Like we could start with anything but green eggs and ham. ;)

It only seems natural that a Seuss cake should defy the laws of gravity:

And the famous Cat in the Hat's striped hat is almost synonymous with Dr. Seuss:

Look at that razor-sharp edge! That is some awesome icing work.

Look at that green balloon! And the hand-cut lettering! [swoon]
Here's another inspired by the same book:

These colors are just gorgeous. I'm also stumped as to how the baker made the stripes. They don't look painted on, and I see no seams, so...? (Glenda, can you weigh in?)
Seuss is often credited with the whimsical and topsy-turvy style for cakes, and you can definitely see his influence on this wedding cake:

Of course, I think nothing would delight Dr. Seuss more than a wedding cake that hangs upside down from the ceiling:

Update: We got a late entry today that was too good not to post.
72 comments | Post a Comment
These were amazing. I think the Thing 1 and Thing 2 cake were my favorite... But the wedding one. Ah. So gorgeous.
I loved the 4th and the 4th from the bottom! Now it makes me want a sculpture of the 4th.
That last one is amazing, I'm so curious how they pulled it off, same thing with that gravity defying one in the middle. I am truly astounded!
Those cakes were awesome! However, the cake you said was a baby shower cake looks to be a Birthday cake. Sorry!!
Dr. Seuss, he is the best
His books stand above the rest
Yertle, Sneeches, fish red and blue
Cats and hats, Things One and Two
His books help us learn to read
(And everybody needs a thneed!)
Oh, today, what a treat,
Dr Seuss on Sunday Sweets!
I ♥ Dr. Seuss! Love the Thing 1 and Thing 2 cake, and especially the "Fish in a Pot."
WOW.... beautiful and fantastical... ; )
Whenever I see one of those (intentionally) lopsided cakes, I always think of Dr. Seuss! It's nice that we can bring some of that whimsical world into ours. Now if automakers would just start making open-air cars with a separate cockpit for each person, then we could really start enjoying life! Oh, yeah, the safety issues. Well, we still have the cakes!
These are lovely!
I'm a huge fan of your blog, read it everyday so I was thrilled to check in today and see my cake! The cake by Glenda was designed by her for my baby shower and entered into at least one competition which is where it looks like this picture is taken. I still have the fondant characters, three years later! I have no idea how she made the stripes but it was gorgeous and yummy!
AWESOME cakes!!! I am stumped at cake #4, like you said "defies the laws of gravity!" Same with the upside down cake! That's crazy!
Thanks for sharing these!
Ohhhh! I LOVE the upside down wedding cake!
But all of them were fabulous! Green Eggs and Ham was one of favorite books too!
Jealous! ;)
How did they do that upside-down cake? Wow! It's so pretty, but confuses me completely....
These are all fantastic. Thanks so much for finding them.
These are all sooooo amazing! My twins are having a Seuss themed birthday coming up! I can't wait!
Amazing! Love the upside down one, would be a bit scared to walk under it though :)
The upside down cake is not only too nice to slice, it's impossible to slice!
Very cute cakes...all of them.
I was in Seussical the Musical. I was the Cat in the hat!
Thanks for posting this.
Yeah I love Dr. Suess.
Now how the heck do you hang a wedding cake? Googling now.
Thank you thank you for posting this! I LOVE these cakes!
Ok, I absolutely LOVE Things 1 & 2, but that gravity defying cake is to die for! LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Dr Seuss!!!
Awesome! This is my favorite "Wreck" post ever!
Amazing! Gorgeous! Wonderful! Delightful!
How on earth do you cut a cake that is hanging from the ceiling? You'd need a drop cloth, I'm thinkin'.
How the freak do you get a cake to hang upside down? that has to be a flipped pic!
I think the upside down wedding cake broke my brain somehow. It's an act of will to look away. O_O
These are all so beautiful!!!
Wow! Those are amazing. All of them!
um... yum!!!
Ceiling cake?! I think I have found my new favourite thing. Also the stripes on that cake have to be painted, they are perfect!
How? How do you hang a cake from the ceiling? How?
I love them all, thought the Oh The Places You'll Go cake was adorable<3 These are particularly welcome after spending four and a half hours dressed up as the Cat in the Hat, playing and taking pictures with small children. I'm having Dr Seuss story cravings :)
Upside down cake is very interesting...but how do you cut it??
Just guessing on the stripes: I suspect there's an undercoat of fondant to build on, then the stripes either cut and placed on or painted on with very well-done edges, and then the seams/edges covered by that thin strip/roll of black, which could be piped, fondant, or even sugar veil.
Either way it's superbly done. Bravo!
Oh, my! Those are all amazing.
I want to know if the wedding couple were suspended upside-down to do the traditional first-slice picture.
And, if so, I want to see it!
Hand cut lettering? Holy smokes! I *might* attempt to do something like that on my Silhouette but NEVER by hand. Big ups! Seriously.
I enlarged the cake from Glenda's Good Witch, and it LOOKS like frosting. Amazing
The upside-down cake is beyond FAB!
Dr.Seuss would be proud!
Second commenter!
Are you sure those were hand cut letters and not made by a Cricut Cake? That's a familiar looking font.
The upside down cake wouldn't be so difficult to do, if you put each cake on a plate, and have all of the plates connected by the chain. The smallest plate on the bottom, of course.
