on 290...hehehe....
I'm so glad you are both alright now. We pray for you guys a lot. Thank you for this blog!
Haha, this is the funniest post I've read in a long time! I literally laughed out loud when John announced the "theme" of the show: death. Hilarious!
Love the Angry Birds cake!
The stars at night, are big and bright, CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP, deep in the heart of TEXAS!!!
And the cakes are magnificent too! That last safari cake took my breath away! I. want.
I love this post and I really love knowing the backstory (!) but, hey! y'all come back to Texas! More specifically, come back to Austin! We'll form a special protection squad for you and keep you safe and healthy. Third time's the charm? Besides, we've got some awesome cakeness here obviously...and a really close by RenFest...and a con or two and many, many geeks. Geeks who were totally deprived of your Austin appearance by the extremely unfortunate circumstances that caused your schedule change! So come on back and stay a bit - we do have computer connectivity here (giggle).
Ha ha ha!
"Darn that rap music!"
Cajun Bloody Mary and tequila and whole chilies..
Chupacabra charms...
Ha ha ha!
Breathe! Breathe! Breathe!
Wow! I am speechless. My favorite was the one with the mushrooms.
Liked the cakes. Didn't like the Texas jokes.
If they were funny or witty jokes about Texas I'd have appreciated them, but they weren't. Kind of pointless and completely unnecessary. I still like your site, but I lose respect for people that stereotype a place they didn't go to.
Those cakes are awesome!
Not to scare you further but my darling Fiance- who claims to be a Texan- has managed to not only crack his skull open (and leak out cerebral-spinal fluid) but also to contract West Nile... while in Texas. I can't wait to leave this state. The whole Texas ego thing got old really fast- like a week after I moved here (3 years ago).
I will say that our baker is amazing, and a Texan- so the state isn't completely horrible.
Please come back to Texas, Jen and John (the Hubby of JEN)! We'd love to have you back for a tour. As you can see, we have fantastic cake makers, and we'll gladly provide a running barricade of Texan CW fans armed with disinfectants (and cupcakes) to keep you safe!
I hope the next time you come to Texas it treats you like it treats most people. We're really not so hostile an environment as you experienced (though we don't seem to value education and childcare at the moment...but I digress...).
As an Austinite, a 4th generation Texan and daily reader of CW I propose that if you almost die in a state you get a temporary citizenship that entitles you to say whatever you want about said state for one decade per doctor you had to consult. I got food poisoning at a certain steak house and maintain that all those from down under are plotting my demise.
Hey, don't forget Orlando was just honored as the "Most Dangerous Spring Break Destination" in the country. Probably by a bunch of Texans ;) We're glad Jon's still alive and well in spite of Texas, and the Sweets today were phenomenal!
I love the first cake. It's taken from a kid's book called Weaving of a Dream. It was my favorite growing up!
As a native Texan, I laughed, giggled and smiled. AWESOME cakes and since Angey Birds is my latest addiction was so excited to see that cake. Want it for my birthday.
I'm from Texas and we love you! :D
OMFG!!!! Freakin AMAZING!!! by far my favourite sunday sweets, they were amazing couldn't pick which i liked best ... all i can say is ... THAT'S A CAKE??? THAT SHOULD BE IN A FREAKIN ART MUSEUM ... ALL OF THEM!!!!
Okay, I see that a couple of other people have pegged the first one as coming from The Weaving of a Dream too, but, but, but, I made a DIORAMA of it in 4th grade... and the cake is way better. ;-)
Hey! You're not supposed to tell people about our zombie hordes, those are a surprise. ;)
And love that calavera cake! When I finally get my pretty princess wedding (we got married in my parents' backyard, yes in DEEP South Texas. My dad smoked ribs for our dinner, it was fun... but last minute) I want that cake.
I'm apparently the lone dissenter who doesn't love the Wolverine cake. He's supposed to be short! And stocky! Not all lithe. Wolverine is not pretty, bub.
