Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What The Buck

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hi-ho! It's Number 1 again. You know, lately, maybe due to hunting season (wait, when IS hunting season?) we've seen an influx of deer cakes. Now, sure, the customers got a raw deal with these wrecks, but as an animal-lover I think it's also important to see things from the deer's perspective.

Take this guy. Here he was, minding his own business, when someone came along and punched him in the eye!

Poor defenseless little creat.... wait, is that a cupcake cake? Gimme your rifle.

Just think of how difficult it must have been for this cross-eyed deer to see his way out of the forest fire:
"My rack! My rack! My rack is on fi-yurrr!"

(Why am I suddenly craving roasted almonds?)

And do you know how hard it is for poor Stumpy here to navigate the forest underbrush on a Roomba?

Frankly, my deer, it sucks.

Our next friend is just swell:

Somebody get Puffy here a Benadryl.

So, the next time you're faced with a wrecky deer cake, don't be so quick to judge. They've been through a lot, what with hunters and fires and allergic reactions and earthquakes and killer bee swarms... so can we just vow to leave these vulnerable deer alone??

OMG, wait. This one looks delicious.

Fudgy icing, angel hair pasta, and raspberry jam? That's great taste and execution!

Thanks, Marisa W., Terri C., Bonnie, cewest84, and Zephyr! If you ever hoof it over to my side of town, give me a rein! You're all I really caribou, and I promise not to leave you stag! (Not really. Please don't call me.)
Destinie said...

Puffy is kinda cute...

Anonymous said...

A: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
B: No idea. (No Eye Deer.)

A: What do you call a dead deer with no eyes?
B: Still no idea.

A: What do you call a deer with no feet, legs, torso, neck, or head?
B: A hat rack

stuckinmypedals said...

The one with the black eye looks like it would come alive and start a rumble if someone dared make a slice.

Jules AF said...

That first one just put on a little eyeliner for a special occasion.

Mintchip said...

"You're all I really caribou"


Thanks for a laugh on a really late night!

caffeinatedfloridian said...

These cakes made me nostalgic for one of my <a href='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_wGr8njEWjtI/TDpTSj9tJ_I/AAAAAAAAKL4/Svz1Vy3GBvo/s1600/Matt+W.ow.hunting+lake+deer.jpg">favorites</a> you've ever posted.

Studyaid said...

I'm not sure what the third one is. It kind of looks like a mouse with odd antlers sticking out of its head, but it also sort of looks like it has a dog nose. Maybe it's the never photographed Shizeeratadoodle.

Donna said...

Ok, my summary of today's offerings:
1) Evil weasel with weird background
2) Antlers look like that rubber-spike jewelry kids wear
3) Poor guy's nose looks like another anatomically correct part (wink wink)
4) Forget Puffy! It's a babboon with antlers!!!
5) I'm at a loss as to why a dead dear on a cake is appetizing...why not show one gutted and hanging??? EWWWWWWWWWWW

That is all. Please resume your day. :)

Tricia L said...

Puffy had a bit too much plastic surgery. Now his ears are too small for his face, and he had too much collagen injected around his eyes. Yet he could not understand why all the other reindeer laughed and called him names, even Rudolph.

Anonymous said...

That last cake is traumatizing.

Courtney C said...

Bahahahaha! "You're all I really caribou!" I love it!

Anonymous said...

My seven-year-old son just saw the third cake and said, "What is that, a weird muskrat with horns?" Apt.

Stella said...

I love the second one. OoOOooOoOoo.....watcha got there? Can i have a look-see???

tjbmurph said...

Number 4 looks like that old joke, "What do you get when you cross a deer with a monkey?".....

'k, so I made that up, but still....

Rachelle said...

Whoa! I clicked on this expecting to see what of my favorite YouTubers, Michael Buckley, who calls his show What the Buck... Not exactly what I got. ;D


Anonymous said...

The pictures are funny but your comments make them so much funnier!

Inaya said...

Why does the first one have feathers stuck to its head?

Anonymous said...

I can't help thinking about my favorite scene in My Cousin Vinny:

"Imagine you're a dee-ah..."

Bub said...

I was just about to start cooking my dinner. Now I'm going to leave it awhile and have a stiff drink instead. Or two.

A Paperback Writer said...

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Puffy looks like Smokey the Bear with antlers? Dude, that animal is pissed off about something.

deek said...

I love chocolate. By the way, today the holiday

CookieMonster said...

OMGoodness! Hysterical!

wv: no joke, it said "vession", which is exactly how a drunk hunter says venison.

Jenn said...

Puffy totally gives off a "Planet of the Apes" vibe...

Anonymous said...

Major rule violation! Cupcake cake *patooie* was said without saying "patoGoie" after saying cupcake cake*patooie*

ev said...

Looks like something from our Elks Lodge.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Puffy has had one too many botox injections... beverly hills deer perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Stumpy on a Roomba?


Love it! Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

I thought that first one was some kind of mutant fly thing.

Michelle K said...

Puffy looks like a cross between a deer and a bear... It's a beer!

Michelle K said...

The puffy one looks like a cross between a bear and a deer... It's a beer!

Kelly and Ian Kreidich said...

