Now, I'd like to say that at least they spelled "capitalize" right, buuuut...
they didn't.
The following is a dramatization. The Wreck, however, is very real.
Jenny C.: "Hi, I'd like a cake with 'Happy Birthday' on it."
Bakery: "Sure! Anything else?"
Jenny C: [shaking head] "Just 'Happy Birthday'."
Bakery: "Okey dokey!"
Two friends nicknamed Frizz and Kermit ask a baker to hold a blank cake for them while they finish their shopping. The baker agrees, and sticks a hold tag on the box.
What happened next? Only the Wrecker knows.
And finally, Anda ordered a couple of cakes for a birthday party. To keep it simple, she asked for the same inscription on both. Which is exactly what she got.

And the kicker?
The store refused to fix them.
Because - waaaait for it - that's what she asked for.
All together now: *sigh*
58 comments | Post a Comment
Wow. I think I'm really just floored with this.
The store refused to fix them because that's what the customer asked for???
On what planet would a rational person have order that last "set" of cakes?
i don't know whether to laugh or cry...
Buddy, let me tell you that's a mistake.
Oh, look, he'll fix it with just one scrape.
Celebrity, creepy, letters not straight,
What did you expect, he's not the Ace of Cakes!
We will, we will wreck you!
We will, we will wreck you!
Sharon's Edible Art
I don't know what "copitalize" means, but I can imagine, and it's not pretty.
Wow. Just wow.
Obviously, cake "decorators" don't have the internet either. This site is a public service announcement. Unfortunately, there are still those unreachable by technology and the ads for public concern...
So, the bakery makes a big mistake and the manager refuses to fix it because the mistake was in writing down the order, not just the order execution? Wow. I bow down before the manager's superior logic. The only solution would have been to hand him the cakes, say "No givesies backsies" and run away.
They refused to fix it?! Wow. That is incredibly unprofessional, especially when it would take two minutes with a toothpick and an icing bag. I would be asking for a manager.
Totally off the subject, this morning I saw a rerun of the always hysterical "Graham Norton Show," which originally ran on BBC America on October 31, 2009. He regularly features funny material from the Web -- today, it was CakeWrecks! You're now known to Michael Buble and Isabella Rossini!
Oops --that's Rossellini, of course.
You know, it actually pains me to consider that there are people out there in the workforce who are this blithely idiotic. Common sense and intelligence have apparently died a horrible and tragic death.
I think the "on hold" issue for Friz and Kermit involves spending a lot of time on the telephone. Or else this cake was used as a message pad to let someone at the bakery know there was a call holding, as in "Friz and Kermit on line one."
Those "both" cakes are the exact same image. I want to see the actual second cake.
Sometimes, there still is a case for mandatory sterilization.
We need to stop allowing this idiocy to breed.
wv - faceisc... is that 'feces' with an accent or a wreckerator's dream?
I'm shocked by how many of these types of wrecks (my favorite, tied with the Inspiration vs. Perspiration) you could find for today's post. Shocked, and yet highly amused. And a little saddened.
The funniest part of this is that I have a friend who has tried for a while to get a job as a decorator in a bakery and she never even gets a call-back. I think it's because she has a college degree. In English.
When I was taking cake orders for Dairy Queen, I used to hand the order pad to the customer so they could write in exactly what they wanted... Too many times, I was rewriting the orders after the customer left because of spelling and grammatical errors... Ah the lonely life of a to-be English teacher making ice cream cakes...
I have to know...
How do the wreckerators WANT the instructions delivered??
Do they need an actual sketch? Would that help? Or would they then just scan it and print on edible paper?
There used to be (not sure if it's still around) a site called "Eric Has an Emotion." Insanely funny, but that's just what it was--photos of this guy with different expressions. These wrecks remind me of "Surprise (good)" and "Surprise (bad)". You can guess which one applies here.
PS: Sharon, I'm holding up my virtual Bic in honor of your Queen homage! =D
Honestly, just because the customer isn't ALWAYS right, doesn't mean they never are and that wreckerators should argue with them about what they asked for on their cake...