As a native-born Texan, I would like to note that John is completely correct! Our state IS out to kill every poor soul that crosses the state line. (John, have you ever heard the song "The Devil Made Texas"? I think you would agree with it.) On a side note, the cakes are lovely.
I'm a Texan, via relocation to Austin 20 years ago, and I'm not hating on you. Of course, I read the posts about your Dallas experience during your World Tour so I understand the facetiousness of the theme of your post. However, for those who don't get the joke, *yelling* CLICK ON THE LINK "yearns for my death" in the first paragraph of today's post!
*stepping of my soap box* I've got your back, John.
Im from Wacko... excuse me, Waco, Texas. There were some amazing cakes there that day. Those who were wanting to know where all the boots and cowboy hats and stuff are at, will need to check out The North Texas Cake and Sugar Art show just north of DFW, where this years theme is Texas. :)
As a proud (though displaced) Texan and Austinite - most excellent! I am sorry our state attempted to kill ya though and glad you survived the assault. Rock on!
What is with the hatred of Texas?
The Angry Birds cake is SOOOO CUTE!! I wish I was better at making cakes I would so make that for my SIL's birthday. (WE love playing that game!!)
@anonymous 12:43pm
"okay, look, Texas does not want to kill you! Texas LOVES you! you just have to let Austin have its way."
Hey, now, Jon's near-death experience was in Dallas! Austin is innocent, I tell you, innocent!
I have to say I was sad that almost all the trolls were asleep under their bridges today. I was expecting much more righteous indignation (which is always fun to watch!) and vociferous state-defending.
Be that as it may, the cakes are awesome and I am glad you're not dead!
wv hobleye- The junior version of evil eye that makes you walk funny.
My 4 yr old and I loved the day of the dead cake the best. He said it was a great cake because it had things for girls and boys on it.
I'm with you on the fear of Texas. Last time I was there I had to do a double take at the sign on the door at Whole foods, which gave me a friendly reminder to not bring my gun in with me.
"So young. So angry. Darn that rap music."
I have to tell you that I use this quote all the time... usually about my cat. So glad to see I'm not the only one that does that, especially since it seems these days that people mostly quote memes.
Is it bad that the rainbow light-up cake made me think of the Pandorica from Doctor Who?
I too want a mini giraffe..
Somehow Imissed why Texas tried to kill you.. All I can imagine is a stampede of Fire Ants followed by an air assult by Texas skeeters..
Beautiful first cake, but my FIRST impression was "I didn't know Joan Crawford was in the ORIGINAL "My Geisha". ;)
Thanks (as always) for posting such awesome cakes on Sundays. :) Satisfies my sweettooth (somewhat).
PS: Watched "The Rocketeer" and IMMEDIATELY thought of you when I saw it in the channel guide. :) I want a helmet cake to commemorate when I get my living room decorated. I'll need to bank carbs so I can enjoy it. LOL
I want an Angry Birds cake. Or the death one. Or the crazed elephants. The yellow and black one.or.. or.. or..
Official Texas State zombies...maybe the TX Legislature was in session?
Ask someone else though, I'm in VA.
I hope you'll reconsider your fear of Texas. Texas is not out to kill you. Just small portions of Texas are. Unfortunately, since we're so big, those small portions are still larger than some states. So I'm not saying it isn't hazardous. Just... well, okay, maybe you should stay away. :)
I have to say, though, I don't think the biggest risk of this post was taunting Texans. You just pissed off a whole bunch of Canadians by taking Wolverine away from them! So watch out for Mounties!
I just moved from Jacksonville, Fl (aka paradise) to Texas and wholeheartedly agree Texas = Death
John, John, John, please remember, DALLAS tried to kill you, not Austin. We are much more laid back in Austin. That's why it would be safe for you to come to such an awesome cake show. How could you miss coming to see such amazing cakes? That Day of the Dead cake is impressive. (But did you notice it's mostly the Texans who have appreciated it?)
Awesome post, John. Awe-some!!