Out of curiosity, I Googled how to do the upside-down cake as shown, and I got this video from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIZokqDkrPg It's also called a chandelier cake.
The gravity-defying one, however, is still puzzling, but all are gorgeous cakes!
Wow. Just... wow.
I believe I have a good idea how they accomplished the upside down cake, but how in blazes to you SERVE it?
As for the stripes, I'm guessing they were rolled out in the fondant, the same way you would with sculpey or fimo.
wv: sangu. Sangu for providing us with such nifty sweets!
Love the Seuss cakes - gorgeous and fun!
Is it possible that the one hanging from the ceiling isn't a "real" cake? Maybe it's rice crispie stuff covered with fondant. They do that a lot on those cake shows on tv. It would be heavy, but a lot easier to stick together than actual cake. Or could it be styrofoam? Or a pinata? That was my 5-yo son's reaction.
Okay, here's my theory on the upside down cake. I think they cut a whole in the center of each cake, then, starting with the smallest cake, put it on a plate with a chain through the center that goes through the cake above it and the one above that... So, each cake actually has a plate at the bottom (which looks like the top of each cake) that attaches to the very top.
that upside down cake is mind boggling. I think that the stripes on that cake were probably made with thin snakes of black fondant. at least, that's what it looked like to me.
Hey there everyone!
I'm the maker of the hanging cake :) Thanks for sharing Jen and thanks for all the lovely comments.
The hanging cake is based on a very special internal structure that I am luckly enough to have an engineer for a father and he designed. :)
The bottom tier is the only tier that has to be fake... if that helps with any of the mystery. That should hopefully help with the questions about how do you cut it too :)
Love all the cakes on this Sunday Sweets!
Thanks again to all :)
OMG too cute :)
For those who can't read the cupcake third from the left in the top row, it says, "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. --Dr. Seuss."
There has to be plates between each layer of the upsidedown cake and the chain (or threaded rod) that "threads" through it has supports at each layer. (per my architect husband) :-)
How do they do the lopsided cake, the one that seems to defy gravity?
Ok, I am totally awestruck by those creations.
I want to renew our vows just so I can has a seuss cake!
HOLY CRAP! Love these cakes! And it makes me soooo happy that everyone spelled his name correctly! With my name being so close in spelling, I got a lot of people asking if I was related when I was little so it does my heart proud when people spell his name right. :)
Keep up the good work!
Am I the only one who feels slightly gipped by one of the cakes being a repeat from last year's Seuss-themed post?
They are amazing though - love the upside down cake!
Chrissie - I'm just wondering, by "bottom layer" do you mean the smallest or the biggest?
I love the green eggs and ham! And the upside down cake...probably not the colors I would choose, but I really like the uniqueness of it.
This, by far, was my favorite post ever. Absolutely.
Thank you for some true treasures ... love, love, love 'em!
Lori - I'm not Chrissie, but have seen the hanging cake in person! By "bottom tier" she means the smallest one. Hope that helps!
i loved the first oh, the places you'll go cake ... i want that for my baby girls 2nd birthday, and the one hanging from the ceiling ... WOW, i want that for my wedding if i ever get married
I am surprised to see how many cakes the Lorax made it onto. I LOVE the Lorax, I also have the entirety of the book memorized. No, I didn't sit there and try to memorize it, it just happened due to my occupation...
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absolutely my favorite wrecks Sunday Sweets ever. Love Seuss, and thanks to you all for sharing this. Love you guys too.
i love those cupcakes!
Hey there Lori... by bottom I mean bottom lol... the smallest one :)
Dr. Seuss was the shiz.
Wow to that gorgeous wedding cake hanging from the ceiling..just wow. I also loved the green eggs and ham cake. Too darn cute to eat!
i am just dying to know how that cake isn't falling to the floor - a hanging cake!!!!
but seriously, how? even if the bottom is attached to the top - the layers should be falling!!!!
love, love, love the late entry one! I thought thing 1 and thing 2 was my favorite, but I'm glad I checked back again for the late entry :)
Thanks CW team!!!
For those who have expressed interest in a gravity defying cake I saw this thing called the cake stacker (google it). It allows them to be secured without tipping over. I so want one!! Although my decorating styling is limited to cupcakes since I don't want to end up on this blog...
This is Glenda Goodwitch - The stripes are fondant. The seams between the colors are hidden with the black fondant rope. Where the stripe meets on the bottom tier the door is positioned and on the top tier the tree is covering the seam. Somewhere on YouTube I do have a video on making the stripes for my cake club.
These are all wonderful. As for the striped one, I bet she tacked the stripes (well, rings more likely) to a sheet of white fondant, than ran it all through a sheeter to compress it. That would also explain why the stripes aren't perfectly straight.
This is my favorite CW post ever. And I love that two of the bakers came on to offer their insight. Totally awesome.
How??? the upside down cake...HOW???