*Sigh* indeed.
Almost makes you wonder why the unemployment rate isn't HIGHER.
WV: pingr - What you get on Cake Wreck when you ask for a zinger.
They refused to fix it? I think you should out the store that did that on this one. That goes beyond just wrecking into unprofessionalism.
Is the human race becoming more and more stupid?
Everybody suffers a lapse in judgment from time to time. It's a part of being human, it's perfectly forgivable, and as we see here all the time, it's usually great for a laugh.
I've made stupid mistakes on cakes, so come on, fellow Wreckorators! Let's laugh at ourselves! Humility is healthy.
If the store has a policy where they read back the message to the client very carefully and get the client to agree that yes, that's really really what they want, then there's a vague sort of excuse for not fixing it. Still a bad customer service move, but at least an excuse.
However I am willing to bet that they have no such policy and did not read it back to confirm.
WV: haragic: a mystical level of harassment, as in, "Apparently one must get positively haragic with these stupid bakery managers to get decent service."
I did laugh hard due to this posting yet wow - the ineptitude the way beyond Laurel and Hardy
level of obliviousness is staggering. The refusal to fix that last issue is of the kind of bureaucratic think one used to read of in novels set in China or Soviet Russia.... * sigh *....
argh omg anda's cake is killing me!! THEY WON"T FIX IT BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT SHE ASKED FOR?!?! if that is what she asked for then why did they put it on both cakes???? if she asked for "happy birthday on both" shouldn't it be on just one???
I can't believe the stores refused to fix the cakes... I've fixed lettering that was the "wrong" color (they didn't specify what color they wanted for the inscription so, silly me, they asked for pink roses and I wrote "Happy Birthday" in pink!) and I've fixed names that the customer spelled wrong (THEY wrote it on the pad, insisted that they had spelled "Jhonny" correctly, then brought it back an hour later for me to fix the spelling!), AND I've fixed cakes that were set on the floor of the minivan where a 3-year-old had to step over it... and stepped right on it! Yeah, having to fix that one meant doing the whole cake over!
These wreckerators give all of us a bad name!
Classic wreckiness!!! Awesome!!!
Isn't it time to advertise the source of these cakes. After all, we all deserve the reputation we earn. Maybe it's time, too, to speed the demise of some of these businesses. If I have to draw out on paper the exact layout of a cake, I might as well haul out the piping bag. Or maybe it's time to open a farcial "Cake Wrecks Bakery". Oh! Is that where these are coming from? Norine
I still can not figure out what the first one was supposed to say. And refusing to fix it? Anyone hear of customer service? I'd have refused to pay for it. No cake? Oh well, better than paying for a slap in the face.
I don't read that "both" as "bath." My cursive O's look pretty much like that, and you can see an A in "birthday" for comparison. But that's the furthest I'll defend them. They must know they made a mistake and be too greedy to admit it.
WV: redig -- If we see the duplicate cake, we can redig this error.
If the first cake (in honor of the academic decathlon seniors) is not the definition of IRONY, then I don't know what is...
Reminds me of the time eons ago when I was in a high school spelling contest (placed second, alas), and my trophy, I kid you not, read: "SPILLING CONTEST!" Needless to say, the trophy stayed hidden afterwards...
Looks like both not bath to me
@Gary: "Copitalize" means you'll be reported to the cybercakewreckspolice. Consequences (and overuse of ginormous bunches of ribbon that obscure half the cake forcing the wreckorator to write half way down) will never be the same.
good lord, some people should not be out in public....
OMG! I was in Academic Decathlon back in the day and we would have laughed our butts off at that first cake! Too funny, and too sad, really.
Oh my word. This post physically hurts me.
The "Happy Birthday / Just Happy Birthday" cake isn't a Wreck. It's exactly what "Bond. James Bond" asked for on his cake.
Unbelievable. No wait this is cake wrecks so what I am seeing is true.. ugh what the heck is wrong with these bakeries??? And to not fix something when the customer asks them to is just wrong. I hope they didn't pay for either cake and grabbed the store manager. I loled when I saw that first cake. Boy I bet the customer just loved it..before throwing it in the wreckerators face lol.