{{:standing ovation:}}
While Texas has never tried to kill me directly, per se, it is my least favorite state.
So, I appreciate your post!
wv chrop: you chropped Texas to bits! :)
Hopefully your comments have revealed that Texans have a great sense of humor and that the overwhelming majority of us would not ever in the least want you to relive your near death experience here. I love these cakes and your blog that brings beauties like these as well as hilarious wrecks to us day after day!!
Hummm ~ Seems John was sick before he got to Texas,and Texas saved him! First by kindly hiting him over his head with a sink to get his attention,then finding that another state had infecteded him with some dreadful something..
One of the funniest posts ever! Oh John, poor John. You're right--stay out of Texas!
Being from Oklahoma and now living in New Mexico, my anti-Texas bias is both lifelong and intense, making your jokes even more hysterically satisfying. Really, truly, brilliant. Thanks for the great laughs!
Anonymous @ 11:18am - go to Kimpberly Chapman's site and enlarge the piccies of Wolvie, and you can read the entire text. Clearly she is a woman after my own heart :D
Le sigh. Near-death experience or not, ease up :/ I have a sense of humor, absolutely... but it was kinda a lot.
We aren't HALF as bad as Arizona.
The Dia De Los Muertos cake was awesome! Come to San Antonio in October/November and you'll find out it's way less scary than you think :D Give us another chance at least.
Ooooh at that first cake and at the rainbow lit up I so would be unhappy with the person that cut into that first work of art. If only I had that skill..
This Dallas girl's got your back. This city is pretty merciless to the unexpecting! Heck, we've managed to kill both a president and a superbowl, so count yourself lucky to have survived! However please don't avoid the whole state in future trips - just Dallas. San Antonio and Austin are far prettier anyway. :) Though if you do dare the big D I'm sure we can wrestle up a wreckie protection squad for your time here!
Though Texas is not trying to kill me, since I live in Austin, the cake show (That Takes the Cake) did actually kill my cake. A breeze hit the hall when the doors were opened, the partition curtain fell over, and the metal pipe smashed my poor little Japanese Garden flat. Sad, sad day. Fortunately, the judges had already seen it, and it won 2nd place in the Adult Sculpted category...posthumously... It still tasted yummy, though. :)
I've been to Texas several times, including... Dallas! [insert orchestral stab] All I can say is, nothing happened to me, so John, you must be mistaken about all that stuff happening to you.
Just thought you should receive at least one correction, lest you think the EPCOT didn't happen out of sympathy or something gooey like that.
I don't think you understand. Those of us who live in Texas have spent years building up an immunity; that's how we're able to go about our daily lives in safety. We would be completely vulnerable, though, to (say) Australia's murderous tendencies.
Just sitting down to read my weekend blogs here from Dallas, Texas.... wait a minute- Oh sorry I just heard the zombies outside rustling in the bushes. I've got to go get my assault rifles and pistols that hide in the kitchen...
Ok, I'm back- Texas isn't hostile, it's just- wait a second- I reckon I hear a wild armadillo being rastled by a zombie- Let me go get a handle on the situation....
Poor armadillo- I reckon it did nothing to provoke that zombie- but it IS allergy season where even the zombies are prone to some crankiness due to sinus infections.
Anyway, as I was saying- I reckon if you try to come back to Texas another time, those danged zombies will get you for all the anti-texas rhetoric that varmits like you spread all over the internets.
Don't mess with Texas...
Impressive cakes, more impressive comments! Based on most Texans I know, I was expecting a full-on freak out "defending the honor" of their precious state! But somehow, most of them got the joke. I suspect this is the work of a PR firm hired by the state, and not the comments of actual Texans. ;)
I do know some cool Texans though. Few of them are native, however, so draw your own conclusions from that. :)
Great cakes! I'd love to go to that show someday.
On behalf of my beloved hometown I state for the record...we are not out to keel you! We love you and your cake wrecks! Come visit will be better than last time I promise
That first cake...WOW. I LOVE IT! I want to epoxy it and keep it in my house forever.