Deer number one looks like a drunk fox with a black eye...wearing a feather headdress. Fancy ;p

And I too am reminded of the great scene from My Cousin Vinny.

duckcubed said...

I like the cross-eyed deer with the long face. Cute and kinda stylized.

Anonymous said...

i saw 'what the buck' and was expecting youtube cakes...quite a difference.

Mary Connealy said...

The bullet wounds on the last one, maaaaaybe over the top.

Although, with cake, can you ever really go over the top?

Aviatrix said...

Groan "great execution." Thanks, Bambi.

Miss Kelli said...

Okay, the first deer looks like Taylor Momsen... too much black eye kohl and a creepy, vacant expression. I hope we don't see it modeling Madonna's new clothing line.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I grew up in Pennsylvania, where the First Day of The Hunting Season is practically a National Holiday, and I've still got nuttin' to say... But I have to comment - because my wv is so perfect for today's cakes.


Obstagly, some of these deer are a tad off-kilter...

Merry at Annie's Book Stop

Oxynitrate said...

I think I should send in my brother's wedding cake. It's actually pretty nice. But it has a doe and buck on it (my brother has a thing for country kitsch as a total joke... speaking of, he even has a cat named Kitsch).

Anonymous said...

Ummm, "Puffy" was probably purposely puffy because [as people who actually know stufffff about deer would know] necks of bucks [that would be a male deer] swell when they are in rut [mating season]. So, FYI, it probably isn't an allergic reaction. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I thought this was going to be about WhattheBuck from youtube :P

Anonymous said...

oh, these antlers need work! #1 looks like mutant bees' wings, #2 looks a little thorny...or enflamed.

Roomba! good call! LOL

wv: coatick. A tick one finds in an animal's coat. duh.

Pamela said...

I'm glad to see some other people saw more monkey in Puffy than deer. Once again funny, funny, funny.

Samantha said...

Cross-eyed deer looks like it's making the "blue steel" face. Bahaha!

caferacers66 said...

Deer me. The third one looks kinda modern american (Obese) the fourth one looks like steroid abuse has occurred. I can just see the customer pulling up in the jacked 4x4 all cammo'd ( hey this is Florida, I'm surprised they don't come that way at the dealership at this point).... ready to git sum deeeeer cake.

Anonymous said...

why would you even ORDER a deer cake

Anonymous said...

"Stumpy's" nose looks more like an anteater or an elephant's trunk.

Anonymous said...

Oh deer.

Stacy Allgood-Smith said...

I have a friend that used to deliver FDX packages to the National Institutes of Standards and Technology, whose campus has a large population of deer. A bunch of inbred, tame deer.
He said that one day while he was having his lunch in the delivery truck, while still on the campus, one of the deer came up to the truck and tried to beg for the sandwiches.
He said it was one of the ugliest cross-eyed deer he's ever seen. Sounds like the model for one of the cakes featured today.

Arlene said...

What a waste of a perfectly yummy looking chocolate cake at the end there. I was all for it until the bloody deer on top of it ruined it lol. That for sure would have me quickly running to the ice cream shop and avoiding whatever party this is for. As for that evil CCC.. please someone put it out of its misery.. and chase the wreckerator just for giggles.

Craig said...

#1 definitely needs to be put out of our misery. Oops, nearly forgot: patooie!

#2 I see thorns, not flames. Not something I'd care to meet.

#4 looks like an urban legend. The lips look like they're hiding human teeth.

#5 Difficult to come up with a compliment that isn't a pun. 'Well done', for instance. At least the deer has had all his shots.

Good color, good attention to detail, but...Too Much Information.

wv: pheasind. Too bad there wasn't a pheasind (pheasant) on that last cake.

Sue said...

Puffy looks like an alien grey hybrid. Made me choke on my lunch :)

Craig said...

@Altiloquence, maybe that's what the Greys have been up to with all those experiments. They would have done everyone a big favor by removing all the blood from that last deer.

Unknown said...

You know, despite Puffy needing some allergy meds stat, he's the best out of this wrecky, wrecky bunch.

And that's saying something. Yikes. Wouldn't want 'bloody deer' around children. "Mommy, why is Bambi's mother bleeding???" Scarred for life in three, two...

Lindsay said...

Is that a plastic deer on the one?

And Puffy looks like an alien... Just saying. It's creepy.

Delibird said...

I can tell you had a lot of fawn coming up with today's commentary. None of these cervid cake catastrophes look like they were worth the doe they must have cost.

(I would go on, but I just don't have the hart to make any more deer puns...)

Jen said...

Puffy reminds me of either an ewok or a gremlin.

Gale said...

AHHHHH...that Benedryl deer is freaking me out. It looks like it was abducted by aliens and then came back to earth for revenge on the humans.

Anonymous said...

OMG you just gave me flashbacks! A real-life relative of one of those little jerks depicted in cake here in this posting caused me to total my car back in college! Grrrrrrr

check out my blgo: nikkiscakery.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

The middle cake is clearly not a deer, but the elusive rat-a-lope.

(captcha: 'Muchadis'. Muchadis and I'm going to hurt my eyes... or injure something laughing.)

serns said...

Field and Stream recommends hiding the wound for the photograph. They suggest foliage.

Anonymous said...

The first deer looks like a dog and two white boomerangs