At least Anda should know (if she read this post) that had the bakery not refused, she would have probably ended up with cake #2.
"Look, can I get them to say "Happy Birthday"? Just "Happy Birthday" not "Happy Birthday on Both!"
"Sure, no problem!"
I can just imagine the manager in that last fiasco smugly holding up the order form, with 'Happy Birthday on Both' scribbled in the inscription field.
If I had been the customer in that case, here's how the follow up would have gone:
"Hello, remember me? Two cakes with "Happy Birthday on Both" written on each of them? Doesn't matter. I'd like to order another cake. I want it to say, 'You're Fired'. That's Y-O-U-apostrophe-R-E. What's an 'apostrophe'? Never mind, that just helps prove my point. I won't be picking it up -- it's for your boss. You see, I just got off the phone with corporate, and I told them yes, there was something else they could do to make it up to me, in addition to a double refund. Have a nice day." [CLICK]
Wreckoraters are getting far to literal these days. Don;t give them a GPS, because they tell you to turn a number of meters before the actual turn. When you find a car lodged in someone's fence, half way up a street light or launching itself from the exit ramp back onto the freeway, you can be sure it is a literal wreckorater behind the wheel.
If I were the store manager, I'd make a large laminated list of words that are commonly requested on cakes, SPELLED PROPERLY, for the wreckerators in the grocery and big box stores that commonly screw up! It's is just beyond comprehension that this crap goes out the door!
But what I'd really like to know WHY people actually accept it unless it is already paid for in advance. And then I'd take pics and contact corporate offices, and you of course!
Wow, either my standards are too high or I really DO need anger management!!
Oh really? So she asked for "Happy Birthday on both on both", hmmm? Doubt it.
ladyrazorsharp: It's "Eric conveys an emotion", and while no new ones have been posted for ages, the old ones are still up. emotioneric.com.
The title of this post made me giggle--love the subtle dig there.
Now on to the cakes: REALLY? Just freakin' REALLY?
What's even more pathetic? I have lovely handwriting and perfect grammar/spelling, yet I was turned down for a cake decorating job because I haven't any experience in the field yet. Never mind that I am 100% positive I could be an enormous improvement to the industry, judging by cakes like these!
Also, the store's refusal to fix those two cakes is absolutely ridiculous, and I think you need to find out who it was so a boycott can be established. 0:)
I feel like some of these are just the passive aggressive way of wreckorators letting out some stress...
I mean, that must be it, right?
Oh my goodness, It's kinda sad.
Re: "on both," you have two pics of the same cake. The images are exactly the same... even the writing is exactly the same. Is there a real second picture?
Oh, duh... "I don't have a photo of the second cake, but Anda assures me it looked a lot like this:"
Sorry about that! I didn't notice this comment the first time through.
This website provides me and my coworkers with entertainment every day.
Thanks! Hilarious!
Bwahahaha - life is pretty crazy right now and I have an almost irresistible desire to quit my job and become a serious cake wrecker - I could do this!!! (and apparently get paid for it too!)
HAHAHAHAHAH (gasp) (wipes eyes) these are the best wrecks. Best laugh I've had in days.
LOl...Just managed to scrap myself off the floor. Thats funny" xx
I would like to believe she is missing the second cake because she threw it in the face of the nitwit who wouldn't fix it for her. At least then she would have gotten her money's worth.
I submitted the AcDec cake. The person at the bakery wrote down the inscription in front of the AcDec coach.
It was supposed to say, "Congrats AcDec Seniors". That's it...nothing fancy.
The coach wanted to make sure that the C in Congrats, A and D in AcDec and S in Seniors were all capitalized.
The baker's solution was to double underline those letters. The baker then wrote a note to herself (in parenthesis) to capitalize the underlined and keep all of the others lowercase.
I guess she forgot what the note to herself was, because she wrote the entire message on the cake. You can tell that the same person who took the order wrote the message on the cake if you see the order form. It's the exact same sloppy handwriting.
At least the entire school got a good laugh out of it.