Don't be lulled in by these nice people trying to assure you Texas isn't going to kill you. I've been there and I can assure you.
1. The people in Texas are wonderful people.
2. The state of Texas tries to kill any non-Texan that crosses its borders.
Last time I went it was baseball-size hail, time before that a blizzard (in TEXAS?!?!?!), then there was trying to drive through Dallas the Friday before Christmas. So please all you wonderful Texans come visit us, 'cuz I'm not sure I'm brave enough to go back.
I'm in Texas right now and if accidents don't get you, the heat will!!
But really though, oh my amazzzzingness!! Gorgeous cakes, seriously the talent people possess just floors me.
And the "death cakes" is a sugar skull... dia de los muertos (Day of the Dead), a Mexican holiday for clarity on some!
I have lived in Texas for over 30 years and it has failed to kill me. Not that it hasn't tried, mind you, but I figured if it hasn't by now it'll grudgingly give up. I may be wrong, we are entering angry bird-flu season here.
That yellow/black/grey cake is adorable!! And I NEED the angry birds cakes - NEED it!!
I'm terribly sorry my state is trying to annihilate you. It's not personal... well, maybe it is...
Truly hilarious and beautiful all at the same time! I love how you have decided that it is an entire state's fault that you have been injured, hospitalized or gotten ill in Texas!
You know that is just a little bit nuts, right?
Oh, and you should know that I do not speak to people named Chris. It all started in college, but we don't discuss it now.
Shelley in So. Illinois
As a long time fan and one of the ones who sat in the front row at your stop in Austin, I humbly say "Thank you" for not cancelling the stop after your awful stay in Dallas (when last I went up there, I got trapped in an ice/snow storm).
I hope all is forgiven and you don't skip us on the next tour (I have a seat reserved)!
By the way - these cakes were just beautiful and can't wait for next year's Rennaisance theme!
Thank you, that is all.
Duuuuuude. Born and raised in Texas (with a sense of humor, which is fortunate, since we all have massive arsenals at our disposal, what being from Texas and all - if there's anything Texas has massive amounts of, it's guns and allergens...and inexplicably large food, including giant deep-fried donuts).
The post was hilarious, and the cakes looked amazing. I think it is highly unfortunate that Texas has tried repeatedly to kill you, john (the hubby of JEN). To quote my favorite astronaught, "I didn't do it".
Actually, Wolverine is from Canada.
Glad (most) Texans have a sense of humor so you didn't have to pull the post. I am reading this on Monday, so I would have missed my favorite post in, well, days. ;-)
Don't you know, you should never go up against Texas when DEATH is on the line!
Those cakes are awe inspiring. I really can't pick a favorite.
Just want to say that the Mushroom entry was not cake. It's cookies. The centers of the flowers, stone steps, the ivy leaves, tree stump house and fungus roof, the 10" base and the 6" round mushroom caps, as well as the additional stones are all cookies! As for weird, I am from Texas, do not live in Austin, and you know, everybody has a different idea of what an art piece is. There were some gorgeous day of the dead cookies next to my entry. My idea was this - every year I've been to the competition I see the really pretty and well done cut out cookies, but no one takes it to the next level and that, to me, is what competition is about. So, I tried thinking outside the box and I guess it worked because I took first place with that entry (my first time ever competing). So, maybe the unimpressed will be a little more impressed to learn that they are cookies - sugar cookies at that, from a real recipe, not a structure cookie recipe.
I am happy I can see SOME of my fellow Texans have a good sense of humor. ^^ I did look again and it was Dallas that tried to kill you, eh? Yeah... Dallas is pretty bipolar that way. I live about 2 and a half hours away from it and I've never had a problem.
I think my favorite cake on this is the first one. The imagery is just so...beautiful. ^^
And, once again, Wolverine is Canadian. I have one Canadian friend who is very upset about this mix up ;P (j/k)
I actually got to attend this show and the cakes posted as well as some not posted were awesome to see up close. Looking forward to next years show. :)
Ok, I love your I mean really LOVE your posts. They totally crack me up. BUT...I am from Texas and although Austin is our capital in no way do I consider the people of Austin to be our (Texas') representatives. I am from San Antonio and I can guarantee you that we do love bakers. (gotta have our sweet bread and cakes n stuff) Also I am SURE that no one here wants to kill you. You'll find the people from Texas (excluding Austin, again cause some of them can be weird folks!) are some of the nicest people in the country! Take another trip down, but this time come to San Antonio and we will prove to you how great this state can be! Love ya for all you do to make us smile! Have a good day ya'll!
the death one was stunning! I'm living in Texas ( notice I didnt' say "I'm a Texan.") and after a couple of years here you figure out that's for Dios de la Muertos. :-)
wv: datiess: that datiess is in November when we celebrate Dios de la Muertos.
The Day of the Dead cake was AWESOME!
John, Those Texans that hate you need to lighten up. My daddy was born and raised in Texas and I was raised here and still live here. Not that I've lived in other states, but do Floridians proudly display their state seal, the name of their state or other symbols that represent their state on lawn ornaments like Texans? Seriously, if you live long enough once you cross the state line, look around!
I read your post about John and got teary. So sorry you had such troubles in Texas, if it makes you feel any better my Aunt lives in Texas but I hate the state as well. Not entirely sure why but I was a kid when I visited so it must have traumatized me somehow. I love Cake Wrecks but am kind of a lurker. I'm not good with the comments. But I had to let you know that I am glad you guys are okay. And I hate Texas. I do think I made my point, right?
Posted a comment earlier but forgot to mention that the "death" cake, in case you didn't know the history, is referncing La Dia De Los Muertes. Which in Hispanic culture, of which there is plenty of here, LOL! is about celebrating life. It is a day of respect to those loved ones who have passed. It is really fascinating and the graphics and symbols related to them are very similar to that on the cake. Thanks for posting those amazing cakes for us! Such beautiful works of art and talent!
I love the "Angry Birds" cake. They did such a perfect job on making those little guys look exactly like they're supposed to. And who doesn't love Angry Birds!
As a non-native Texan who married a native Texan and is thereby NEVER going to move out of the state, I will say that I've seen zombies in Austin. WAIT! That was THE Zombies...and I HEARD them in Austin.
Anyway. LOVE the calavera/Dia de lost Muertos cake. And for those of you who think the skull on the cake is "weird", it's a Texas thing. Ok, it's a Tex-Mex thing. It's part of what makes Texas, especially south Texas, unique.
The Wolverine (Superhero) cake - the cake may be from Texas, but he's from Canada :-)
I heart the day of the dead cake!
LOVE the Angry Birds Cake!!
@ Peggy - I was already impressed with the mushrooms when I assumed they were mainly fondant &/or sugar paste, but cookies?!? Color me amazed! They're fantastic.
I thought one texas joke - ok, but then over and over. Really? Sorry you had rough trips to TX, but the jokes lost their humor after the (lost count) times you slammed the state. If your point was to express your displeasure - mission accomplished. I guess I like this blog less though - now.
I can't believe y'all thought you could get a rise out of us Texans!! We're the friendliest bunch of cake-wrecks lovers you'll ever meet! Having a sense of humor is a requirement to live in Texas. Just quit telling people about the zombies! They're a surprise....
I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas and I could never live anywhere else. Visit other places, sure, but Texas is my home. And for once, it's refreshing to have someone make fun of us for something other than cowboy boots, guns, armadillos, and "y'all." :D
The first one is AWESOME and, being an elephant lover, the last one is equally AWESOME!
It's good to see that there are still extraordinarily awesome bakers/cake decorators out there who can wield their experience and make us all shake in fear at their greatness!
Love them all
As a former Texan and a cake decorator hobbiest...I am NOT offended by any of your comments. :) Just to warn ya though...they have the death penalty down there and they use it. :D :D (As Ron White would say)
All of these cakes are AMAZING! I think it's a toss up between the first one and the african themed cake. The artestry is amazing!
And don't stop blogging you guys! The world needs a sense of humor!!! :)
Re: smallpox in Texas
Do I spy a Fringe reference, or is that just my wishful thinking? And if it IS a Fringe reference...where's all the geek love in the comments?! For shame, Wreckies! ;)
--DFM Marlink
I'm confused..(a normal state for me...) but WHERE'S THE CAKE??
This Texas household <3's you guys! I still crack up when I remember the Christmas before last when I was given the Cakewrecks book. I was helping our nieces with something and we kept hearing my hubby burst out laughing from the other side of the room. He was off on his own, reading the book and laughing out loud...loudly. The inlaws didn't get it and thought he had lost his mind! ;)
I just read an article that said that a county in Texas had more deaths than births! I immediately thought of this post!
The only certainties in life are death in Texas.
For the record, I'm pretty sure Jen/John know Wolverine is Canadian. And I'm going to guess they probably knew that there are two references to said Canadian heritage on the cake.
The thing about him being in Texas and about to kill them is a joke, folks.
If anyone should be upset by that joke it'd be this Canadian living in Texas who made the cake, and I thought it was funny. It probably is trying to kill them, mostly because it's pissed that it looks so unlike Hugh Jackman and just wants to go stabby on anybody it can.
Except it can't, on account of being destroyed, except the head which is in my cabinet. Muahahaha. Heal from that, suckah!
Maybe Texas has it out for you :P I have yet to see any zombies outside my house :P I love all the cakes! They are amazing!
"so young, so angry- darn that rap music!" ahhhh!, love a good Robin Williams quote! :) I have been following you all (the site, not as people, stalking is bad!) since the beginning (again, of the site), and as always, you all are my favorite! Keep up the great work! :)
WV:"tedgillo"- a gigolo named ted :) OR an armadillo named Ted...can't decide.
I moved to Texas from Ohio 3 days ago.... It's scary here. But the people have been super nice!! And those cakes were amazing, maybe I'll have to venture to Austin soon!
Ok, I'm a born and raised Texan and I just almost peed my pants laughing!! The pics on CW are funny, but none of it would be worth looking at if it weren't for you and Jen and the jokes ya'll make. Man I haven't laughed this hard in a while...
Such gorgeous cakes!!
I lived in Texas for the first few years of my marriage, and the majority of Texans are responding just I suspected they would: kindly and with lots of joking along.
Texas is full of the nicest's a shame people can't take note and learn from their response!
OMG! A Serpico cake! I love Serpico!
What's with the long nails?
Hey, the one and only time I ever visited the Great State of Texas (Houston, to be exact), the big-name-national-brand-expensive just-down-the-road-from-the-Astrodome hotel hosting our conference was, literally, the pits, with broken elevators (ever have to climb out the emergency escape door in one?) and large colonies of fire ants in some of the rooms. The last night we were there, it rained so hard it could've drowned ducks - our room (second floor in a three-story section) had a genuine waterfall down the wall behind the beds into the electric sockets... and the staff didn't understand why we'd want to move out of the room, as we sloshed about. Some of the first-floor corridors were awash in a foot of water, with mattresses and towels floating in it (honest! people were using them for stepping stones). So I can understand John's (HoJ) trepidation. The people were wonderful/friendly/kind, but the weather was bizarre!
Merry at Annie's Book Stop/Sharon, MA
@Shelly: omg, you're right. He does look like Serpico.
I understand about Texas. South Dakota has tried to do me in several times. This is especially inconvenient since I live in Minnesota. I have formed special non-aggression treaties with Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota and Canada so that I may move freely around the region for the most part. But I stay clear of South Dakota.
I'm a St. Petersburg, Florida, native who moved to Dallas two months ago. As of yet, Texas has made no attempt on my life. It's actually been quite nice. Hmm... maybe a little TOO nice...
I NEED the first two as dresses.
The Angry Birds cake takes the Cake!